# This is a Homebrew formula for vdot. # # You can install vdot with `brew` by running: # # ``` # brew tap sjparkinson/vdot https://github.com/sjparkinson/vdot # brew install vdot # ``` # # See https://docs.brew.sh/Taps for more information. class Vdot < Formula desc "Create your .env files and start processes using Vault" homepage "https://github.com/sjparkinson/vdot" version "0.4.12" if OS.mac? url "https://github.com/sjparkinson/vdot/releases/download/v#{version}/vdot-v#{version}-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip" sha256 "96ce7527a945754a3cd19f8bf83f9941d1f08d07c5604aa0e9aa89bed8337f43" elsif OS.linux? url "https://github.com/sjparkinson/vdot/releases/download/v#{version}/vdot-v#{version}-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip" sha256 "2ae48581f9df568fdc4acbad42b19a1b336176e5b41c5cd1cc9e38c25f2d2103" end def install bin.install "vdot" end test do system "#{bin}/vdot", "--help" end end