VeRuGent ======================================== The tool is a DSL library for building Verilog's AST using the Rust programming language. Rustプログラミング言語によるVerilogHDLコード構築DSLライブラリです [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![](]( Copyright (C) 2019, K.Takano License ======================================== Apache License (Version 2.0) What's VeRuGent? (VeRuGentとは?) ======================================== VeRuGent for "Verilog from Rust : Generation Toolkit" and it is open-source library for constructing a Verilog HDL source code in Rust. VeRuGentはVerilog from Rust : Generation Toolkitsの略称です。 RustによるVerilogHDLコード構築用ライブラリです。 VeRuGent does not synthesis of the source code.(Of course it does not do high-level synthesis) This generates only Verilog code. 本ツールは論理合成は行いません。(高位合成も対象外です) 生成されるのは構築したVerilogのコードのみです。 VeRuGent is provides a light-weight AST construction method of Verilog HDL. You can build up design written in Verilog HDL with less failure by using the Rust's high safety inspection function. (At the moment, This functions and safety is insufficient. So ,it is future task to update this tools.) 簡易化したVerilogHDLのAST構築技術を提供します。Rustの持つ高い安全検査機能を利用することで、 破綻の少ないハードウェアコードの設計が可能です。 (現時点で、機能や安全性にやや不安が残るので今後の課題ということで…) Requirements (推奨環境) ======================================== * Rust 1.27.0 stable (or later) * rustc 1.27.0 (3eda71b00 2018-06-19) (or later) * cargo 1.27.0 (1e95190e5 2018-05-27) (or later) Installation(導入) ======================================== ## Using raw code **1.Put the core file in the same directory as the source code.**  コアファイルをソースコードと同じディレクトリに入れてください。 **2.Add modules:** モジュールの追加 ```text mod Verugent; ``` **3.Declare the use of the core and macro within the block to be used.**  ライブラリとマクロ使用の宣言をしてください。 ```text #[macro_use] use Verugent::core::*; ``` ## Using Library **1. Use Cargo's function to generate the project folder.  And add this code in cargo.toml file.**  Cargoのプロジェクト生成機能を使ってプロジェクトフォルダを作成してください。  その後、cargo.tomlファイルに以下の記述を付け加えてください。 ```text [dependencies] Verugent = "0.1.3" ``` **2. Declare the use of the core and macro within the block to be used.**  下記のコードをmainファイルに記述してライブラリおよびマクロの使用宣言をしてください。 ```text #[macro_use] extern crate Verugent; use Verugent::core::*; ``` **It's only.** たったこれだけ! Getting Started ======================================== You can find some examples in "example" directory in this repository. リポジトリ内のexampleフォルダに作例が置かれていると思います。 Let's use Verugent as an example of LED lighting circuit. この中のLED点灯回路の作例でVerugentを使用してみましょう。 If you want to know the contents of the LED circuit code written in Rust, Read file. LED回路のコードが読みたい場合はled.rsを参照してください。 実行コマンドは、cargo run --example ledです。 Execution command is "cargo run --example led". ``` #[macro_use] extern crate verugent; use verugent::vcore::*; fn main() { led(); } ・ ・ ・ ``` If you build and run this code, you can see the output verilog code as a result. コードが実行されたらVerilogコードが出力されます。 ``` module LED ( input CLK, input RST, input BTN1, input BTN2, output [7:0] LED ); localparam IDLE = 0; localparam RUN = 1; localparam END = 2; reg [31:0] State; reg [31:0] State_Next; assign LED = (State==RUN)? 8: 0; always@(posedge CLK or posedge RST) begin if (RST == 1) begin State <= IDLE; end else begin State <= State_Next end end always@(posedge CLK) begin case(State) IDLE : begin if(BTN1==1&&RST!=1) State_Next <= RUN; end RUN : begin if(BTN2==1) State_Next <= END; end END : begin State_Next <= IDLE; end endcase end endmodule ``` Method cheat sheet ====================================== wire, register, input and output port setting method ``` Input(&str, Box or i32) Input port Output(&str, Box or i32) Output port Reg_Output(&str, Box or i32) Output port(register) Inout(&str, Box or i32) Inout port Param(&str, i32) Global parameter LParam(&str, i32) Local parameter Wire(&str, Box or i32) Wire setting Reg(&str, Box or i32) Register setting Mem(&str, Box or i32, Box or i32) Array register setting ``` Control block method ``` Always(Always-AST struct) Always block setting Function(Function-AST struct) Function block setting Assign(Assign-AST struct) Assign block setting ``` In-block AST ``` Always: --Drive edge setting-- Posedge(Box) Drive always block(positive edge) Negedge(Box) Drive always block(negative edge) Nonedge() Non drive signal --Substitution setting-- non() Nonblocking substitution block() Blocking substitution Function: func(&str, i32) Generate function Input(&str, i32) Function input setting own() Function name AST generate(using build function AST) Assign: _e(Box) Assign AST setting FSM(Finite State machine): Clock_Reset(Box, Box) Clock and Reset signal setting for FSM to drive State(&str) State register name setting AddState(&str) Add new state goto(&str) Designation of state transition destination from(&str) Transition to current state Current(&str) Change current state Param(&str) Get parameter AST in fsm Branch Method: --if - else-- If(Box, Vec>) If AST setting(if) Else_If(Box, Vec>) If AST setting(else if) Else(Vec>) If AST setting(else) --case-- Case(Box) Case block setting S(Box, Vec>) Process for each "case label" Common Items: --method-- Form(Box) In block formula --Macro-- F!( Formula ) Operator syntax that could not be implemented with overloading. Formula --> = : Substitution ==: Equal !=: Not equal <=: More and equal >=: Less and equal < : More than > : Less than func_args!( (Box)* ) Pass the coated argment in Box. ``` Update history ====================================== 2017/09/20: Development started 2017/11/18: Add formula macro 2018/01/20: Add FSM making method 2018/06/30: Add Syntax decomposition and output function 2018/07/27: Release first product on Github 2018/09/15: FSM function's bugfix 2019/04/30: Add AXI Slave Lite interface generator and code generator 2019/07/07: Minor bugfix 2019/08/31: Bugfix at AXI-Lite port generator 2019/09/03: Adjustment of "Function" generator 2020/01/22: Add AXI Slave Full interface generator