use vegafusion_core::planning::extract::extract_server_data; use vegafusion_core::proto::gen::tasks::{TaskGraph, TzConfig, Variable}; use vegafusion_core::spec::chart::ChartSpec; use vegafusion_runtime::task_graph::runtime::VegaFusionRuntime; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Arc; use vegafusion_core::planning::plan::PlannerConfig; use vegafusion_core::planning::split_domain_data::split_domain_data; use vegafusion_core::planning::stitch::stitch_specs; use vegafusion_core::planning::strip_encodings::strip_encodings; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_extract_server_data() { let mut spec = spec1(); let tz_config = TzConfig { local_tz: "America/New_York".to_string(), default_input_tz: None, }; // Get full spec's scope let mut task_scope = spec.to_task_scope().unwrap(); // println!("{:#?}", task_scope); let server_spec = extract_server_data(&mut spec, &mut task_scope, &Default::default()).unwrap(); // println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&server_spec).unwrap()); let client_defs: HashSet<_> = spec.definition_vars().unwrap().into_iter().collect(); let client_inputs: HashSet<_> = spec.input_vars(&task_scope).unwrap().into_iter().collect(); let client_updates: HashSet<_> = spec.update_vars(&task_scope).unwrap().into_iter().collect(); let server_defs: HashSet<_> = server_spec.definition_vars().unwrap().into_iter().collect(); let server_inputs: HashSet<_> = server_spec .input_vars(&task_scope) .unwrap() .into_iter() .collect(); let server_updates: HashSet<_> = server_spec .update_vars(&task_scope) .unwrap() .into_iter() .collect(); let client_to_server: Vec<_> = client_updates.intersection(&server_inputs).collect(); println!("client_to_server: {client_to_server:?}"); let server_to_client: Vec<_> = server_updates.intersection(&client_inputs).collect(); println!("server_to_client: {server_to_client:?}"); let server_stubs: Vec<_> = server_inputs.difference(&server_defs).collect(); println!("server_stubs: {server_stubs:?}"); let client_stubs: Vec<_> = client_inputs.difference(&client_defs).collect(); println!("client_stubs: {client_stubs:?}"); let tasks = server_spec .to_tasks(&tz_config, &Default::default()) .unwrap(); let graph = Arc::new(TaskGraph::new(tasks, &task_scope).unwrap()); let mapping = graph.build_mapping(); // println!("{:#?}", mapping); let graph_runtime = VegaFusionRuntime::new(None); let _data_3 = graph_runtime .get_node_value( graph.clone(), mapping .get(&(Variable::new_data("data_3"), Vec::new())) .unwrap(), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // println!("data_3:\n{}", data_3.into_table().unwrap().pretty_format(None).unwrap()); let _delay_extent = graph_runtime .get_node_value( graph.clone(), mapping .get(&( Variable::new_signal("child__column_delay_layer_1_bin_maxbins_20_delay_extent"), Vec::new(), )) .unwrap(), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // println!("delay_extent: {:?}", delay_extent.into_scalar().unwrap()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_extract_stitch_data() { let mut spec = spec1(); // Get full spec's scope let mut task_scope = spec.to_task_scope().unwrap(); let mut server_spec = extract_server_data(&mut spec, &mut task_scope, &Default::default()).unwrap(); let comm_plan = stitch_specs(&task_scope, &mut server_spec, &mut spec, &[]).unwrap(); println!("{comm_plan:#?}"); println!( "client spec:\n{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&spec).unwrap() ); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn try_extract_split_server_data() { let mut spec = weather_spec(); // Get full spec's scope let mut task_scope = spec.to_task_scope().unwrap(); let mut server_spec = extract_server_data(&mut spec, &mut task_scope, &Default::default()).unwrap(); let comm_plan = stitch_specs(&task_scope, &mut server_spec, &mut spec, &[]).unwrap(); println!("{comm_plan:#?}"); println!( "server spec:\n{}\n\n", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&server_spec).unwrap() ); println!( "client spec:\n{}\n\n", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&spec).unwrap() ); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn try_split_domain() { // let mut spec = sorted_bar_spec(); let mut spec = cars_scatter_spec(); split_domain_data(&mut spec).unwrap(); println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&spec).unwrap()) } #[test] fn test_strip_encodings() { // Don't strip let config1 = PlannerConfig { strip_description_encoding: false, strip_aria_encoding: false, ..Default::default() }; let mut spec = cars_scatter_spec(); strip_encodings(&mut spec, &config1).unwrap(); println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&spec).unwrap()); let encode = spec.marks[0].encode.clone().unwrap(); let mark_encoding = encode.encodings.get("update").unwrap(); assert!(mark_encoding.channels.contains_key("description")); assert!(mark_encoding.channels.contains_key("ariaRoleDescription")); // Perform strip let config2 = PlannerConfig { strip_description_encoding: true, strip_aria_encoding: true, ..Default::default() }; let mut spec = cars_scatter_spec(); strip_encodings(&mut spec, &config2).unwrap(); let encode = spec.marks[0].encode.clone().unwrap(); let mark_encoding = encode.encodings.get("update").unwrap(); assert!(!mark_encoding.channels.contains_key("description")); assert!(!mark_encoding.channels.contains_key("ariaRoleDescription")); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn spec1() -> ChartSpec { serde_json::from_str(r##" { "$schema": "", "background": "white", "padding": 5, "data": [ {"name": "brush_store"}, { "name": "source_0", "url": "", "format": {"type": "json", "parse": {"date": "date"}}, "transform": [ { "type": "extent", "field": "delay", "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_1_bin_maxbins_20_delay_extent" }, { "type": "bin", "field": "delay", "as": ["bin_maxbins_20_delay", "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end"], "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_1_bin_maxbins_20_delay_bins", "extent": { "signal": "child__column_delay_layer_1_bin_maxbins_20_delay_extent" }, "maxbins": 20 }, { "type": "extent", "field": "distance", "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_extent" }, { "type": "bin", "field": "distance", "as": ["bin_maxbins_20_distance", "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end"], "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_bins", "extent": { "signal": "child__column_distance_layer_0_bin_maxbins_20_distance_extent" }, "maxbins": 20 } ] }, { "name": "data_0", "source": "source_0", "transform": [ { "type": "filter", "expr": "!length(data(\"brush_store\")) || vlSelectionTest(\"brush_store\", datum, \"union\")" } ] }, { "name": "data_1", "source": "data_0", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_delay", "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end"], "ops": ["count"], "fields": [null], "as": ["__count"] }, { "type": "filter", "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])" } ] }, { "name": "data_2", "source": "data_0", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_distance", "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end"], "ops": ["count"], "fields": [null], "as": ["__count"] }, { "type": "filter", "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])" } ] }, { "name": "data_3", "source": "source_0", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_distance", "bin_maxbins_20_distance_end"], "ops": ["count"], "fields": [null], "as": ["__count"] }, { "type": "filter", "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_distance\"])" } ] }, { "name": "data_4", "source": "source_0", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["bin_maxbins_20_delay", "bin_maxbins_20_delay_end"], "ops": ["count"], "fields": [null], "as": ["__count"] }, { "type": "filter", "expr": "isValid(datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"bin_maxbins_20_delay\"])" } ] } ], "signals": [ {"name": "childWidth", "value": 200}, {"name": "childHeight", "value": 200}, { "name": "unit", 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