/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "nfagraph_common.h" #include "compiler/compiler.h" #include "grey.h" #include "nfagraph/ng_builder.h" #include "nfagraph/ng.h" #include "nfagraph/ng_asserts.h" #include "hs_compile.h" #include "util/ng_find_matches.h" #include "util/target_info.h" using namespace std; using namespace testing; using namespace ue2; struct MatchesTestParams { string pattern; string input; vector> matches; unsigned flags; bool notEod; bool som; }; // teach google-test how to print a param void PrintTo(const MatchesTestParams &p, ::std::ostream *os) { *os << "( \"" << p.pattern << "\", " << "\"" << p.input << "\", " << "{"; for (const auto &match : p.matches) { *os << "P(" << match.first << ',' << match.second << "),"; } *os << "}, "; *os << "flags(" << p.flags << "), " << p.notEod << ", " << p.som << ")\n"; } class MatchesTest: public TestWithParam { }; #define P(x, y) pair((x), (y)) static const MatchesTestParams matchesTests[] = { // EOD and anchored patterns // these should produce no matches { "^foobar", "foolish", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar$", "ze foobar", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar$", "foobar ", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^abc\\b", "abcde", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^a\\b", "aa", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar\\b", "foobarz", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar", "fooq", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar", "foo", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar", "fooba", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foo *bar", "foolishness bar none ", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc p", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc dez", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc ghi", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc hij", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc klm", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abcklmn", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^.*foobar", "foobaz", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^.*foobar", "foobaz\n", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)|(bar)", "fo baz", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^((foo)|(bar))", "fo baz", {}, 0, false, true}, { "aaaaaaaa$", "AAaaAAaa", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^foo\\z", "foo\n", {}, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo){2,}", "foo", {}, 0, false, true}, // these should match { "^abc\\B", "abcde", { P(0,3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^abc\\b", "abc de", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar", "foobar", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar$", "foobar", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar", "foobarq", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foobar\\B", "foobarz", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo.*bar", "foobar none ", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo.*bar", "foo bar none ", { P(0, 7) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo.*bar", "foo bar none ", { P(0, 10) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo.*bar", "foolishness bar none ", { P(0, 15) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "klmny", { P(0, 5) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc dexyklmnxy", { P(0, 17) }, 0, false, true}, { "^.*foobar", "abcfoobar", { P(0, 9) }, 0, false, true}, { "^((foo)|(bar))", "foobar", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^((foo)|(bar))", "foo bar", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)|(bar)", "foobaz", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)|(bar)", "foo baz", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(f[o0]+o)|(bar)", "fo0o baz", { P(0, 4) }, 0, false, true}, { "aaaaaaaa$", "AAaaAAaa", { P(0, 8) }, HS_FLAG_CASELESS, false, true}, { "^foo\\z", "foo", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo\\Z", "foo", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^foo\\Z", "foo\n", { P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo){2,}", "foofoofoo", { P(0, 6), P(0, 9)}, 0, false, true}, // try multiple matches per pattern { "^(foo)|(bar)", "foo bar", { P(0, 3), P(4, 7) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)|(bar)", "foobar", { P(0, 3), P(3, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)+|(bar)", "foo foobar", { P(0, 3), P(7, 10) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)+|(bar)", "foofoo bar", { P(0, 3), P(0, 6), P(7, 10) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(foo)|(bar)", "foobarbaz", { P(0, 3), P(3, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(f[o0]+o)", "foo0obar", { P(0, 3), P(0, 5) }, 0, false, true}, { "^(f[o0]+)", "foo0obar", { P(0, 2), P(0, 3), P(0, 4), P(0, 5) }, 0, false, true}, // unanchored patterns { "\\b4\\B", "444", { P(0, 1) }, 0, false, true}, { "\\b\\w+\\b", "444 555", { P(0, 3), P(4, 7) }, 0, false, true}, { "foobar", "veryfoolish", {}, 0, false, true}, { "foo.*bar", "extreme foolishness bar none ", { P(8, 23) }, 0, false, true}, { "(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "abc deyghijfy", { P(0, 13) }, 0, false, true}, { "(abc\\s+dex?y)?(ghij|klmn).*?x?y", "wegf5tgghij34xy", { P(7, 15) }, 0, false, true}, { ".*foobar", "verylongfoobaz", {}, 0, false, true}, { ".*foobar", "foobaz\n", {}, 0, false, true}, { "(foo)|(bar)", "verylongfo baz", {}, 0, false, true}, { "(foo)?bar", "foobar", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "foo?bar", "foobar", { P(0, 6) }, 0, false, true}, { "(abc)|(bcd)", "abcd", { P(0, 3), P(1, 4) }, 0, false, true}, { "(abcd)|(bc)", "abcd", { P(0, 4), P(1, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "(ab|cd)ef", "abcdef cdabef", { P(2, 6), P(9, 13) }, 0, false, true}, { "(foo)|(bar)", "verylongfoobbarbaz", { P(8, 11), P(12, 15) }, 0, false, true}, { "(a[aaaa]aa?((\\B)|[aa])){1,9}", "aaaaa", { P(0, 3), P(0, 4), P(0, 5) }, 0, false, true}, { "bar\\Z", "foobar\n", { P(3, 6) }, 0, false, true}, // multi-line patterns { "^foo$", "foo\nbar", { P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "^bar$", "foo\nbar", { P(4, 7) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "^foo$", "big foo\nbar", {}, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "^foo$", "foo\nfoo", { P(0, 3), P(4, 7) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "\\bfoo$", "big foo\nbar", { P(4, 7) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "\\Bfoo$", "bigfoo\nbar", { P(3, 6) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "^foo\\z", "big\nfoo", { P(4, 7) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, { "^foo\\Z", "big\nfoo\n", { P(4, 7) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, true}, // utf8 patterns { "ab+", "\x61\x62", { P(0, 2) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, true}, { "ab.+d", "\x61\x62\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2\x64", { P(0, 7) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, true}, // noteod patterns { "^foobar$", "foobar", {}, 0, true, true}, { "aaaaaaaa$", "AAaaAAaa", {}, HS_FLAG_CASELESS, true, true}, { "^foo\\z", "foo", {}, 0, true, true}, { "^foo\\Z", "foo", {}, 0, true, true}, { "^foo\\Z", "foo\n", {}, 0, true, true}, // vacuous patterns (with multiline, utf8 and caseless flags) // vacuous patterns have SOM turned off, so all SOM are zero { "b*", "abc", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, 0, false, false}, { "b*", "", { P(0, 0) }, 0, false, false}, { "(aa|b*)", "a", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1) }, 0, false, false}, { "b*", "bBb", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_CASELESS, false, false}, { "b*", "abc", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, false}, { "b*", "", { P(0, 0) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, false}, { "(aa|b*)", "a", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, false}, { "b*", "bBb", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_MULTILINE | HS_FLAG_CASELESS, false, false}, { "b*", "abc", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, false}, { "b*", "", { P(0, 0) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, false}, { "(aa|b*)", "a", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, false}, { "b*", "bBb", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8 | HS_FLAG_CASELESS, false, false}, { "b*", "bBb", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8 | HS_FLAG_CASELESS, false, false}, { ".*", "\x61\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2\x64", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 5), P(0, 6) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, false}, { ".*", "\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2\xf0\xa4\xad\xa3\x64", { P(0, 0), P(0, 4), P(0, 8), P(0, 9) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, false}, // special patterns for detecting various bugs { "(\\B.|a)*a", "\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2\x61", { P(0, 5) }, HS_FLAG_UTF8, false, true}, { ".*", "\xf0\xa4\xad", { P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(0, 3) }, 0, false, true}, { "\\Bfoo", "foo", {}, 0, false, true}, { "fo\\B", "fo_", { P(0, 2)}, 0, false, true}, { "^.*", "\xee\x80\x80\n\xee\x80\x80", { P(0, 0), P(0, 3), P(0, 4), P(0, 7)}, HS_FLAG_UTF8 | HS_FLAG_MULTILINE, false, false}, // ignore highlander patterns as they can't be easily checked }; TEST_P(MatchesTest, Check) { const MatchesTestParams &t = GetParam(); CompileContext cc(false, false, get_current_target(), Grey()); ReportManager rm(cc.grey); ParsedExpression parsed(0, t.pattern.c_str(), t.flags, 0); auto built_expr = buildGraph(rm, cc, parsed); const auto &g = built_expr.g; bool utf8 = (t.flags & HS_FLAG_UTF8) > 0; set> matches; bool success = findMatches(*g, rm, t.input, matches, 0, 0, t.notEod, utf8); ASSERT_TRUE(success); set> expected(begin(t.matches), end(t.matches)); // findMatches returns matches with SOM, so zero them out if not SOM if (!t.som) { set> new_matches; for (auto &m : matches) { new_matches.emplace(0, m.second); } matches.swap(new_matches); } ASSERT_EQ(expected, matches) << "Pattern '" << t.pattern << "' against input '" << t.input << "'"; } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ng_find_matches, MatchesTest, ValuesIn(matchesTests));