#! /usr/bin/perl -w ##--------------------------------------------------------------------## ##--- The cache simulation framework: instrumentation, recording ---## ##--- and results printing. ---## ##--- callgrind_annotate ---## ##--------------------------------------------------------------------## # This file is part of Callgrind, a cache-simulator and call graph # tracer built on Valgrind. # # Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Josef Weidendorfer # Josef.Weidendorfer@gmx.de # # This file is based heavily on cg_annotate, part of Valgrind. # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Nicholas Nethercote # njn@valgrind.org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . # # The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Annotator for cachegrind/callgrind. # # File format is described in /docs/techdocs.html. # # Performance improvements record, using cachegrind.out for cacheprof, doing no # source annotation (irrelevant ones removed): # user time # 1. turned off warnings in add_hash_a_to_b() 3.81 --> 3.48s # [now add_array_a_to_b()] # 6. make line_to_CC() return a ref instead of a hash 3.01 --> 2.77s # #10. changed file format to avoid file/fn name repetition 2.40s # (not sure why higher; maybe due to new '.' entries?) #11. changed file format to drop unnecessary end-line "."s 2.36s # (shrunk file by about 37%) #12. switched from hash CCs to array CCs 1.61s #13. only adding b[i] to a[i] if b[i] defined (was doing it if # either a[i] or b[i] was defined, but if b[i] was undefined # it just added 0) 1.48s #14. Stopped converting "." entries to undef and then back 1.16s #15. Using foreach $i (x..y) instead of for ($i = 0...) in # add_array_a_to_b() 1.11s # # Auto-annotating primes: #16. Finding count lengths by int((length-1)/3), not by # commifying (halves the number of commify calls) 1.68s --> 1.47s use strict; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overview: the running example in the comments is for: # - events = A,B,C,D # - --show=C,A,D # - --sort=D,C #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global variables, main data structures #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CCs are arrays, the counts corresponding to @events, with 'undef' # representing '.'. This makes things fast (faster than using hashes for CCs) # but we have to use @sort_order and @show_order below to handle the --sort and # --show options, which is a bit tricky. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Total counts for summary (an array reference). my $summary_CC; my $totals_CC; my $summary_calculated = 0; # Totals for each function, for overall summary. # hash(filename:fn_name => CC array) my %fn_totals; # Individual CCs, organised by filename and line_num for easy annotation. # hash(filename => hash(line_num => CC array)) my %all_ind_CCs; # Files chosen for annotation on the command line. # key = basename (trimmed of any directory), value = full filename my %user_ann_files; # Generic description string. my $desc = ""; # Command line of profiled program. my $cmd = ""; # Info on the profiled process. my $creator = ""; my $pid = ""; my $part = ""; my $thread = ""; # Positions used for cost lines; default: line numbers my $has_line = 1; my $has_addr = 0; # Events in input file, eg. (A,B,C,D) my @events; my $events; # Events to show, from command line, eg. (C,A,D) my @show_events; # Map from @show_events indices to @events indices, eg. (2,0,3). Gives the # order in which we must traverse @events in order to show the @show_events, # eg. (@events[$show_order[1]], @events[$show_order[2]]...) = @show_events. # (Might help to think of it like a hash (0 => 2, 1 => 0, 2 => 3).) my @show_order; # Print out the function totals sorted by these events, eg. (D,C). my @sort_events; # Map from @sort_events indices to @events indices, eg. (3,2). Same idea as # for @show_order. my @sort_order; # Thresholds, one for each sort event (or default to 1 if no sort events # specified). We print out functions and do auto-annotations until we've # handled this proportion of all the events thresholded. my @thresholds; my $default_threshold = 99; my $single_threshold = $default_threshold; # If on, show a percentage for each non-zero count. my $show_percs = 1; # If on, automatically annotates all files that are involved in getting over # all the threshold counts. my $auto_annotate = 1; # Number of lines to show around each annotated line. my $context = 8; # Directories in which to look for annotation files. my @include_dirs = (""); # Verbose mode my $verbose = "1"; # Inclusive statistics (with subroutine events) my $inclusive = 0; # Inclusive totals for each function, for overall summary. # hash(filename:fn_name => CC array) my %cfn_totals; # hash( file:func => [ called file:func ]) my $called_funcs; # hash( file:func => [ calling file:func ]) my $calling_funcs; # hash( file:func,line => [called file:func ]) my $called_from_line; # hash( file:func,line => file:func my %func_of_line; # hash (file:func => object name) my %obj_name; # Print out the callers of a function my $tree_caller = 0; # Print out the called functions my $tree_calling = 0; # hash( file:func,cfile:cfunc => call CC[]) my %call_CCs; # hash( file:func,cfile:cfunc => call counter) my %call_counter; # hash(context, index) => realname for compressed traces my %compressed; # Input file name, will be set in process_cmd_line my $input_file = ""; # Version number my $version = "@VERSION@"; # Usage message. my $usage = < percentage of counts (of primary sort event) we are interested in [$default_threshold%] --sort=A,B,C sort columns by events A,B,C [event column order] Each event can optionally be followed by a : and a threshold percentage. If some event specific threshold are given, --threshold value is ignored. --show-percs=yes|no show a percentage for each non-zero count [yes] --auto=yes|no annotate all source files containing functions that helped reach the event count threshold [yes] --context=N print N lines of context before and after annotated lines [8] --inclusive=yes|no add subroutine costs to functions calls [no] --tree=none|caller| print for each function their callers, calling|both the called functions or both [none] -I --include= add to list of directories to search for source files END ; # Used in various places of output. my $fancy = '-' x 80 . "\n"; sub safe_div($$) { my ($x, $y) = @_; return ($y == 0 ? 0 : $x / $y); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Argument and option handling #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process_cmd_line() { for my $arg (@ARGV) { # Option handling if ($arg =~ /^-/) { # --version if ($arg =~ /^--version$/) { die("callgrind_annotate-$version\n"); # --show=A,B,C } elsif ($arg =~ /^--show=(.*)$/) { @show_events = split(/,/, $1); # --sort=A,B,C } elsif ($arg =~ /^--sort=(.*)$/) { @sort_events = split(/,/, $1); my $th_specified = 0; foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @sort_events - 1) { if ($sort_events[$i] =~ /.*:([\d\.]+)%?$/) { my $th = $1; ($th >= 0 && $th <= 100) or die($usage); $sort_events[$i] =~ s/:.*//; $thresholds[$i] = $th; $th_specified = 1; } else { $thresholds[$i] = 0; } } if (not $th_specified) { @thresholds = (); } # --threshold=X (tolerates a trailing '%') } elsif ($arg =~ /^--threshold=([\d\.]+)%?$/) { $single_threshold = $1; ($1 >= 0 && $1 <= 100) or die($usage); # --show-percs=yes|no } elsif ($arg =~ /^--show-percs=yes$/) { $show_percs = 1; } elsif ($arg =~ /^--show-percs=no$/) { $show_percs = 0; # --auto=yes|no } elsif ($arg =~ /^--auto=(yes|no)$/) { $auto_annotate = 1 if ($1 eq "yes"); $auto_annotate = 0 if ($1 eq "no"); # --context=N } elsif ($arg =~ /^--context=([\d\.]+)$/) { $context = $1; if ($context < 0) { die($usage); } # --inclusive=yes|no } elsif ($arg =~ /^--inclusive=(yes|no)$/) { $inclusive = 1 if ($1 eq "yes"); $inclusive = 0 if ($1 eq "no"); # --tree=none|caller|calling|both } elsif ($arg =~ /^--tree=(none|caller|calling|both)$/) { $tree_caller = 1 if ($1 eq "caller" || $1 eq "both"); $tree_calling = 1 if ($1 eq "calling" || $1 eq "both"); # --include=A,B,C } elsif ($arg =~ /^(-I|--include)=(.*)$/) { my $inc = $2; $inc =~ s|/$||; # trim trailing '/' push(@include_dirs, "$inc/"); } else { # -h and --help fall under this case die($usage); } # Argument handling -- annotation file checking and selection. # Stick filenames into a hash for quick 'n easy lookup throughout } else { if ($input_file eq "") { $input_file = $arg; } else { my $readable = 0; foreach my $include_dir (@include_dirs) { if (-r $include_dir . $arg) { $readable = 1; } } $readable or die("File $arg not found in any of: @include_dirs\n"); $user_ann_files{$arg} = 1; } } } if ($input_file eq "") { $input_file = ()[0]; if (!defined $input_file) { $input_file = ()[0]; } (defined $input_file) or die($usage); print "Reading data from '$input_file'...\n"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reading of input file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub max ($$) { my ($x, $y) = @_; return ($x > $y ? $x : $y); } # Add the two arrays; any '.' entries are ignored. Two tricky things: # 1. If $a2->[$i] is undefined, it defaults to 0 which is what we want; we turn # off warnings to allow this. This makes things about 10% faster than # checking for definedness ourselves. # 2. We don't add an undefined count or a ".", even though it's value is 0, # because we don't want to make an $a2->[$i] that is undef become 0 # unnecessarily. sub add_array_a_to_b ($$) { my ($a1, $a2) = @_; my $n = max(scalar @$a1, scalar @$a2); $^W = 0; foreach my $i (0 .. $n-1) { $a2->[$i] += $a1->[$i] if (defined $a1->[$i] && "." ne $a1->[$i]); } $^W = 1; } # Is this a line with all events zero? sub is_zero ($) { my ($CC) = @_; my $isZero = 1; foreach my $i (0 .. (scalar @$CC)-1) { $isZero = 0 if ($CC->[$i] >0); } return $isZero; } # Add each event count to the CC array. '.' counts become undef, as do # missing entries (implicitly). sub line_to_CC ($) { my @CC = (split /\s+/, $_[0]); (@CC <= @events) or die("Line $.: too many event counts\n"); return \@CC; } sub uncompressed_name($$) { my ($context, $name) = @_; if ($name =~ /^\((\d+)\)\s*(.*)$/) { my $index = $1; my $realname = $2; if ($realname eq "") { $realname = $compressed{$context,$index}; } else { $compressed{$context,$index} = $realname; } return $realname; } return $name; } sub read_input_file() { open(INPUTFILE, "< $input_file") || die "File $input_file not opened\n"; my $line; # Read header while() { # Skip comments and empty lines. if (/^\s*$/ || /^\#/) { ; } elsif (/^version:\s*(\d+)/) { # Can't read format with major version > 1 ($1<2) or die("Can't read format with major version $1.\n"); } elsif (/^pid:\s+(.*)$/) { $pid = $1; } elsif (/^thread:\s+(.*)$/) { $thread = $1; } elsif (/^part:\s+(.*)$/) { $part = $1; } elsif (/^desc:\s+(.*)$/) { my $dline = $1; # suppress profile options in description output if ($dline =~ /^Option:/) {;} else { $desc .= "$dline\n"; } } elsif (/^cmd:\s+(.*)$/) { $cmd = $1; } elsif (/^creator:\s+(.*)$/) { $creator = $1; } elsif (/^positions:\s+(.*)$/) { my $positions = $1; $has_line = ($positions =~ /line/); $has_addr = ($positions =~ /(addr|instr)/); } elsif (/^event:\s+.*$/) { # ignore lines giving a long name to an event } elsif (/^events:\s+(.*)$/) { $events = $1; # events line is last in header last; } else { warn("WARNING: header line $. malformed, ignoring\n"); if ($verbose) { chomp; warn(" line: '$_'\n"); } } } # Read "events:" line. We make a temporary hash in which the Nth event's # value is N, which is useful for handling --show/--sort options below. ($events ne "") or die("Line $.: missing events line\n"); @events = split(/\s+/, $events); my %events; my $n = 0; foreach my $event (@events) { $events{$event} = $n; $n++ } # If no --show arg give, default to showing all events in the file. # If --show option is used, check all specified events appeared in the # "events:" line. Then initialise @show_order. if (@show_events) { foreach my $show_event (@show_events) { (defined $events{$show_event}) or die("--show event `$show_event' did not appear in input\n"); } } else { @show_events = @events; } foreach my $show_event (@show_events) { push(@show_order, $events{$show_event}); } # Do as for --show, but if no --sort arg given, default to sorting by # column order (ie. first column event is primary sort key, 2nd column is # 2ndary key, etc). if (@sort_events) { foreach my $sort_event (@sort_events) { (defined $events{$sort_event}) or die("--sort event `$sort_event' did not appear in input\n"); } } else { @sort_events = @events; } foreach my $sort_event (@sort_events) { push(@sort_order, $events{$sort_event}); } # If multiple threshold args weren't given via --sort, stick in the single # threshold (either from --threshold if used, or the default otherwise) for # the primary sort event, and 0% for the rest. if (not @thresholds) { foreach my $e (@sort_order) { push(@thresholds, 0); } $thresholds[0] = $single_threshold; } else { # setting $single_threshold to 0 to ensure the 'per event' # threshold logic is used. $single_threshold = 0; } # Current directory, used to strip from file names if absolute my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; $pwd .= '/'; my $curr_obj = ""; my $curr_file; my $curr_fn; my $curr_name; my $curr_line_num = 0; my $prev_line_num = 0; my $curr_cobj = ""; my $curr_cfile = ""; my $curr_cfunc = ""; my $curr_cname; my $curr_call_counter = 0; my $curr_cfn_CC = []; my $curr_fn_CC = []; my $curr_file_ind_CCs = {}; # hash(line_num => CC) # Read body of input file. while () { # Skip comments and empty lines. next if /^\s*$/ || /^\#/; $prev_line_num = $curr_line_num; s/^\+(\d+)/$prev_line_num+$1/e; s/^\-(\d+)/$prev_line_num-$1/e; s/^\*/$prev_line_num/e; if (s/^(-?\d+|0x\w+)\s+//) { $curr_line_num = $1; if ($has_addr) { if ($has_line) { s/^\+(\d+)/$prev_line_num+$1/e; s/^\-(\d+)/$prev_line_num-$1/e; s/^\*/$prev_line_num/e; if (s/^(\d+)\s+//) { $curr_line_num = $1; } } else { $curr_line_num = 0; } } my $CC = line_to_CC($_); if ($curr_call_counter>0) { # print "Read ($curr_name => $curr_cname) $curr_call_counter\n"; if (!defined $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname}) { $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname} = []; $call_counter{$curr_name,$curr_cname} = 0; } add_array_a_to_b($CC, $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname}); $call_counter{$curr_name,$curr_cname} += $curr_call_counter; my $tmp = $called_from_line->{$curr_file,$curr_line_num}; if (!defined $tmp) { $func_of_line{$curr_file,$curr_line_num} = $curr_name; } $tmp = {} unless defined $tmp; $$tmp{$curr_cname} = 1; $called_from_line->{$curr_file,$curr_line_num} = $tmp; if (!defined $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname,$curr_line_num}) { $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname,$curr_line_num} = []; $call_counter{$curr_name,$curr_cname,$curr_line_num} = 0; } add_array_a_to_b($CC, $call_CCs{$curr_name,$curr_cname,$curr_line_num}); $call_counter{$curr_name,$curr_cname,$curr_line_num} += $curr_call_counter; $curr_call_counter = 0; # inclusive costs $curr_cfn_CC = $cfn_totals{$curr_cname}; $curr_cfn_CC = [] unless (defined $curr_cfn_CC); add_array_a_to_b($CC, $curr_cfn_CC); $cfn_totals{$curr_cname} = $curr_cfn_CC; if ($inclusive) { add_array_a_to_b($CC, $curr_fn_CC); } next; } add_array_a_to_b($CC, $curr_fn_CC); # If curr_file is selected, add CC to curr_file list. We look for # full filename matches; or, if auto-annotating, we have to # remember everything -- we won't know until the end what's needed. if ($auto_annotate || defined $user_ann_files{$curr_file}) { my $tmp = $curr_file_ind_CCs->{$curr_line_num}; $tmp = [] unless defined $tmp; add_array_a_to_b($CC, $tmp); $curr_file_ind_CCs->{$curr_line_num} = $tmp; } } elsif (s/^fn=(.*)$//) { # Commit result from previous function $fn_totals{$curr_name} = $curr_fn_CC if (defined $curr_name); # Setup new one $curr_fn = uncompressed_name("fn",$1); $curr_name = "$curr_file:$curr_fn"; $obj_name{$curr_name} = $curr_obj; $curr_fn_CC = $fn_totals{$curr_name}; $curr_fn_CC = [] unless (defined $curr_fn_CC); } elsif (s/^ob=(.*)$//) { $curr_obj = uncompressed_name("ob",$1); } elsif (s/^fl=(.*)$//) { $all_ind_CCs{$curr_file} = $curr_file_ind_CCs if (defined $curr_file); $curr_file = uncompressed_name("fl",$1); $curr_file =~ s/^\Q$pwd\E//; $curr_file_ind_CCs = $all_ind_CCs{$curr_file}; $curr_file_ind_CCs = {} unless (defined $curr_file_ind_CCs); } elsif (s/^(fi|fe)=(.*)$//) { (defined $curr_name) or die("Line $.: Unexpected fi/fe line\n"); $fn_totals{$curr_name} = $curr_fn_CC; $all_ind_CCs{$curr_file} = $curr_file_ind_CCs; $curr_file = uncompressed_name("fl",$2); $curr_file =~ s/^\Q$pwd\E//; $curr_name = "$curr_file:$curr_fn"; $curr_file_ind_CCs = $all_ind_CCs{$curr_file}; $curr_file_ind_CCs = {} unless (defined $curr_file_ind_CCs); $curr_fn_CC = $fn_totals{$curr_name}; $curr_fn_CC = [] unless (defined $curr_fn_CC); } elsif (s/^cob=(.*)$//) { $curr_cobj = uncompressed_name("ob",$1); } elsif (s/^cf[il]=(.*)$//) { $curr_cfile = uncompressed_name("fl",$1); } elsif (s/^cfn=(.*)$//) { $curr_cfunc = uncompressed_name("fn",$1); if ($curr_cfile eq "") { $curr_cname = "$curr_file:$curr_cfunc"; } else { $curr_cname = "$curr_cfile:$curr_cfunc"; $curr_cfile = ""; } my $tmp = $calling_funcs->{$curr_cname}; $tmp = {} unless defined $tmp; $$tmp{$curr_name} = 1; $calling_funcs->{$curr_cname} = $tmp; my $tmp2 = $called_funcs->{$curr_name}; $tmp2 = {} unless defined $tmp2; $$tmp2{$curr_cname} = 1; $called_funcs->{$curr_name} = $tmp2; } elsif (s/^calls=(\d+)//) { $curr_call_counter = $1; } elsif (s/^(jump|jcnd)=//) { #ignore jump information } elsif (s/^jfi=(.*)$//) { # side effect needed: possibly add compression mapping uncompressed_name("fl",$1); # ignore jump information } elsif (s/^jfn=(.*)$//) { # side effect needed: possibly add compression mapping uncompressed_name("fn",$1); # ignore jump information } elsif (s/^totals:\s+//) { $totals_CC = line_to_CC($_); } elsif (s/^summary:\s+//) { $summary_CC = line_to_CC($_); } else { warn("WARNING: line $. malformed, ignoring\n"); if ($verbose) { chomp; warn(" line: '$_'\n"); } } } # Finish up handling final filename/fn_name counts $fn_totals{"$curr_file:$curr_fn"} = $curr_fn_CC if (defined $curr_file && defined $curr_fn); $all_ind_CCs{$curr_file} = $curr_file_ind_CCs if (defined $curr_file); # Correct inclusive totals if ($inclusive) { foreach my $name (keys %cfn_totals) { $fn_totals{$name} = $cfn_totals{$name}; } } close(INPUTFILE); if ((not defined $summary_CC) || is_zero($summary_CC)) { $summary_CC = $totals_CC; # if neither 'summary:' nor 'totals:' line is given, # calculate summary from fn_totals hash if ((not defined $summary_CC) || is_zero($summary_CC)) { $summary_calculated = 1; $summary_CC = []; foreach my $name (keys %fn_totals) { add_array_a_to_b($fn_totals{$name}, $summary_CC); } } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print options used #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_options () { print($fancy); print "Profile data file '$input_file'"; if ($creator ne "") { print " (creator: $creator)"; } print "\n"; print($fancy); print($desc); my $target = $cmd; if ($target eq "") { $target = "(unknown)"; } if ($pid ne "") { $target .= " (PID $pid"; if ($part ne "") { $target .= ", part $part"; } if ($thread ne "") { $target .= ", thread $thread"; } $target .= ")"; } print("Profiled target: $target\n"); print("Events recorded: @events\n"); print("Events shown: @show_events\n"); print("Event sort order: @sort_events\n"); print("Thresholds: @thresholds\n"); my @include_dirs2 = @include_dirs; # copy @include_dirs shift(@include_dirs2); # remove "" entry, which is always the first unshift(@include_dirs2, "") if (0 == @include_dirs2); my $include_dir = shift(@include_dirs2); print("Include dirs: $include_dir\n"); foreach my $include_dir (@include_dirs2) { print(" $include_dir\n"); } my @user_ann_files = keys %user_ann_files; unshift(@user_ann_files, "") if (0 == @user_ann_files); my $user_ann_file = shift(@user_ann_files); print("User annotated: $user_ann_file\n"); foreach $user_ann_file (@user_ann_files) { print(" $user_ann_file\n"); } my $is_on = ($auto_annotate ? "on" : "off"); print("Auto-annotation: $is_on\n"); print("\n"); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print summary and sorted function totals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub mycmp ($$) { my ($c, $d) = @_; # Iterate through sort events (eg. 3,2); return result if two are different foreach my $i (@sort_order) { my ($x, $y); $x = $c->[$i]; $y = $d->[$i]; $x = -1 unless defined $x; $y = -1 unless defined $y; my $cmp = $y <=> $x; # reverse sort if (0 != $cmp) { return $cmp; } } # Exhausted events, equal return 0; } sub commify ($) { my ($val) = @_; 1 while ($val =~ s/^(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/); return $val; } # Because the counts can get very big, and we don't want to waste screen space # and make lines too long, we compute exactly how wide each column needs to be # by finding the widest entry for each one. sub compute_CC_col_widths (@) { my @CCs = @_; my $CC_col_widths = []; # Initialise with minimum widths (from event names) foreach my $event (@events) { push(@$CC_col_widths, length($event)); } # Find maximum width count for each column. @CC_col_width positions # correspond to @CC positions. foreach my $CC (@CCs) { foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@$CC)-1) { if (defined $CC->[$i]) { # Find length, accounting for commas that will be added, and # possibly a percentage. my $length = length $CC->[$i]; my $width = $length + int(($length - 1) / 3); if ($show_percs) { $width += 9; # e.g. " (12.34%)" is 9 chars } $CC_col_widths->[$i] = max($CC_col_widths->[$i], $width); } } } return $CC_col_widths; } # Print the CC with each column's size dictated by $CC_col_widths. sub print_CC ($$) { my ($CC, $CC_col_widths) = @_; foreach my $i (@show_order) { my $count = (defined $CC->[$i] ? commify($CC->[$i]) : "."); my $perc = ""; if ($show_percs) { if (defined $CC->[$i] && $CC->[$i] != 0) { # Try our best to keep the number fitting into 5 chars. This # requires dropping a digit after the decimal place if it's # sufficiently negative (e.g. "-10.0") or positive (e.g. # "100.0"). Thanks to diffs it's possible to have even more # extreme values, like "-100.0" or "1000.0"; those rare case # will end up with slightly wrong indenting, oh well. $perc = safe_div($CC->[$i] * 100, $summary_CC->[$i]); $perc = (-9.995 < $perc && $perc < 99.995) ? sprintf(" (%5.2f%%)", $perc) : sprintf(" (%5.1f%%)", $perc); } else { # Don't show percentages for "." and "0" entries. $perc = " "; } } # $reps will be negative for the extreme values mentioned above. The # use of max() avoids a possible warning about a negative repeat count. my $text = $count . $perc; my $len = length($text); my $reps = $CC_col_widths->[$i] - length($text); my $space = ' ' x max($reps, 0); print("$space$text "); } } sub print_events ($) { my ($CC_col_widths) = @_; foreach my $i (@show_order) { my $event = $events[$i]; my $event_width = length($event); my $col_width = $CC_col_widths->[$i]; my $space = ' ' x ($col_width - $event_width); print("$event$space "); } } # Prints summary and function totals (with separate column widths, so that # function names aren't pushed over unnecessarily by huge summary figures). # Also returns a hash containing all the files that are involved in getting the # events count above the thresholds (ie. all the interesting ones). sub print_summary_and_fn_totals () { my @fn_fullnames = keys %fn_totals; # Work out the size of each column for printing (summary and functions # separately). my $summary_CC_col_widths = compute_CC_col_widths($summary_CC); my $fn_CC_col_widths = compute_CC_col_widths(values %fn_totals); # Header and counts for summary print($fancy); print_events($summary_CC_col_widths); print("\n"); print($fancy); print_CC($summary_CC, $summary_CC_col_widths); print(" PROGRAM TOTALS"); if ($summary_calculated) { print(" (calculated)"); } print("\n\n"); # Header for functions print($fancy); print_events($fn_CC_col_widths); print(" file:function\n"); print($fancy); # Sort function names into order dictated by --sort option. @fn_fullnames = sort { mycmp($fn_totals{$a}, $fn_totals{$b}) || $a cmp $b } @fn_fullnames; # Assertion (scalar @sort_order == scalar @thresholds) or die("sort_order length != thresholds length:\n", " @sort_order\n @thresholds\n"); my $threshold_files = {}; # @curr_totals has the same shape as @sort_order and @thresholds my @curr_totals = (); foreach my $e (@thresholds) { push(@curr_totals, 0); } # Print functions, stopping when the threshold has been reached. foreach my $fn_name (@fn_fullnames) { # if $single_threshold is 100 the user want to see everything, # so do not enter the filtering logic, as truncation can cause # some functions to not be shown. if ($single_threshold < 100) { # Stop when we've reached all the thresholds my $reached_all_thresholds = 1; foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @thresholds - 1) { my $prop = $curr_totals[$i] * 100; if (defined $summary_CC->[$sort_order[$i]] && $summary_CC->[$sort_order[$i]] >0) { $prop = $prop / $summary_CC->[$sort_order[$i]]; } $reached_all_thresholds &&= ($prop >= $thresholds[$i]); } last if $reached_all_thresholds; } if ($tree_caller || $tree_calling) { print "\n"; } if ($tree_caller && ($fn_name ne "???:???")) { # Print function callers my $tmp1 = $calling_funcs->{$fn_name}; if (defined $tmp1) { # Sort calling functions into order dictated by --sort option. my @callings = sort { mycmp($call_CCs{$a,$fn_name}, $call_CCs{$b,$fn_name}) } keys %$tmp1; foreach my $calling (@callings) { if (defined $call_counter{$calling,$fn_name}) { print_CC($call_CCs{$calling,$fn_name}, $fn_CC_col_widths); print" < $calling ("; print commify($call_counter{$calling,$fn_name}) . "x)"; if (defined $obj_name{$calling}) { print " [$obj_name{$calling}]"; } print "\n"; } } } } # Print function results my $fn_CC = $fn_totals{$fn_name}; print_CC($fn_CC, $fn_CC_col_widths); if ($tree_caller || $tree_calling) { print " * "; } print(" $fn_name"); if ((defined $obj_name{$fn_name}) && ($obj_name{$fn_name} ne "")) { print " [$obj_name{$fn_name}]"; } print "\n"; if ($tree_calling && ($fn_name ne "???:???")) { # Print called functions my $tmp2 = $called_funcs->{$fn_name}; if (defined $tmp2) { # Sort called functions into order dictated by --sort option. my @calleds = sort { mycmp($call_CCs{$fn_name,$a}, $call_CCs{$fn_name,$b}) } keys %$tmp2; foreach my $called (@calleds) { if (defined $call_counter{$fn_name,$called}) { print_CC($call_CCs{$fn_name,$called}, $fn_CC_col_widths); print" > $called ("; print commify($call_counter{$fn_name,$called}) . "x)"; if (defined $obj_name{$called}) { print " [$obj_name{$called}]"; } print "\n"; } } } } # Update the threshold counts my $filename = $fn_name; $filename =~ s/:.+$//; # remove function name $threshold_files->{$filename} = 1; foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @sort_order - 1) { if ($inclusive) { $curr_totals[$i] = $summary_CC->[$sort_order[$i]] - $fn_CC->[$sort_order[$i]] if (defined $fn_CC->[$sort_order[$i]]); } else { $curr_totals[$i] += $fn_CC->[$sort_order[$i]] if (defined $fn_CC->[$sort_order[$i]]); } } } print("\n"); return $threshold_files; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Annotate selected files #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Issue a warning that the source file is more recent than the input file. sub warning_on_src_more_recent_than_inputfile ($) { my $src_file = $_[0]; my $warning = <{"???"}; %all_ann_files = (%user_ann_files, %$threshold_files) } else { %all_ann_files = %user_ann_files; } # Track if we did any annotations. my $did_annotations = 0; LOOP: foreach my $src_file (keys %all_ann_files) { my $opened_file = ""; my $full_file_name = ""; foreach my $include_dir (@include_dirs) { my $try_name = $include_dir . $src_file; if (open(INPUTFILE, "< $try_name")) { $opened_file = $try_name; $full_file_name = ($include_dir eq "" ? $src_file : "$include_dir + $src_file"); last; } } if (not $opened_file) { # Failed to open the file. If chosen on the command line, die. # If arose from auto-annotation, print a little message. if (defined $user_ann_files{$src_file}) { die("File $src_file not opened in any of: @include_dirs\n"); } else { push(@unfound_auto_annotate_files, $src_file); } } else { # File header (distinguish between user- and auto-selected files). print("$fancy"); my $ann_type = (defined $user_ann_files{$src_file} ? "User" : "Auto"); print("-- $ann_type-annotated source: $full_file_name\n"); print("$fancy"); # Get file's CCs my $src_file_CCs = $all_ind_CCs{$src_file}; if (!defined $src_file_CCs) { print(" No information has been collected for $src_file\n\n"); next LOOP; } $did_annotations = 1; # Numeric, not lexicographic sort! my @line_nums = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$src_file_CCs; # If $src_file more recent than cachegrind.out, issue warning my $src_more_recent_than_inputfile = 0; if ((stat $opened_file)[9] > (stat $input_file)[9]) { $src_more_recent_than_inputfile = 1; warning_on_src_more_recent_than_inputfile($src_file); } # Work out the size of each column for printing my $CC_col_widths = compute_CC_col_widths(values %$src_file_CCs); # Events header print_events($CC_col_widths); print("\n\n"); # Shift out 0 if it's in the line numbers (from unknown entries, # likely due to bugs in Valgrind's stabs debug info reader) shift(@line_nums) if (0 == $line_nums[0]); # Finds interesting line ranges -- all lines with a CC, and all # lines within $context lines of a line with a CC. my $n = @line_nums; my @pairs; for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { push(@pairs, $line_nums[$i] - $context); # lower marker while ($i < $n-1 && $line_nums[$i] + 2*$context >= $line_nums[$i+1]) { $i++; } push(@pairs, $line_nums[$i] + $context); # upper marker } # Annotate chosen lines, tracking total counts of lines printed $pairs[0] = 1 if ($pairs[0] < 1); while (@pairs) { my $low = shift @pairs; my $high = shift @pairs; while ($. < $low-1) { my $tmp = ; last unless (defined $tmp); # hack to detect EOF } my $src_line; # Print line number, unless start of file print("-- line $low " . '-' x 40 . "\n") if ($low != 1); while (($. < $high) && ($src_line = )) { if (defined $line_nums[0] && $. == $line_nums[0]) { print_CC($src_file_CCs->{$.}, $CC_col_widths); add_array_a_to_b($src_file_CCs->{$.}, $printed_totals_CC); shift(@line_nums); } else { print_CC([], $CC_col_widths); } print(" $src_line"); my $tmp = $called_from_line->{$src_file,$.}; my $func = $func_of_line{$src_file,$.}; if (defined $tmp) { # Sort called functions into order dictated by --sort option. my @calleds = sort { mycmp($call_CCs{$func,$a}, $call_CCs{$func,$b}) } keys %$tmp; foreach my $called (@calleds) { if (defined $call_CCs{$func,$called,$.}) { print_CC($call_CCs{$func,$called,$.}, $CC_col_widths); print " => $called ("; print commify($call_counter{$func,$called,$.}) . "x)\n"; } } } } # Print line number, unless EOF if ($src_line) { print("-- line $high " . '-' x 40 . "\n"); } else { last; } } # If there was info on lines past the end of the file... if (@line_nums) { foreach my $line_num (@line_nums) { print_CC($src_file_CCs->{$line_num}, $CC_col_widths); print(" \n"); } print("\n"); warning_on_nonexistent_lines($src_more_recent_than_inputfile, $src_file, \@line_nums); } print("\n"); # Print summary of counts attributed to file but not to any # particular line (due to incomplete debug info). if ($src_file_CCs->{0}) { print_CC($src_file_CCs->{0}, $CC_col_widths); print(" \n\n"); } close(INPUTFILE); } } # Print list of unfound auto-annotate selected files. if (@unfound_auto_annotate_files) { print("$fancy"); print("The following files chosen for auto-annotation could not be found:\n"); print($fancy); foreach my $f (sort @unfound_auto_annotate_files) { print(" $f\n"); } print("\n"); } # If we did any annotating, show how many events were covered by annotated # lines above. if ($did_annotations) { foreach (my $i = 0; $i < @$summary_CC; $i++) { # Some files (in particular the files produced by --xtree-memory) # have non additive self costs, so have a special case for these # to print all functions and also to avoid a division by 0. if ($summary_CC->[$i] == 0 || $printed_totals_CC->[$i] > $summary_CC->[$i]) { # Set the summary_CC value equal to the printed_totals_CC value # so that the percentage printed by the print_CC call below is # 100%. This is ok because the summary_CC value is not used # again afterward. $summary_CC->[$i] = $printed_totals_CC->[$i]; } } my $CC_col_widths = compute_CC_col_widths($printed_totals_CC); print($fancy); print_events($CC_col_widths); print("\n"); print($fancy); print_CC($printed_totals_CC, $CC_col_widths); print(" events annotated\n\n"); } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "main()" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- process_cmd_line(); read_input_file(); print_options(); my $threshold_files = print_summary_and_fn_totals(); annotate_ann_files($threshold_files); ##--------------------------------------------------------------------## ##--- end vg_annotate.in ---## ##--------------------------------------------------------------------##