use veebee::prelude::*; const ORIGIN_LOCATION: (f32, f32) = (0.0, -200.0); fn main() { let mut game = Game::new(); let race_car = game.add_actor("Car", ActorPreset::Car); race_car.translation = Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0); race_car.rotation = UP; race_car.scale = 1.0; race_car.layer = 2.0; let mover = game.add_actor("move indicator", ActorPreset::Cone); mover.translation = ORIGIN_LOCATION.into(); mover.layer = 1.0; let anchor = game.add_actor("move indicator origin", ActorPreset::Cone); anchor.translation = ORIGIN_LOCATION.into(); anchor.layer = 0.0; let msg = game.add_text_actor("relative message", "Relative Mouse Motion Indicator"); msg.translation.y = -300.0; msg.font_size = 20.0; let msg2 = game.add_text_actor( "instructions", "You Can Move The Car With Your Mouse.\nYou Can Rotate It By Clicking On Left/Right Buttons On The Mouse.\nAnd You Can Scale It With Your Mouse Wheel!.", ); msg2.font_size = 30.0; msg2.translation.y = 300.0;; } fn logic(game_state: &mut GameState) { if let Some(actor) = game_state.actors.get_mut("Car") { for mouse_button_input in &game_state.mouse_button_events { if mouse_button_input.state != ElementState::Pressed { break; } match mouse_button_input.button { MouseButton::Left => actor.rotation += std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_4, MouseButton::Right => actor.rotation -= std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_4, _ => {} } } for cursor_moved in &game_state.mouse_location_events { actor.translation = cursor_moved.position; } for mouse_wheel in &game_state.mouse_wheel_events { actor.scale *= 1.0 + (0.05 * mouse_wheel.y); actor.scale = actor.scale.clamp(0.1, 4.0); } } if let Some(actor) = game_state.actors.get_mut("move indicator") { let mut cumulative_motion = Vec2::ZERO; for mouse_motion in &game_state.mouse_motion_events { cumulative_motion += } if cumulative_motion != Vec2::ZERO { actor.translation = cumulative_motion + ORIGIN_LOCATION.into(); } } }