use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufReader; use velvet::prelude::*; static TIMESTEPS: usize = 100_000; static OUTPUT_INTERVAL: usize = 50; static OUTPUT_FILENAME: &str = "nvt.h5"; fn main() { // Load an Ar gas system from a POSCAR formatted file. let file = File::open("resources/test/argon.poscar").unwrap(); let reader = BufReader::new(file); let mut system = load_poscar(reader); // Initialize the system temperature using a Boltzmann velocity distribution. let boltz = Boltzmann::new(300 as f32); boltz.apply(&mut system); // Initialize a Lennard-Jones style pair potential between all Ar-Ar pairs. let lj = LennardJones::new(1.0, 3.4); let meta = PairMeta::new(8.5, (Element::Ar, Element::Ar)); let descr = PairDescriptor::new(Box::new(lj), meta, &system); // Store all of the system's potentials in a Potentials struct. let potentials = PotentialsBuilder::new().add_pair(descr).build(); // Initialize a velocity Verlet style integrator. let velocity_verlet = VelocityVerlet::new(1.0); // Initialize a Nose-Hoover style thermostat. let nose_hoover = NoseHoover::new(300 as f32, 1.5, 1.0); // Run MD with a thermostat to simulate the NVT ensemble. let md = MolecularDynamics::new(Box::new(velocity_verlet), Box::new(nose_hoover)); // Initialize a configuration. let config = ConfigurationBuilder::new() .with_output_filename(OUTPUT_FILENAME.to_string()) .with_output_interval(OUTPUT_INTERVAL) .with_output(Box::new(Temperature)) .build(); // Run the simulation. let mut sim = Simulation::new(system, potentials, Box::new(md), config);; }