use veebee::prelude::*; fn main() { let mut game = Game::new(); let fps = game.add_text_actor("fps", "FPS: "); fps.translation = Vec2::new(0.0, 250.0); fps.font_size = 60.0; let mut msg = game.add_text_actor("msg", "Text Manager With VeeBee!\n\nChanging The Text's Position, Rotation*, And Even Scale* Is Realy Fast!,\n So You Can Feel Free To Do That A Lot."); msg.font_size = 24.0; let mut msg2 = game.add_text_actor("msg2", "*Btw Changing The Text Position, Rotation, Scale On Other Game Engines, Can Be Little Hard, On VeeBee, It's Super Fast!\n"); msg2.font_size = 20.0; let mut msg3 = game.add_text_actor( "msg3", "You Can Use Other Fonts And Styles Like That By Yours! Also You Can Create Your Own Positions And Rotations Like This!.", ); msg3.font_size = 35.0; msg3.translation = Vec2::new(0.0, 150.0); game.game_state_mut() .timer_vec .push(Timer::from_seconds(0.2, true));; } fn game_logic(game_state: &mut GameState) { let timer = game_state.timer_vec.get_mut(0).unwrap(); if timer.tick( { let mut fps = game_state.text_actors.get_mut("fps").unwrap(); fps.text = format!("FPS: {:.1}", 1.0 / game_state.delta_f32); } let msg2 = game_state.text_actors.get_mut("msg2").unwrap(); msg2.translation.x = 75.0 * (game_state.time_since_startup_f64 * 0.5).sin() as f32; msg2.translation.y = 75.0 * (game_state.time_since_startup_f64 * 0.5).cos() as f32 - 200.0; let msg3 = game_state.text_actors.get_mut("msg3").unwrap(); msg3.font_size = 10.0 * (game_state.time_since_startup_f64 * 0.5).cos() as f32 + 20.0; }