use velodyne::{packet, PointSource, FullPoint}; use velodyne::packet::PacketSource; use velodyne::hdl64::Status; use std::io; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}; use std::time::Duration; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(StructOpt)] #[structopt( name = "hdl64 status listener", about = "Simple example of listening to HDL-64 sensor status")] enum Cli { #[structopt(name = "pcap")] /// Replay packets from pcap file Pcap { /// Path to pcap file path: String, /// Loop playback #[structopt(long = "loop", short = "l")] loop_play: bool, /// Synchronize time #[structopt(long = "sync", short = "s")] sync: bool, /// Comma-separated list of fields to display /// /// Supported values: gps, temperature, version, dirty, hot, cold, pps, /// gps_time, rpm, fov_start, fov_end, rl_time, ip_source, ip_dest, /// return_type, power_level, humidity, noise_upper, noise_lower, /// calib_dt #[structopt(long = "fields", short = "f", default_value = "gps,hot,cold,dirty,temperature")] fields: String, }, #[structopt(name = "udp")] /// Read packets from UDP port in real time Udp { /// UDP port to listen #[structopt(long = "port", short = "p", default_value = "2368")] port: u16, /// Capture timeout, seconds #[structopt(long = "timeout", short = "t")] timeout: Option, /// Comma-separated list of fields to display /// /// Supported values: gps, temperature, version, dirty, hot, cold, pps, /// gps_time, rpm, fov_start, fov_end, rl_time, ip_source, ip_dest, /// return_type, power_level, humidity, noise_upper, noise_lower, /// calib_dt #[structopt(long = "fields", short = "f", default_value = "gps,hot,cold,dirty,temperature")] fields: String, }, } fn print_fields(status: &Status, fields: &str) { print!("[{:?}]", status.dt); for field in fields.split(',') { match field { "gps" => print!("\tgps: {:?}", status.gps), "temperature" => print!("\tt: {:?}", status.temperature), "version" => print!("\tver: {:?}", status.version), "dirty" => print!("\tdirty: {:?}", status.lens_contamination), "hot" => print!("\thot: {:?}",, "cold" => print!("\tcold: {:?}", status.cold), "pps" => print!("\tpps: {:?}", status.pps), "gps_time" => print!("\tgps_time: {:?}", status.gps_time), "rpm" => print!("\trpm: {:?}", status.rpm), "fov_start" => print!("\tfov_start: {:?}", status.fov_start), "fov_end" => print!("\tfov_end: {:?}", status.fov_end), "rl_time" => print!("\trl_time: {:?}", status.real_life_time), "ip_source" => print!("\tip_source: {:?}", status.ip_source), "ip_dest" => print!("\tip_dest: {:?}", status.ip_dest), "return_type" => print!("\treturn: {:?}", status.return_type), "power_level" => print!("\tpower_level: {:?}", status.power_level), "humidity" => print!("\thumidity: {:?}", status.humidity), "noise_upper" => print!("\tnoise_upper: {:?}", status.upper_threshold), "noise_lower" => print!("\tnoise_lower: {:?}", status.lower_threshold), "calib_dt" => print!("\tcalib_dt: {:?}", status.calib_dt), _ => print!("\t{}: ????", field), } } println!(); } fn run(packet_source: T, fields: &str) -> io::Result<()> { print!("Listener initialization... "); let mut point_source = PointSource::hdl64_init(packet_source)?; println!("Done."); let mut prev_dt = point_source.get_status().dt; loop { let (_, _meta) = match point_source.process_points(|_: FullPoint| {})? { Some(meta) => meta, None => break, }; let status = point_source.get_status(); if status.dt != prev_dt { print_fields(status, fields); prev_dt = status.dt; } } //println!("{:?}", point_source.get_calib_db()); println!("Listener does not provide packets anymore."); Ok(()) } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let args = Cli::from_args(); match args { Cli::Pcap{ path, loop_play, sync, fields } => { let source = packet::PcapSource::new(path, sync, loop_play) .expect("Failed to initialize pcap source"); run(source, &fields) }, Cli::Udp{ port, timeout, fields } => { let ip_addr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)); let addr = SocketAddr::new(ip_addr, port); let timeout =|t| Duration::from_secs(t)); let source = packet::UdpSource::new_custom(addr, timeout) .expect("Failed to initialize pcap source"); run(source, &fields) }, } }