# Usage 1. Implement [`Table`] trait for your custom type by defining the [`row`] method which returns the type as a [`Vec`]`<`[`String`]`>`. 2. Create a [`Veg`] struct with a *header definition* based on a Markdown table header. 3. Use the [`Veg`] struct like a [`Vec`] to gather instances of your type. 4. Call one of the following methods to generate a table: * [`markdown`]: Markdown table using the initial header definition * [`markdown_with`]: Markdown table using a custom header definition and/or column indexes # Example ```rust // Import Veg # use anyhow::anyhow; use veg::Veg; // Create a custom type struct Point { x: f32, y: f32, } // Implement a method that creates a Box of the custom type impl Point { fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Box { Box::new(Point { x, y }) } } // Implement the veg::Table::row method to define how to print the custom type impl veg::Table for Point { fn row(&self) -> Vec { // Add `$` for inline LaTeX math spans [self.x, self.y].iter().map(|x| format!("${x}$")).collect() // Other ideas: // // - Add 3 decimal places: // // [self.x, self.y].iter().map(|x| format!("${x:.3}$")).collect() // // - Do something different for x and y: // // vec![ // format!("${:.1}$", self.x), // format!("${:.4}$", self.y), // ] // // - Just convert to string: // // [self.x, self.y].iter().map(|x| x.to_string())).collect() // // ... } } // Create a Veg via the table method with a header definition let mut v = Veg::table("$x$|$y$\n-:|-:"); // Add a single point v.push(Point::new(1.0, 1.0)); // Add a bunch of points v.append(&mut vec![ Point::new(2.0, 4.0), Point::new(3.0, 9.0), Point::new(4.0, 16.0), ]); // Render as a markdown table assert_eq!( v.markdown().unwrap(), "\ | $x$ | $y$ | |----:|-----:| | $1$ | $1$ | | $2$ | $4$ | | $3$ | $9$ | | $4$ | $16$ | \ ", ); // Render as a markdown table with a modified header definition assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(Some("X|Y\n-|-"), None).unwrap(), "\ | X | Y | |-----|------| | $1$ | $1$ | | $2$ | $4$ | | $3$ | $9$ | | $4$ | $16$ | \ ", ); // Render as a markdown table with a modified header definition to increase the // column widths assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(Some("X|Y\n------|------"), None).unwrap(), "\ | X | Y | |--------|--------| | $1$ | $1$ | | $2$ | $4$ | | $3$ | $9$ | | $4$ | $16$ | \ ", ); // Just render the second column assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(None, Some(&[1])).unwrap(), "\ | $y$ | |-----:| | $1$ | | $4$ | | $9$ | | $16$ | \ ", ); // Reorder the columns assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(None, Some(&[1, 0])).unwrap(), "\ | $y$ | $x$ | |-----:|----:| | $1$ | $1$ | | $4$ | $2$ | | $9$ | $3$ | | $16$ | $4$ | \ ", ); // Duplicate column `y` assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(None, Some(&[0, 1, 1])).unwrap(), "\ | $x$ | $y$ | $y$ | |----:|-----:|-----:| | $1$ | $1$ | $1$ | | $2$ | $4$ | $4$ | | $3$ | $9$ | $9$ | | $4$ | $16$ | $16$ | \ ", ); // Try to give invalid column indexes assert_eq!( v.markdown_with(None, Some(&[3, 2, 0, 1])).unwrap_err().to_string(), "Invalid column indexes: 2, 3", ); ``` # Features ## `colored` The `colored` feature enables the [`veg::colored` module] which provides the same API, but uses the [`colored`] crate to colorize [`Veg`] tables for printing to the terminal. *See [`tests/colored.rs`] and/or run `cargo test --features colored --test colored -- --nocapture`.* ![](https://github.com/qtfkwk/veg/raw/HEAD/t/colored.png) # Changelog * 0.1.0 (2023-12-11): Initial release * 0.1.1 (2023-12-11): Add makefile, changelog; fix readme, clippy * 0.2.0 (2023-12-11): Convert the table function to a method * 0.2.1 (2023-12-11): Fix readme * 0.3.0 (2023-12-12): Enable single column tables; add the `markdown_with` method to enable column subsets, reordering, duplicating, and temporary headers; add examples to the module doctest * 0.4.0 (2023-12-16): Add `colored` feature/module enabling terminal colors via the [`colored`] crate * 0.4.1 (2023-12-16): Fix changelog * 0.4.2 (2023-12-17): Improve readme, doc, and tests * 0.4.3 (2023-12-17): Add doc for colored module; make the colored png smaller; improve doc * 0.4.4 (2023-12-17): Fix colored module doc * 0.4.5 (2023-12-17): Fix doc * 0.4.6 (2023-12-18): Fix veg::colored::Veg::table argument type * 0.4.7 (2023-12-18): Add `Veg::is_empty` methods * 0.4.8 (2024-01-06): Fix empty string find unwrap issue; update dependencies * 0.5.0 (2024-03-10): Fix Unicode text width algorithm; update dependencies [`colored`]: https://crates.io/crates/colored [`tests/colored.rs`]: https://github.com/qtfkwk/veg/blob/main/tests/colored.rs [`Table`]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/trait.Table.html [`row`]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/colored/trait.Table.html#tymethod.row [`Veg`]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/struct.Veg.html [`markdown`]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/struct.Veg.html#method.markdown [`markdown_with`]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/struct.Veg.html#method.markdown_with [`veg::colored` module]: https://docs.rs/veg/latest/veg/colored/index.html [`Vec`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html