#include #include #include #include "valgrind.h" /* This is the same as wrap5.c, except that the recursion depth is 16. This is intended to check that on ppc64-linux, which uses a 16-entry per-thread stack, the resulting stack overflow is caught. (Undetected overflows in redirection stacks are very bad news; they cause guest code to fail in all sorts of strange ways.) Hence this test has two expected outcomes: - on ppc64-linux, a stack overflow is caught, and V aborts. - on everything else, it runs successfully to completion. Note, pre() and post() used so as to avoid printf, which messes up the call stacks on ppc64-linux due to intercept of mempcpy. */ typedef struct _Lard { struct _Lard* next; char stuff[999]; } Lard; Lard* lard = NULL; static int ctr = 0; void addMoreLard ( void ) { Lard* p; ctr++; if ((ctr % 3) == 1) { p = malloc(sizeof(Lard)); p->next = lard; lard = p; } } static void post ( char* s, int n, int r ); static void pre ( char* s, int n ); static int fact1 ( int n ); static int fact2 ( int n ); /* This is needed to stop gcc4 turning 'fact' into a loop */ __attribute__((noinline)) int mul ( int x, int y ) { return x * y; } int fact1 ( int n ) { addMoreLard(); if (n == 0) return 1; else return mul(n, fact2(n-1)); } int fact2 ( int n ) { addMoreLard(); if (n == 0) return 1; else return mul(n, fact1(n-1)); } int I_WRAP_SONAME_FNNAME_ZU(NONE,fact1) ( int n ) { int r; OrigFn fn; VALGRIND_GET_ORIG_FN(fn); pre("wrapper1", n); addMoreLard(); CALL_FN_W_W(r, fn, n); addMoreLard(); post("wrapper1", n, r); if (n >= 3) r += fact2(2); return r; } int I_WRAP_SONAME_FNNAME_ZU(NONE,fact2) ( int n ) { int r; OrigFn fn; VALGRIND_GET_ORIG_FN(fn); pre("wrapper2", n); addMoreLard(); CALL_FN_W_W(r, fn, n); addMoreLard(); post("wrapper2", n, r); return r; } /* --------------- */ int main ( void ) { int r, n = 15; /* 14 succeeds on ppc64-linux, >= 15 fails */ Lard *p, *p_next; printf("computing fact1(%d)\n", n); fflush(stdout); r = fact1(n); printf("fact1(%d) = %d\n", n, r); fflush(stdout); printf("allocated %d Lards\n", ctr); fflush(stdout); for (p = lard; p; p = p_next) { p_next = p->next; free(p); } return 0; } static void send ( char* s ) { while (*s) { write(1, s, 1); s++; } } static void pre ( char* s, int n ) { char buf[50]; fflush(stdout); sprintf(buf,"%d", n); send("in "); send(s); send("-pre: fact("); send(buf); send(")\n"); fflush(stdout); } static void post ( char* s, int n, int r ) { char buf[50]; fflush(stdout); sprintf(buf,"%d", n); send("in "); send(s); send("-post: fact("); send(buf); send(") = "); sprintf(buf,"%d", r); send(buf); send("\n"); fflush(stdout); }