# Vbump A simple program that performs the following steps: * increase the version field in the manifest file (autodetected, se below) * commit the changes to that file on the current branch (git), use the message provided in MSG * create a tag with name vVERSION where VERSION is the new version, use the message provided in MSG The version field is treated as [Semver](https://semver.org/). X.Y.Z where X: major Y: minor Z: patch ## Currently supported project types (detected automatically) * rust (if a Cargo.toml file exists) * javascript (if a `package.json` file exists) ### python Depends on the existence of a `pyproject.toml` file at the root and a `__init__.py` inside some subdirectory with a `VERSION = 'x.y.z'` line. Pretty niche I know. ## Building You need [rust](https://rustup.rs) for that. Then just run `cargo build --release` inside the project directory, take the binary from `target/release/vbump` and place it somewhere in your `PATH`.