#!/bin/sh -e # This is used for renaming symbols for the fat runtime, don't call directly # TODO: make this a lot less fragile! cleanup () { rm -f ${SYMSFILE} ${KEEPSYMS} } PREFIX=$1 KEEPSYMS_IN=$2 shift 2 # $@ contains the actual build command OUT=$(echo "$@" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | rev | sed 's/.* -o \(.*\.o\).*/\1/') trap cleanup INT QUIT EXIT SYMSFILE=$(mktemp -p /tmp ${PREFIX}_rename.syms.XXXXX) KEEPSYMS=$(mktemp -p /tmp keep.syms.XXXXX) # find the libc used by gcc LIBC_SO=$("$@" --print-file-name=libc.so.6) cp ${KEEPSYMS_IN} ${KEEPSYMS} # get all symbols from libc and turn them into patterns nm -f p -g -D ${LIBC_SO} | sed -s 's/\([^ @]*\).*/^\1$/' >> ${KEEPSYMS} # build the object "$@" # rename the symbols in the object nm -f p -g ${OUT} | cut -f1 -d' ' | grep -v -f ${KEEPSYMS} | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1\ ${PREFIX}_\1/" >> ${SYMSFILE} if test -s ${SYMSFILE} then objcopy --redefine-syms=${SYMSFILE} ${OUT} fi