Simple Python Virtual Environment Management

venv-wrapper is a convenient tool to help you manage your Python virtual environments. It used to be a wrapper around python's built-in `venv` module, but that is no longer the case, the required features from `venv` were re-implemented in Rust instead. ## Installation ### Cargo and 1. Install rust ( 2. Add the `cargo` bin path to your `PATH` environment variable. - Usually the bin path is `~/.cargo/bin`. 3. Run `cargo install venv-wrapper`. ### Arch Linux You can install venv-wrapper from the AUR. ```bash $ paru -S venv-wrapper-bin ``` ### Homebrew ```bash $ brew install marier-nico/packages/venv-wrapper ``` ### PPA Coming soon! ## Getting Started 1. After installing, make sure you can use the `venv-wrapper` command (it should be in your shell's `$PATH`). 2. Then, you need to setup your shell to use venv-wrapper. To do this, edit your shell startup configuration file (`~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`, `~/.config/fish/`) and add the following anywhere in there : ### Bash ```bash eval "$(venv-wrapper init bash)" venv completions # Optional, if you want shell completions ``` ### ZSH ```zsh eval "$(venv-wrapper init zsh)" venv completions # Optional, if you want shell completions ``` ### Fish ```bash venv-wrapper init fish | source venv completions # Optional, if you want shell completions ``` ## Configuration It's possible to configure venv-wrapper with either a configuration file, environment variables, or CLI flags. ### Available Configuration Values - `venv_root`: The directory in which to store all virtualenvs (defaults to `~/.virtualenvs`). ### Config File #### Config Content The config file is a simple `ini` file that contains no sections, like this : ```ini venv_root = /home/me/.non-default-location ``` **CAUTION**: Paths in your configuration MUST be absolute, otherwise you might end up putting virtual environments where you don't intend to. #### Config Location The location for the configuration file depends on your platform of choice. For specific implementation details, see the [directories]( crate. - **Linux** The [XDG user directory]( specification is followed. Assuming defaults, the configuration should be located in `~/.config/venv-wrapper/config.ini`. - **macOS** The [Standard Directories]( are used. By default, the configuration should be in `~/Library/Application support/venv-wrapper/config.ini` ### Environment Variables Note that paths do not need to be absolute here because your shell will perform path expansion. You _do_ need the path to be absolute if your shell does not expand paths. ```bash VENVWRAPPER_VENV_ROOT=~/.a-different-venvs-directory venv ls ``` ### CLI Flags The same note as with environment variables applies here : no need for an absolute path unless your shell does not expand paths. - `venv -r ~/.a-different-venvs-directory venv ls` ## Shell Compatibility These shells are fully supported and _should_ all work correctly : - Bash - ZSH - Fish However, all features except shell completions should work in most bash-like shells. ## Shell Completions By default, shell completions are not active, but enabling them is really easy. All you have to do is run : ```bash $ venv completions ``` **Note:** You must initialize venv-wrapper in your shell before activating completions. # Contributing ## Getting Started Mostly, you should install [pre-commit]( and run `pre-commit install` to make sure your commits are up to stuff! Also, your commits should adhere to [conventional commits]( To do this, you can use a tool like [commitizen](, which will help make sure all commits look good. The commit convention was added recently, so most commits are not yet compliant! ## Missing Features In its current state, this project does not quite match the features of `virtualenvwrapper`. The missing features are as follows : - Copy virtualenvs - Customizable hooks - A plugin system to create shareable extensions ## Releasing Versions To release a new version, there a few simple steps to follow. 1. Create or edit the `` file (at the repo's root) to contain a changelog for the release. - This will be the GitHub release's body 2. Update the version in `cargo.toml`, and `src/cli/`. 3. Merge all code to be released into `main`. 4. Create a new tag pointing to the head of the `main` branch. - `git tag -s vX.Y.Z -m "Release vX.Y.Z"` 5. Push the new tag. - `git push --tags` 6. After the release is created, update the homebrew formula [here](