use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use nalgebra::DMatrix; use nalgebra::DVector; use nalgebra::Dyn; use nalgebra::OVector; use nalgebra::U1; use pprof::criterion::{Output, PProfProfiler}; use shared_test_code::models::DoubleExpModelWithConstantOffsetSepModel; use shared_test_code::*; use varpro::prelude::SeparableNonlinearModel; use varpro::solvers::levmar::LevMarProblem; use varpro::solvers::levmar::LevMarProblemBuilder; use varpro::solvers::levmar::LevMarSolver; /// helper struct for the parameters of the double exponential #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] struct DoubleExponentialParameters { tau1: f64, tau2: f64, coeffs: DMatrix, } fn build_problem_mrhs( true_parameters: DoubleExponentialParameters, mut model: Model, ) -> LevMarProblem where Model: SeparableNonlinearModel, { let DoubleExponentialParameters { tau1, tau2, coeffs } = true_parameters.clone(); // save the initial guess so that we can reset the model to those let params = OVector::from_vec_generic(Dyn(model.parameter_count()), U1, vec![tau1, tau2]); let y = evaluate_complete_model_at_params_mrhs(&mut model, params, &coeffs); LevMarProblemBuilder::mrhs(model) .observations(y) .build() .expect("Building valid problem should not panic") } fn run_minimization_mrhs(problem: LevMarProblem) -> (DVector, DMatrix) where Model: SeparableNonlinearModel + std::fmt::Debug, { let result = LevMarSolver::default() .fit(problem) .expect("fitting must exit successfully"); let params = result.nonlinear_parameters(); let coeff = result.linear_coefficients().unwrap(); (params, coeff.into_owned()) } fn bench_double_exp_no_noise_mrhs(c: &mut Criterion) { // see here on comparing functions // let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Double Exponential Without Noise"); // the support points for the model (moved into the closures separately) let x = linspace(0., 12.5, 1024); // initial guess for tau let tau_guess = (2., 6.5); let dataset_size = 1000; let linear_coeffs = create_random_dmatrix((3, dataset_size), 2314093240213841123, 0.0..100.0); let true_parameters = DoubleExponentialParameters { tau1: 1., tau2: 3., coeffs: linear_coeffs, }; group.bench_function("Handcrafted Model (MRHS)", |bencher| { bencher.iter_batched( || { build_problem_mrhs( true_parameters.clone(), DoubleExpModelWithConstantOffsetSepModel::new(x.clone(), tau_guess), ) }, run_minimization_mrhs, criterion::BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("Using Model Builder (MRHS)", |bencher| { bencher.iter_batched( || { build_problem_mrhs( true_parameters.clone(), get_double_exponential_model_with_constant_offset( x.clone(), vec![tau_guess.0, tau_guess.1], ), ) }, run_minimization_mrhs, criterion::BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); } criterion_group!( name = benches_mrhs; config = Criterion::default().with_profiler(PProfProfiler::new(100, Output::Flamegraph(None))); targets = bench_double_exp_no_noise_mrhs); criterion_main!(benches_mrhs);