# VERY Pre-Beta This is a work in progress tool. Right now it doesn't do much except merge some yaml files together. # vault-vars Vault-vars is a command line tool to allow you to read secrets from Hashicorp Vault and save them to a terraform `auto.tfvars.json` file. # Installation: ``` cargo install vault-vars ``` # Usage: By default, the tool will read as input any file that matches the name `*vault-vars.yaml` or `*vault-vars.yml`. By default, the tool will output **the merged json representation** of all the input files to: `vv.auto.tfvars.json` # Work in progress: ## The base goal: The eventual goal is that the tool will be able to read entries like this: ``` appCreds: username: @vault: path: secret/app/credentials subpath: username password: @vault: path: secret/app/credentials subpath: password ``` and use the `@vault` config to read secrets from vault. ``` appCreds: username: iamroot password: password123 ``` ## Shorthands: There will be various shorthands as well. For example: ``` appCreds: @vault: secret/app/credentials ``` Will read the secret at the given path and write every key value pair under it: ``` appCreds: username: iamroot password; password123 ``` ## Stretch Goals: - support both read and write operations (e.g.: when fetching a PKI cert from vault) - support other secret engine sources - AWS Vault - Azure Vault - Apple Keychain