use glam::dvec2; use vert::{ elements::{Color, Rect, Transform}, modules::{ batteries::{FlyCam, GraphicsSettingsController}, renderer::main_pass_renderer::ui_rect::UiRect, ui::{ font_cache::FontSize, Align, Axis, Board, BoardInput, BorderRadius, Button, Len, MainAlign, Text, }, DefaultDependencies, DefaultModules, Schedule, }, utils::Timing, AppBuilder, Module, }; fn main() { let mut app = AppBuilder::new(); app.add_plugin(DefaultModules); app.add::(); app.add::(); app.add::();; } struct MyApp { deps: DefaultDependencies, ui: Board, } impl Module for MyApp { type Config = (); type Dependencies = DefaultDependencies; fn new(_config: Self::Config, mut deps: Self::Dependencies) -> anyhow::Result { deps.bloom.settings_mut().activated = false; deps.ui .ui_renderer .watch_shader_file("./src/modules/ui/ui.wgsl"); Ok(MyApp { deps, ui: Board::new(dvec2(800.0, 800.0)), }) } fn intialize(handle: vert::Handle) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let scheduler = handle.deps.scheduler.get_mut(); scheduler.register(handle, Schedule::Update, Timing::DEFAULT, Self::update); Ok(()) } } impl MyApp { fn update(&mut self) { self.deps.gizmos.draw_xyz(); self.deps .color_mesh .draw_cubes(&[Transform::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)], None); let size = self.deps.ctx.size; self.ui.start_frame( BoardInput::from_input_module(&self.deps.input), dvec2(size.width as f64, size.height as f64), ); self.deps.world_rects.draw_textured_rect( UiRect { pos: Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, 1024.0, 1024.0), uv: Rect::UNIT, color: Color::WHITE, border_radius: Default::default(), }, Transform::default(), self.deps.ui.fonts.atlas_texture(), ); let mut parent = self.ui.add_div("Parent", None); parent.width(Len::PARENT); parent.axis = Axis::X; parent.main_align = MainAlign::SpaceBetween; parent.cross_align = Align::Center; parent.color = Color::RED.alpha(0.2); let parent = Some(; // let text = self.ui.add_text_div( // DivProps::default(), // DivStyle::default(), // Text { // color: Color::WHITE, // string: "This is all the text that we need".into(), // font: None, // size: FontSize(80), // offset_x: Len::ZERO, // offset_y: Len::ZERO, // }, // "sasass", // Some(parent), // ); // let text2 = self.ui.add_text_div( // DivProps::default(), // DivStyle::default(), // Text { // color: Color::RED, // string: "This is some other text".into(), // font: None, // size: FontSize(20), // offset_x: Len::ZERO, // offset_y: Len::ZERO, // }, // "asdsadsadsasdsad", // Some(parent), // ); let mut purp_parent = self.ui.add_div("Purple Parent", parent); purp_parent.width(Len::px(100.0)); purp_parent.height(Len::px(200.0)); purp_parent.axis = Axis::Y; purp_parent.main_align = MainAlign::Center; purp_parent.cross_align = Align::Center; purp_parent.color = Color::PURPLE.alpha(0.5); purp_parent.border_radius = BorderRadius::all(20.0); purp_parent.border_color = Color::GREEN; purp_parent.border_thickness = 6.0; purp_parent.border_softness = 1.0; let purp_parent = Some(; let mut c1 = self.ui.add_div("child 1 in purple", purp_parent); c1.width(Len::px(50.0)); c1.height(Len::px(50.0)); c1.main_align = MainAlign::Center; c1.cross_align = Align::Center; c1.color = Color::GREEN; let mut c2 = self.ui.add_div("child 2 in purple", purp_parent); c2.width(Len::px(70.0)); c2.height(Len::px(30.0)); c2.main_align = MainAlign::Center; c2.cross_align = Align::Center; c2.color = Color::WHITE; let mut other = self.ui.add_div("other", parent); other.width(Len::px(100.0)); other.height(Len::px(20.0)); other.color = Color::BLACK; let mut text_div = self.ui.add_text_div( Text { color: Color::new(6.0, 2.0, 2.0), string: "Hover me please, I will show you something!".into(), size: FontSize(48), offset_x: Len::px(30.0), offset_y: Len::px(30.0), ..Default::default() }, "text div", parent, ); text_div.width(Len::px(300.0)); text_div.height(Len::px(400.0)); text_div.color = Color::YELLOW; text_div.border_radius = BorderRadius::all(20.0); text_div.border_thickness = 20.0; // can immediately edit the style and text without a 1-frame lag: // 1 frame lag only applies to the layout rect (DivProps) itself. if text_div.mouse_in_rect() { let style =; style.color = Color::BLUE; style.border_color = Color::GREEN; style.border_thickness = 6.0; // style.border_radius = BorderRadius::new(40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0); text_div.text().color = Color::BLACK; } let total_time = * 4.0; let total_time2 = * 9.7; if text_div.mouse_in_rect() { let mut green_square = self.ui.add_div(2112213232, parent); green_square.width(Len::px(40.0)); green_square.height(Len::px(40.0)); green_square.color = Color::GREEN; green_square.offset_x = Len::px(total_time.sin() * 20.0); green_square.offset_y = Len::px(total_time2.cos() * 20.0); } let mut container2 = self.ui.add_div("Container 2", parent); container2.height(Len::PARENT); container2.main_align = MainAlign::SpaceAround; container2.cross_align = Align::Center; let container2 = Some(; { let clicked = self .ui .add( Button { text: "Click".into(), ..Default::default() }, "my button", container2, ) .clicked; if clicked { println!("Hello 1"); } } { let clicked = self .ui .add( Button { text: "Button 2".into(), ..Default::default() }, "my button 2", container2, ) .clicked; if clicked { println!("Hello 2"); } } { let clicked = self .ui .add( Button { text: "Button 3".into(), ..Default::default() }, "my button 3", container2, ) .clicked; if clicked { println!("Hello 3"); } } // let mut ctx = self.deps.egui.context(); // egui_inspect_board(&mut ctx, &mut self.ui); self.ui.end_frame(&mut self.deps.ui.fonts); self.deps.ui.ui_renderer.draw_ui_board(&self.ui); // std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(150)); } }