/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 3; -*- */
/*--- begin guest_arm64_toIR.c ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2013-2017 OpenWorks
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see .
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
* Correctness: FMAXNM, FMINNM are implemented the same as FMAX/FMIN.
Also FP comparison "unordered" .. is implemented as normal FP
Both should be fixed. They behave incorrectly in the presence of
FMULX is treated the same as FMUL. That's also not correct.
* Floating multiply-add (etc) insns. Are split into a multiply and
an add, and so suffer double rounding and hence sometimes the
least significant mantissa bit is incorrect. Fix: use the IR
multiply-add IROps instead.
* FRINTA, FRINTN are kludged .. they just round to nearest. No special
handling for the "ties" case. FRINTX might be dubious too.
* Ditto FCVTXN. No idea what "round to odd" means. This implementation
just rounds to nearest.
/* "Special" instructions.
This instruction decoder can decode four special instructions
which mean nothing natively (are no-ops as far as regs/mem are
concerned) but have meaning for supporting Valgrind. A special
instruction is flagged by a 16-byte preamble:
93CC0D8C 93CC358C 93CCCD8C 93CCF58C
(ror x12, x12, #3; ror x12, x12, #13
ror x12, x12, #51; ror x12, x12, #61)
Following that, one of the following 3 are allowed
(standard interpretation in parentheses):
AA0A014A (orr x10,x10,x10) X3 = client_request ( X4 )
AA0B016B (orr x11,x11,x11) X3 = guest_NRADDR
AA0C018C (orr x12,x12,x12) branch-and-link-to-noredir X8
AA090129 (orr x9,x9,x9) IR injection
Any other bytes following the 16-byte preamble are illegal and
constitute a failure in instruction decoding. This all assumes
that the preamble will never occur except in specific code
fragments designed for Valgrind to catch.
/* Translates ARM64 code to IR. */
#include "libvex_basictypes.h"
#include "libvex_ir.h"
#include "libvex.h"
#include "libvex_guest_arm64.h"
#include "main_util.h"
#include "main_globals.h"
#include "guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h"
#include "guest_arm64_defs.h"
/*--- Globals ---*/
/* These are set at the start of the translation of a instruction, so
that we don't have to pass them around endlessly. CONST means does
not change during translation of the instruction.
/* CONST: what is the host's endianness? We need to know this in
order to do sub-register accesses to the SIMD/FP registers
correctly. */
static VexEndness host_endness;
/* CONST: The guest address for the instruction currently being
translated. */
static Addr64 guest_PC_curr_instr;
/* MOD: The IRSB* into which we're generating code. */
static IRSB* irsb;
/*--- Debugging output ---*/
#define DIP(format, args...) \
if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE) \
vex_printf(format, ## args)
#define DIS(buf, format, args...) \
if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE) \
vex_sprintf(buf, format, ## args)
/*--- Helper bits and pieces for deconstructing the ---*/
/*--- arm insn stream. ---*/
/* Do a little-endian load of a 32-bit word, regardless of the
endianness of the underlying host. */
static inline UInt getUIntLittleEndianly ( const UChar* p )
UInt w = 0;
w = (w << 8) | p[3];
w = (w << 8) | p[2];
w = (w << 8) | p[1];
w = (w << 8) | p[0];
return w;
/* Sign extend a N-bit value up to 64 bits, by copying
bit N-1 into all higher positions. */
static ULong sx_to_64 ( ULong x, UInt n )
vassert(n > 1 && n < 64);
x <<= (64-n);
Long r = (Long)x;
r >>= (64-n);
return (ULong)r;
//ZZ /* Do a little-endian load of a 16-bit word, regardless of the
//ZZ endianness of the underlying host. */
//ZZ static inline UShort getUShortLittleEndianly ( UChar* p )
//ZZ {
//ZZ UShort w = 0;
//ZZ w = (w << 8) | p[1];
//ZZ w = (w << 8) | p[0];
//ZZ return w;
//ZZ }
//ZZ static UInt ROR32 ( UInt x, UInt sh ) {
//ZZ vassert(sh >= 0 && sh < 32);
//ZZ if (sh == 0)
//ZZ return x;
//ZZ else
//ZZ return (x << (32-sh)) | (x >> sh);
//ZZ }
//ZZ static Int popcount32 ( UInt x )
//ZZ {
//ZZ Int res = 0, i;
//ZZ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
//ZZ res += (x & 1);
//ZZ x >>= 1;
//ZZ }
//ZZ return res;
//ZZ }
//ZZ static UInt setbit32 ( UInt x, Int ix, UInt b )
//ZZ {
//ZZ UInt mask = 1 << ix;
//ZZ x &= ~mask;
//ZZ x |= ((b << ix) & mask);
//ZZ return x;
//ZZ }
#define BITS2(_b1,_b0) \
(((_b1) << 1) | (_b0))
#define BITS3(_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b2) << 2) | ((_b1) << 1) | (_b0))
#define BITS4(_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b3) << 3) | ((_b2) << 2) | ((_b1) << 1) | (_b0))
#define BITS8(_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
((BITS4((_b7),(_b6),(_b5),(_b4)) << 4) \
| BITS4((_b3),(_b2),(_b1),(_b0)))
#define BITS5(_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
#define BITS6(_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
#define BITS7(_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
#define BITS9(_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b8) << 8) \
| BITS8((_b7),(_b6),(_b5),(_b4),(_b3),(_b2),(_b1),(_b0)))
#define BITS10(_b9,_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b9) << 9) | ((_b8) << 8) \
| BITS8((_b7),(_b6),(_b5),(_b4),(_b3),(_b2),(_b1),(_b0)))
#define BITS11(_b10,_b9,_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b10) << 10) \
| BITS10(_b9,_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0))
#define BITS12(_b11, _b10,_b9,_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0) \
(((_b11) << 11) \
| BITS11(_b10,_b9,_b8,_b7,_b6,_b5,_b4,_b3,_b2,_b1,_b0))
#define X00 BITS2(0,0)
#define X01 BITS2(0,1)
#define X10 BITS2(1,0)
#define X11 BITS2(1,1)
// produces _uint[_bMax:_bMin]
#define SLICE_UInt(_uint,_bMax,_bMin) \
(( ((UInt)(_uint)) >> (_bMin)) \
& (UInt)((1ULL << ((_bMax) - (_bMin) + 1)) - 1ULL))
/*--- Helper bits and pieces for creating IR fragments. ---*/
static IRExpr* mkV128 ( UShort w )
return IRExpr_Const(IRConst_V128(w));
static IRExpr* mkU64 ( ULong i )
return IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U64(i));
static IRExpr* mkU32 ( UInt i )
return IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U32(i));
static IRExpr* mkU16 ( UInt i )
vassert(i < 65536);
return IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U16(i));
static IRExpr* mkU8 ( UInt i )
vassert(i < 256);
return IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U8( (UChar)i ));
static IRExpr* mkexpr ( IRTemp tmp )
return IRExpr_RdTmp(tmp);
static IRExpr* unop ( IROp op, IRExpr* a )
return IRExpr_Unop(op, a);
static IRExpr* binop ( IROp op, IRExpr* a1, IRExpr* a2 )
return IRExpr_Binop(op, a1, a2);
static IRExpr* triop ( IROp op, IRExpr* a1, IRExpr* a2, IRExpr* a3 )
return IRExpr_Triop(op, a1, a2, a3);
static IRExpr* qop ( IROp op, IRExpr* a1, IRExpr* a2,
IRExpr* a3, IRExpr* a4 )
return IRExpr_Qop(op, a1, a2, a3, a4);
static IRExpr* loadLE ( IRType ty, IRExpr* addr )
return IRExpr_Load(Iend_LE, ty, addr);
/* Add a statement to the list held by "irbb". */
static void stmt ( IRStmt* st )
addStmtToIRSB( irsb, st );
static void assign ( IRTemp dst, IRExpr* e )
stmt( IRStmt_WrTmp(dst, e) );
static void storeLE ( IRExpr* addr, IRExpr* data )
stmt( IRStmt_Store(Iend_LE, addr, data) );
//ZZ static void storeGuardedLE ( IRExpr* addr, IRExpr* data, IRTemp guardT )
//ZZ {
//ZZ if (guardT == IRTemp_INVALID) {
//ZZ /* unconditional */
//ZZ storeLE(addr, data);
//ZZ } else {
//ZZ stmt( IRStmt_StoreG(Iend_LE, addr, data,
//ZZ binop(Iop_CmpNE32, mkexpr(guardT), mkU32(0))) );
//ZZ }
//ZZ }
//ZZ static void loadGuardedLE ( IRTemp dst, IRLoadGOp cvt,
//ZZ IRExpr* addr, IRExpr* alt,
//ZZ IRTemp guardT /* :: Ity_I32, 0 or 1 */ )
//ZZ {
//ZZ if (guardT == IRTemp_INVALID) {
//ZZ /* unconditional */
//ZZ IRExpr* loaded = NULL;
//ZZ switch (cvt) {
//ZZ case ILGop_Ident32:
//ZZ loaded = loadLE(Ity_I32, addr); break;
//ZZ case ILGop_8Uto32:
//ZZ loaded = unop(Iop_8Uto32, loadLE(Ity_I8, addr)); break;
//ZZ case ILGop_8Sto32:
//ZZ loaded = unop(Iop_8Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I8, addr)); break;
//ZZ case ILGop_16Uto32:
//ZZ loaded = unop(Iop_16Uto32, loadLE(Ity_I16, addr)); break;
//ZZ case ILGop_16Sto32:
//ZZ loaded = unop(Iop_16Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I16, addr)); break;
//ZZ default:
//ZZ vassert(0);
//ZZ }
//ZZ vassert(loaded != NULL);
//ZZ assign(dst, loaded);
//ZZ } else {
//ZZ /* Generate a guarded load into 'dst', but apply 'cvt' to the
//ZZ loaded data before putting the data in 'dst'. If the load
//ZZ does not take place, 'alt' is placed directly in 'dst'. */
//ZZ stmt( IRStmt_LoadG(Iend_LE, cvt, dst, addr, alt,
//ZZ binop(Iop_CmpNE32, mkexpr(guardT), mkU32(0))) );
//ZZ }
//ZZ }
/* Generate a new temporary of the given type. */
static IRTemp newTemp ( IRType ty )
return newIRTemp( irsb->tyenv, ty );
/* This is used in many places, so the brevity is an advantage. */
static IRTemp newTempV128(void)
return newTemp(Ity_V128);
/* Initialise V128 temporaries en masse. */
void newTempsV128_2(IRTemp* t1, IRTemp* t2)
vassert(t1 && *t1 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t2 && *t2 == IRTemp_INVALID);
*t1 = newTempV128();
*t2 = newTempV128();
void newTempsV128_3(IRTemp* t1, IRTemp* t2, IRTemp* t3)
vassert(t1 && *t1 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t2 && *t2 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t3 && *t3 == IRTemp_INVALID);
*t1 = newTempV128();
*t2 = newTempV128();
*t3 = newTempV128();
void newTempsV128_4(IRTemp* t1, IRTemp* t2, IRTemp* t3, IRTemp* t4)
vassert(t1 && *t1 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t2 && *t2 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t3 && *t3 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t4 && *t4 == IRTemp_INVALID);
*t1 = newTempV128();
*t2 = newTempV128();
*t3 = newTempV128();
*t4 = newTempV128();
void newTempsV128_7(IRTemp* t1, IRTemp* t2, IRTemp* t3,
IRTemp* t4, IRTemp* t5, IRTemp* t6, IRTemp* t7)
vassert(t1 && *t1 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t2 && *t2 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t3 && *t3 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t4 && *t4 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t5 && *t5 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t6 && *t6 == IRTemp_INVALID);
vassert(t7 && *t7 == IRTemp_INVALID);
*t1 = newTempV128();
*t2 = newTempV128();
*t3 = newTempV128();
*t4 = newTempV128();
*t5 = newTempV128();
*t6 = newTempV128();
*t7 = newTempV128();
//ZZ /* Produces a value in 0 .. 3, which is encoded as per the type
//ZZ IRRoundingMode. */
//ZZ static IRExpr* /* :: Ity_I32 */ get_FAKE_roundingmode ( void )
//ZZ {
//ZZ return mkU32(Irrm_NEAREST);
//ZZ }
//ZZ /* Generate an expression for SRC rotated right by ROT. */
//ZZ static IRExpr* genROR32( IRTemp src, Int rot )
//ZZ {
//ZZ vassert(rot >= 0 && rot < 32);
//ZZ if (rot == 0)
//ZZ return mkexpr(src);
//ZZ return
//ZZ binop(Iop_Or32,
//ZZ binop(Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(src), mkU8(32 - rot)),
//ZZ binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(src), mkU8(rot)));
//ZZ }
//ZZ static IRExpr* mkU128 ( ULong i )
//ZZ {
//ZZ return binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, mkU64(i), mkU64(i));
//ZZ }
//ZZ /* Generate a 4-aligned version of the given expression if
//ZZ the given condition is true. Else return it unchanged. */
//ZZ static IRExpr* align4if ( IRExpr* e, Bool b )
//ZZ {
//ZZ if (b)
//ZZ return binop(Iop_And32, e, mkU32(~3));
//ZZ else
//ZZ return e;
//ZZ }
/* Other IR construction helpers. */
static IROp mkAND ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_And32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_And64;
default: vpanic("mkAND");
static IROp mkOR ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Or32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Or64;
default: vpanic("mkOR");
static IROp mkXOR ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Xor32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Xor64;
default: vpanic("mkXOR");
static IROp mkSHL ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Shl32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Shl64;
default: vpanic("mkSHL");
static IROp mkSHR ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Shr32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Shr64;
default: vpanic("mkSHR");
static IROp mkSAR ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Sar32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Sar64;
default: vpanic("mkSAR");
static IROp mkNOT ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Not32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Not64;
default: vpanic("mkNOT");
static IROp mkADD ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Add32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Add64;
default: vpanic("mkADD");
static IROp mkSUB ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return Iop_Sub32;
case Ity_I64: return Iop_Sub64;
default: vpanic("mkSUB");
static IROp mkADDF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_AddF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_AddF64;
default: vpanic("mkADDF");
static IROp mkFMADDF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_MAddF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_MAddF64;
default: vpanic("mkFMADDF");
static IROp mkFMSUBF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_MSubF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_MSubF64;
default: vpanic("mkFMSUBF");
static IROp mkSUBF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_SubF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_SubF64;
default: vpanic("mkSUBF");
static IROp mkMULF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_MulF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_MulF64;
default: vpanic("mkMULF");
static IROp mkDIVF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F32: return Iop_DivF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_DivF64;
default: vpanic("mkDIVF");
static IROp mkNEGF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F16: return Iop_NegF16;
case Ity_F32: return Iop_NegF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_NegF64;
default: vpanic("mkNEGF");
static IROp mkABSF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F16: return Iop_AbsF16;
case Ity_F32: return Iop_AbsF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_AbsF64;
default: vpanic("mkABSF");
static IROp mkSQRTF ( IRType ty ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_F16: return Iop_SqrtF16;
case Ity_F32: return Iop_SqrtF32;
case Ity_F64: return Iop_SqrtF64;
default: vpanic("mkSQRTF");
static IROp mkVecADD ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Add8x16, Iop_Add16x8, Iop_Add32x4, Iop_Add64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQADDU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QAdd8Ux16, Iop_QAdd16Ux8, Iop_QAdd32Ux4, Iop_QAdd64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQADDS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QAdd8Sx16, Iop_QAdd16Sx8, Iop_QAdd32Sx4, Iop_QAdd64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQADDEXTSUSATUU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QAddExtSUsatUU8x16, Iop_QAddExtSUsatUU16x8,
Iop_QAddExtSUsatUU32x4, Iop_QAddExtSUsatUU64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQADDEXTUSSATSS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QAddExtUSsatSS8x16, Iop_QAddExtUSsatSS16x8,
Iop_QAddExtUSsatSS32x4, Iop_QAddExtUSsatSS64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSUB ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Sub8x16, Iop_Sub16x8, Iop_Sub32x4, Iop_Sub64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQSUBU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QSub8Ux16, Iop_QSub16Ux8, Iop_QSub32Ux4, Iop_QSub64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQSUBS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QSub8Sx16, Iop_QSub16Sx8, Iop_QSub32Sx4, Iop_QSub64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSARN ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_SarN8x16, Iop_SarN16x8, Iop_SarN32x4, Iop_SarN64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSHRN ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_ShrN8x16, Iop_ShrN16x8, Iop_ShrN32x4, Iop_ShrN64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSHLN ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_ShlN8x16, Iop_ShlN16x8, Iop_ShlN32x4, Iop_ShlN64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecCATEVENLANES ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_CatEvenLanes8x16, Iop_CatEvenLanes16x8,
Iop_CatEvenLanes32x4, Iop_InterleaveLO64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecCATODDLANES ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_CatOddLanes8x16, Iop_CatOddLanes16x8,
Iop_CatOddLanes32x4, Iop_InterleaveHI64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecINTERLEAVELO ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_InterleaveLO8x16, Iop_InterleaveLO16x8,
Iop_InterleaveLO32x4, Iop_InterleaveLO64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecINTERLEAVEHI ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_InterleaveHI8x16, Iop_InterleaveHI16x8,
Iop_InterleaveHI32x4, Iop_InterleaveHI64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMAXU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Max8Ux16, Iop_Max16Ux8, Iop_Max32Ux4, Iop_Max64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMAXS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Max8Sx16, Iop_Max16Sx8, Iop_Max32Sx4, Iop_Max64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMINU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Min8Ux16, Iop_Min16Ux8, Iop_Min32Ux4, Iop_Min64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMINS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Min8Sx16, Iop_Min16Sx8, Iop_Min32Sx4, Iop_Min64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMUL ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Mul8x16, Iop_Mul16x8, Iop_Mul32x4, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(size < 3);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMULLU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Mull8Ux8, Iop_Mull16Ux4, Iop_Mull32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 3);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecMULLS ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Mull8Sx8, Iop_Mull16Sx4, Iop_Mull32Sx2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 3);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQDMULLS ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_QDMull16Sx4, Iop_QDMull32Sx2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 3);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecCMPEQ ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_CmpEQ8x16, Iop_CmpEQ16x8, Iop_CmpEQ32x4, Iop_CmpEQ64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecCMPGTU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_CmpGT8Ux16, Iop_CmpGT16Ux8, Iop_CmpGT32Ux4, Iop_CmpGT64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecCMPGTS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_CmpGT8Sx16, Iop_CmpGT16Sx8, Iop_CmpGT32Sx4, Iop_CmpGT64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecABS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Abs8x16, Iop_Abs16x8, Iop_Abs32x4, Iop_Abs64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecZEROHIxxOFV128 ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_ZeroHI120ofV128, Iop_ZeroHI112ofV128,
Iop_ZeroHI96ofV128, Iop_ZeroHI64ofV128 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IRExpr* mkU ( IRType ty, ULong imm ) {
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I32: return mkU32((UInt)(imm & 0xFFFFFFFFULL));
case Ity_I64: return mkU64(imm);
default: vpanic("mkU");
static IROp mkVecQDMULHIS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_QDMulHi16Sx8, Iop_QDMulHi32Sx4, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQRDMULHIS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_QRDMulHi16Sx8, Iop_QRDMulHi32Sx4, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQANDUQSH ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandUQsh8x16, Iop_QandUQsh16x8,
Iop_QandUQsh32x4, Iop_QandUQsh64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQANDSQSH ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandSQsh8x16, Iop_QandSQsh16x8,
Iop_QandSQsh32x4, Iop_QandSQsh64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQANDUQRSH ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandUQRsh8x16, Iop_QandUQRsh16x8,
Iop_QandUQRsh32x4, Iop_QandUQRsh64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQANDSQRSH ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandSQRsh8x16, Iop_QandSQRsh16x8,
Iop_QandSQRsh32x4, Iop_QandSQRsh64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSHU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Sh8Ux16, Iop_Sh16Ux8, Iop_Sh32Ux4, Iop_Sh64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecSHS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Sh8Sx16, Iop_Sh16Sx8, Iop_Sh32Sx4, Iop_Sh64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecRSHU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Rsh8Ux16, Iop_Rsh16Ux8, Iop_Rsh32Ux4, Iop_Rsh64Ux2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecRSHS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_Rsh8Sx16, Iop_Rsh16Sx8, Iop_Rsh32Sx4, Iop_Rsh64Sx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecNARROWUN ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_NarrowUn16to8x8, Iop_NarrowUn32to16x4,
Iop_NarrowUn64to32x2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQNARROWUNSU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QNarrowUn16Sto8Ux8, Iop_QNarrowUn32Sto16Ux4,
Iop_QNarrowUn64Sto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQNARROWUNSS ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QNarrowUn16Sto8Sx8, Iop_QNarrowUn32Sto16Sx4,
Iop_QNarrowUn64Sto32Sx2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQNARROWUNUU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QNarrowUn16Uto8Ux8, Iop_QNarrowUn32Uto16Ux4,
Iop_QNarrowUn64Uto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqshrNNARROWUU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQShrNnarrow16Uto8Ux8, Iop_QandQShrNnarrow32Uto16Ux4,
Iop_QandQShrNnarrow64Uto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqsarNNARROWSS ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQSarNnarrow16Sto8Sx8, Iop_QandQSarNnarrow32Sto16Sx4,
Iop_QandQSarNnarrow64Sto32Sx2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqsarNNARROWSU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQSarNnarrow16Sto8Ux8, Iop_QandQSarNnarrow32Sto16Ux4,
Iop_QandQSarNnarrow64Sto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqrshrNNARROWUU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQRShrNnarrow16Uto8Ux8, Iop_QandQRShrNnarrow32Uto16Ux4,
Iop_QandQRShrNnarrow64Uto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqrsarNNARROWSS ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow16Sto8Sx8, Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow32Sto16Sx4,
Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow64Sto32Sx2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQANDqrsarNNARROWSU ( UInt sizeNarrow ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow16Sto8Ux8, Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow32Sto16Ux4,
Iop_QandQRSarNnarrow64Sto32Ux2, Iop_INVALID };
vassert(sizeNarrow < 4);
return ops[sizeNarrow];
static IROp mkVecQSHLNSATUU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QShlNsatUU8x16, Iop_QShlNsatUU16x8,
Iop_QShlNsatUU32x4, Iop_QShlNsatUU64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQSHLNSATSS ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QShlNsatSS8x16, Iop_QShlNsatSS16x8,
Iop_QShlNsatSS32x4, Iop_QShlNsatSS64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecQSHLNSATSU ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_QShlNsatSU8x16, Iop_QShlNsatSU16x8,
Iop_QShlNsatSU32x4, Iop_QShlNsatSU64x2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecADDF ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_Add16Fx8, Iop_Add32Fx4, Iop_Add64Fx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMAXF ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_INVALID, Iop_Max32Fx4, Iop_Max64Fx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
static IROp mkVecMINF ( UInt size ) {
const IROp ops[4]
= { Iop_INVALID, Iop_INVALID, Iop_Min32Fx4, Iop_Min64Fx2 };
vassert(size < 4);
return ops[size];
/* Generate IR to create 'arg rotated right by imm', for sane values
of 'ty' and 'imm'. */
static IRTemp mathROR ( IRType ty, IRTemp arg, UInt imm )
UInt w = 0;
if (ty == Ity_I64) {
w = 64;
} else {
vassert(ty == Ity_I32);
w = 32;
vassert(w != 0);
vassert(imm < w);
if (imm == 0) {
return arg;
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(res, binop(mkOR(ty),
binop(mkSHL(ty), mkexpr(arg), mkU8(w - imm)),
binop(mkSHR(ty), mkexpr(arg), mkU8(imm)) ));
return res;
/* Generate IR to set the returned temp to either all-zeroes or
all ones, as a copy of arg. */
static IRTemp mathREPLICATE ( IRType ty, IRTemp arg, UInt imm )
UInt w = 0;
if (ty == Ity_I64) {
w = 64;
} else {
vassert(ty == Ity_I32);
w = 32;
vassert(w != 0);
vassert(imm < w);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(res, binop(mkSAR(ty),
binop(mkSHL(ty), mkexpr(arg), mkU8(w - 1 - imm)),
mkU8(w - 1)));
return res;
/* S-widen 8/16/32/64 bit int expr to 64. */
static IRExpr* widenSto64 ( IRType srcTy, IRExpr* e )
switch (srcTy) {
case Ity_I64: return e;
case Ity_I32: return unop(Iop_32Sto64, e);
case Ity_I16: return unop(Iop_16Sto64, e);
case Ity_I8: return unop(Iop_8Sto64, e);
default: vpanic("widenSto64(arm64)");
/* U-widen 8/16/32/64 bit int expr to 64. */
static IRExpr* widenUto64 ( IRType srcTy, IRExpr* e )
switch (srcTy) {
case Ity_I64: return e;
case Ity_I32: return unop(Iop_32Uto64, e);
case Ity_I16: return unop(Iop_16Uto64, e);
case Ity_I8: return unop(Iop_8Uto64, e);
default: vpanic("widenUto64(arm64)");
/* Narrow 64 bit int expr to 8/16/32/64. Clearly only some
of these combinations make sense. */
static IRExpr* narrowFrom64 ( IRType dstTy, IRExpr* e )
switch (dstTy) {
case Ity_I64: return e;
case Ity_I32: return unop(Iop_64to32, e);
case Ity_I16: return unop(Iop_64to16, e);
case Ity_I8: return unop(Iop_64to8, e);
default: vpanic("narrowFrom64(arm64)");
/*--- Helpers for accessing guest registers. ---*/
#define OFFB_X0 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X0)
#define OFFB_X1 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X1)
#define OFFB_X2 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X2)
#define OFFB_X3 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X3)
#define OFFB_X4 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X4)
#define OFFB_X5 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X5)
#define OFFB_X6 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X6)
#define OFFB_X7 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X7)
#define OFFB_X8 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X8)
#define OFFB_X9 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X9)
#define OFFB_X10 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X10)
#define OFFB_X11 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X11)
#define OFFB_X12 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X12)
#define OFFB_X13 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X13)
#define OFFB_X14 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X14)
#define OFFB_X15 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X15)
#define OFFB_X16 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X16)
#define OFFB_X17 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X17)
#define OFFB_X18 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X18)
#define OFFB_X19 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X19)
#define OFFB_X20 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X20)
#define OFFB_X21 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X21)
#define OFFB_X22 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X22)
#define OFFB_X23 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X23)
#define OFFB_X24 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X24)
#define OFFB_X25 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X25)
#define OFFB_X26 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X26)
#define OFFB_X27 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X27)
#define OFFB_X28 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X28)
#define OFFB_X29 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X29)
#define OFFB_X30 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_X30)
#define OFFB_XSP offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_XSP)
#define OFFB_PC offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_PC)
#define OFFB_CC_OP offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CC_OP)
#define OFFB_CC_DEP1 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CC_DEP1)
#define OFFB_CC_DEP2 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CC_DEP2)
#define OFFB_CC_NDEP offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CC_NDEP)
#define OFFB_TPIDR_EL0 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_TPIDR_EL0)
#define OFFB_NRADDR offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_NRADDR)
#define OFFB_Q0 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q0)
#define OFFB_Q1 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q1)
#define OFFB_Q2 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q2)
#define OFFB_Q3 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q3)
#define OFFB_Q4 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q4)
#define OFFB_Q5 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q5)
#define OFFB_Q6 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q6)
#define OFFB_Q7 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q7)
#define OFFB_Q8 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q8)
#define OFFB_Q9 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q9)
#define OFFB_Q10 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q10)
#define OFFB_Q11 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q11)
#define OFFB_Q12 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q12)
#define OFFB_Q13 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q13)
#define OFFB_Q14 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q14)
#define OFFB_Q15 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q15)
#define OFFB_Q16 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q16)
#define OFFB_Q17 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q17)
#define OFFB_Q18 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q18)
#define OFFB_Q19 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q19)
#define OFFB_Q20 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q20)
#define OFFB_Q21 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q21)
#define OFFB_Q22 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q22)
#define OFFB_Q23 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q23)
#define OFFB_Q24 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q24)
#define OFFB_Q25 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q25)
#define OFFB_Q26 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q26)
#define OFFB_Q27 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q27)
#define OFFB_Q28 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q28)
#define OFFB_Q29 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q29)
#define OFFB_Q30 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q30)
#define OFFB_Q31 offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_Q31)
#define OFFB_FPCR offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_FPCR)
#define OFFB_QCFLAG offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_QCFLAG)
#define OFFB_CMSTART offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CMSTART)
#define OFFB_CMLEN offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_CMLEN)
#define OFFB_LLSC_SIZE offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_LLSC_SIZE)
#define OFFB_LLSC_ADDR offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_LLSC_ADDR)
#define OFFB_LLSC_DATA offsetof(VexGuestARM64State,guest_LLSC_DATA)
/* ---------------- Integer registers ---------------- */
static Int offsetIReg64 ( UInt iregNo )
/* Do we care about endianness here? We do if sub-parts of integer
registers are accessed. */
switch (iregNo) {
case 0: return OFFB_X0;
case 1: return OFFB_X1;
case 2: return OFFB_X2;
case 3: return OFFB_X3;
case 4: return OFFB_X4;
case 5: return OFFB_X5;
case 6: return OFFB_X6;
case 7: return OFFB_X7;
case 8: return OFFB_X8;
case 9: return OFFB_X9;
case 10: return OFFB_X10;
case 11: return OFFB_X11;
case 12: return OFFB_X12;
case 13: return OFFB_X13;
case 14: return OFFB_X14;
case 15: return OFFB_X15;
case 16: return OFFB_X16;
case 17: return OFFB_X17;
case 18: return OFFB_X18;
case 19: return OFFB_X19;
case 20: return OFFB_X20;
case 21: return OFFB_X21;
case 22: return OFFB_X22;
case 23: return OFFB_X23;
case 24: return OFFB_X24;
case 25: return OFFB_X25;
case 26: return OFFB_X26;
case 27: return OFFB_X27;
case 28: return OFFB_X28;
case 29: return OFFB_X29;
case 30: return OFFB_X30;
/* but not 31 */
default: vassert(0);
static Int offsetIReg64orSP ( UInt iregNo )
return iregNo == 31 ? OFFB_XSP : offsetIReg64(iregNo);
static const HChar* nameIReg64orZR ( UInt iregNo )
vassert(iregNo < 32);
static const HChar* names[32]
= { "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7",
"x8", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x15",
"x16", "x17", "x18", "x19", "x20", "x21", "x22", "x23",
"x24", "x25", "x26", "x27", "x28", "x29", "x30", "xzr" };
return names[iregNo];
static const HChar* nameIReg64orSP ( UInt iregNo )
if (iregNo == 31) {
return "sp";
vassert(iregNo < 31);
return nameIReg64orZR(iregNo);
static IRExpr* getIReg64orSP ( UInt iregNo )
vassert(iregNo < 32);
return IRExpr_Get( offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), Ity_I64 );
static IRExpr* getIReg64orZR ( UInt iregNo )
if (iregNo == 31) {
return mkU64(0);
vassert(iregNo < 31);
return IRExpr_Get( offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), Ity_I64 );
static void putIReg64orSP ( UInt iregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I64);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), e) );
static void putIReg64orZR ( UInt iregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I64);
if (iregNo == 31) {
vassert(iregNo < 31);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), e) );
static const HChar* nameIReg32orZR ( UInt iregNo )
vassert(iregNo < 32);
static const HChar* names[32]
= { "w0", "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "w6", "w7",
"w8", "w9", "w10", "w11", "w12", "w13", "w14", "w15",
"w16", "w17", "w18", "w19", "w20", "w21", "w22", "w23",
"w24", "w25", "w26", "w27", "w28", "w29", "w30", "wzr" };
return names[iregNo];
static const HChar* nameIReg32orSP ( UInt iregNo )
if (iregNo == 31) {
return "wsp";
vassert(iregNo < 31);
return nameIReg32orZR(iregNo);
static IRExpr* getIReg32orSP ( UInt iregNo )
vassert(iregNo < 32);
return unop(Iop_64to32,
IRExpr_Get( offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), Ity_I64 ));
static IRExpr* getIReg32orZR ( UInt iregNo )
if (iregNo == 31) {
return mkU32(0);
vassert(iregNo < 31);
return unop(Iop_64to32,
IRExpr_Get( offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), Ity_I64 ));
static void putIReg32orSP ( UInt iregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I32);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), unop(Iop_32Uto64, e)) );
static void putIReg32orZR ( UInt iregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I32);
if (iregNo == 31) {
vassert(iregNo < 31);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(offsetIReg64orSP(iregNo), unop(Iop_32Uto64, e)) );
static const HChar* nameIRegOrSP ( Bool is64, UInt iregNo )
vassert(is64 == True || is64 == False);
return is64 ? nameIReg64orSP(iregNo) : nameIReg32orSP(iregNo);
static const HChar* nameIRegOrZR ( Bool is64, UInt iregNo )
vassert(is64 == True || is64 == False);
return is64 ? nameIReg64orZR(iregNo) : nameIReg32orZR(iregNo);
static IRExpr* getIRegOrZR ( Bool is64, UInt iregNo )
vassert(is64 == True || is64 == False);
return is64 ? getIReg64orZR(iregNo) : getIReg32orZR(iregNo);
static void putIRegOrZR ( Bool is64, UInt iregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(is64 == True || is64 == False);
if (is64) putIReg64orZR(iregNo, e); else putIReg32orZR(iregNo, e);
static void putPC ( IRExpr* e )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I64);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(OFFB_PC, e) );
/* ---------------- Vector (Q) registers ---------------- */
static Int offsetQReg128 ( UInt qregNo )
/* We don't care about endianness at this point. It only becomes
relevant when dealing with sections of these registers.*/
switch (qregNo) {
case 0: return OFFB_Q0;
case 1: return OFFB_Q1;
case 2: return OFFB_Q2;
case 3: return OFFB_Q3;
case 4: return OFFB_Q4;
case 5: return OFFB_Q5;
case 6: return OFFB_Q6;
case 7: return OFFB_Q7;
case 8: return OFFB_Q8;
case 9: return OFFB_Q9;
case 10: return OFFB_Q10;
case 11: return OFFB_Q11;
case 12: return OFFB_Q12;
case 13: return OFFB_Q13;
case 14: return OFFB_Q14;
case 15: return OFFB_Q15;
case 16: return OFFB_Q16;
case 17: return OFFB_Q17;
case 18: return OFFB_Q18;
case 19: return OFFB_Q19;
case 20: return OFFB_Q20;
case 21: return OFFB_Q21;
case 22: return OFFB_Q22;
case 23: return OFFB_Q23;
case 24: return OFFB_Q24;
case 25: return OFFB_Q25;
case 26: return OFFB_Q26;
case 27: return OFFB_Q27;
case 28: return OFFB_Q28;
case 29: return OFFB_Q29;
case 30: return OFFB_Q30;
case 31: return OFFB_Q31;
default: vassert(0);
/* Write to a complete Qreg. */
static void putQReg128 ( UInt qregNo, IRExpr* e )
vassert(qregNo < 32);
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_V128);
stmt( IRStmt_Put(offsetQReg128(qregNo), e) );
/* Read a complete Qreg. */
static IRExpr* getQReg128 ( UInt qregNo )
vassert(qregNo < 32);
return IRExpr_Get(offsetQReg128(qregNo), Ity_V128);
/* Produce the IR type for some sub-part of a vector. For 32- and 64-
bit sub-parts we can choose either integer or float types, and
choose float on the basis that that is the common use case and so
will give least interference with Put-to-Get forwarding later
on. */
static IRType preferredVectorSubTypeFromSize ( UInt szB )
switch (szB) {
case 1: return Ity_I8;
case 2: return Ity_I16;
case 4: return Ity_I32; //Ity_F32;
case 8: return Ity_F64;
case 16: return Ity_V128;
default: vassert(0);
/* Find the offset of the laneNo'th lane of type laneTy in the given
Qreg. Since the host is little-endian, the least significant lane
has the lowest offset. */
static Int offsetQRegLane ( UInt qregNo, IRType laneTy, UInt laneNo )
vassert(host_endness == VexEndnessLE);
Int base = offsetQReg128(qregNo);
/* Since the host is little-endian, the least significant lane
will be at the lowest address. */
/* Restrict this to known types, so as to avoid silently accepting
stupid types. */
UInt laneSzB = 0;
switch (laneTy) {
case Ity_I8: laneSzB = 1; break;
case Ity_F16: case Ity_I16: laneSzB = 2; break;
case Ity_F32: case Ity_I32: laneSzB = 4; break;
case Ity_F64: case Ity_I64: laneSzB = 8; break;
case Ity_V128: laneSzB = 16; break;
default: break;
vassert(laneSzB > 0);
UInt minOff = laneNo * laneSzB;
UInt maxOff = minOff + laneSzB - 1;
vassert(maxOff < 16);
return base + minOff;
/* Put to the least significant lane of a Qreg. */
static void putQRegLO ( UInt qregNo, IRExpr* e )
IRType ty = typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e);
Int off = offsetQRegLane(qregNo, ty, 0);
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I8: case Ity_I16: case Ity_I32: case Ity_I64:
case Ity_F16: case Ity_F32: case Ity_F64: case Ity_V128:
vassert(0); // Other cases are probably invalid
stmt(IRStmt_Put(off, e));
/* Get from the least significant lane of a Qreg. */
static IRExpr* getQRegLO ( UInt qregNo, IRType ty )
Int off = offsetQRegLane(qregNo, ty, 0);
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I8:
case Ity_F16: case Ity_I16:
case Ity_I32: case Ity_I64:
case Ity_F32: case Ity_F64: case Ity_V128:
vassert(0); // Other cases are ATC
return IRExpr_Get(off, ty);
static const HChar* nameQRegLO ( UInt qregNo, IRType laneTy )
static const HChar* namesQ[32]
= { "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7",
"q8", "q9", "q10", "q11", "q12", "q13", "q14", "q15",
"q16", "q17", "q18", "q19", "q20", "q21", "q22", "q23",
"q24", "q25", "q26", "q27", "q28", "q29", "q30", "q31" };
static const HChar* namesD[32]
= { "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7",
"d8", "d9", "d10", "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15",
"d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23",
"d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30", "d31" };
static const HChar* namesS[32]
= { "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7",
"s8", "s9", "s10", "s11", "s12", "s13", "s14", "s15",
"s16", "s17", "s18", "s19", "s20", "s21", "s22", "s23",
"s24", "s25", "s26", "s27", "s28", "s29", "s30", "s31" };
static const HChar* namesH[32]
= { "h0", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "h7",
"h8", "h9", "h10", "h11", "h12", "h13", "h14", "h15",
"h16", "h17", "h18", "h19", "h20", "h21", "h22", "h23",
"h24", "h25", "h26", "h27", "h28", "h29", "h30", "h31" };
static const HChar* namesB[32]
= { "b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7",
"b8", "b9", "b10", "b11", "b12", "b13", "b14", "b15",
"b16", "b17", "b18", "b19", "b20", "b21", "b22", "b23",
"b24", "b25", "b26", "b27", "b28", "b29", "b30", "b31" };
vassert(qregNo < 32);
switch (sizeofIRType(laneTy)) {
case 1: return namesB[qregNo];
case 2: return namesH[qregNo];
case 4: return namesS[qregNo];
case 8: return namesD[qregNo];
case 16: return namesQ[qregNo];
default: vassert(0);
static const HChar* nameQReg128 ( UInt qregNo )
return nameQRegLO(qregNo, Ity_V128);
/* Find the offset of the most significant half (8 bytes) of the given
Qreg. This requires knowing the endianness of the host. */
static Int offsetQRegHI64 ( UInt qregNo )
return offsetQRegLane(qregNo, Ity_I64, 1);
static IRExpr* getQRegHI64 ( UInt qregNo )
return IRExpr_Get(offsetQRegHI64(qregNo), Ity_I64);
static void putQRegHI64 ( UInt qregNo, IRExpr* e )
IRType ty = typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e);
Int off = offsetQRegHI64(qregNo);
switch (ty) {
case Ity_I64: case Ity_F64:
vassert(0); // Other cases are plain wrong
stmt(IRStmt_Put(off, e));
/* Put to a specified lane of a Qreg. */
static void putQRegLane ( UInt qregNo, UInt laneNo, IRExpr* e )
IRType laneTy = typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e);
Int off = offsetQRegLane(qregNo, laneTy, laneNo);
switch (laneTy) {
case Ity_F64: case Ity_I64:
case Ity_I32: case Ity_F32:
case Ity_I16: case Ity_F16:
case Ity_I8:
vassert(0); // Other cases are ATC
stmt(IRStmt_Put(off, e));
/* Get from a specified lane of a Qreg. */
static IRExpr* getQRegLane ( UInt qregNo, UInt laneNo, IRType laneTy )
Int off = offsetQRegLane(qregNo, laneTy, laneNo);
switch (laneTy) {
case Ity_I64: case Ity_I32: case Ity_I16: case Ity_I8:
case Ity_F64: case Ity_F32: case Ity_F16:
vassert(0); // Other cases are ATC
return IRExpr_Get(off, laneTy);
//ZZ /* ---------------- Misc registers ---------------- */
//ZZ static void putMiscReg32 ( UInt gsoffset,
//ZZ IRExpr* e, /* :: Ity_I32 */
//ZZ IRTemp guardT /* :: Ity_I32, 0 or 1 */)
//ZZ {
//ZZ switch (gsoffset) {
//ZZ case OFFB_FPSCR: break;
//ZZ case OFFB_QFLAG32: break;
//ZZ case OFFB_GEFLAG0: break;
//ZZ case OFFB_GEFLAG1: break;
//ZZ case OFFB_GEFLAG2: break;
//ZZ case OFFB_GEFLAG3: break;
//ZZ default: vassert(0); /* awaiting more cases */
//ZZ }
//ZZ vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, e) == Ity_I32);
//ZZ if (guardT == IRTemp_INVALID) {
//ZZ /* unconditional write */
//ZZ stmt(IRStmt_Put(gsoffset, e));
//ZZ } else {
//ZZ stmt(IRStmt_Put(
//ZZ gsoffset,
//ZZ IRExpr_ITE( binop(Iop_CmpNE32, mkexpr(guardT), mkU32(0)),
//ZZ e, IRExpr_Get(gsoffset, Ity_I32) )
//ZZ ));
//ZZ }
//ZZ }
//ZZ static IRTemp get_ITSTATE ( void )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp t = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign(t, IRExpr_Get( OFFB_ITSTATE, Ity_I32));
//ZZ return t;
//ZZ }
//ZZ static void put_ITSTATE ( IRTemp t )
//ZZ {
//ZZ stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_ITSTATE, mkexpr(t)) );
//ZZ }
//ZZ static IRTemp get_QFLAG32 ( void )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp t = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign(t, IRExpr_Get( OFFB_QFLAG32, Ity_I32));
//ZZ return t;
//ZZ }
//ZZ static void put_QFLAG32 ( IRTemp t, IRTemp condT )
//ZZ {
//ZZ putMiscReg32( OFFB_QFLAG32, mkexpr(t), condT );
//ZZ }
//ZZ /* Stickily set the 'Q' flag (APSR bit 27) of the APSR (Application Program
//ZZ Status Register) to indicate that overflow or saturation occurred.
//ZZ Nb: t must be zero to denote no saturation, and any nonzero
//ZZ value to indicate saturation. */
//ZZ static void or_into_QFLAG32 ( IRExpr* e, IRTemp condT )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp old = get_QFLAG32();
//ZZ IRTemp nyu = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign(nyu, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(old), e) );
//ZZ put_QFLAG32(nyu, condT);
//ZZ }
/* ---------------- FPCR stuff ---------------- */
/* Generate IR to get hold of the rounding mode bits in FPCR, and
convert them to IR format. Bind the final result to the
returned temp. */
static IRTemp /* :: Ity_I32 */ mk_get_IR_rounding_mode ( void )
/* The ARMvfp encoding for rounding mode bits is:
00 to nearest
01 to +infinity
10 to -infinity
11 to zero
We need to convert that to the IR encoding:
00 to nearest (the default)
10 to +infinity
01 to -infinity
11 to zero
Which can be done by swapping bits 0 and 1.
The rmode bits are at 23:22 in FPSCR.
IRTemp armEncd = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp swapped = newTemp(Ity_I32);
/* Fish FPCR[23:22] out, and slide to bottom. Doesn't matter that
we don't zero out bits 24 and above, since the assignment to
'swapped' will mask them out anyway. */
binop(Iop_Shr32, IRExpr_Get(OFFB_FPCR, Ity_I32), mkU8(22)));
/* Now swap them. */
binop(Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(armEncd), mkU8(1)),
binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(armEncd), mkU8(1)),
return swapped;
/*--- Helpers for flag handling and conditional insns ---*/
static const HChar* nameARM64Condcode ( ARM64Condcode cond )
switch (cond) {
case ARM64CondEQ: return "eq";
case ARM64CondNE: return "ne";
case ARM64CondCS: return "cs"; // or 'hs'
case ARM64CondCC: return "cc"; // or 'lo'
case ARM64CondMI: return "mi";
case ARM64CondPL: return "pl";
case ARM64CondVS: return "vs";
case ARM64CondVC: return "vc";
case ARM64CondHI: return "hi";
case ARM64CondLS: return "ls";
case ARM64CondGE: return "ge";
case ARM64CondLT: return "lt";
case ARM64CondGT: return "gt";
case ARM64CondLE: return "le";
case ARM64CondAL: return "al";
case ARM64CondNV: return "nv";
default: vpanic("name_ARM64Condcode");
/* and a handy shorthand for it */
static const HChar* nameCC ( ARM64Condcode cond ) {
return nameARM64Condcode(cond);
/* Build IR to calculate some particular condition from stored
CC_OP/CC_DEP1/CC_DEP2/CC_NDEP. Returns an expression of type
Ity_I64, suitable for narrowing. Although the return type is
Ity_I64, the returned value is either 0 or 1. 'cond' must be
:: Ity_I64 and must denote the condition to compute in
bits 7:4, and be zero everywhere else.
static IRExpr* mk_arm64g_calculate_condition_dyn ( IRExpr* cond )
vassert(typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, cond) == Ity_I64);
/* And 'cond' had better produce a value in which only bits 7:4 are
nonzero. However, obviously we can't assert for that. */
/* So what we're constructing for the first argument is
"(cond << 4) | stored-operation".
However, as per comments above, 'cond' must be supplied
pre-shifted to this function.
This pairing scheme requires that the ARM64_CC_OP_ values all fit
in 4 bits. Hence we are passing a (COND, OP) pair in the lowest
8 bits of the first argument. */
IRExpr** args
= mkIRExprVec_4(
binop(Iop_Or64, IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_OP, Ity_I64), cond),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP1, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP2, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_NDEP, Ity_I64)
IRExpr* call
= mkIRExprCCall(
"arm64g_calculate_condition", &arm64g_calculate_condition,
/* Exclude the requested condition, OP and NDEP from definedness
checking. We're only interested in DEP1 and DEP2. */
call->Iex.CCall.cee->mcx_mask = (1<<0) | (1<<3);
return call;
/* Build IR to calculate some particular condition from stored
CC_OP/CC_DEP1/CC_DEP2/CC_NDEP. Returns an expression of type
Ity_I64, suitable for narrowing. Although the return type is
Ity_I64, the returned value is either 0 or 1.
static IRExpr* mk_arm64g_calculate_condition ( ARM64Condcode cond )
/* First arg is "(cond << 4) | condition". This requires that the
ARM64_CC_OP_ values all fit in 4 bits. Hence we are passing a
(COND, OP) pair in the lowest 8 bits of the first argument. */
vassert(cond >= 0 && cond <= 15);
return mk_arm64g_calculate_condition_dyn( mkU64(cond << 4) );
/* Build IR to calculate just the carry flag from stored
CC_OP/CC_DEP1/CC_DEP2/CC_NDEP. Returns an expression ::
Ity_I64. */
static IRExpr* mk_arm64g_calculate_flag_c ( void )
IRExpr** args
= mkIRExprVec_4( IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_OP, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP1, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP2, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_NDEP, Ity_I64) );
IRExpr* call
= mkIRExprCCall(
"arm64g_calculate_flag_c", &arm64g_calculate_flag_c,
/* Exclude OP and NDEP from definedness checking. We're only
interested in DEP1 and DEP2. */
call->Iex.CCall.cee->mcx_mask = (1<<0) | (1<<3);
return call;
//ZZ /* Build IR to calculate just the overflow flag from stored
//ZZ CC_OP/CC_DEP1/CC_DEP2/CC_NDEP. Returns an expression ::
//ZZ Ity_I32. */
//ZZ static IRExpr* mk_armg_calculate_flag_v ( void )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRExpr** args
//ZZ = mkIRExprVec_4( IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_OP, Ity_I32),
//ZZ IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP1, Ity_I32),
//ZZ IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP2, Ity_I32),
//ZZ IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_NDEP, Ity_I32) );
//ZZ IRExpr* call
//ZZ = mkIRExprCCall(
//ZZ Ity_I32,
//ZZ 0/*regparm*/,
//ZZ "armg_calculate_flag_v", &armg_calculate_flag_v,
//ZZ args
//ZZ );
//ZZ /* Exclude OP and NDEP from definedness checking. We're only
//ZZ interested in DEP1 and DEP2. */
//ZZ call->Iex.CCall.cee->mcx_mask = (1<<0) | (1<<3);
//ZZ return call;
//ZZ }
/* Build IR to calculate N Z C V in bits 31:28 of the
returned word. */
static IRExpr* mk_arm64g_calculate_flags_nzcv ( void )
IRExpr** args
= mkIRExprVec_4( IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_OP, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP1, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_DEP2, Ity_I64),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_CC_NDEP, Ity_I64) );
IRExpr* call
= mkIRExprCCall(
"arm64g_calculate_flags_nzcv", &arm64g_calculate_flags_nzcv,
/* Exclude OP and NDEP from definedness checking. We're only
interested in DEP1 and DEP2. */
call->Iex.CCall.cee->mcx_mask = (1<<0) | (1<<3);
return call;
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk, in the most general case. */
void setFlags_D1_D2_ND ( UInt cc_op,
IRTemp t_dep1, IRTemp t_dep2, IRTemp t_ndep )
vassert(typeOfIRTemp(irsb->tyenv, t_dep1 == Ity_I64));
vassert(typeOfIRTemp(irsb->tyenv, t_dep2 == Ity_I64));
vassert(typeOfIRTemp(irsb->tyenv, t_ndep == Ity_I64));
vassert(cc_op >= ARM64G_CC_OP_COPY && cc_op < ARM64G_CC_OP_NUMBER);
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_OP, mkU64(cc_op) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_DEP1, mkexpr(t_dep1) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_DEP2, mkexpr(t_dep2) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_NDEP, mkexpr(t_ndep) ));
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk after ADD or SUB. */
void setFlags_ADD_SUB ( Bool is64, Bool isSUB, IRTemp argL, IRTemp argR )
IRTemp argL64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp argR64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp z64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
if (is64) {
argL64 = argL;
argR64 = argR;
} else {
argL64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
argR64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(argL64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argL)));
assign(argR64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argR)));
assign(z64, mkU64(0));
UInt cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_NUMBER;
/**/ if ( isSUB && is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SUB64; }
else if ( isSUB && !is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SUB32; }
else if (!isSUB && is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADD64; }
else if (!isSUB && !is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADD32; }
else { vassert(0); }
setFlags_D1_D2_ND(cc_op, argL64, argR64, z64);
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk after ADC or SBC. */
void setFlags_ADC_SBC ( Bool is64, Bool isSBC,
IRTemp argL, IRTemp argR, IRTemp oldC )
IRTemp argL64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp argR64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp oldC64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
if (is64) {
argL64 = argL;
argR64 = argR;
oldC64 = oldC;
} else {
argL64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
argR64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
oldC64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(argL64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argL)));
assign(argR64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argR)));
assign(oldC64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(oldC)));
UInt cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_NUMBER;
/**/ if ( isSBC && is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SBC64; }
else if ( isSBC && !is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SBC32; }
else if (!isSBC && is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADC64; }
else if (!isSBC && !is64) { cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADC32; }
else { vassert(0); }
setFlags_D1_D2_ND(cc_op, argL64, argR64, oldC64);
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk after ADD or SUB, if the given
condition evaluates to True at run time. If not, the flags are set
to the specified NZCV value. */
void setFlags_ADD_SUB_conditionally (
Bool is64, Bool isSUB,
IRTemp cond, IRTemp argL, IRTemp argR, UInt nzcv
/* Generate IR as follows:
CC_OP = ITE(cond, OP_{ADD,SUB}{32,64}, OP_COPY)
CC_DEP1 = ITE(cond, argL64, nzcv << 28)
CC_DEP2 = ITE(cond, argR64, 0)
IRTemp z64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(z64, mkU64(0));
/* Establish the operation and operands for the True case. */
IRTemp t_dep1 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp t_dep2 = IRTemp_INVALID;
UInt t_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_NUMBER;
/**/ if ( isSUB && is64) { t_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SUB64; }
else if ( isSUB && !is64) { t_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_SUB32; }
else if (!isSUB && is64) { t_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADD64; }
else if (!isSUB && !is64) { t_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_ADD32; }
else { vassert(0); }
/* */
if (is64) {
t_dep1 = argL;
t_dep2 = argR;
} else {
t_dep1 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
t_dep2 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t_dep1, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argL)));
assign(t_dep2, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(argR)));
/* Establish the operation and operands for the False case. */
IRTemp f_dep1 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp f_dep2 = z64;
UInt f_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_COPY;
assign(f_dep1, mkU64(nzcv << 28));
/* Final thunk values */
IRTemp dep1 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp dep2 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp op = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(op, IRExpr_ITE(mkexpr(cond), mkU64(t_op), mkU64(f_op)));
assign(dep1, IRExpr_ITE(mkexpr(cond), mkexpr(t_dep1), mkexpr(f_dep1)));
assign(dep2, IRExpr_ITE(mkexpr(cond), mkexpr(t_dep2), mkexpr(f_dep2)));
/* finally .. */
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_OP, mkexpr(op) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_DEP1, mkexpr(dep1) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_DEP2, mkexpr(dep2) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_CC_NDEP, mkexpr(z64) ));
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk after AND/OR/XOR or variants thereof. */
void setFlags_LOGIC ( Bool is64, IRTemp res )
IRTemp res64 = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp z64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
UInt cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_NUMBER;
if (is64) {
res64 = res;
cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_LOGIC64;
} else {
res64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(res64, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(res)));
cc_op = ARM64G_CC_OP_LOGIC32;
assign(z64, mkU64(0));
setFlags_D1_D2_ND(cc_op, res64, z64, z64);
/* Build IR to set the flags thunk to a given NZCV value. NZCV is
located in bits 31:28 of the supplied value. */
void setFlags_COPY ( IRTemp nzcv_28x0 )
IRTemp z64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(z64, mkU64(0));
setFlags_D1_D2_ND(ARM64G_CC_OP_COPY, nzcv_28x0, z64, z64);
//ZZ /* Minor variant of the above that sets NDEP to zero (if it
//ZZ sets it at all) */
//ZZ static void setFlags_D1_D2 ( UInt cc_op, IRTemp t_dep1,
//ZZ IRTemp t_dep2,
//ZZ IRTemp guardT /* :: Ity_I32, 0 or 1 */ )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp z32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign( z32, mkU32(0) );
//ZZ setFlags_D1_D2_ND( cc_op, t_dep1, t_dep2, z32, guardT );
//ZZ }
//ZZ /* Minor variant of the above that sets DEP2 to zero (if it
//ZZ sets it at all) */
//ZZ static void setFlags_D1_ND ( UInt cc_op, IRTemp t_dep1,
//ZZ IRTemp t_ndep,
//ZZ IRTemp guardT /* :: Ity_I32, 0 or 1 */ )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp z32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign( z32, mkU32(0) );
//ZZ setFlags_D1_D2_ND( cc_op, t_dep1, z32, t_ndep, guardT );
//ZZ }
//ZZ /* Minor variant of the above that sets DEP2 and NDEP to zero (if it
//ZZ sets them at all) */
//ZZ static void setFlags_D1 ( UInt cc_op, IRTemp t_dep1,
//ZZ IRTemp guardT /* :: Ity_I32, 0 or 1 */ )
//ZZ {
//ZZ IRTemp z32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
//ZZ assign( z32, mkU32(0) );
//ZZ setFlags_D1_D2_ND( cc_op, t_dep1, z32, z32, guardT );
//ZZ }
/*--- Misc math helpers ---*/
/* Generate IR for ((x & mask) >>u sh) | ((x << sh) & mask) */
static IRTemp math_SWAPHELPER ( IRTemp x, ULong mask, Int sh )
IRTemp maskT = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
vassert(sh >= 1 && sh <= 63);
assign(maskT, mkU64(mask));
assign( res,
return res;
/* Generates byte swaps within 32-bit lanes. */
static IRTemp math_UINTSWAP64 ( IRTemp src )
IRTemp res;
res = math_SWAPHELPER(src, 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00ULL, 8);
res = math_SWAPHELPER(res, 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000ULL, 16);
return res;
/* Generates byte swaps within 16-bit lanes. */
static IRTemp math_USHORTSWAP64 ( IRTemp src )
IRTemp res;
res = math_SWAPHELPER(src, 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00ULL, 8);
return res;
/* Generates a 64-bit byte swap. */
static IRTemp math_BYTESWAP64 ( IRTemp src )
IRTemp res;
res = math_SWAPHELPER(src, 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00ULL, 8);
res = math_SWAPHELPER(res, 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000ULL, 16);
res = math_SWAPHELPER(res, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL, 32);
return res;
/* Generates a 64-bit bit swap. */
static IRTemp math_BITSWAP64 ( IRTemp src )
IRTemp res;
res = math_SWAPHELPER(res, 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0ULL, 4);
return math_BYTESWAP64(res);
/* Duplicates the bits at the bottom of the given word to fill the
whole word. src :: Ity_I64 is assumed to have zeroes everywhere
except for the bottom bits. */
static IRTemp math_DUP_TO_64 ( IRTemp src, IRType srcTy )
if (srcTy == Ity_I8) {
IRTemp t16 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t16, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(src),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(src), mkU8(8))));
IRTemp t32 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t32, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(t16),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(t16), mkU8(16))));
IRTemp t64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t64, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(t32),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(t32), mkU8(32))));
return t64;
if (srcTy == Ity_I16) {
IRTemp t32 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t32, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(src),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(src), mkU8(16))));
IRTemp t64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t64, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(t32),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(t32), mkU8(32))));
return t64;
if (srcTy == Ity_I32) {
IRTemp t64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t64, binop(Iop_Or64, mkexpr(src),
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(src), mkU8(32))));
return t64;
if (srcTy == Ity_I64) {
return src;
/* Duplicates the src element exactly so as to fill a V128 value. */
static IRTemp math_DUP_TO_V128 ( IRTemp src, IRType srcTy )
IRTemp res = newTempV128();
if (srcTy == Ity_F64) {
IRTemp i64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(i64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, mkexpr(src)));
assign(res, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr(i64), mkexpr(i64)));
return res;
if (srcTy == Ity_F32) {
IRTemp i64a = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(i64a, unop(Iop_32Uto64, unop(Iop_ReinterpF32asI32, mkexpr(src))));
IRTemp i64b = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(i64b, binop(Iop_Or64, binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(i64a), mkU8(32)),
assign(res, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr(i64b), mkexpr(i64b)));
return res;
if (srcTy == Ity_I64) {
assign(res, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr(src), mkexpr(src)));
return res;
if (srcTy == Ity_I32 || srcTy == Ity_I16 || srcTy == Ity_I8) {
IRTemp t1 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(t1, widenUto64(srcTy, mkexpr(src)));
IRTemp t2 = math_DUP_TO_64(t1, srcTy);
assign(res, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr(t2), mkexpr(t2)));
return res;
/* |fullWidth| is a full V128 width result. Depending on bitQ,
zero out the upper half. */
static IRExpr* math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64 ( UInt bitQ, IRTemp fullWidth )
if (bitQ == 1) return mkexpr(fullWidth);
if (bitQ == 0) return unop(Iop_ZeroHI64ofV128, mkexpr(fullWidth));
/* The same, but from an expression instead. */
static IRExpr* math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64_fromE ( UInt bitQ, IRExpr* fullWidth )
IRTemp fullWidthT = newTempV128();
assign(fullWidthT, fullWidth);
return math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, fullWidthT);
/*--- FP comparison helpers ---*/
/* irRes :: Ity_I32 holds a floating point comparison result encoded
as an IRCmpF64Result. Generate code to convert it to an
ARM64-encoded (N,Z,C,V) group in the lowest 4 bits of an I64 value.
Assign a new temp to hold that value, and return the temp. */
IRTemp mk_convert_IRCmpF64Result_to_NZCV ( IRTemp irRes32 )
IRTemp ix = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp termL = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp termR = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp nzcv = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp irRes = newTemp(Ity_I64);
/* This is where the fun starts. We have to convert 'irRes' from
an IR-convention return result (IRCmpF64Result) to an
ARM-encoded (N,Z,C,V) group. The final result is in the bottom
4 bits of 'nzcv'. */
/* Map compare result from IR to ARM(nzcv) */
FP cmp result | IR | ARM(nzcv)
UN 0x45 0011
LT 0x01 1000
GT 0x00 0010
EQ 0x40 0110
/* Now since you're probably wondering WTF ..
ix fishes the useful bits out of the IR value, bits 6 and 0, and
places them side by side, giving a number which is 0, 1, 2 or 3.
termL is a sequence cooked up by GNU superopt. It converts ix
into an almost correct value NZCV value (incredibly), except
for the case of UN, where it produces 0100 instead of the
required 0011.
termR is therefore a correction term, also computed from ix. It
is 1 in the UN case and 0 for LT, GT and UN. Hence, to get
the final correct value, we subtract termR from termL.
Don't take my word for it. There's a test program at the bottom
of guest_arm_toIR.c, to try this out with.
assign(irRes, unop(Iop_32Uto64, mkexpr(irRes32)));
binop(Iop_Shr64, mkexpr(irRes), mkU8(5)),
binop(Iop_And64, mkexpr(irRes), mkU64(1))));
binop(Iop_Xor64, mkexpr(ix), mkU64(1)),
binop(Iop_Shr64, mkexpr(ix), mkU8(1))),
assign(nzcv, binop(Iop_Sub64, mkexpr(termL), mkexpr(termR)));
return nzcv;
/*--- Data processing (immediate) ---*/
/* Helper functions for supporting "DecodeBitMasks" */
static ULong dbm_ROR ( Int width, ULong x, Int rot )
vassert(width > 0 && width <= 64);
vassert(rot >= 0 && rot < width);
if (rot == 0) return x;
ULong res = x >> rot;
res |= (x << (width - rot));
if (width < 64)
res &= ((1ULL << width) - 1);
return res;
static ULong dbm_RepTo64( Int esize, ULong x )
switch (esize) {
case 64:
return x;
case 32:
x &= 0xFFFFFFFF; x |= (x << 32);
return x;
case 16:
x &= 0xFFFF; x |= (x << 16); x |= (x << 32);
return x;
case 8:
x &= 0xFF; x |= (x << 8); x |= (x << 16); x |= (x << 32);
return x;
case 4:
x &= 0xF; x |= (x << 4); x |= (x << 8);
x |= (x << 16); x |= (x << 32);
return x;
case 2:
x &= 0x3; x |= (x << 2); x |= (x << 4); x |= (x << 8);
x |= (x << 16); x |= (x << 32);
return x;
return 0;
static Int dbm_highestSetBit ( ULong x )
Int i;
for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
if (x & (1ULL << i))
return i;
vassert(x == 0);
return -1;
Bool dbm_DecodeBitMasks ( /*OUT*/ULong* wmask, /*OUT*/ULong* tmask,
ULong immN, ULong imms, ULong immr, Bool immediate,
UInt M /*32 or 64*/)
vassert(immN < (1ULL << 1));
vassert(imms < (1ULL << 6));
vassert(immr < (1ULL << 6));
vassert(immediate == False || immediate == True);
vassert(M == 32 || M == 64);
Int len = dbm_highestSetBit( ((immN << 6) & 64) | ((~imms) & 63) );
if (len < 1) { /* printf("fail1\n"); */ return False; }
vassert(len <= 6);
vassert(M >= (1 << len));
vassert(len >= 1 && len <= 6);
ULong levels = // (zeroes(6 - len) << (6-len)) | ones(len);
(1 << len) - 1;
vassert(levels >= 1 && levels <= 63);
if (immediate && ((imms & levels) == levels)) {
/* printf("fail2 imms %llu levels %llu len %d\n", imms, levels, len); */
return False;
ULong S = imms & levels;
ULong R = immr & levels;
Int diff = S - R;
diff &= 63;
Int esize = 1 << len;
vassert(2 <= esize && esize <= 64);
/* Be careful of these (1ULL << (S+1)) - 1 expressions, and the
same below with d. S can be 63 in which case we have an out of
range and hence undefined shift. */
vassert(S >= 0 && S <= 63);
vassert(esize >= (S+1));
ULong elem_s = // Zeroes(esize-(S+1)):Ones(S+1)
//(1ULL << (S+1)) - 1;
((1ULL << S) - 1) + (1ULL << S);
Int d = // diff
diff & ((1 << len)-1);
vassert(esize >= (d+1));
vassert(d >= 0 && d <= 63);
ULong elem_d = // Zeroes(esize-(d+1)):Ones(d+1)
//(1ULL << (d+1)) - 1;
((1ULL << d) - 1) + (1ULL << d);
if (esize != 64) vassert(elem_s < (1ULL << esize));
if (esize != 64) vassert(elem_d < (1ULL << esize));
if (wmask) *wmask = dbm_RepTo64(esize, dbm_ROR(esize, elem_s, R));
if (tmask) *tmask = dbm_RepTo64(esize, elem_d);
return True;
Bool dis_ARM64_data_processing_immediate(/*MB_OUT*/DisResult* dres,
UInt insn, Bool sigill_diag)
# define INSN(_bMax,_bMin) SLICE_UInt(insn, (_bMax), (_bMin))
/* insn[28:23]
10000x PC-rel addressing
10001x Add/subtract (immediate)
100100 Logical (immediate)
100101 Move Wide (immediate)
100110 Bitfield
100111 Extract
/* ------------------ ADD/SUB{,S} imm12 ------------------ */
if (INSN(28,24) == BITS5(1,0,0,0,1)) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
Bool isSub = INSN(30,30) == 1;
Bool setCC = INSN(29,29) == 1;
UInt sh = INSN(23,22);
UInt uimm12 = INSN(21,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
const HChar* nm = isSub ? "sub" : "add";
if (sh >= 2) {
/* Invalid; fall through */
} else {
vassert(sh <= 1);
uimm12 <<= (12 * sh);
if (is64) {
IRTemp argL = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp argR = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(argL, getIReg64orSP(nn));
assign(argR, mkU64(uimm12));
assign(res, binop(isSub ? Iop_Sub64 : Iop_Add64,
mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)));
if (setCC) {
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
setFlags_ADD_SUB(True/*is64*/, isSub, argL, argR);
DIP("%ss %s, %s, 0x%x\n",
nm, nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg64orSP(nn), uimm12);
} else {
putIReg64orSP(dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%x\n",
nm, nameIReg64orSP(dd), nameIReg64orSP(nn), uimm12);
} else {
IRTemp argL = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp argR = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I32);
assign(argL, getIReg32orSP(nn));
assign(argR, mkU32(uimm12));
assign(res, binop(isSub ? Iop_Sub32 : Iop_Add32,
mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)));
if (setCC) {
putIReg32orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
setFlags_ADD_SUB(False/*!is64*/, isSub, argL, argR);
DIP("%ss %s, %s, 0x%x\n",
nm, nameIReg32orZR(dd), nameIReg32orSP(nn), uimm12);
} else {
putIReg32orSP(dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%x\n",
nm, nameIReg32orSP(dd), nameIReg32orSP(nn), uimm12);
return True;
/* -------------------- ADR/ADRP -------------------- */
if (INSN(28,24) == BITS5(1,0,0,0,0)) {
UInt bP = INSN(31,31);
UInt immLo = INSN(30,29);
UInt immHi = INSN(23,5);
UInt rD = INSN(4,0);
ULong uimm = (immHi << 2) | immLo;
ULong simm = sx_to_64(uimm, 21);
ULong val;
if (bP) {
val = (guest_PC_curr_instr & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000ULL) + (simm << 12);
} else {
val = guest_PC_curr_instr + simm;
putIReg64orZR(rD, mkU64(val));
DIP("adr%s %s, 0x%llx\n", bP ? "p" : "", nameIReg64orZR(rD), val);
return True;
/* -------------------- LOGIC(imm) -------------------- */
if (INSN(28,23) == BITS6(1,0,0,1,0,0)) {
/* 31 30 28 22 21 15 9 4
sf op 100100 N immr imms Rn Rd
op=00: AND Rd|SP, Rn, #imm
op=01: ORR Rd|SP, Rn, #imm
op=10: EOR Rd|SP, Rn, #imm
op=11: ANDS Rd|ZR, Rn, #imm
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt op = INSN(30,29);
UInt N = INSN(22,22);
UInt immR = INSN(21,16);
UInt immS = INSN(15,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
ULong imm = 0;
Bool ok;
if (N == 1 && !is64)
goto after_logic_imm; /* not allowed; fall through */
ok = dbm_DecodeBitMasks(&imm, NULL,
N, immS, immR, True, is64 ? 64 : 32);
if (!ok)
goto after_logic_imm;
const HChar* names[4] = { "and", "orr", "eor", "ands" };
const IROp ops64[4] = { Iop_And64, Iop_Or64, Iop_Xor64, Iop_And64 };
const IROp ops32[4] = { Iop_And32, Iop_Or32, Iop_Xor32, Iop_And32 };
vassert(op < 4);
if (is64) {
IRExpr* argL = getIReg64orZR(nn);
IRExpr* argR = mkU64(imm);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(res, binop(ops64[op], argL, argR));
if (op < 3) {
putIReg64orSP(dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%llx\n", names[op],
nameIReg64orSP(dd), nameIReg64orZR(nn), imm);
} else {
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
setFlags_LOGIC(True/*is64*/, res);
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%llx\n", names[op],
nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg64orZR(nn), imm);
} else {
IRExpr* argL = getIReg32orZR(nn);
IRExpr* argR = mkU32((UInt)imm);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I32);
assign(res, binop(ops32[op], argL, argR));
if (op < 3) {
putIReg32orSP(dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%x\n", names[op],
nameIReg32orSP(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn), (UInt)imm);
} else {
putIReg32orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
setFlags_LOGIC(False/*!is64*/, res);
DIP("%s %s, %s, 0x%x\n", names[op],
nameIReg32orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn), (UInt)imm);
return True;
/* -------------------- MOV{Z,N,K} -------------------- */
if (INSN(28,23) == BITS6(1,0,0,1,0,1)) {
/* 31 30 28 22 20 4
| | | | | |
sf 10 100 101 hw imm16 Rd MOV(Z) Rd, (imm16 << (16*hw))
sf 00 100 101 hw imm16 Rd MOV(N) Rd, ~(imm16 << (16*hw))
sf 11 100 101 hw imm16 Rd MOV(K) Rd, (imm16 << (16*hw))
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt subopc = INSN(30,29);
UInt hw = INSN(22,21);
UInt imm16 = INSN(20,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
if (subopc == BITS2(0,1) || (!is64 && hw >= 2)) {
/* invalid; fall through */
} else {
ULong imm64 = ((ULong)imm16) << (16 * hw);
if (!is64)
vassert(imm64 < 0x100000000ULL);
switch (subopc) {
case BITS2(1,0): // MOVZ
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, is64 ? mkU64(imm64) : mkU32((UInt)imm64));
DIP("movz %s, 0x%llx\n", nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), imm64);
case BITS2(0,0): // MOVN
imm64 = ~imm64;
if (!is64)
imm64 &= 0xFFFFFFFFULL;
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, is64 ? mkU64(imm64) : mkU32((UInt)imm64));
DIP("movn %s, 0x%llx\n", nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), imm64);
case BITS2(1,1): // MOVK
/* This is more complex. We are inserting a slice into
the destination register, so we need to have the old
value of it. */
if (is64) {
IRTemp old = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(old, getIReg64orZR(dd));
ULong mask = 0xFFFFULL << (16 * hw);
IRExpr* res
= binop(Iop_Or64,
binop(Iop_And64, mkexpr(old), mkU64(~mask)),
putIReg64orZR(dd, res);
DIP("movk %s, 0x%x, lsl %u\n",
nameIReg64orZR(dd), imm16, 16*hw);
} else {
IRTemp old = newTemp(Ity_I32);
assign(old, getIReg32orZR(dd));
vassert(hw <= 1);
UInt mask = ((UInt)0xFFFF) << (16 * hw);
IRExpr* res
= binop(Iop_Or32,
binop(Iop_And32, mkexpr(old), mkU32(~mask)),
putIReg32orZR(dd, res);
DIP("movk %s, 0x%x, lsl %u\n",
nameIReg32orZR(dd), imm16, 16*hw);
return True;
/* -------------------- {U,S,}BFM -------------------- */
/* 30 28 22 21 15 9 4
sf 10 100110 N immr imms nn dd
UBFM Wd, Wn, #immr, #imms when sf=0, N=0, immr[5]=0, imms[5]=0
UBFM Xd, Xn, #immr, #imms when sf=1, N=1
sf 00 100110 N immr imms nn dd
SBFM Wd, Wn, #immr, #imms when sf=0, N=0, immr[5]=0, imms[5]=0
SBFM Xd, Xn, #immr, #imms when sf=1, N=1
sf 01 100110 N immr imms nn dd
BFM Wd, Wn, #immr, #imms when sf=0, N=0, immr[5]=0, imms[5]=0
BFM Xd, Xn, #immr, #imms when sf=1, N=1
if (INSN(28,23) == BITS6(1,0,0,1,1,0)) {
UInt sf = INSN(31,31);
UInt opc = INSN(30,29);
UInt N = INSN(22,22);
UInt immR = INSN(21,16);
UInt immS = INSN(15,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
Bool inZero = False;
Bool extend = False;
const HChar* nm = "???";
/* skip invalid combinations */
switch (opc) {
case BITS2(0,0):
inZero = True; extend = True; nm = "sbfm"; break;
case BITS2(0,1):
inZero = False; extend = False; nm = "bfm"; break;
case BITS2(1,0):
inZero = True; extend = False; nm = "ubfm"; break;
case BITS2(1,1):
goto after_bfm; /* invalid */
if (sf == 1 && N != 1) goto after_bfm;
if (sf == 0 && (N != 0 || ((immR >> 5) & 1) != 0
|| ((immS >> 5) & 1) != 0)) goto after_bfm;
ULong wmask = 0, tmask = 0;
Bool ok = dbm_DecodeBitMasks(&wmask, &tmask,
N, immS, immR, False, sf == 1 ? 64 : 32);
if (!ok) goto after_bfm; /* hmmm */
Bool is64 = sf == 1;
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
// Handle plain shifts explicitly. These are functionally identical to
// the general case below, but iropt isn't clever enough to reduce those
// sequences to plain shifts. So give it a hand.
if (is64 && immS == 63 && immR >= 1 && immR <= 63) {
if (opc == BITS2(0,0)) {
// 64-bit signed shift right
putIReg64orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Sar64, getIReg64orZR(nn), mkU8(immR)));
DIP("asr %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), immR);
return True;
if (opc == BITS2(1,0)) {
// 64-bit unsigned shift right
putIReg64orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Shr64, getIReg64orZR(nn), mkU8(immR)));
DIP("lsr %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), immR);
return True;
if (!is64 && immS == 31 && immR >= 1 && immR <= 31) {
if (opc == BITS2(0,0)) {
// 32-bit signed shift right
putIReg32orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Sar32, getIReg32orZR(nn), mkU8(immR)));
DIP("asr %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), immR);
return True;
if (opc == BITS2(1,0)) {
// 32-bit unsigned shift right
putIReg32orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Shr32, getIReg32orZR(nn), mkU8(immR)));
DIP("lsr %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), immR);
return True;
if (is64 && immS >= 0 && immS <= 62
&& immR == immS + 1 && opc == BITS2(1,0)) {
// 64-bit shift left
UInt shift = 64 - immR;
vassert(shift >= 1 && shift <= 63);
putIReg64orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Shl64, getIReg64orZR(nn), mkU8(shift)));
DIP("lsl %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), shift);
return True;
if (!is64 && immS >= 0 && immS <= 30
&& immR == immS + 1 && opc == BITS2(1,0)) {
// 32-bit shift left
UInt shift = 32 - immR;
vassert(shift >= 1 && shift <= 31);
putIReg32orZR(dd, binop(Iop_Shl32, getIReg32orZR(nn), mkU8(shift)));
DIP("lsl %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), shift);
return True;
// Also special-case sxtw.
if (opc == BITS2(0,0) && immR == 0) {
if (is64) {
// The destination size is 64 bits.
if (immS == 31) {
putIReg64orZR(dd, unop(Iop_32Sto64, getIReg32orZR(nn)));
DIP("sxtw %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn));
return True;
if (immS == 15) {
putIReg64orZR(dd, unop(Iop_16Sto64,
unop(Iop_64to16, getIReg64orZR(nn))));
DIP("sxth %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn));
return True;
if (immS == 7) {
putIReg64orZR(dd, unop(Iop_8Sto64,
unop(Iop_64to8, getIReg64orZR(nn))));
DIP("sxtb %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn));
return True;
} else {
// The destination size is 32 bits.
if (immS == 15) {
putIReg32orZR(dd, unop(Iop_16Sto32,
unop(Iop_64to16, getIReg64orZR(nn))));
DIP("sxth %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn));
return True;
if (immS == 7) {
putIReg32orZR(dd, unop(Iop_8Sto32,
unop(Iop_64to8, getIReg64orZR(nn))));
DIP("sxtb %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn));
return True;
// None of the special cases apply. We have to use the (slow) general
// case.
IRTemp dst = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp src = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp bot = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp top = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(dst, inZero ? mkU(ty,0) : getIRegOrZR(is64, dd));
assign(src, getIRegOrZR(is64, nn));
/* perform bitfield move on low bits */
assign(bot, binop(mkOR(ty),
binop(mkAND(ty), mkexpr(dst), mkU(ty, ~wmask)),
binop(mkAND(ty), mkexpr(mathROR(ty, src, immR)),
mkU(ty, wmask))));
/* determine extension bits (sign, zero or dest register) */
assign(top, mkexpr(extend ? mathREPLICATE(ty, src, immS) : dst));
/* combine extension bits and result bits */
assign(res, binop(mkOR(ty),
binop(mkAND(ty), mkexpr(top), mkU(ty, ~tmask)),
binop(mkAND(ty), mkexpr(bot), mkU(ty, tmask))));
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%s %s, %s, immR=%u, immS=%u\n",
nm, nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), immR, immS);
return True;
/* ---------------------- EXTR ---------------------- */
/* 30 28 22 20 15 9 4
1 00 100111 10 m imm6 n d EXTR Xd, Xn, Xm, #imm6
0 00 100111 00 m imm6 n d EXTR Wd, Wn, Wm, #imm6 when #imm6 < 32
if (INSN(30,23) == BITS8(0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1) && INSN(21,21) == 0) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt imm6 = INSN(15,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
Bool valid = True;
if (INSN(31,31) != INSN(22,22))
valid = False;
if (!is64 && imm6 >= 32)
valid = False;
if (!valid) goto after_extr;
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp srcHi = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp srcLo = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(srcHi, getIRegOrZR(is64, nn));
assign(srcLo, getIRegOrZR(is64, mm));
if (imm6 == 0) {
assign(res, mkexpr(srcLo));
} else {
UInt szBits = 8 * sizeofIRType(ty);
vassert(imm6 > 0 && imm6 < szBits);
assign(res, binop(mkOR(ty),
binop(mkSHL(ty), mkexpr(srcHi), mkU8(szBits-imm6)),
binop(mkSHR(ty), mkexpr(srcLo), mkU8(imm6))));
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("extr %s, %s, %s, #%u\n",
nameIRegOrZR(is64,nn), nameIRegOrZR(is64,mm), imm6);
return True;
if (sigill_diag) {
vex_printf("ARM64 front end: data_processing_immediate\n");
return False;
# undef INSN
/*--- Data processing (register) instructions ---*/
static const HChar* nameSH ( UInt sh ) {
switch (sh) {
case 0: return "lsl";
case 1: return "lsr";
case 2: return "asr";
case 3: return "ror";
default: vassert(0);
/* Generate IR to get a register value, possibly shifted by an
immediate. Returns either a 32- or 64-bit temporary holding the
result. After the shift, the value can optionally be NOT-ed
sh_how coding: 00=SHL, 01=SHR, 10=SAR, 11=ROR. sh_amt may only be
in the range 0 to (is64 ? 64 : 32)-1. For some instructions, ROR
isn't allowed, but it's the job of the caller to check that.
static IRTemp getShiftedIRegOrZR ( Bool is64,
UInt sh_how, UInt sh_amt, UInt regNo,
Bool invert )
vassert(sh_how < 4);
vassert(sh_amt < (is64 ? 64 : 32));
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp t0 = newTemp(ty);
assign(t0, getIRegOrZR(is64, regNo));
IRTemp t1 = newTemp(ty);
switch (sh_how) {
case BITS2(0,0):
assign(t1, binop(mkSHL(ty), mkexpr(t0), mkU8(sh_amt)));
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(t1, binop(mkSHR(ty), mkexpr(t0), mkU8(sh_amt)));
case BITS2(1,0):
assign(t1, binop(mkSAR(ty), mkexpr(t0), mkU8(sh_amt)));
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(t1, mkexpr(mathROR(ty, t0, sh_amt)));
if (invert) {
IRTemp t2 = newTemp(ty);
assign(t2, unop(mkNOT(ty), mkexpr(t1)));
return t2;
} else {
return t1;
Bool dis_ARM64_data_processing_register(/*MB_OUT*/DisResult* dres,
UInt insn, Bool sigill_diag)
# define INSN(_bMax,_bMin) SLICE_UInt(insn, (_bMax), (_bMin))
/* ------------------- ADD/SUB(reg) ------------------- */
/* x==0 => 32 bit op x==1 => 64 bit op
sh: 00=LSL, 01=LSR, 10=ASR, 11=ROR(NOT ALLOWED)
31 30 29 28 23 21 20 15 9 4
| | | | | | | | | |
x 0 0 01011 sh 0 Rm imm6 Rn Rd ADD Rd,Rn, sh(Rm,imm6)
x 0 1 01011 sh 0 Rm imm6 Rn Rd ADDS Rd,Rn, sh(Rm,imm6)
x 1 0 01011 sh 0 Rm imm6 Rn Rd SUB Rd,Rn, sh(Rm,imm6)
x 1 1 01011 sh 0 Rm imm6 Rn Rd SUBS Rd,Rn, sh(Rm,imm6)
if (INSN(28,24) == BITS5(0,1,0,1,1) && INSN(21,21) == 0) {
UInt bX = INSN(31,31);
UInt bOP = INSN(30,30); /* 0: ADD, 1: SUB */
UInt bS = INSN(29, 29); /* set flags? */
UInt sh = INSN(23,22);
UInt rM = INSN(20,16);
UInt imm6 = INSN(15,10);
UInt rN = INSN(9,5);
UInt rD = INSN(4,0);
Bool isSUB = bOP == 1;
Bool is64 = bX == 1;
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
if ((!is64 && imm6 > 31) || sh == BITS2(1,1)) {
/* invalid; fall through */
} else {
IRTemp argL = newTemp(ty);
assign(argL, getIRegOrZR(is64, rN));
IRTemp argR = getShiftedIRegOrZR(is64, sh, imm6, rM, False);
IROp op = isSUB ? mkSUB(ty) : mkADD(ty);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(res, binop(op, mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)));
if (rD != 31) putIRegOrZR(is64, rD, mkexpr(res));
if (bS) {
setFlags_ADD_SUB(is64, isSUB, argL, argR);
DIP("%s%s %s, %s, %s, %s #%u\n",
bOP ? "sub" : "add", bS ? "s" : "",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rD), nameIRegOrZR(is64, rN),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rM), nameSH(sh), imm6);
return True;
/* ------------------- ADC/SBC(reg) ------------------- */
/* x==0 => 32 bit op x==1 => 64 bit op
31 30 29 28 23 21 20 15 9 4
| | | | | | | | | |
x 0 0 11010 00 0 Rm 000000 Rn Rd ADC Rd,Rn,Rm
x 0 1 11010 00 0 Rm 000000 Rn Rd ADCS Rd,Rn,Rm
x 1 0 11010 00 0 Rm 000000 Rn Rd SBC Rd,Rn,Rm
x 1 1 11010 00 0 Rm 000000 Rn Rd SBCS Rd,Rn,Rm
if (INSN(28,21) == BITS8(1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0) && INSN(15,10) == 0 ) {
UInt bX = INSN(31,31);
UInt bOP = INSN(30,30); /* 0: ADC, 1: SBC */
UInt bS = INSN(29,29); /* set flags */
UInt rM = INSN(20,16);
UInt rN = INSN(9,5);
UInt rD = INSN(4,0);
Bool isSUB = bOP == 1;
Bool is64 = bX == 1;
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp oldC = newTemp(ty);
is64 ? mk_arm64g_calculate_flag_c()
: unop(Iop_64to32, mk_arm64g_calculate_flag_c()) );
IRTemp argL = newTemp(ty);
assign(argL, getIRegOrZR(is64, rN));
IRTemp argR = newTemp(ty);
assign(argR, getIRegOrZR(is64, rM));
IROp op = isSUB ? mkSUB(ty) : mkADD(ty);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
if (isSUB) {
IRExpr* one = is64 ? mkU64(1) : mkU32(1);
IROp xorOp = is64 ? Iop_Xor64 : Iop_Xor32;
binop(op, mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)),
binop(xorOp, mkexpr(oldC), one)));
} else {
binop(op, mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)),
if (rD != 31) putIRegOrZR(is64, rD, mkexpr(res));
if (bS) {
setFlags_ADC_SBC(is64, isSUB, argL, argR, oldC);
DIP("%s%s %s, %s, %s\n",
bOP ? "sbc" : "adc", bS ? "s" : "",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rD), nameIRegOrZR(is64, rN),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rM));
return True;
/* -------------------- LOGIC(reg) -------------------- */
/* x==0 => 32 bit op x==1 => 64 bit op
N==0 => inv? is no-op (no inversion)
N==1 => inv? is NOT
sh: 00=LSL, 01=LSR, 10=ASR, 11=ROR
31 30 28 23 21 20 15 9 4
| | | | | | | | |
x 00 01010 sh N Rm imm6 Rn Rd AND Rd,Rn, inv?(sh(Rm,imm6))
x 01 01010 sh N Rm imm6 Rn Rd ORR Rd,Rn, inv?(sh(Rm,imm6))
x 10 01010 sh N Rm imm6 Rn Rd EOR Rd,Rn, inv?(sh(Rm,imm6))
x 11 01010 sh N Rm imm6 Rn Rd ANDS Rd,Rn, inv?(sh(Rm,imm6))
With N=1, the names are: BIC ORN EON BICS
if (INSN(28,24) == BITS5(0,1,0,1,0)) {
UInt bX = INSN(31,31);
UInt sh = INSN(23,22);
UInt bN = INSN(21,21);
UInt rM = INSN(20,16);
UInt imm6 = INSN(15,10);
UInt rN = INSN(9,5);
UInt rD = INSN(4,0);
Bool is64 = bX == 1;
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
if (!is64 && imm6 > 31) {
/* invalid; fall though */
} else {
IRTemp argL = newTemp(ty);
assign(argL, getIRegOrZR(is64, rN));
IRTemp argR = getShiftedIRegOrZR(is64, sh, imm6, rM, bN == 1);
IROp op = Iop_INVALID;
switch (INSN(30,29)) {
case BITS2(0,0): case BITS2(1,1): op = mkAND(ty); break;
case BITS2(0,1): op = mkOR(ty); break;
case BITS2(1,0): op = mkXOR(ty); break;
default: vassert(0);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(res, binop(op, mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)));
if (INSN(30,29) == BITS2(1,1)) {
setFlags_LOGIC(is64, res);
putIRegOrZR(is64, rD, mkexpr(res));
static const HChar* names_op[8]
= { "and", "orr", "eor", "ands", "bic", "orn", "eon", "bics" };
vassert(((bN << 2) | INSN(30,29)) < 8);
const HChar* nm_op = names_op[(bN << 2) | INSN(30,29)];
/* Special-case the printing of "MOV" */
if (rN == 31/*zr*/ && sh == 0/*LSL*/ && imm6 == 0 && bN == 0) {
DIP("mov %s, %s\n", nameIRegOrZR(is64, rD),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rM));
} else {
DIP("%s %s, %s, %s, %s #%u\n", nm_op,
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rD), nameIRegOrZR(is64, rN),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, rM), nameSH(sh), imm6);
return True;
/* -------------------- {U,S}MULH -------------------- */
/* 31 23 22 20 15 9 4
10011011 1 10 Rm 011111 Rn Rd UMULH Xd,Xn,Xm
10011011 0 10 Rm 011111 Rn Rd SMULH Xd,Xn,Xm
if (INSN(31,24) == BITS8(1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1)
&& INSN(22,21) == BITS2(1,0) && INSN(15,10) == BITS6(0,1,1,1,1,1)) {
Bool isU = INSN(23,23) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
putIReg64orZR(dd, unop(Iop_128HIto64,
binop(isU ? Iop_MullU64 : Iop_MullS64,
getIReg64orZR(nn), getIReg64orZR(mm))));
DIP("%cmulh %s, %s, %s\n",
isU ? 'u' : 's',
nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg64orZR(mm));
return True;
/* -------------------- M{ADD,SUB} -------------------- */
/* 31 30 20 15 14 9 4
sf 00 11011 000 m 0 a n r MADD Rd,Rn,Rm,Ra d = a+m*n
sf 00 11011 000 m 1 a n r MADD Rd,Rn,Rm,Ra d = a-m*n
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0)) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
Bool isAdd = INSN(15,15) == 0;
UInt aa = INSN(14,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
if (is64) {
binop(isAdd ? Iop_Add64 : Iop_Sub64,
binop(Iop_Mul64, getIReg64orZR(mm), getIReg64orZR(nn))));
} else {
binop(isAdd ? Iop_Add32 : Iop_Sub32,
binop(Iop_Mul32, getIReg32orZR(mm), getIReg32orZR(nn))));
DIP("%s %s, %s, %s, %s\n",
isAdd ? "madd" : "msub",
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, mm), nameIRegOrZR(is64, aa));
return True;
/* ---------------- CS{EL,INC,INV,NEG} ---------------- */
/* 31 30 28 20 15 11 9 4
sf 00 1101 0100 mm cond 00 nn dd CSEL Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 00 1101 0100 mm cond 01 nn dd CSINC Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 10 1101 0100 mm cond 00 nn dd CSINV Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 10 1101 0100 mm cond 01 nn dd CSNEG Rd,Rn,Rm
In all cases, the operation is: Rd = if cond then Rn else OP(Rm)
if (INSN(29,21) == BITS9(0, 1,1,0,1, 0,1,0,0) && INSN(11,11) == 0) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt b30 = INSN(30,30);
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt cond = INSN(15,12);
UInt b10 = INSN(10,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
UInt op = (b30 << 1) | b10; /* 00=id 01=inc 10=inv 11=neg */
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRExpr* argL = getIRegOrZR(is64, nn);
IRExpr* argR = getIRegOrZR(is64, mm);
switch (op) {
case BITS2(0,0):
case BITS2(0,1):
argR = binop(mkADD(ty), argR, mkU(ty,1));
case BITS2(1,0):
argR = unop(mkNOT(ty), argR);
case BITS2(1,1):
argR = binop(mkSUB(ty), mkU(ty,0), argR);
is64, dd,
IRExpr_ITE(unop(Iop_64to1, mk_arm64g_calculate_condition(cond)),
argL, argR)
const HChar* op_nm[4] = { "csel", "csinc", "csinv", "csneg" };
DIP("%s %s, %s, %s, %s\n", op_nm[op],
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, mm), nameCC(cond));
return True;
/* -------------- ADD/SUB(extended reg) -------------- */
/* 28 20 15 12 9 4
000 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d ADD Wd|SP, Wn|SP, Wm ext&lsld
100 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d ADD Xd|SP, Xn|SP, Rm ext&lsld
001 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d ADDS Wd, Wn|SP, Wm ext&lsld
101 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d ADDS Xd, Xn|SP, Rm ext&lsld
010 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d SUB Wd|SP, Wn|SP, Wm ext&lsld
110 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d SUB Xd|SP, Xn|SP, Rm ext&lsld
011 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d SUBS Wd, Wn|SP, Wm ext&lsld
111 01011 00 1 m opt imm3 n d SUBS Xd, Xn|SP, Rm ext&lsld
The 'm' operand is extended per opt, thusly:
000 Xm & 0xFF UXTB
001 Xm & 0xFFFF UXTH
010 Xm & (2^32)-1 UXTW
011 Xm UXTX
100 Xm sx from bit 7 SXTB
101 Xm sx from bit 15 SXTH
110 Xm sx from bit 31 SXTW
111 Xm SXTX
In the 64 bit case (bit31 == 1), UXTX and SXTX are the identity
operation on Xm. In the 32 bit case, UXTW, UXTX, SXTW and SXTX
are the identity operation on Wm.
After extension, the value is shifted left by imm3 bits, which
may only be in the range 0 .. 4 inclusive.
if (INSN(28,21) == BITS8(0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1) && INSN(12,10) <= 4) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
Bool isSub = INSN(30,30) == 1;
Bool setCC = INSN(29,29) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt opt = INSN(15,13);
UInt imm3 = INSN(12,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
const HChar* nameExt[8] = { "uxtb", "uxth", "uxtw", "uxtx",
"sxtb", "sxth", "sxtw", "sxtx" };
/* Do almost the same thing in the 32- and 64-bit cases. */
IRTemp xN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp xM = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(xN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
assign(xM, getIReg64orZR(mm));
IRExpr* xMw = mkexpr(xM); /* "xM widened" */
Int shSX = 0;
/* widen Xm .. */
switch (opt) {
case BITS3(0,0,0): // UXTB
xMw = binop(Iop_And64, xMw, mkU64(0xFF)); break;
case BITS3(0,0,1): // UXTH
xMw = binop(Iop_And64, xMw, mkU64(0xFFFF)); break;
case BITS3(0,1,0): // UXTW -- noop for the 32bit case
if (is64) {
xMw = unop(Iop_32Uto64, unop(Iop_64to32, xMw));
case BITS3(0,1,1): // UXTX -- always a noop
case BITS3(1,0,0): // SXTB
shSX = 56; goto sxTo64;
case BITS3(1,0,1): // SXTH
shSX = 48; goto sxTo64;
case BITS3(1,1,0): // SXTW -- noop for the 32bit case
if (is64) {
shSX = 32; goto sxTo64;
case BITS3(1,1,1): // SXTX -- always a noop
vassert(shSX >= 32);
xMw = binop(Iop_Sar64, binop(Iop_Shl64, xMw, mkU8(shSX)),
/* and now shift */
IRTemp argL = xN;
IRTemp argR = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(argR, binop(Iop_Shl64, xMw, mkU8(imm3)));
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(res, binop(isSub ? Iop_Sub64 : Iop_Add64,
mkexpr(argL), mkexpr(argR)));
if (is64) {
if (setCC) {
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
setFlags_ADD_SUB(True/*is64*/, isSub, argL, argR);
} else {
putIReg64orSP(dd, mkexpr(res));
} else {
if (setCC) {
IRTemp argL32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp argR32 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
putIReg32orZR(dd, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(res)));
assign(argL32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(argL)));
assign(argR32, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(argR)));
setFlags_ADD_SUB(False/*!is64*/, isSub, argL32, argR32);
} else {
putIReg32orSP(dd, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(res)));
DIP("%s%s %s, %s, %s %s lsl %u\n",
isSub ? "sub" : "add", setCC ? "s" : "",
setCC ? nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd) : nameIRegOrSP(is64, dd),
nameIRegOrSP(is64, nn), nameIRegOrSP(is64, mm),
nameExt[opt], imm3);
return True;
/* ---------------- CCMP/CCMN(imm) ---------------- */
/* Bizarrely, these appear in the "data processing register"
category, even though they are operations against an
immediate. */
/* 31 29 20 15 11 9 3
sf 1 111010010 imm5 cond 10 Rn 0 nzcv CCMP Rn, #imm5, #nzcv, cond
sf 0 111010010 imm5 cond 10 Rn 0 nzcv CCMN Rn, #imm5, #nzcv, cond
Operation is:
(CCMP) flags = if cond then flags-after-sub(Rn,imm5) else nzcv
(CCMN) flags = if cond then flags-after-add(Rn,imm5) else nzcv
if (INSN(29,21) == BITS9(1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)
&& INSN(11,10) == BITS2(1,0) && INSN(4,4) == 0) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
Bool isSUB = INSN(30,30) == 1;
UInt imm5 = INSN(20,16);
UInt cond = INSN(15,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt nzcv = INSN(3,0);
IRTemp condT = newTemp(Ity_I1);
assign(condT, unop(Iop_64to1, mk_arm64g_calculate_condition(cond)));
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp argL = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp argR = newTemp(ty);
if (is64) {
assign(argL, getIReg64orZR(nn));
assign(argR, mkU64(imm5));
} else {
assign(argL, getIReg32orZR(nn));
assign(argR, mkU32(imm5));
setFlags_ADD_SUB_conditionally(is64, isSUB, condT, argL, argR, nzcv);
DIP("ccm%c %s, #%u, #%u, %s\n",
isSUB ? 'p' : 'n', nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
imm5, nzcv, nameCC(cond));
return True;
/* ---------------- CCMP/CCMN(reg) ---------------- */
/* 31 29 20 15 11 9 3
sf 1 111010010 Rm cond 00 Rn 0 nzcv CCMP Rn, Rm, #nzcv, cond
sf 0 111010010 Rm cond 00 Rn 0 nzcv CCMN Rn, Rm, #nzcv, cond
Operation is:
(CCMP) flags = if cond then flags-after-sub(Rn,Rm) else nzcv
(CCMN) flags = if cond then flags-after-add(Rn,Rm) else nzcv
if (INSN(29,21) == BITS9(1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)
&& INSN(11,10) == BITS2(0,0) && INSN(4,4) == 0) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
Bool isSUB = INSN(30,30) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt cond = INSN(15,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt nzcv = INSN(3,0);
IRTemp condT = newTemp(Ity_I1);
assign(condT, unop(Iop_64to1, mk_arm64g_calculate_condition(cond)));
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp argL = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp argR = newTemp(ty);
if (is64) {
assign(argL, getIReg64orZR(nn));
assign(argR, getIReg64orZR(mm));
} else {
assign(argL, getIReg32orZR(nn));
assign(argR, getIReg32orZR(mm));
setFlags_ADD_SUB_conditionally(is64, isSUB, condT, argL, argR, nzcv);
DIP("ccm%c %s, %s, #%u, %s\n",
isSUB ? 'p' : 'n', nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, mm), nzcv, nameCC(cond));
return True;
/* -------------- REV/REV16/REV32/RBIT -------------- */
/* 31 30 28 20 15 11 9 4
1 10 11010110 00000 0000 11 n d (1) REV Xd, Xn
0 10 11010110 00000 0000 10 n d (2) REV Wd, Wn
1 10 11010110 00000 0000 00 n d (3) RBIT Xd, Xn
0 10 11010110 00000 0000 00 n d (4) RBIT Wd, Wn
1 10 11010110 00000 0000 01 n d (5) REV16 Xd, Xn
0 10 11010110 00000 0000 01 n d (6) REV16 Wd, Wn
1 10 11010110 00000 0000 10 n d (7) REV32 Xd, Xn
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0)
&& INSN(20,12) == BITS9(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) {
UInt b31 = INSN(31,31);
UInt opc = INSN(11,10);
UInt ix = 0;
/**/ if (b31 == 1 && opc == BITS2(1,1)) ix = 1;
else if (b31 == 0 && opc == BITS2(1,0)) ix = 2;
else if (b31 == 1 && opc == BITS2(0,0)) ix = 3;
else if (b31 == 0 && opc == BITS2(0,0)) ix = 4;
else if (b31 == 1 && opc == BITS2(0,1)) ix = 5;
else if (b31 == 0 && opc == BITS2(0,1)) ix = 6;
else if (b31 == 1 && opc == BITS2(1,0)) ix = 7;
if (ix >= 1 && ix <= 7) {
Bool is64 = ix == 1 || ix == 3 || ix == 5 || ix == 7;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp src = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp dst = IRTemp_INVALID;
IRTemp (*math)(IRTemp) = NULL;
switch (ix) {
case 1: case 2: math = math_BYTESWAP64; break;
case 3: case 4: math = math_BITSWAP64; break;
case 5: case 6: math = math_USHORTSWAP64; break;
case 7: math = math_UINTSWAP64; break;
default: vassert(0);
const HChar* names[7]
= { "rev", "rev", "rbit", "rbit", "rev16", "rev16", "rev32" };
const HChar* nm = names[ix-1];
if (ix == 6) {
/* This has to be special cased, since the logic below doesn't
handle it correctly. */
assign(src, getIReg64orZR(nn));
dst = math(src);
unop(Iop_32Uto64, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(dst))));
} else if (is64) {
assign(src, getIReg64orZR(nn));
dst = math(src);
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(dst));
} else {
assign(src, binop(Iop_Shl64, getIReg64orZR(nn), mkU8(32)));
dst = math(src);
putIReg32orZR(dd, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(dst)));
DIP("%s %s, %s\n", nm,
nameIRegOrZR(is64,dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64,nn));
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* -------------------- CLZ/CLS -------------------- */
/* 30 28 24 20 15 9 4
sf 10 1101 0110 00000 00010 0 n d CLZ Rd, Rn
sf 10 1101 0110 00000 00010 1 n d CLS Rd, Rn
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0)
&& INSN(20,11) == BITS10(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
Bool isCLS = INSN(10,10) == 1;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp src = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp srcZ = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp dst = newTemp(Ity_I64);
/* Get the argument, widened out to 64 bit */
if (is64) {
assign(src, getIReg64orZR(nn));
} else {
assign(src, binop(Iop_Shl64,
unop(Iop_32Uto64, getIReg32orZR(nn)), mkU8(32)));
/* If this is CLS, mash the arg around accordingly */
if (isCLS) {
IRExpr* one = mkU8(1);
binop(Iop_Shl64, mkexpr(src), one),
binop(Iop_Shl64, binop(Iop_Shr64, mkexpr(src), one), one)));
} else {
assign(srcZ, mkexpr(src));
/* And compute CLZ. */
if (is64) {
assign(dst, IRExpr_ITE(binop(Iop_CmpEQ64, mkexpr(srcZ), mkU64(0)),
mkU64(isCLS ? 63 : 64),
unop(Iop_Clz64, mkexpr(srcZ))));
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(dst));
} else {
assign(dst, IRExpr_ITE(binop(Iop_CmpEQ64, mkexpr(srcZ), mkU64(0)),
mkU64(isCLS ? 31 : 32),
unop(Iop_Clz64, mkexpr(srcZ))));
putIReg32orZR(dd, unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(dst)));
DIP("cl%c %s, %s\n", isCLS ? 's' : 'z',
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd), nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn));
return True;
/* ------------------ LSLV/LSRV/ASRV/RORV ------------------ */
/* 30 28 20 15 11 9 4
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0010 00 n d LSLV Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0010 01 n d LSRV Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0010 10 n d ASRV Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0010 11 n d RORV Rd,Rn,Rm
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0)
&& INSN(15,12) == BITS4(0,0,1,0)) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt op = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
IRType ty = is64 ? Ity_I64 : Ity_I32;
IRTemp srcL = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp srcR = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
IROp iop = Iop_INVALID;
assign(srcL, getIRegOrZR(is64, nn));
assign(srcR, binop(Iop_And64, getIReg64orZR(mm),
mkU64(is64 ? 63 : 31)));
if (op < 3) {
switch (op) {
case BITS2(0,0): iop = mkSHL(ty); break;
case BITS2(0,1): iop = mkSHR(ty); break;
case BITS2(1,0): iop = mkSAR(ty); break;
default: vassert(0);
assign(res, binop(iop, mkexpr(srcL),
unop(Iop_64to8, mkexpr(srcR))));
} else {
IROp opSHL = mkSHL(ty);
IROp opSHR = mkSHR(ty);
IROp opOR = mkOR(ty);
IRExpr* width = mkU64(is64 ? 64: 32);
binop(Iop_CmpEQ64, mkexpr(srcR), mkU64(0)),
unop(Iop_64to8, binop(Iop_Sub64, width,
mkexpr(srcL), unop(Iop_64to8, mkexpr(srcR))))
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, mkexpr(res));
vassert(op < 4);
const HChar* names[4] = { "lslv", "lsrv", "asrv", "rorv" };
DIP("%s %s, %s, %s\n",
names[op], nameIRegOrZR(is64,dd),
nameIRegOrZR(is64,nn), nameIRegOrZR(is64,mm));
return True;
/* -------------------- SDIV/UDIV -------------------- */
/* 30 28 20 15 10 9 4
sf 00 1101 0110 m 00001 1 n d SDIV Rd,Rn,Rm
sf 00 1101 0110 m 00001 0 n d UDIV Rd,Rn,Rm
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0)
&& INSN(15,11) == BITS5(0,0,0,0,1)) {
Bool is64 = INSN(31,31) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
Bool isS = INSN(10,10) == 1;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
if (isS) {
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, binop(is64 ? Iop_DivS64 : Iop_DivS32,
getIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
getIRegOrZR(is64, mm)));
} else {
putIRegOrZR(is64, dd, binop(is64 ? Iop_DivU64 : Iop_DivU32,
getIRegOrZR(is64, nn),
getIRegOrZR(is64, mm)));
DIP("%cdiv %s, %s, %s\n", isS ? 's' : 'u',
nameIRegOrZR(is64, dd),
nameIRegOrZR(is64, nn), nameIRegOrZR(is64, mm));
return True;
/* ------------------ {S,U}M{ADD,SUB}L ------------------ */
/* 31 23 20 15 14 9 4
1001 1011 101 m 0 a n d UMADDL Xd,Wn,Wm,Xa
1001 1011 001 m 0 a n d SMADDL Xd,Wn,Wm,Xa
1001 1011 101 m 1 a n d UMSUBL Xd,Wn,Wm,Xa
1001 1011 001 m 1 a n d SMSUBL Xd,Wn,Wm,Xa
with operation
Xd = Xa +/- (Wn *u/s Wm)
if (INSN(31,24) == BITS8(1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1) && INSN(22,21) == BITS2(0,1)) {
Bool isU = INSN(23,23) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
Bool isAdd = INSN(15,15) == 0;
UInt aa = INSN(14,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp wN = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp wM = newTemp(Ity_I32);
IRTemp xA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp muld = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(wN, getIReg32orZR(nn));
assign(wM, getIReg32orZR(mm));
assign(xA, getIReg64orZR(aa));
assign(muld, binop(isU ? Iop_MullU32 : Iop_MullS32,
mkexpr(wN), mkexpr(wM)));
assign(res, binop(isAdd ? Iop_Add64 : Iop_Sub64,
mkexpr(xA), mkexpr(muld)));
putIReg64orZR(dd, mkexpr(res));
DIP("%cm%sl %s, %s, %s, %s\n", isU ? 'u' : 's', isAdd ? "add" : "sub",
nameIReg64orZR(dd), nameIReg32orZR(nn),
nameIReg32orZR(mm), nameIReg64orZR(aa));
return True;
/* -------------------- CRC32/CRC32C -------------------- */
/* 31 30 20 15 11 9 4
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0100 sz n d CRC32 Wd, Wn, Wm|Xm
sf 00 1101 0110 m 0101 sz n d CRC32C Wd, Wn, Wm|Xm
if (INSN(30,21) == BITS10(0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0)
&& INSN(15,13) == BITS3(0,1,0)) {
UInt bitSF = INSN(31,31);
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt bitC = INSN(12,12);
UInt sz = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt dd = INSN(4,0);
vassert(sz >= 0 && sz <= 3);
if ((bitSF == 0 && sz <= BITS2(1,0))
|| (bitSF == 1 && sz == BITS2(1,1))) {
UInt ix = (bitC == 1 ? 4 : 0) | sz;
void* helpers[8]
= { &arm64g_calc_crc32b, &arm64g_calc_crc32h,
&arm64g_calc_crc32w, &arm64g_calc_crc32x,
&arm64g_calc_crc32cb, &arm64g_calc_crc32ch,
&arm64g_calc_crc32cw, &arm64g_calc_crc32cx };
const HChar* hNames[8]
= { "arm64g_calc_crc32b", "arm64g_calc_crc32h",
"arm64g_calc_crc32w", "arm64g_calc_crc32x",
"arm64g_calc_crc32cb", "arm64g_calc_crc32ch",
"arm64g_calc_crc32cw", "arm64g_calc_crc32cx" };
const HChar* iNames[8]
= { "crc32b", "crc32h", "crc32w", "crc32x",
"crc32cb", "crc32ch", "crc32cw", "crc32cx" };
IRTemp srcN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(srcN, unop(Iop_32Uto64, unop(Iop_64to32, getIReg64orZR(nn))));
IRTemp srcM = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRExpr* at64 = getIReg64orZR(mm);
switch (sz) {
case BITS2(0,0):
assign(srcM, binop(Iop_And64, at64, mkU64(0xFF))); break;
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(srcM, binop(Iop_And64, at64, mkU64(0xFFFF))); break;
case BITS2(1,0):
assign(srcM, binop(Iop_And64, at64, mkU64(0xFFFFFFFF))); break;
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(srcM, at64); break;
vassert(ix >= 0 && ix <= 7);
mkIRExprCCall(Ity_I64, 0/*regparm*/,
hNames[ix], helpers[ix],
DIP("%s %s, %s, %s\n", iNames[ix],
nameIReg32orZR(nn), nameIRegOrZR(bitSF == 1, mm));
return True;
/* fall through */
if (sigill_diag) {
vex_printf("ARM64 front end: data_processing_register\n");
return False;
# undef INSN
/*--- Math helpers for vector interleave/deinterleave ---*/
#define EX(_tmp) \
#define SL(_hi128,_lo128,_nbytes) \
( (_nbytes) == 0 \
? (_lo128) \
: triop(Iop_SliceV128,(_hi128),(_lo128),mkU8(_nbytes)) )
#define ROR(_v128,_nbytes) \
#define ROL(_v128,_nbytes) \
#define SHR(_v128,_nbytes) \
#define SHL(_v128,_nbytes) \
#define ILO64x2(_argL,_argR) \
#define IHI64x2(_argL,_argR) \
#define ILO32x4(_argL,_argR) \
#define IHI32x4(_argL,_argR) \
#define ILO16x8(_argL,_argR) \
#define IHI16x8(_argL,_argR) \
#define ILO8x16(_argL,_argR) \
#define IHI8x16(_argL,_argR) \
#define CEV32x4(_argL,_argR) \
#define COD32x4(_argL,_argR) \
#define COD16x8(_argL,_argR) \
#define COD8x16(_argL,_argR) \
#define CEV8x16(_argL,_argR) \
#define AND(_arg1,_arg2) \
#define OR2(_arg1,_arg2) \
#define OR3(_arg1,_arg2,_arg3) \
#define OR4(_arg1,_arg2,_arg3,_arg4) \
binop(Iop_OrV128, \
binop(Iop_OrV128,(_arg1),(_arg2)), \
/* Do interleaving for 1 128 bit vector, for ST1 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE1_128( /*OUTx1*/ IRTemp* i0,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp u0 )
assign(*i0, mkexpr(u0));
/* Do interleaving for 2 128 bit vectors, for ST2 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE2_128( /*OUTx2*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1 )
/* This is pretty easy, since we have primitives directly to
hand. */
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
// u1 == B1 B0, u0 == A1 A0
// i1 == B1 A1, i0 == B0 A0
assign(*i0, binop(Iop_InterleaveLO64x2, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
assign(*i1, binop(Iop_InterleaveHI64x2, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
// u1 == B3 B2 B1 B0, u0 == A3 A2 A1 A0,
// i1 == B3 A3 B2 A2, i0 == B1 A1 B0 A0
assign(*i0, binop(Iop_InterleaveLO32x4, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
assign(*i1, binop(Iop_InterleaveHI32x4, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// u1 == B{7..0}, u0 == A{7..0}
// i0 == B3 A3 B2 A2 B1 A1 B0 A0
// i1 == B7 A7 B6 A6 B5 A5 B4 A4
assign(*i0, binop(Iop_InterleaveLO16x8, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
assign(*i1, binop(Iop_InterleaveHI16x8, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16
// u1 == B{f..0}, u0 == A{f..0}
// i0 == B7 A7 B6 A6 B5 A5 B4 A4 B3 A3 B2 A2 B1 A1 B0 A0
// i1 == Bf Af Be Ae Bd Ad Bc Ac Bb Ab Ba Aa B9 A9 B8 A8
assign(*i0, binop(Iop_InterleaveLO8x16, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
assign(*i1, binop(Iop_InterleaveHI8x16, mkexpr(u1), mkexpr(u0)));
/* Do interleaving for 3 128 bit vectors, for ST3 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE3_128(
/*OUTx3*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1, IRTemp* i2,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1, IRTemp u2 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
// u2 == C1 C0, u1 == B1 B0, u0 == A1 A0
// i2 == C1 B1, i1 == A1 C0, i0 == B0 A0,
assign(*i2, IHI64x2( EX(u2), EX(u1) ));
assign(*i1, ILO64x2( ROR(EX(u0),8), EX(u2) ));
assign(*i0, ILO64x2( EX(u1), EX(u0) ));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
// u2 == C3 C2 C1 C0, u1 == B3 B2 B1 B0, u0 == A3 A2 A1 A0
// p2 == C3 C2 B3 B2, p1 == A3 A2 C1 C0, p0 == B1 B0 A1 A0
// i2 == C3 B3 A2 C2, i1 == B2 A2 C1 B1, i0 == A1 C0 B0 A0
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c1100 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c0011 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c0110 = newTempV128();
assign(c1100, mkV128(0xFF00));
assign(c0011, mkV128(0x00FF));
assign(c0110, mkV128(0x0FF0));
// First interleave them at 64x2 granularity,
// generating partial ("p") values.
math_INTERLEAVE3_128(&p0, &p1, &p2, 3, u0, u1, u2);
// And more shuffling around for the final answer
assign(*i2, OR2( AND( IHI32x4(EX(p2), ROL(EX(p2),8)), EX(c1100) ),
AND( IHI32x4(ROR(EX(p1),4), EX(p2)), EX(c0011) ) ));
assign(*i1, OR3( SHL(EX(p2),12),
SHR(EX(p0),12) ));
assign(*i0, OR2( AND( ILO32x4(EX(p0),ROL(EX(p1),4)), EX(c1100) ),
AND( ILO32x4(ROR(EX(p0),8),EX(p0)), EX(c0011) ) ));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// u2 == C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0
// u1 == B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
// u0 == A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
// p2 == C7 C6 B7 B6 A7 A6 C5 C4
// p1 == B5 B4 A5 A4 C3 C2 B3 B2
// p0 == A3 A2 C1 C0 B1 B0 A1 A0
// i2 == C7 B7 A7 C6 B6 A6 C5 B5
// i1 == A5 C4 B4 A4 C4 B3 A3 C2
// i0 == B2 A2 C1 B1 A1 C0 B0 A0
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c1000 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c0100 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c0010 = newTempV128();
IRTemp c0001 = newTempV128();
assign(c1000, mkV128(0xF000));
assign(c0100, mkV128(0x0F00));
assign(c0010, mkV128(0x00F0));
assign(c0001, mkV128(0x000F));
// First interleave them at 32x4 granularity,
// generating partial ("p") values.
math_INTERLEAVE3_128(&p0, &p1, &p2, 2, u0, u1, u2);
// And more shuffling around for the final answer
OR4( AND( IHI16x8( EX(p2), ROL(EX(p2),4) ), EX(c1000) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p2),6), EX(p2) ), EX(c0100) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p2),2), ROL(EX(p2),6) ), EX(c0010) ),
AND( ILO16x8( ROR(EX(p2),2), ROL(EX(p1),2) ), EX(c0001) )
OR4( AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p1),4), ROR(EX(p2),2) ), EX(c1000) ),
AND( IHI16x8( EX(p1), ROL(EX(p1),4) ), EX(c0100) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p1),4), ROL(EX(p1),8) ), EX(c0010) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROR(EX(p0),6), ROL(EX(p1),4) ), EX(c0001) )
OR4( AND( IHI16x8( ROR(EX(p1),2), ROL(EX(p0),2) ), EX(c1000) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p0),2), ROL(EX(p0),6) ), EX(c0100) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p0),8), ROL(EX(p0),2) ), EX(c0010) ),
AND( IHI16x8( ROL(EX(p0),4), ROL(EX(p0),8) ), EX(c0001) )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16. It doesn't seem worth the hassle of first doing a
// 16x8 interleave, so just generate all 24 partial results
// directly :-(
// u2 == Cf .. C0, u1 == Bf .. B0, u0 == Af .. A0
// i2 == Cf Bf Af Ce .. Bb Ab Ca
// i1 == Ba Aa C9 B9 .. A6 C5 B5
// i0 == A5 C4 B4 A4 .. C0 B0 A0
IRTemp i2_FEDC = newTempV128(); IRTemp i2_BA98 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i2_7654 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i2_3210 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i1_FEDC = newTempV128(); IRTemp i1_BA98 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i1_7654 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i1_3210 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i0_FEDC = newTempV128(); IRTemp i0_BA98 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i0_7654 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i0_3210 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i2_hi64 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i2_lo64 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i1_hi64 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i1_lo64 = newTempV128();
IRTemp i0_hi64 = newTempV128(); IRTemp i0_lo64 = newTempV128();
// eg XXXX(qqq, CC, 0xF, BB, 0xA)) sets qqq to be a vector
// of the form 14 bytes junk : CC[0xF] : BB[0xA]
# define XXXX(_tempName,_srcVec1,_srcShift1,_srcVec2,_srcShift2) \
IRTemp t_##_tempName = newTempV128(); \
assign(t_##_tempName, \
ILO8x16( ROR(EX(_srcVec1),(_srcShift1)), \
ROR(EX(_srcVec2),(_srcShift2)) ) )
// Let CC, BB, AA be (handy) aliases of u2, u1, u0 respectively
IRTemp CC = u2; IRTemp BB = u1; IRTemp AA = u0;
// The slicing and reassembly are done as interleavedly as possible,
// so as to minimise the demand for registers in the back end, which
// was observed to be a problem in testing.
XXXX(CfBf, CC, 0xf, BB, 0xf); // i2[15:14]
XXXX(AfCe, AA, 0xf, CC, 0xe);
assign(i2_FEDC, ILO16x8(EX(t_CfBf), EX(t_AfCe)));
XXXX(BeAe, BB, 0xe, AA, 0xe);
XXXX(CdBd, CC, 0xd, BB, 0xd);
assign(i2_BA98, ILO16x8(EX(t_BeAe), EX(t_CdBd)));
assign(i2_hi64, ILO32x4(EX(i2_FEDC), EX(i2_BA98)));
XXXX(AdCc, AA, 0xd, CC, 0xc);
XXXX(BcAc, BB, 0xc, AA, 0xc);
assign(i2_7654, ILO16x8(EX(t_AdCc), EX(t_BcAc)));
XXXX(CbBb, CC, 0xb, BB, 0xb);
XXXX(AbCa, AA, 0xb, CC, 0xa); // i2[1:0]
assign(i2_3210, ILO16x8(EX(t_CbBb), EX(t_AbCa)));
assign(i2_lo64, ILO32x4(EX(i2_7654), EX(i2_3210)));
assign(*i2, ILO64x2(EX(i2_hi64), EX(i2_lo64)));
XXXX(BaAa, BB, 0xa, AA, 0xa); // i1[15:14]
XXXX(C9B9, CC, 0x9, BB, 0x9);
assign(i1_FEDC, ILO16x8(EX(t_BaAa), EX(t_C9B9)));
XXXX(A9C8, AA, 0x9, CC, 0x8);
XXXX(B8A8, BB, 0x8, AA, 0x8);
assign(i1_BA98, ILO16x8(EX(t_A9C8), EX(t_B8A8)));
assign(i1_hi64, ILO32x4(EX(i1_FEDC), EX(i1_BA98)));
XXXX(C7B7, CC, 0x7, BB, 0x7);
XXXX(A7C6, AA, 0x7, CC, 0x6);
assign(i1_7654, ILO16x8(EX(t_C7B7), EX(t_A7C6)));
XXXX(B6A6, BB, 0x6, AA, 0x6);
XXXX(C5B5, CC, 0x5, BB, 0x5); // i1[1:0]
assign(i1_3210, ILO16x8(EX(t_B6A6), EX(t_C5B5)));
assign(i1_lo64, ILO32x4(EX(i1_7654), EX(i1_3210)));
assign(*i1, ILO64x2(EX(i1_hi64), EX(i1_lo64)));
XXXX(A5C4, AA, 0x5, CC, 0x4); // i0[15:14]
XXXX(B4A4, BB, 0x4, AA, 0x4);
assign(i0_FEDC, ILO16x8(EX(t_A5C4), EX(t_B4A4)));
XXXX(C3B3, CC, 0x3, BB, 0x3);
XXXX(A3C2, AA, 0x3, CC, 0x2);
assign(i0_BA98, ILO16x8(EX(t_C3B3), EX(t_A3C2)));
assign(i0_hi64, ILO32x4(EX(i0_FEDC), EX(i0_BA98)));
XXXX(B2A2, BB, 0x2, AA, 0x2);
XXXX(C1B1, CC, 0x1, BB, 0x1);
assign(i0_7654, ILO16x8(EX(t_B2A2), EX(t_C1B1)));
XXXX(A1C0, AA, 0x1, CC, 0x0);
XXXX(B0A0, BB, 0x0, AA, 0x0); // i0[1:0]
assign(i0_3210, ILO16x8(EX(t_A1C0), EX(t_B0A0)));
assign(i0_lo64, ILO32x4(EX(i0_7654), EX(i0_3210)));
assign(*i0, ILO64x2(EX(i0_hi64), EX(i0_lo64)));
# undef XXXX
/* Do interleaving for 4 128 bit vectors, for ST4 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE4_128(
/*OUTx4*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1, IRTemp* i2, IRTemp* i3,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1, IRTemp u2, IRTemp u3 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
assign(*i0, ILO64x2(EX(u1), EX(u0)));
assign(*i1, ILO64x2(EX(u3), EX(u2)));
assign(*i2, IHI64x2(EX(u1), EX(u0)));
assign(*i3, IHI64x2(EX(u3), EX(u2)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
// First, interleave at the 64-bit lane size.
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE4_128(&p0, &p1, &p2, &p3, 3, u0, u1, u2, u3);
// And interleave (cat) at the 32 bit size.
assign(*i0, CEV32x4(EX(p1), EX(p0)));
assign(*i1, COD32x4(EX(p1), EX(p0)));
assign(*i2, CEV32x4(EX(p3), EX(p2)));
assign(*i3, COD32x4(EX(p3), EX(p2)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// First, interleave at the 32-bit lane size.
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE4_128(&p0, &p1, &p2, &p3, 2, u0, u1, u2, u3);
// And rearrange within each vector, to get the right 16 bit lanes.
assign(*i0, COD16x8(EX(p0), SHL(EX(p0), 2)));
assign(*i1, COD16x8(EX(p1), SHL(EX(p1), 2)));
assign(*i2, COD16x8(EX(p2), SHL(EX(p2), 2)));
assign(*i3, COD16x8(EX(p3), SHL(EX(p3), 2)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16
// First, interleave at the 16-bit lane size.
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE4_128(&p0, &p1, &p2, &p3, 1, u0, u1, u2, u3);
// And rearrange within each vector, to get the right 8 bit lanes.
assign(*i0, IHI32x4(COD8x16(EX(p0),EX(p0)), CEV8x16(EX(p0),EX(p0))));
assign(*i1, IHI32x4(COD8x16(EX(p1),EX(p1)), CEV8x16(EX(p1),EX(p1))));
assign(*i2, IHI32x4(COD8x16(EX(p2),EX(p2)), CEV8x16(EX(p2),EX(p2))));
assign(*i3, IHI32x4(COD8x16(EX(p3),EX(p3)), CEV8x16(EX(p3),EX(p3))));
/* Do deinterleaving for 1 128 bit vector, for LD1 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE1_128( /*OUTx1*/ IRTemp* u0,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp i0 )
assign(*u0, mkexpr(i0));
/* Do deinterleaving for 2 128 bit vectors, for LD2 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE2_128( /*OUTx2*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1 )
/* This is pretty easy, since we have primitives directly to
hand. */
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
// i1 == B1 A1, i0 == B0 A0
// u1 == B1 B0, u0 == A1 A0
assign(*u0, binop(Iop_InterleaveLO64x2, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
assign(*u1, binop(Iop_InterleaveHI64x2, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
// i1 == B3 A3 B2 A2, i0 == B1 A1 B0 A0
// u1 == B3 B2 B1 B0, u0 == A3 A2 A1 A0,
assign(*u0, binop(Iop_CatEvenLanes32x4, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
assign(*u1, binop(Iop_CatOddLanes32x4, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// i0 == B3 A3 B2 A2 B1 A1 B0 A0
// i1 == B7 A7 B6 A6 B5 A5 B4 A4
// u1 == B{7..0}, u0 == A{7..0}
assign(*u0, binop(Iop_CatEvenLanes16x8, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
assign(*u1, binop(Iop_CatOddLanes16x8, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16
// i0 == B7 A7 B6 A6 B5 A5 B4 A4 B3 A3 B2 A2 B1 A1 B0 A0
// i1 == Bf Af Be Ae Bd Ad Bc Ac Bb Ab Ba Aa B9 A9 B8 A8
// u1 == B{f..0}, u0 == A{f..0}
assign(*u0, binop(Iop_CatEvenLanes8x16, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
assign(*u1, binop(Iop_CatOddLanes8x16, mkexpr(i1), mkexpr(i0)));
/* Do deinterleaving for 3 128 bit vectors, for LD3 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128(
/*OUTx3*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1, IRTemp* u2,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1, IRTemp i2 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
// i2 == C1 B1, i1 == A1 C0, i0 == B0 A0,
// u2 == C1 C0, u1 == B1 B0, u0 == A1 A0
assign(*u2, ILO64x2( ROL(EX(i2),8), EX(i1) ));
assign(*u1, ILO64x2( EX(i2), ROL(EX(i0),8) ));
assign(*u0, ILO64x2( ROL(EX(i1),8), EX(i0) ));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
// i2 == C3 B3 A2 C2, i1 == B2 A2 C1 B1, i0 == A1 C0 B0 A0
// p2 == C3 C2 B3 B2, p1 == A3 A2 C1 C0, p0 == B1 B0 A1 A0
// u2 == C3 C2 C1 C0, u1 == B3 B2 B1 B0, u0 == A3 A2 A1 A0
IRTemp t_a1c0b0a0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp t_a2c1b1a1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp t_a3c2b2a2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp t_a0c3b3a3 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
// Compute some intermediate values.
assign(t_a1c0b0a0, EX(i0));
assign(t_a2c1b1a1, SL(EX(i1),EX(i0),3*4));
assign(t_a3c2b2a2, SL(EX(i2),EX(i1),2*4));
assign(t_a0c3b3a3, SL(EX(i0),EX(i2),1*4));
// First deinterleave into lane-pairs
assign(p0, ILO32x4(EX(t_a2c1b1a1),EX(t_a1c0b0a0)));
assign(p1, ILO64x2(ILO32x4(EX(t_a0c3b3a3), EX(t_a3c2b2a2)),
IHI32x4(EX(t_a2c1b1a1), EX(t_a1c0b0a0))));
assign(p2, ILO32x4(ROR(EX(t_a0c3b3a3),1*4), ROR(EX(t_a3c2b2a2),1*4)));
// Then deinterleave at 64x2 granularity.
math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128(u0, u1, u2, 3, p0, p1, p2);
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// u2 == C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0
// u1 == B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
// u0 == A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
// i2 == C7 B7 A7 C6 B6 A6 C5 B5
// i1 == A5 C4 B4 A4 C4 B3 A3 C2
// i0 == B2 A2 C1 B1 A1 C0 B0 A0
// p2 == C7 C6 B7 B6 A7 A6 C5 C4
// p1 == B5 B4 A5 A4 C3 C2 B3 B2
// p0 == A3 A2 C1 C0 B1 B0 A1 A0
IRTemp s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1, t2, t3, p0, p1, p2, c00111111;
s0 = s1 = s2 = s3
= t0 = t1 = t2 = t3 = p0 = p1 = p2 = c00111111 = IRTemp_INVALID;
newTempsV128_4(&s0, &s1, &s2, &s3);
newTempsV128_4(&t0, &t1, &t2, &t3);
newTempsV128_4(&p0, &p1, &p2, &c00111111);
// s0 == b2a2 c1b1a1 c0b0a0
// s1 == b4a4 c3b3c3 c2b2a2
// s2 == b6a6 c5b5a5 c4b4a4
// s3 == b0a0 c7b7a7 c6b6a6
assign(s0, EX(i0));
assign(s1, SL(EX(i1),EX(i0),6*2));
assign(s2, SL(EX(i2),EX(i1),4*2));
assign(s3, SL(EX(i0),EX(i2),2*2));
// t0 == 0 0 c1c0 b1b0 a1a0
// t1 == 0 0 c3c2 b3b2 a3a2
// t2 == 0 0 c5c4 b5b4 a5a4
// t3 == 0 0 c7c6 b7b6 a7a6
assign(c00111111, mkV128(0x0FFF));
assign(t0, AND( ILO16x8( ROR(EX(s0),3*2), EX(s0)), EX(c00111111)));
assign(t1, AND( ILO16x8( ROR(EX(s1),3*2), EX(s1)), EX(c00111111)));
assign(t2, AND( ILO16x8( ROR(EX(s2),3*2), EX(s2)), EX(c00111111)));
assign(t3, AND( ILO16x8( ROR(EX(s3),3*2), EX(s3)), EX(c00111111)));
assign(p0, OR2(EX(t0), SHL(EX(t1),6*2)));
assign(p1, OR2(SHL(EX(t2),4*2), SHR(EX(t1),2*2)));
assign(p2, OR2(SHL(EX(t3),2*2), SHR(EX(t2),4*2)));
// Then deinterleave at 32x4 granularity.
math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128(u0, u1, u2, 2, p0, p1, p2);
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16. This is the same scheme as for 16x8, with twice the
// number of intermediate values.
// u2 == C{f..0}
// u1 == B{f..0}
// u0 == A{f..0}
// i2 == CBA{f} CBA{e} CBA{d} CBA{c} CBA{b} C{a}
// i1 == BA{a} CBA{9} CBA{8} CBA{7} CBA{6} CB{5}
// i0 == A{5} CBA{4} CBA{3} CBA{2} CBA{1} CBA{0}
// p2 == C{fe} B{fe} A{fe} C{dc} B{dc} A{dc} C{ba} B{ba}
// p1 == A{ba} C{98} B{98} A{98} C{76} B{76} A{76} C{54}
// p0 == B{54} A{54} C{32} B{32} A{32} C{10} B{10} A{10}
IRTemp s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7,
t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, p0, p1, p2, cMASK;
s0 = s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = s5 = s6 = s7
= t0 = t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = t7 = p0 = p1 = p2 = cMASK
newTempsV128_4(&s0, &s1, &s2, &s3);
newTempsV128_4(&s4, &s5, &s6, &s7);
newTempsV128_4(&t0, &t1, &t2, &t3);
newTempsV128_4(&t4, &t5, &t6, &t7);
newTempsV128_4(&p0, &p1, &p2, &cMASK);
// s0 == A{5} CBA{4} CBA{3} CBA{2} CBA{1} CBA{0}
// s1 == A{7} CBA{6} CBA{5} CBA{4} CBA{3} CBA{2}
// s2 == A{9} CBA{8} CBA{7} CBA{6} CBA{5} CBA{4}
// s3 == A{b} CBA{a} CBA{9} CBA{8} CBA{7} CBA{6}
// s4 == A{d} CBA{c} CBA{b} CBA{a} CBA{9} CBA{8}
// s5 == A{f} CBA{e} CBA{d} CBA{c} CBA{b} CBA{a}
// s6 == A{1} CBA{0} CBA{f} CBA{e} CBA{d} CBA{c}
// s7 == A{3} CBA{2} CBA{1} CBA{0} CBA{f} CBA{e}
assign(s0, SL(EX(i1),EX(i0), 0));
assign(s1, SL(EX(i1),EX(i0), 6));
assign(s2, SL(EX(i1),EX(i0),12));
assign(s3, SL(EX(i2),EX(i1), 2));
assign(s4, SL(EX(i2),EX(i1), 8));
assign(s5, SL(EX(i2),EX(i1),14));
assign(s6, SL(EX(i0),EX(i2), 4));
assign(s7, SL(EX(i0),EX(i2),10));
// t0 == 0--(ten)--0 C1 C0 B1 B0 A1 A0
// t1 == 0--(ten)--0 C3 C2 B3 B2 A3 A2
// t2 == 0--(ten)--0 C5 C4 B5 B4 A5 A4
// t3 == 0--(ten)--0 C7 C6 B7 B6 A7 A6
// t4 == 0--(ten)--0 C9 C8 B9 B8 A9 A8
// t5 == 0--(ten)--0 Cb Ca Bb Ba Ab Aa
// t6 == 0--(ten)--0 Cd Cc Bd Bc Ad Ac
// t7 == 0--(ten)--0 Cf Ce Bf Be Af Ae
assign(cMASK, mkV128(0x003F));
assign(t0, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s0),3), EX(s0)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t1, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s1),3), EX(s1)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t2, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s2),3), EX(s2)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t3, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s3),3), EX(s3)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t4, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s4),3), EX(s4)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t5, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s5),3), EX(s5)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t6, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s6),3), EX(s6)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(t7, AND( ILO8x16( ROR(EX(s7),3), EX(s7)), EX(cMASK)));
assign(p0, OR3( SHL(EX(t2),12), SHL(EX(t1),6), EX(t0) ));
assign(p1, OR4( SHL(EX(t5),14), SHL(EX(t4),8),
SHL(EX(t3),2), SHR(EX(t2),4) ));
assign(p2, OR3( SHL(EX(t7),10), SHL(EX(t6),4), SHR(EX(t5),2) ));
// Then deinterleave at 16x8 granularity.
math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128(u0, u1, u2, 1, p0, p1, p2);
/* Do deinterleaving for 4 128 bit vectors, for LD4 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128(
/*OUTx4*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1, IRTemp* u2, IRTemp* u3,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1, IRTemp i2, IRTemp i3 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 64x2
assign(*u0, ILO64x2(EX(i2), EX(i0)));
assign(*u1, IHI64x2(EX(i2), EX(i0)));
assign(*u2, ILO64x2(EX(i3), EX(i1)));
assign(*u3, IHI64x2(EX(i3), EX(i1)));
if (laneSzBlg2 == 2) {
// 32x4
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
assign(p0, ILO32x4(EX(i1), EX(i0)));
assign(p1, IHI32x4(EX(i1), EX(i0)));
assign(p2, ILO32x4(EX(i3), EX(i2)));
assign(p3, IHI32x4(EX(i3), EX(i2)));
// And now do what we did for the 64-bit case.
math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128(u0, u1, u2, u3, 3, p0, p1, p2, p3);
if (laneSzBlg2 == 1) {
// 16x8
// Deinterleave into 32-bit chunks, then do as the 32-bit case.
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
assign(p0, IHI16x8(EX(i0), SHL(EX(i0), 8)));
assign(p1, IHI16x8(EX(i1), SHL(EX(i1), 8)));
assign(p2, IHI16x8(EX(i2), SHL(EX(i2), 8)));
assign(p3, IHI16x8(EX(i3), SHL(EX(i3), 8)));
// From here on is like the 32 bit case.
math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128(u0, u1, u2, u3, 2, p0, p1, p2, p3);
if (laneSzBlg2 == 0) {
// 8x16
// Deinterleave into 16-bit chunks, then do as the 16-bit case.
IRTemp p0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp p3 = newTempV128();
assign(p0, IHI64x2( IHI8x16(EX(i0),ROL(EX(i0),4)),
ILO8x16(EX(i0),ROL(EX(i0),4)) ));
assign(p1, IHI64x2( IHI8x16(EX(i1),ROL(EX(i1),4)),
ILO8x16(EX(i1),ROL(EX(i1),4)) ));
assign(p2, IHI64x2( IHI8x16(EX(i2),ROL(EX(i2),4)),
ILO8x16(EX(i2),ROL(EX(i2),4)) ));
assign(p3, IHI64x2( IHI8x16(EX(i3),ROL(EX(i3),4)),
ILO8x16(EX(i3),ROL(EX(i3),4)) ));
// From here on is like the 16 bit case.
math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128(u0, u1, u2, u3, 1, p0, p1, p2, p3);
/* Wrappers that use the full-width (de)interleavers to do half-width
(de)interleaving. The scheme is to clone each input lane in the
lower half of each incoming value, do a full width (de)interleave
at the next lane size up, and remove every other lane of the the
result. The returned values may have any old junk in the upper
64 bits -- the caller must ignore that. */
/* Helper function -- get doubling and narrowing operations. */
void math_get_doubler_and_halver ( /*OUT*/IROp* doubler,
/*OUT*/IROp* halver,
UInt laneSzBlg2 )
switch (laneSzBlg2) {
case 2:
*doubler = Iop_InterleaveLO32x4; *halver = Iop_CatEvenLanes32x4;
case 1:
*doubler = Iop_InterleaveLO16x8; *halver = Iop_CatEvenLanes16x8;
case 0:
*doubler = Iop_InterleaveLO8x16; *halver = Iop_CatEvenLanes8x16;
/* Do interleaving for 1 64 bit vector, for ST1 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE1_64( /*OUTx1*/ IRTemp* i0,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp u0 )
assign(*i0, mkexpr(u0));
/* Do interleaving for 2 64 bit vectors, for ST2 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE2_64( /*OUTx2*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*i0, EX(u0));
assign(*i1, EX(u1));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
assign(du0, binop(doubler, EX(u0), EX(u0)));
assign(du1, binop(doubler, EX(u1), EX(u1)));
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE2_128(&di0, &di1, laneSzBlg2 + 1, du0, du1);
assign(*i0, binop(halver, EX(di0), EX(di0)));
assign(*i1, binop(halver, EX(di1), EX(di1)));
/* Do interleaving for 3 64 bit vectors, for ST3 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE3_64(
/*OUTx3*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1, IRTemp* i2,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1, IRTemp u2 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*i0, EX(u0));
assign(*i1, EX(u1));
assign(*i2, EX(u2));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du2 = newTempV128();
assign(du0, binop(doubler, EX(u0), EX(u0)));
assign(du1, binop(doubler, EX(u1), EX(u1)));
assign(du2, binop(doubler, EX(u2), EX(u2)));
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di2 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE3_128(&di0, &di1, &di2, laneSzBlg2 + 1, du0, du1, du2);
assign(*i0, binop(halver, EX(di0), EX(di0)));
assign(*i1, binop(halver, EX(di1), EX(di1)));
assign(*i2, binop(halver, EX(di2), EX(di2)));
/* Do interleaving for 4 64 bit vectors, for ST4 insns. */
void math_INTERLEAVE4_64(
/*OUTx4*/ IRTemp* i0, IRTemp* i1, IRTemp* i2, IRTemp* i3,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp u0, IRTemp u1, IRTemp u2, IRTemp u3 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*i0, EX(u0));
assign(*i1, EX(u1));
assign(*i2, EX(u2));
assign(*i3, EX(u3));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du3 = newTempV128();
assign(du0, binop(doubler, EX(u0), EX(u0)));
assign(du1, binop(doubler, EX(u1), EX(u1)));
assign(du2, binop(doubler, EX(u2), EX(u2)));
assign(du3, binop(doubler, EX(u3), EX(u3)));
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di3 = newTempV128();
math_INTERLEAVE4_128(&di0, &di1, &di2, &di3,
laneSzBlg2 + 1, du0, du1, du2, du3);
assign(*i0, binop(halver, EX(di0), EX(di0)));
assign(*i1, binop(halver, EX(di1), EX(di1)));
assign(*i2, binop(halver, EX(di2), EX(di2)));
assign(*i3, binop(halver, EX(di3), EX(di3)));
/* Do deinterleaving for 1 64 bit vector, for LD1 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE1_64( /*OUTx1*/ IRTemp* u0,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp i0 )
assign(*u0, mkexpr(i0));
/* Do deinterleaving for 2 64 bit vectors, for LD2 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE2_64( /*OUTx2*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1,
UInt laneSzBlg2, IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*u0, EX(i0));
assign(*u1, EX(i1));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
assign(di0, binop(doubler, EX(i0), EX(i0)));
assign(di1, binop(doubler, EX(i1), EX(i1)));
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
math_DEINTERLEAVE2_128(&du0, &du1, laneSzBlg2 + 1, di0, di1);
assign(*u0, binop(halver, EX(du0), EX(du0)));
assign(*u1, binop(halver, EX(du1), EX(du1)));
/* Do deinterleaving for 3 64 bit vectors, for LD3 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE3_64(
/*OUTx3*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1, IRTemp* u2,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1, IRTemp i2 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*u0, EX(i0));
assign(*u1, EX(i1));
assign(*u2, EX(i2));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di2 = newTempV128();
assign(di0, binop(doubler, EX(i0), EX(i0)));
assign(di1, binop(doubler, EX(i1), EX(i1)));
assign(di2, binop(doubler, EX(i2), EX(i2)));
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du2 = newTempV128();
math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128(&du0, &du1, &du2, laneSzBlg2 + 1, di0, di1, di2);
assign(*u0, binop(halver, EX(du0), EX(du0)));
assign(*u1, binop(halver, EX(du1), EX(du1)));
assign(*u2, binop(halver, EX(du2), EX(du2)));
/* Do deinterleaving for 4 64 bit vectors, for LD4 insns. */
void math_DEINTERLEAVE4_64(
/*OUTx4*/ IRTemp* u0, IRTemp* u1, IRTemp* u2, IRTemp* u3,
UInt laneSzBlg2,
IRTemp i0, IRTemp i1, IRTemp i2, IRTemp i3 )
if (laneSzBlg2 == 3) {
// 1x64, degenerate case
assign(*u0, EX(i0));
assign(*u1, EX(i1));
assign(*u2, EX(i2));
assign(*u3, EX(i3));
vassert(laneSzBlg2 >= 0 && laneSzBlg2 <= 2);
IROp doubler = Iop_INVALID, halver = Iop_INVALID;
math_get_doubler_and_halver(&doubler, &halver, laneSzBlg2);
IRTemp di0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp di3 = newTempV128();
assign(di0, binop(doubler, EX(i0), EX(i0)));
assign(di1, binop(doubler, EX(i1), EX(i1)));
assign(di2, binop(doubler, EX(i2), EX(i2)));
assign(di3, binop(doubler, EX(i3), EX(i3)));
IRTemp du0 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du1 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du2 = newTempV128();
IRTemp du3 = newTempV128();
math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128(&du0, &du1, &du2, &du3,
laneSzBlg2 + 1, di0, di1, di2, di3);
assign(*u0, binop(halver, EX(du0), EX(du0)));
assign(*u1, binop(halver, EX(du1), EX(du1)));
assign(*u2, binop(halver, EX(du2), EX(du2)));
assign(*u3, binop(halver, EX(du3), EX(du3)));
#undef EX
#undef SL
#undef ROR
#undef ROL
#undef SHR
#undef SHL
#undef ILO64x2
#undef IHI64x2
#undef ILO32x4
#undef IHI32x4
#undef ILO16x8
#undef IHI16x8
#undef ILO16x8
#undef IHI16x8
#undef CEV32x4
#undef COD32x4
#undef COD16x8
#undef COD8x16
#undef CEV8x16
#undef AND
#undef OR2
#undef OR3
#undef OR4
/*--- Load and Store instructions ---*/
/* Generate the EA for a "reg + reg" style amode. This is done from
parts of the insn, but for sanity checking sake it takes the whole
insn. This appears to depend on insn[15:12], with opt=insn[15:13]
and S=insn[12]:
The possible forms, along with their opt:S values, are:
011:0 Xn|SP + Xm
111:0 Xn|SP + Xm
011:1 Xn|SP + Xm * transfer_szB
111:1 Xn|SP + Xm * transfer_szB
010:0 Xn|SP + 32Uto64(Wm)
010:1 Xn|SP + 32Uto64(Wm) * transfer_szB
110:0 Xn|SP + 32Sto64(Wm)
110:1 Xn|SP + 32Sto64(Wm) * transfer_szB
Rm is insn[20:16]. Rn is insn[9:5]. Rt is insn[4:0]. Log2 of
the transfer size is insn[23,31,30]. For integer loads/stores,
insn[23] is zero, hence szLg2 can be at most 3 in such cases.
If the decoding fails, it returns IRTemp_INVALID.
isInt is True iff this is decoding is for transfers to/from integer
registers. If False it is for transfers to/from vector registers.
static IRTemp gen_indexed_EA ( /*OUT*/HChar* buf, UInt insn, Bool isInt )
UInt optS = SLICE_UInt(insn, 15, 12);
UInt mm = SLICE_UInt(insn, 20, 16);
UInt nn = SLICE_UInt(insn, 9, 5);
UInt szLg2 = (isInt ? 0 : (SLICE_UInt(insn, 23, 23) << 2))
| SLICE_UInt(insn, 31, 30); // Log2 of the size
buf[0] = 0;
/* Sanity checks, that this really is a load/store insn. */
if (SLICE_UInt(insn, 11, 10) != BITS2(1,0))
goto fail;
if (isInt
&& SLICE_UInt(insn, 29, 21) != BITS9(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1)/*LDR*/
&& SLICE_UInt(insn, 29, 21) != BITS9(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1)/*STR*/
&& SLICE_UInt(insn, 29, 21) != BITS9(1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1)/*LDRSbhw Xt*/
&& SLICE_UInt(insn, 29, 21) != BITS9(1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1))/*LDRSbhw Wt*/
goto fail;
if (!isInt
&& SLICE_UInt(insn, 29, 24) != BITS6(1,1,1,1,0,0)) /*LDR/STR*/
goto fail;
/* Throw out non-verified but possibly valid cases. */
switch (szLg2) {
case BITS3(0,0,0): break; // 8 bit, valid for both int and vec
case BITS3(0,0,1): break; // 16 bit, valid for both int and vec
case BITS3(0,1,0): break; // 32 bit, valid for both int and vec
case BITS3(0,1,1): break; // 64 bit, valid for both int and vec
case BITS3(1,0,0): // can only ever be valid for the vector case
if (isInt) goto fail; else break;
case BITS3(1,0,1): // these sizes are never valid
case BITS3(1,1,0):
case BITS3(1,1,1): goto fail;
default: vassert(0);
IRExpr* rhs = NULL;
switch (optS) {
case BITS4(1,1,1,0): goto fail; //ATC
case BITS4(0,1,1,0):
rhs = getIReg64orZR(mm);
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg64orZR(mm));
case BITS4(1,1,1,1): goto fail; //ATC
case BITS4(0,1,1,1):
rhs = binop(Iop_Shl64, getIReg64orZR(mm), mkU8(szLg2));
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s lsl %u]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg64orZR(mm), szLg2);
case BITS4(0,1,0,0):
rhs = unop(Iop_32Uto64, getIReg32orZR(mm));
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s uxtx]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg32orZR(mm));
case BITS4(0,1,0,1):
rhs = binop(Iop_Shl64,
unop(Iop_32Uto64, getIReg32orZR(mm)), mkU8(szLg2));
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s uxtx, lsl %u]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg32orZR(mm), szLg2);
case BITS4(1,1,0,0):
rhs = unop(Iop_32Sto64, getIReg32orZR(mm));
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s sxtx]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg32orZR(mm));
case BITS4(1,1,0,1):
rhs = binop(Iop_Shl64,
unop(Iop_32Sto64, getIReg32orZR(mm)), mkU8(szLg2));
vex_sprintf(buf, "[%s, %s sxtx, lsl %u]",
nameIReg64orZR(nn), nameIReg32orZR(mm), szLg2);
/* The rest appear to be genuinely invalid */
goto fail;
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(res, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), rhs));
return res;
if (0 /*really, sigill_diag, but that causes too much plumbing*/) {
vex_printf("gen_indexed_EA: unhandled case optS == 0x%x\n", optS);
return IRTemp_INVALID;
/* Generate an 8/16/32/64 bit integer store to ADDR for the lowest
bits of DATAE :: Ity_I64. */
static void gen_narrowing_store ( UInt szB, IRTemp addr, IRExpr* dataE )
IRExpr* addrE = mkexpr(addr);
switch (szB) {
case 8:
storeLE(addrE, dataE);
case 4:
storeLE(addrE, unop(Iop_64to32, dataE));
case 2:
storeLE(addrE, unop(Iop_64to16, dataE));
case 1:
storeLE(addrE, unop(Iop_64to8, dataE));
/* Generate an 8/16/32/64 bit unsigned widening load from ADDR,
placing the result in an Ity_I64 temporary. */
static IRTemp gen_zwidening_load ( UInt szB, IRTemp addr )
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRExpr* addrE = mkexpr(addr);
switch (szB) {
case 8:
assign(res, loadLE(Ity_I64,addrE));
case 4:
assign(res, unop(Iop_32Uto64, loadLE(Ity_I32,addrE)));
case 2:
assign(res, unop(Iop_16Uto64, loadLE(Ity_I16,addrE)));
case 1:
assign(res, unop(Iop_8Uto64, loadLE(Ity_I8,addrE)));
return res;
/* Generate a "standard 7" name, from bitQ and size. But also
allow ".1d" since that's occasionally useful. */
const HChar* nameArr_Q_SZ ( UInt bitQ, UInt size )
vassert(bitQ <= 1 && size <= 3);
const HChar* nms[8]
= { "8b", "4h", "2s", "1d", "16b", "8h", "4s", "2d" };
UInt ix = (bitQ << 2) | size;
vassert(ix < 8);
return nms[ix];
Bool dis_ARM64_load_store(/*MB_OUT*/DisResult* dres, UInt insn,
const VexAbiInfo* abiinfo, Bool sigill_diag)
# define INSN(_bMax,_bMin) SLICE_UInt(insn, (_bMax), (_bMin))
/* ------------ LDR,STR (immediate, uimm12) ----------- */
/* uimm12 is scaled by the transfer size
31 29 26 21 9 4
| | | | | |
11 111 00100 imm12 nn tt STR Xt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 8]
11 111 00101 imm12 nn tt LDR Xt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 8]
10 111 00100 imm12 nn tt STR Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 4]
10 111 00101 imm12 nn tt LDR Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 4]
01 111 00100 imm12 nn tt STRH Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 2]
01 111 00101 imm12 nn tt LDRH Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 2]
00 111 00100 imm12 nn tt STRB Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 1]
00 111 00101 imm12 nn tt LDRB Wt, [Xn|SP, #imm12 * 1]
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,1,0)) {
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
UInt szB = 1 << szLg2;
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt offs = INSN(21,10) * szB;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp ta = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(ta, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(offs)));
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
vassert(szLg2 < 4);
if (isLD) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, mkexpr(gen_zwidening_load(szB, ta)));
} else {
gen_narrowing_store(szB, ta, getIReg64orZR(tt));
const HChar* ld_name[4] = { "ldrb", "ldrh", "ldr", "ldr" };
const HChar* st_name[4] = { "strb", "strh", "str", "str" };
DIP("%s %s, [%s, #%u]\n",
(isLD ? ld_name : st_name)[szLg2], nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), offs);
return True;
/* ------------ LDUR,STUR (immediate, simm9) ----------- */
31 29 26 20 11 9 4
| | | | | | |
(at-Rn-then-Rn=EA) | | |
sz 111 00000 0 imm9 01 Rn Rt STR Rt, [Xn|SP], #simm9
sz 111 00001 0 imm9 01 Rn Rt LDR Rt, [Xn|SP], #simm9
sz 111 00000 0 imm9 11 Rn Rt STR Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]!
sz 111 00001 0 imm9 11 Rn Rt LDR Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]!
sz 111 00000 0 imm9 00 Rn Rt STR Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]
sz 111 00001 0 imm9 00 Rn Rt LDR Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]
simm9 is unscaled.
The case 'wback && Rn == Rt && Rt != 31' is disallowed. In the
load case this is because would create two competing values for
Rt. In the store case the reason is unclear, but the spec
disallows it anyway.
Stores are narrowing, loads are unsigned widening. sz encodes
the transfer size in the normal way: 00=1, 01=2, 10=4, 11=8.
if ((INSN(29,21) & BITS9(1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,0, 1))
== BITS9(1,1,1, 0,0,0,0,0, 0)) {
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
UInt szB = 1 << szLg2;
Bool isLoad = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt imm9 = INSN(20,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
Bool wBack = INSN(10,10) == 1;
UInt how = INSN(11,10);
if (how == BITS2(1,0) || (wBack && nn == tt && tt != 31)) {
/* undecodable; fall through */
} else {
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
// Compute the transfer address TA and the writeback address WA.
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
Long simm9 = (Long)sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm9)));
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tWA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
switch (how) {
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tRN)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(0,0):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); /* tWA is unused */ break;
vassert(0); /* NOTREACHED */
/* Normally rN would be updated after the transfer. However, in
the special cases typifed by
str x30, [sp,#-16]!
str w1, [sp,#-32]!
it is necessary to update SP before the transfer, (1)
because Memcheck will otherwise complain about a write
below the stack pointer, and (2) because the segfault
stack extension mechanism will otherwise extend the stack
only down to SP before the instruction, which might not be
far enough, if the -16/-32 bit takes the actual access
address to the next page.
Bool earlyWBack
= wBack && simm9 < 0 && (szB == 8 || szB == 4)
&& how == BITS2(1,1) && nn == 31 && !isLoad;
if (wBack && earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
if (isLoad) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, mkexpr(gen_zwidening_load(szB, tTA)));
} else {
gen_narrowing_store(szB, tTA, getIReg64orZR(tt));
if (wBack && !earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
const HChar* ld_name[4] = { "ldurb", "ldurh", "ldur", "ldur" };
const HChar* st_name[4] = { "sturb", "sturh", "stur", "stur" };
const HChar* fmt_str = NULL;
switch (how) {
case BITS2(0,1):
fmt_str = "%s %s, [%s], #%lld (at-Rn-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,1):
fmt_str = "%s %s, [%s, #%lld]! (at-EA-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(0,0):
fmt_str = "%s %s, [%s, #%lld] (at-Rn)\n";
DIP(fmt_str, (isLoad ? ld_name : st_name)[szLg2],
nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), simm9);
return True;
/* -------- LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (INT REGS) -------- */
/* L==1 => mm==LD
L==0 => mm==ST
x==0 => 32 bit transfers, and zero extended loads
x==1 => 64 bit transfers
simm7 is scaled by the (single-register) transfer size
x0 101 0001 L imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 mmP Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP], #imm
x0 101 0011 L imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 mmP Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]!
x0 101 0010 L imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 mmP Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]
UInt insn_30_23 = INSN(30,23);
if (insn_30_23 == BITS8(0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1)
|| insn_30_23 == BITS8(0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1)
|| insn_30_23 == BITS8(0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) {
UInt bL = INSN(22,22);
UInt bX = INSN(31,31);
UInt bWBack = INSN(23,23);
UInt rT1 = INSN(4,0);
UInt rN = INSN(9,5);
UInt rT2 = INSN(14,10);
Long simm7 = (Long)sx_to_64(INSN(21,15), 7);
if ((bWBack && (rT1 == rN || rT2 == rN) && rN != 31)
|| (bL && rT1 == rT2)) {
/* undecodable; fall through */
} else {
if (rN == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
// Compute the transfer address TA and the writeback address WA.
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(rN));
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
simm7 = (bX ? 8 : 4) * simm7;
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm7)));
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tWA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tRN)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,0):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); /* tWA is unused */ break;
vassert(0); /* NOTREACHED */
/* Normally rN would be updated after the transfer. However, in
the special case typifed by
stp x29, x30, [sp,#-112]!
it is necessary to update SP before the transfer, (1)
because Memcheck will otherwise complain about a write
below the stack pointer, and (2) because the segfault
stack extension mechanism will otherwise extend the stack
only down to SP before the instruction, which might not be
far enough, if the -112 bit takes the actual access
address to the next page.
Bool earlyWBack
= bWBack && simm7 < 0
&& INSN(24,23) == BITS2(1,1) && rN == 31 && bL == 0;
if (bWBack && earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(rN, mkexpr(tEA));
/**/ if (bL == 1 && bX == 1) {
// 64 bit load
putIReg64orZR(rT1, loadLE(Ity_I64,
putIReg64orZR(rT2, loadLE(Ity_I64,
} else if (bL == 1 && bX == 0) {
// 32 bit load
putIReg32orZR(rT1, loadLE(Ity_I32,
putIReg32orZR(rT2, loadLE(Ity_I32,
} else if (bL == 0 && bX == 1) {
// 64 bit store
} else {
vassert(bL == 0 && bX == 0);
// 32 bit store
if (bWBack && !earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(rN, mkexpr(tEA));
const HChar* fmt_str = NULL;
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s], #%lld (at-Rn-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,1):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s, #%lld]! (at-EA-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,0):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s, #%lld] (at-Rn)\n";
DIP(fmt_str, bL == 0 ? "st" : "ld",
nameIRegOrZR(bX == 1, rT1),
nameIRegOrZR(bX == 1, rT2),
nameIReg64orSP(rN), simm7);
return True;
/* -------- LDPSW (immediate, simm7) (INT REGS) -------- */
/* Does 32 bit transfers which are sign extended to 64 bits.
simm7 is scaled by the (single-register) transfer size
01 101 0001 1 imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 LDPSW Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP], #imm
01 101 0011 1 imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 LDPSW Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]!
01 101 0010 1 imm7 Rt2 Rn Rt1 LDPSW Rt1,Rt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]
UInt insn_31_22 = INSN(31,22);
if (insn_31_22 == BITS10(0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1)
|| insn_31_22 == BITS10(0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
|| insn_31_22 == BITS10(0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1)) {
UInt bWBack = INSN(23,23);
UInt rT1 = INSN(4,0);
UInt rN = INSN(9,5);
UInt rT2 = INSN(14,10);
Long simm7 = (Long)sx_to_64(INSN(21,15), 7);
if ((bWBack && (rT1 == rN || rT2 == rN) && rN != 31)
|| (rT1 == rT2)) {
/* undecodable; fall through */
} else {
if (rN == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
// Compute the transfer address TA and the writeback address WA.
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(rN));
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
simm7 = 4 * simm7;
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm7)));
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tWA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tRN)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,0):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); /* tWA is unused */ break;
vassert(0); /* NOTREACHED */
// 32 bit load, sign extended to 64 bits
putIReg64orZR(rT1, unop(Iop_32Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I32, binop(Iop_Add64,
putIReg64orZR(rT2, unop(Iop_32Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I32, binop(Iop_Add64,
if (bWBack)
putIReg64orSP(rN, mkexpr(tEA));
const HChar* fmt_str = NULL;
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
fmt_str = "ldpsw %s, %s, [%s], #%lld (at-Rn-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,1):
fmt_str = "ldpsw %s, %s, [%s, #%lld]! (at-EA-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,0):
fmt_str = "ldpsw %s, %s, [%s, #%lld] (at-Rn)\n";
DIP(fmt_str, nameIReg64orZR(rT1),
nameIReg64orSP(rN), simm7);
return True;
/* ---------------- LDR (literal, int reg) ---------------- */
/* 31 29 23 4
00 011 000 imm19 Rt LDR Wt, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
01 011 000 imm19 Rt LDR Xt, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
10 011 000 imm19 Rt LDRSW Xt, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
11 011 000 imm19 Rt prefetch [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
Just handles the first two cases for now.
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,1,1,0,0,0) && INSN(31,31) == 0) {
UInt imm19 = INSN(23,5);
UInt rT = INSN(4,0);
UInt bX = INSN(30,30);
ULong ea = guest_PC_curr_instr + sx_to_64(imm19 << 2, 21);
if (bX) {
putIReg64orZR(rT, loadLE(Ity_I64, mkU64(ea)));
} else {
putIReg32orZR(rT, loadLE(Ity_I32, mkU64(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, 0x%llx (literal)\n", nameIRegOrZR(bX == 1, rT), ea);
return True;
/* -------------- {LD,ST}R (integer register) --------------- */
/* 31 29 20 15 12 11 9 4
| | | | | | | |
11 111000011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Xt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
10 111000011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 111000011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDRH Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 111000011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDRB Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
11 111000001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Xt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
10 111000001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 111000001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STRH Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 111000001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STRB Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)
&& INSN(21,21) == 1 && INSN(11,10) == BITS2(1,0)) {
HChar dis_buf[64];
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp ea = gen_indexed_EA(dis_buf, insn, True/*to/from int regs*/);
if (ea != IRTemp_INVALID) {
switch (szLg2) {
case 3: /* 64 bit */
if (isLD) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, loadLE(Ity_I64, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getIReg64orZR(tt));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt), dis_buf);
case 2: /* 32 bit */
if (isLD) {
putIReg32orZR(tt, loadLE(Ity_I32, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getIReg32orZR(tt));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
case 1: /* 16 bit */
if (isLD) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Uto64,
loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldruh %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), unop(Iop_64to16, getIReg64orZR(tt)));
DIP("strh %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
case 0: /* 8 bit */
if (isLD) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Uto64,
loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrub %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), unop(Iop_64to8, getIReg64orZR(tt)));
DIP("strb %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
return True;
/* -------------- LDRS{B,H,W} (uimm12) -------------- */
/* 31 29 26 23 21 9 4
10 111 001 10 imm12 n t LDRSW Xt, [Xn|SP, #pimm12 * 4]
01 111 001 1x imm12 n t LDRSH Rt, [Xn|SP, #pimm12 * 2]
00 111 001 1x imm12 n t LDRSB Rt, [Xn|SP, #pimm12 * 1]
Rt is Wt when x==1, Xt when x==0
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,1,1)) {
/* Further checks on bits 31:30 and 22 */
Bool valid = False;
switch ((INSN(31,30) << 1) | INSN(22,22)) {
case BITS3(1,0,0):
case BITS3(0,1,0): case BITS3(0,1,1):
case BITS3(0,0,0): case BITS3(0,0,1):
valid = True;
if (valid) {
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
UInt bitX = INSN(22,22);
UInt imm12 = INSN(21,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
UInt szB = 1 << szLg2;
IRExpr* ea = binop(Iop_Add64,
getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(imm12 * szB));
switch (szB) {
case 4:
vassert(bitX == 0);
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_32Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I32, ea)));
DIP("ldrsw %s, [%s, #%u]\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), imm12 * szB);
case 2:
if (bitX == 1) {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I16, ea)));
} else {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I16, ea)));
DIP("ldrsh %s, [%s, #%u]\n",
nameIRegOrZR(bitX == 0, tt),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), imm12 * szB);
case 1:
if (bitX == 1) {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I8, ea)));
} else {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I8, ea)));
DIP("ldrsb %s, [%s, #%u]\n",
nameIRegOrZR(bitX == 0, tt),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), imm12 * szB);
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* -------------- LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, upd) -------------- */
/* (at-Rn-then-Rn=EA)
31 29 23 21 20 11 9 4
00 111 000 1x 0 imm9 01 n t LDRSB Rt, [Xn|SP], #simm9
01 111 000 1x 0 imm9 01 n t LDRSH Rt, [Xn|SP], #simm9
10 111 000 10 0 imm9 01 n t LDRSW Xt, [Xn|SP], #simm9
00 111 000 1x 0 imm9 11 n t LDRSB Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]!
01 111 000 1x 0 imm9 11 n t LDRSH Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]!
10 111 000 10 0 imm9 11 n t LDRSW Xt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]!
Rt is Wt when x==1, Xt when x==0
transfer-at-Rn when [11]==0, at EA when [11]==1
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,0,1)
&& INSN(21,21) == 0 && INSN(10,10) == 1) {
/* Further checks on bits 31:30 and 22 */
Bool valid = False;
switch ((INSN(31,30) << 1) | INSN(22,22)) {
case BITS3(1,0,0): // LDRSW Xt
case BITS3(0,1,0): case BITS3(0,1,1): // LDRSH Xt, Wt
case BITS3(0,0,0): case BITS3(0,0,1): // LDRSB Xt, Wt
valid = True;
if (valid) {
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
UInt imm9 = INSN(20,12);
Bool atRN = INSN(11,11) == 0;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
ULong simm9 = sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
Bool is64 = INSN(22,22) == 0;
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm9)));
tTA = atRN ? tRN : tEA;
HChar ch = '?';
/* There are 5 cases:
byte load, SX to 64
byte load, SX to 32, ZX to 64
halfword load, SX to 64
halfword load, SX to 32, ZX to 64
word load, SX to 64
The ifs below handle them in the listed order.
if (szLg2 == 0) {
ch = 'b';
if (is64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(tTA))));
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto32,
loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(tTA))));
else if (szLg2 == 1) {
ch = 'h';
if (is64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(tTA))));
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto32,
loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(tTA))));
else if (szLg2 == 2 && is64) {
ch = 'w';
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_32Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I32, mkexpr(tTA))));
else {
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
DIP(atRN ? "ldrs%c %s, [%s], #%llu\n" : "ldrs%c %s, [%s, #%llu]!",
ch, nameIRegOrZR(is64, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn), simm9);
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* -------------- LDRS{B,H,W} (simm9, noUpd) -------------- */
/* 31 29 23 21 20 11 9 4
00 111 000 1x 0 imm9 00 n t LDURSB Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]
01 111 000 1x 0 imm9 00 n t LDURSH Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]
10 111 000 10 0 imm9 00 n t LDURSW Xt, [Xn|SP, #simm9]
Rt is Wt when x==1, Xt when x==0
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,0,1)
&& INSN(21,21) == 0 && INSN(11,10) == BITS2(0,0)) {
/* Further checks on bits 31:30 and 22 */
Bool valid = False;
switch ((INSN(31,30) << 1) | INSN(22,22)) {
case BITS3(1,0,0): // LDURSW Xt
case BITS3(0,1,0): case BITS3(0,1,1): // LDURSH Xt, Wt
case BITS3(0,0,0): case BITS3(0,0,1): // LDURSB Xt, Wt
valid = True;
if (valid) {
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
UInt imm9 = INSN(20,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
ULong simm9 = sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
Bool is64 = INSN(22,22) == 0;
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm9)));
HChar ch = '?';
/* There are 5 cases:
byte load, SX to 64
byte load, SX to 32, ZX to 64
halfword load, SX to 64
halfword load, SX to 32, ZX to 64
word load, SX to 64
The ifs below handle them in the listed order.
if (szLg2 == 0) {
ch = 'b';
if (is64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(tEA))));
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto32,
loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(tEA))));
else if (szLg2 == 1) {
ch = 'h';
if (is64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(tEA))));
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto32,
loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(tEA))));
else if (szLg2 == 2 && is64) {
ch = 'w';
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_32Sto64,
loadLE(Ity_I32, mkexpr(tEA))));
else {
DIP("ldurs%c %s, [%s, #%lld]\n",
ch, nameIRegOrZR(is64, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn), (Long)simm9);
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* -------- LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (FP&VEC) -------- */
/* L==1 => mm==LD
L==0 => mm==ST
sz==00 => 32 bit (S) transfers
sz==01 => 64 bit (D) transfers
sz==10 => 128 bit (Q) transfers
sz==11 isn't allowed
simm7 is scaled by the (single-register) transfer size
31 29 26 22 21 14 9 4
sz 101 1000 L imm7 t2 n t1 mmNP SDQt1, SDQt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]
(at-EA, with nontemporal hint)
sz 101 1001 L imm7 t2 n t1 mmP SDQt1, SDQt2, [Xn|SP], #imm
sz 101 1010 L imm7 t2 n t1 mmP SDQt1, SDQt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]
sz 101 1011 L imm7 t2 n t1 mmP SDQt1, SDQt2, [Xn|SP, #imm]!
if (INSN(29,25) == BITS5(1,0,1,1,0)) {
UInt szSlg2 = INSN(31,30); // log2 of the xfer size in 32-bit units
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
Bool wBack = INSN(23,23) == 1;
Long simm7 = (Long)sx_to_64(INSN(21,15), 7);
UInt tt2 = INSN(14,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt1 = INSN(4,0);
if (szSlg2 == BITS2(1,1) || (isLD && tt1 == tt2)) {
/* undecodable; fall through */
} else {
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
// Compute the transfer address TA and the writeback address WA.
UInt szB = 4 << szSlg2; /* szB is the per-register size */
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
simm7 = szB * simm7;
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm7)));
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tWA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tRN)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,1):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); assign(tWA, mkexpr(tEA)); break;
case BITS2(1,0):
case BITS2(0,0):
assign(tTA, mkexpr(tEA)); /* tWA is unused */ break;
vassert(0); /* NOTREACHED */
IRType ty = Ity_INVALID;
switch (szB) {
case 4: ty = Ity_F32; break;
case 8: ty = Ity_F64; break;
case 16: ty = Ity_V128; break;
default: vassert(0);
/* Normally rN would be updated after the transfer. However, in
the special cases typifed by
stp q0, q1, [sp,#-512]!
stp d0, d1, [sp,#-512]!
stp s0, s1, [sp,#-512]!
it is necessary to update SP before the transfer, (1)
because Memcheck will otherwise complain about a write
below the stack pointer, and (2) because the segfault
stack extension mechanism will otherwise extend the stack
only down to SP before the instruction, which might not be
far enough, if the -512 bit takes the actual access
address to the next page.
Bool earlyWBack
= wBack && simm7 < 0
&& INSN(24,23) == BITS2(1,1) && nn == 31 && !isLD;
if (wBack && earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
if (isLD) {
if (szB < 16) {
putQReg128(tt1, mkV128(0x0000));
loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(0))));
if (szB < 16) {
putQReg128(tt2, mkV128(0x0000));
loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(szB))));
} else {
storeLE(binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(0)),
getQRegLO(tt1, ty));
storeLE(binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(szB)),
getQRegLO(tt2, ty));
if (wBack && !earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
const HChar* fmt_str = NULL;
switch (INSN(24,23)) {
case BITS2(0,1):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s], #%lld (at-Rn-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,1):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s, #%lld]! (at-EA-then-Rn=EA)\n";
case BITS2(1,0):
fmt_str = "%sp %s, %s, [%s, #%lld] (at-Rn)\n";
case BITS2(0,0):
fmt_str = "%snp %s, %s, [%s, #%lld] (at-Rn)\n";
DIP(fmt_str, isLD ? "ld" : "st",
nameQRegLO(tt1, ty), nameQRegLO(tt2, ty),
nameIReg64orSP(nn), simm7);
return True;
/* -------------- {LD,ST}R (vector register) --------------- */
/* 31 29 23 20 15 12 11 9 4
| | | | | | | | |
00 111100 011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Bt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 111100 011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Ht, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
10 111100 011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR St, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
11 111100 011 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Dt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 111100 111 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt LDR Qt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 111100 001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Bt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 111100 001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Ht, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
10 111100 001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR St, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
11 111100 001 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Dt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 111100 101 Rm option S 10 Rn Rt STR Qt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(1,1,1,1,0,0)
&& INSN(21,21) == 1 && INSN(11,10) == BITS2(1,0)) {
HChar dis_buf[64];
UInt szLg2 = (INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
if (szLg2 > 4) goto after_LDR_STR_vector_register;
IRTemp ea = gen_indexed_EA(dis_buf, insn, False/*to/from vec regs*/);
if (ea == IRTemp_INVALID) goto after_LDR_STR_vector_register;
switch (szLg2) {
case 0: /* 8 bit */
if (isLD) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I8), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getQRegLO(tt, Ity_I8));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I8), dis_buf);
case 1:
if (isLD) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I16), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getQRegLO(tt, Ity_I16));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I16), dis_buf);
case 2: /* 32 bit */
if (isLD) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(Ity_I32, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I32), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getQRegLO(tt, Ity_I32));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I32), dis_buf);
case 3: /* 64 bit */
if (isLD) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(Ity_I64, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I64), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getQRegLO(tt, Ity_I64));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameQRegLO(tt, Ity_I64), dis_buf);
case 4:
if (isLD) {
putQReg128(tt, loadLE(Ity_V128, mkexpr(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, %s\n", nameQReg128(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), getQReg128(tt));
DIP("str %s, %s\n", nameQReg128(tt), dis_buf);
return True;
/* ---------- LDRS{B,H,W} (integer register, SX) ---------- */
/* 31 29 22 20 15 12 11 9 4
| | | | | | | | |
10 1110001 01 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt LDRSW Xt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 1110001 01 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt LDRSH Xt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
01 1110001 11 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt LDRSH Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 1110001 01 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt LDRSB Xt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
00 1110001 11 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt LDRSB Wt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(1,1,1,0,0,0,1)
&& INSN(21,21) == 1 && INSN(11,10) == BITS2(1,0)) {
HChar dis_buf[64];
UInt szLg2 = INSN(31,30);
Bool sxTo64 = INSN(22,22) == 0; // else sx to 32 and zx to 64
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
if (szLg2 == 3) goto after_LDRS_integer_register;
IRTemp ea = gen_indexed_EA(dis_buf, insn, True/*to/from int regs*/);
if (ea == IRTemp_INVALID) goto after_LDRS_integer_register;
/* Enumerate the 5 variants explicitly. */
if (szLg2 == 2/*32 bit*/ && sxTo64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_32Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I32, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrsw %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt), dis_buf);
return True;
if (szLg2 == 1/*16 bit*/) {
if (sxTo64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrsh %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_16Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I16, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrsh %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
return True;
if (szLg2 == 0/*8 bit*/) {
if (sxTo64) {
putIReg64orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto64, loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrsb %s, %s\n", nameIReg64orZR(tt), dis_buf);
} else {
putIReg32orZR(tt, unop(Iop_8Sto32, loadLE(Ity_I8, mkexpr(ea))));
DIP("ldrsb %s, %s\n", nameIReg32orZR(tt), dis_buf);
return True;
/* else it's an invalid combination */
/* -------- LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, unsigned offset) -------- */
/* This is the Unsigned offset variant only. The Post-Index and
Pre-Index variants are below.
31 29 23 21 9 4
00 111 101 01 imm12 n t LDR Bt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 1]
01 111 101 01 imm12 n t LDR Ht, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 2]
10 111 101 01 imm12 n t LDR St, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 4]
11 111 101 01 imm12 n t LDR Dt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 8]
00 111 101 11 imm12 n t LDR Qt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 16]
00 111 101 00 imm12 n t STR Bt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 1]
01 111 101 00 imm12 n t STR Ht, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 2]
10 111 101 00 imm12 n t STR St, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 4]
11 111 101 00 imm12 n t STR Dt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 8]
00 111 101 10 imm12 n t STR Qt, [Xn|SP + imm12 * 16]
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(1,1,1,1,0,1)
&& ((INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30)) <= 4) {
UInt szLg2 = (INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt pimm12 = INSN(21,10) << szLg2;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRType ty = preferredVectorSubTypeFromSize(1 << szLg2);
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(pimm12)));
if (isLD) {
if (szLg2 < 4) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(tEA)));
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(tEA), getQRegLO(tt, ty));
DIP("%s %s, [%s, #%u]\n",
isLD ? "ldr" : "str",
nameQRegLO(tt, ty), nameIReg64orSP(nn), pimm12);
return True;
/* -------- LDR/STR (immediate, SIMD&FP, pre/post index) -------- */
/* These are the Post-Index and Pre-Index variants.
31 29 23 20 11 9 4
00 111 100 01 0 imm9 01 n t LDR Bt, [Xn|SP], #simm
01 111 100 01 0 imm9 01 n t LDR Ht, [Xn|SP], #simm
10 111 100 01 0 imm9 01 n t LDR St, [Xn|SP], #simm
11 111 100 01 0 imm9 01 n t LDR Dt, [Xn|SP], #simm
00 111 100 11 0 imm9 01 n t LDR Qt, [Xn|SP], #simm
00 111 100 01 0 imm9 11 n t LDR Bt, [Xn|SP, #simm]!
01 111 100 01 0 imm9 11 n t LDR Ht, [Xn|SP, #simm]!
10 111 100 01 0 imm9 11 n t LDR St, [Xn|SP, #simm]!
11 111 100 01 0 imm9 11 n t LDR Dt, [Xn|SP, #simm]!
00 111 100 11 0 imm9 11 n t LDR Qt, [Xn|SP, #simm]!
Stores are the same except with bit 22 set to 0.
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(1,1,1,1,0,0)
&& ((INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30)) <= 4
&& INSN(21,21) == 0 && INSN(10,10) == 1) {
UInt szLg2 = (INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt imm9 = INSN(20,12);
Bool atRN = INSN(11,11) == 0;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp tRN = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRType ty = preferredVectorSubTypeFromSize(1 << szLg2);
ULong simm9 = sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
assign(tRN, getIReg64orSP(nn));
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tRN), mkU64(simm9)));
tTA = atRN ? tRN : tEA;
/* Do early writeback for the cases typified by
str d8, [sp, #-32]!
str d10, [sp, #-128]!
str q1, [sp, #-32]!
for the same reasons as described in a similar comment in the
"LDP,STP (immediate, simm7) (FP&VEC)" case just above.
Bool earlyWBack
= !atRN && !isLD && (ty == Ity_F64 || ty == Ity_V128)
&& nn == 31 && ((Long)simm9) < 0;
if (earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
if (isLD) {
if (szLg2 < 4) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(tTA)));
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(tTA), getQRegLO(tt, ty));
if (!earlyWBack)
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tEA));
DIP(atRN ? "%s %s, [%s], #%lld\n" : "%s %s, [%s, #%lld]!\n",
isLD ? "ldr" : "str",
nameQRegLO(tt, ty), nameIReg64orSP(nn), (Long)simm9);
return True;
/* -------- LDUR/STUR (unscaled offset, SIMD&FP) -------- */
/* 31 29 23 20 11 9 4
00 111 100 01 0 imm9 00 n t LDR Bt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
01 111 100 01 0 imm9 00 n t LDR Ht, [Xn|SP, #simm]
10 111 100 01 0 imm9 00 n t LDR St, [Xn|SP, #simm]
11 111 100 01 0 imm9 00 n t LDR Dt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
00 111 100 11 0 imm9 00 n t LDR Qt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
00 111 100 00 0 imm9 00 n t STR Bt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
01 111 100 00 0 imm9 00 n t STR Ht, [Xn|SP, #simm]
10 111 100 00 0 imm9 00 n t STR St, [Xn|SP, #simm]
11 111 100 00 0 imm9 00 n t STR Dt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
00 111 100 10 0 imm9 00 n t STR Qt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(1,1,1,1,0,0)
&& ((INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30)) <= 4
&& INSN(21,21) == 0 && INSN(11,10) == BITS2(0,0)) {
UInt szLg2 = (INSN(23,23) << 2) | INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt imm9 = INSN(20,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
ULong simm9 = sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
IRTemp tEA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
IRType ty = preferredVectorSubTypeFromSize(1 << szLg2);
assign(tEA, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(simm9)));
if (isLD) {
if (szLg2 < 4) {
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(tEA)));
} else {
storeLE(mkexpr(tEA), getQRegLO(tt, ty));
DIP("%s %s, [%s, #%lld]\n",
isLD ? "ldur" : "stur",
nameQRegLO(tt, ty), nameIReg64orSP(nn), (Long)simm9);
return True;
/* ---------------- LDR (literal, SIMD&FP) ---------------- */
/* 31 29 23 4
00 011 100 imm19 t LDR St, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
01 011 100 imm19 t LDR Dt, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
10 011 100 imm19 t LDR Qt, [PC + sxTo64(imm19 << 2)]
if (INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,1,1,1,0,0) && INSN(31,30) < BITS2(1,1)) {
UInt szB = 4 << INSN(31,30);
UInt imm19 = INSN(23,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
ULong ea = guest_PC_curr_instr + sx_to_64(imm19 << 2, 21);
IRType ty = preferredVectorSubTypeFromSize(szB);
putQReg128(tt, mkV128(0x0000));
putQRegLO(tt, loadLE(ty, mkU64(ea)));
DIP("ldr %s, 0x%llx (literal)\n", nameQRegLO(tt, ty), ea);
return True;
/* ------ LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 1 reg ------ */
/* ------ LD2/ST2 (multiple 2-elem structs to/from 2 regs ------ */
/* ------ LD3/ST3 (multiple 3-elem structs to/from 3 regs ------ */
/* ------ LD4/ST4 (multiple 4-elem structs to/from 4 regs ------ */
/* 31 29 26 22 21 20 15 11 9 4
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 0000 sz n t xx4 {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 0000 sz n t xx4 {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 0100 sz n t xx3 {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 0100 sz n t xx3 {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 1000 sz n t xx2 {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 1000 sz n t xx2 {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 0111 sz n t xx1 {Vt.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 0111 sz n t xx1 {Vt.T}, [Xn|SP], step
T = defined by Q and sz in the normal way
step = if m == 11111 then transfer-size else Xm
xx = case L of 1 -> LD ; 0 -> ST
if (INSN(31,31) == 0 && INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,0,1,1,0,0)
&& INSN(21,21) == 0) {
Bool bitQ = INSN(30,30);
Bool isPX = INSN(23,23) == 1;
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt opc = INSN(15,12);
UInt sz = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
Bool isQ = bitQ == 1;
Bool is1d = sz == BITS2(1,1) && !isQ;
UInt nRegs = 0;
switch (opc) {
case BITS4(0,0,0,0): nRegs = 4; break;
case BITS4(0,1,0,0): nRegs = 3; break;
case BITS4(1,0,0,0): nRegs = 2; break;
case BITS4(0,1,1,1): nRegs = 1; break;
default: break;
/* The combination insn[23] == 0 && insn[20:16] != 0 is not allowed.
If we see it, set nRegs to 0 so as to cause the next conditional
to fail. */
if (!isPX && mm != 0)
nRegs = 0;
if (nRegs == 1 /* .1d is allowed */
|| (nRegs >= 2 && nRegs <= 4 && !is1d) /* .1d is not allowed */) {
UInt xferSzB = (isQ ? 16 : 8) * nRegs;
/* Generate the transfer address (TA) and if necessary the
writeback address (WB) */
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tTA, getIReg64orSP(nn));
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
if (isPX) {
tWB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tWB, binop(Iop_Add64,
mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1) ? mkU64(xferSzB)
: getIReg64orZR(mm)));
/* -- BEGIN generate the transfers -- */
IRTemp u0, u1, u2, u3, i0, i1, i2, i3;
u0 = u1 = u2 = u3 = i0 = i1 = i2 = i3 = IRTemp_INVALID;
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: u3 = newTempV128(); i3 = newTempV128(); /* fallthru */
case 3: u2 = newTempV128(); i2 = newTempV128(); /* fallthru */
case 2: u1 = newTempV128(); i1 = newTempV128(); /* fallthru */
case 1: u0 = newTempV128(); i0 = newTempV128(); break;
default: vassert(0);
/* -- Multiple 128 or 64 bit stores -- */
if (!isLD) {
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: assign(u3, getQReg128((tt+3) % 32)); /* fallthru */
case 3: assign(u2, getQReg128((tt+2) % 32)); /* fallthru */
case 2: assign(u1, getQReg128((tt+1) % 32)); /* fallthru */
case 1: assign(u0, getQReg128((tt+0) % 32)); break;
default: vassert(0);
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: (isQ ? math_INTERLEAVE4_128 : math_INTERLEAVE4_64)
(&i0, &i1, &i2, &i3, sz, u0, u1, u2, u3);
case 3: (isQ ? math_INTERLEAVE3_128 : math_INTERLEAVE3_64)
(&i0, &i1, &i2, sz, u0, u1, u2);
case 2: (isQ ? math_INTERLEAVE2_128 : math_INTERLEAVE2_64)
(&i0, &i1, sz, u0, u1);
case 1: (isQ ? math_INTERLEAVE1_128 : math_INTERLEAVE1_64)
(&i0, sz, u0);
default: vassert(0);
# define MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(_expr) \
(isQ ? (_expr) : unop(Iop_V128to64,(_expr)))
UInt step = isQ ? 16 : 8;
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(3*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(i3)) );
/* fallthru */
case 3: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(2*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(i2)) );
/* fallthru */
case 2: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(1*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(i1)) );
/* fallthru */
case 1: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(0*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(i0)) );
default: vassert(0);
# undef MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64
/* -- Multiple 128 or 64 bit loads -- */
else /* isLD */ {
UInt step = isQ ? 16 : 8;
IRType loadTy = isQ ? Ity_V128 : Ity_I64;
# define MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(_expr) \
(isQ ? (_expr) : unop(Iop_64UtoV128,(_expr)))
switch (nRegs) {
case 4:
assign(i3, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(3 * step)))));
/* fallthru */
case 3:
assign(i2, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(2 * step)))));
/* fallthru */
case 2:
assign(i1, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(1 * step)))));
/* fallthru */
case 1:
assign(i0, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(0 * step)))));
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: (isQ ? math_DEINTERLEAVE4_128 : math_DEINTERLEAVE4_64)
(&u0, &u1, &u2, &u3, sz, i0,i1,i2,i3);
case 3: (isQ ? math_DEINTERLEAVE3_128 : math_DEINTERLEAVE3_64)
(&u0, &u1, &u2, sz, i0, i1, i2);
case 2: (isQ ? math_DEINTERLEAVE2_128 : math_DEINTERLEAVE2_64)
(&u0, &u1, sz, i0, i1);
case 1: (isQ ? math_DEINTERLEAVE1_128 : math_DEINTERLEAVE1_64)
(&u0, sz, i0);
default: vassert(0);
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: putQReg128( (tt+3) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u3));
/* fallthru */
case 3: putQReg128( (tt+2) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u2));
/* fallthru */
case 2: putQReg128( (tt+1) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u1));
/* fallthru */
case 1: putQReg128( (tt+0) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u0));
default: vassert(0);
/* -- END generate the transfers -- */
/* Do the writeback, if necessary */
if (isPX) {
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tWB));
HChar pxStr[20];
pxStr[0] = pxStr[sizeof(pxStr)-1] = 0;
if (isPX) {
if (mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1))
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", #%u", xferSzB);
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", %s", nameIReg64orZR(mm));
const HChar* arr = nameArr_Q_SZ(bitQ, sz);
DIP("%s%u {v%u.%s .. v%u.%s}, [%s]%s\n",
isLD ? "ld" : "st", nRegs,
(tt+0) % 32, arr, (tt+nRegs-1) % 32, arr, nameIReg64orSP(nn),
if (nRegs >= 3) {
dres->hint = Dis_HintVerbose;
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* ------ LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 2 regs ------ */
/* ------ LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 3 regs ------ */
/* ------ LD1/ST1 (multiple 1-elem structs to/from 4 regs ------ */
/* 31 29 26 22 21 20 15 11 9 4
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 0010 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 0010 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 0110 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 0110 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1000 L 0 00000 1010 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1001 L 0 m 1010 sz n t xx1 {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP], step
T = defined by Q and sz in the normal way
step = if m == 11111 then transfer-size else Xm
xx = case L of 1 -> LD ; 0 -> ST
if (INSN(31,31) == 0 && INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,0,1,1,0,0)
&& INSN(21,21) == 0) {
Bool bitQ = INSN(30,30);
Bool isPX = INSN(23,23) == 1;
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt opc = INSN(15,12);
UInt sz = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
Bool isQ = bitQ == 1;
UInt nRegs = 0;
switch (opc) {
case BITS4(0,0,1,0): nRegs = 4; break;
case BITS4(0,1,1,0): nRegs = 3; break;
case BITS4(1,0,1,0): nRegs = 2; break;
default: break;
/* The combination insn[23] == 0 && insn[20:16] != 0 is not allowed.
If we see it, set nRegs to 0 so as to cause the next conditional
to fail. */
if (!isPX && mm != 0)
nRegs = 0;
if (nRegs >= 2 && nRegs <= 4) {
UInt xferSzB = (isQ ? 16 : 8) * nRegs;
/* Generate the transfer address (TA) and if necessary the
writeback address (WB) */
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tTA, getIReg64orSP(nn));
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
if (isPX) {
tWB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tWB, binop(Iop_Add64,
mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1) ? mkU64(xferSzB)
: getIReg64orZR(mm)));
/* -- BEGIN generate the transfers -- */
IRTemp u0, u1, u2, u3;
u0 = u1 = u2 = u3 = IRTemp_INVALID;
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: u3 = newTempV128(); /* fallthru */
case 3: u2 = newTempV128(); /* fallthru */
case 2: u1 = newTempV128();
u0 = newTempV128(); break;
default: vassert(0);
/* -- Multiple 128 or 64 bit stores -- */
if (!isLD) {
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: assign(u3, getQReg128((tt+3) % 32)); /* fallthru */
case 3: assign(u2, getQReg128((tt+2) % 32)); /* fallthru */
case 2: assign(u1, getQReg128((tt+1) % 32));
assign(u0, getQReg128((tt+0) % 32)); break;
default: vassert(0);
# define MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(_expr) \
(isQ ? (_expr) : unop(Iop_V128to64,(_expr)))
UInt step = isQ ? 16 : 8;
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(3*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(u3)) );
/* fallthru */
case 3: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(2*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(u2)) );
/* fallthru */
case 2: storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(1*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(u1)) );
storeLE( binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(0*step)),
MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64(mkexpr(u0)) );
default: vassert(0);
# undef MAYBE_NARROW_TO_64
/* -- Multiple 128 or 64 bit loads -- */
else /* isLD */ {
UInt step = isQ ? 16 : 8;
IRType loadTy = isQ ? Ity_V128 : Ity_I64;
# define MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(_expr) \
(isQ ? (_expr) : unop(Iop_64UtoV128,(_expr)))
switch (nRegs) {
case 4:
assign(u3, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(3 * step)))));
/* fallthru */
case 3:
assign(u2, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(2 * step)))));
/* fallthru */
case 2:
assign(u1, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(1 * step)))));
assign(u0, MAYBE_WIDEN_FROM_64(
binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(0 * step)))));
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: putQReg128( (tt+3) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u3));
/* fallthru */
case 3: putQReg128( (tt+2) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u2));
/* fallthru */
case 2: putQReg128( (tt+1) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u1));
putQReg128( (tt+0) % 32,
math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, u0));
default: vassert(0);
/* -- END generate the transfers -- */
/* Do the writeback, if necessary */
if (isPX) {
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tWB));
HChar pxStr[20];
pxStr[0] = pxStr[sizeof(pxStr)-1] = 0;
if (isPX) {
if (mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1))
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", #%u", xferSzB);
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", %s", nameIReg64orZR(mm));
const HChar* arr = nameArr_Q_SZ(bitQ, sz);
DIP("%s1 {v%u.%s .. v%u.%s}, [%s]%s\n",
isLD ? "ld" : "st",
(tt+0) % 32, arr, (tt+nRegs-1) % 32, arr, nameIReg64orSP(nn),
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* ---------- LD1R (single structure, replicate) ---------- */
/* ---------- LD2R (single structure, replicate) ---------- */
/* ---------- LD3R (single structure, replicate) ---------- */
/* ---------- LD4R (single structure, replicate) ---------- */
/* 31 29 22 20 15 11 9 4
0q 001 1010 10 00000 110 0 sz n t LD1R {Vt.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 10 m 110 0 sz n t LD1R {Vt.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 11 00000 110 0 sz n t LD2R {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 11 m 110 0 sz n t LD2R {Vt..t+1.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 10 00000 111 0 sz n t LD3R {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 10 m 111 0 sz n t LD3R {Vt..t+2.T}, [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 11 00000 111 0 sz n t LD4R {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 11 m 111 0 sz n t LD4R {Vt..t+3.T}, [Xn|SP], step
step = if m == 11111 then transfer-size else Xm
if (INSN(31,31) == 0 && INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,0,1,1,0,1)
&& INSN(22,22) == 1 && INSN(15,14) == BITS2(1,1)
&& INSN(12,12) == 0) {
UInt bitQ = INSN(30,30);
Bool isPX = INSN(23,23) == 1;
UInt nRegs = ((INSN(13,13) << 1) | INSN(21,21)) + 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt sz = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
/* The combination insn[23] == 0 && insn[20:16] != 0 is not allowed. */
if (isPX || mm == 0) {
IRType ty = integerIRTypeOfSize(1 << sz);
UInt laneSzB = 1 << sz;
UInt xferSzB = laneSzB * nRegs;
/* Generate the transfer address (TA) and if necessary the
writeback address (WB) */
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tTA, getIReg64orSP(nn));
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
if (isPX) {
tWB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tWB, binop(Iop_Add64,
mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1) ? mkU64(xferSzB)
: getIReg64orZR(mm)));
/* Do the writeback, if necessary */
if (isPX) {
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tWB));
IRTemp e0, e1, e2, e3, v0, v1, v2, v3;
e0 = e1 = e2 = e3 = v0 = v1 = v2 = v3 = IRTemp_INVALID;
switch (nRegs) {
case 4:
e3 = newTemp(ty);
assign(e3, loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(3 * laneSzB))));
v3 = math_DUP_TO_V128(e3, ty);
putQReg128((tt+3) % 32, math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, v3));
/* fallthrough */
case 3:
e2 = newTemp(ty);
assign(e2, loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(2 * laneSzB))));
v2 = math_DUP_TO_V128(e2, ty);
putQReg128((tt+2) % 32, math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, v2));
/* fallthrough */
case 2:
e1 = newTemp(ty);
assign(e1, loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(1 * laneSzB))));
v1 = math_DUP_TO_V128(e1, ty);
putQReg128((tt+1) % 32, math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, v1));
/* fallthrough */
case 1:
e0 = newTemp(ty);
assign(e0, loadLE(ty, binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA),
mkU64(0 * laneSzB))));
v0 = math_DUP_TO_V128(e0, ty);
putQReg128((tt+0) % 32, math_MAYBE_ZERO_HI64(bitQ, v0));
HChar pxStr[20];
pxStr[0] = pxStr[sizeof(pxStr)-1] = 0;
if (isPX) {
if (mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1))
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", #%u", xferSzB);
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", %s", nameIReg64orZR(mm));
const HChar* arr = nameArr_Q_SZ(bitQ, sz);
DIP("ld%ur {v%u.%s .. v%u.%s}, [%s]%s\n",
(tt+0) % 32, arr, (tt+nRegs-1) % 32, arr, nameIReg64orSP(nn),
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* ------ LD1/ST1 (single structure, to/from one lane) ------ */
/* ------ LD2/ST2 (single structure, to/from one lane) ------ */
/* ------ LD3/ST3 (single structure, to/from one lane) ------ */
/* ------ LD4/ST4 (single structure, to/from one lane) ------ */
/* 31 29 22 21 20 15 11 9 4
0q 001 1010 L 0 00000 xx0 S sz n t op1 {Vt.T}[ix], [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 L 0 m xx0 S sz n t op1 {Vt.T}[ix], [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 L 1 00000 xx0 S sz n t op2 {Vt..t+1.T}[ix], [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 L 1 m xx0 S sz n t op2 {Vt..t+1.T}[ix], [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 L 0 00000 xx1 S sz n t op3 {Vt..t+2.T}[ix], [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 L 0 m xx1 S sz n t op3 {Vt..t+2.T}[ix], [Xn|SP], step
0q 001 1010 L 1 00000 xx1 S sz n t op4 {Vt..t+3.T}[ix], [Xn|SP]
0q 001 1011 L 1 m xx1 S sz n t op4 {Vt..t+3.T}[ix], [Xn|SP], step
step = if m == 11111 then transfer-size else Xm
op = case L of 1 -> LD ; 0 -> ST
laneszB,ix = case xx:q:S:sz of 00:b:b:bb -> 1, bbbb
01:b:b:b0 -> 2, bbb
10:b:b:00 -> 4, bb
10:b:0:01 -> 8, b
if (INSN(31,31) == 0 && INSN(29,24) == BITS6(0,0,1,1,0,1)) {
UInt bitQ = INSN(30,30);
Bool isPX = INSN(23,23) == 1;
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt nRegs = ((INSN(13,13) << 1) | INSN(21,21)) + 1;
UInt mm = INSN(20,16);
UInt xx = INSN(15,14);
UInt bitS = INSN(12,12);
UInt sz = INSN(11,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
Bool valid = True;
/* The combination insn[23] == 0 && insn[20:16] != 0 is not allowed. */
if (!isPX && mm != 0)
valid = False;
UInt laneSzB = 0; /* invalid */
UInt ix = 16; /* invalid */
UInt xx_q_S_sz = (xx << 4) | (bitQ << 3) | (bitS << 2) | sz;
switch (xx_q_S_sz) {
case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03:
case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07:
case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0A: case 0x0B:
case 0x0C: case 0x0D: case 0x0E: case 0x0F:
laneSzB = 1; ix = xx_q_S_sz & 0xF;
case 0x10: case 0x12: case 0x14: case 0x16:
case 0x18: case 0x1A: case 0x1C: case 0x1E:
laneSzB = 2; ix = (xx_q_S_sz >> 1) & 7;
case 0x20: case 0x24: case 0x28: case 0x2C:
laneSzB = 4; ix = (xx_q_S_sz >> 2) & 3;
case 0x21: case 0x29:
laneSzB = 8; ix = (xx_q_S_sz >> 3) & 1;
if (valid && laneSzB != 0) {
IRType ty = integerIRTypeOfSize(laneSzB);
UInt xferSzB = laneSzB * nRegs;
/* Generate the transfer address (TA) and if necessary the
writeback address (WB) */
IRTemp tTA = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tTA, getIReg64orSP(nn));
if (nn == 31) { /* FIXME generate stack alignment check */ }
if (isPX) {
tWB = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tWB, binop(Iop_Add64,
mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1) ? mkU64(xferSzB)
: getIReg64orZR(mm)));
/* Do the writeback, if necessary */
if (isPX) {
putIReg64orSP(nn, mkexpr(tWB));
switch (nRegs) {
case 4: {
IRExpr* addr
= binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(3 * laneSzB));
if (isLD) {
putQRegLane((tt+3) % 32, ix, loadLE(ty, addr));
} else {
storeLE(addr, getQRegLane((tt+3) % 32, ix, ty));
/* fallthrough */
case 3: {
IRExpr* addr
= binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(2 * laneSzB));
if (isLD) {
putQRegLane((tt+2) % 32, ix, loadLE(ty, addr));
} else {
storeLE(addr, getQRegLane((tt+2) % 32, ix, ty));
/* fallthrough */
case 2: {
IRExpr* addr
= binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(1 * laneSzB));
if (isLD) {
putQRegLane((tt+1) % 32, ix, loadLE(ty, addr));
} else {
storeLE(addr, getQRegLane((tt+1) % 32, ix, ty));
/* fallthrough */
case 1: {
IRExpr* addr
= binop(Iop_Add64, mkexpr(tTA), mkU64(0 * laneSzB));
if (isLD) {
putQRegLane((tt+0) % 32, ix, loadLE(ty, addr));
} else {
storeLE(addr, getQRegLane((tt+0) % 32, ix, ty));
HChar pxStr[20];
pxStr[0] = pxStr[sizeof(pxStr)-1] = 0;
if (isPX) {
if (mm == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1))
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", #%u", xferSzB);
vex_sprintf(pxStr, ", %s", nameIReg64orZR(mm));
const HChar* arr = nameArr_Q_SZ(bitQ, sz);
DIP("%s%u {v%u.%s .. v%u.%s}[%u], [%s]%s\n",
isLD ? "ld" : "st", nRegs,
(tt+0) % 32, arr, (tt+nRegs-1) % 32, arr,
ix, nameIReg64orSP(nn), pxStr);
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* ------------------ LD{,A}X{R,RH,RB} ------------------ */
/* ------------------ ST{,L}X{R,RH,RB} ------------------ */
/* 31 29 23 20 14 9 4
sz 001000 010 11111 0 11111 n t LDX{R,RH,RB} Rt, [Xn|SP]
sz 001000 010 11111 1 11111 n t LDAX{R,RH,RB} Rt, [Xn|SP]
sz 001000 000 s 0 11111 n t STX{R,RH,RB} Ws, Rt, [Xn|SP]
sz 001000 000 s 1 11111 n t STLX{R,RH,RB} Ws, Rt, [Xn|SP]
/* For the "standard" implementation we pass through the LL and SC to
the host. For the "fallback" implementation, for details see
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344524 and
but in short:
gs.LLsize = load_size // 1, 2, 4 or 8
gs.LLaddr = addr
gs.LLdata = zeroExtend(*addr)
StoreCond(addr, data)
tmp_LLsize = gs.LLsize
gs.LLsize = 0 // "no transaction"
if tmp_LLsize != store_size -> fail
if addr != gs.LLaddr -> fail
if zeroExtend(*addr) != gs.LLdata -> fail
cas_ok = CAS(store_size, addr, gs.LLdata -> data)
if !cas_ok -> fail
When thread scheduled
gs.LLsize = 0 // "no transaction"
(coregrind/m_scheduler/scheduler.c, run_thread_for_a_while()
has to do this bit)
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(0,0,1,0,0,0,0)
&& (INSN(23,21) & BITS3(1,0,1)) == BITS3(0,0,0)
&& INSN(14,10) == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1)) {
UInt szBlg2 = INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
Bool isAcqOrRel = INSN(15,15) == 1;
UInt ss = INSN(20,16);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
vassert(szBlg2 < 4);
UInt szB = 1 << szBlg2; /* 1, 2, 4 or 8 */
IRType ty = integerIRTypeOfSize(szB);
const HChar* suffix[4] = { "rb", "rh", "r", "r" };
IRTemp ea = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(ea, getIReg64orSP(nn));
/* FIXME generate check that ea is szB-aligned */
if (isLD && ss == BITS5(1,1,1,1,1)) {
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
if (abiinfo->guest__use_fallback_LLSC) {
// Do the load first so we don't update any guest state
// if it faults.
IRTemp loaded_data64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(loaded_data64, widenUto64(ty, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(ea))));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_LLSC_DATA, mkexpr(loaded_data64) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_LLSC_ADDR, mkexpr(ea) ));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_LLSC_SIZE, mkU64(szB) ));
putIReg64orZR(tt, mkexpr(loaded_data64));
} else {
stmt(IRStmt_LLSC(Iend_LE, res, mkexpr(ea), NULL/*LL*/));
putIReg64orZR(tt, widenUto64(ty, mkexpr(res)));
if (isAcqOrRel) {
DIP("ld%sx%s %s, [%s] %s\n", isAcqOrRel ? "a" : "", suffix[szBlg2],
nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn),
? "(fallback implementation)" : "");
return True;
if (!isLD) {
if (isAcqOrRel) {
IRExpr* data = narrowFrom64(ty, getIReg64orZR(tt));
if (abiinfo->guest__use_fallback_LLSC) {
// This is really ugly, since we don't have any way to do
// proper if-then-else. First, set up as if the SC failed,
// and jump forwards if it really has failed.
// Continuation address
IRConst* nia = IRConst_U64(guest_PC_curr_instr + 4);
// "the SC failed". Any non-zero value means failure.
putIReg64orZR(ss, mkU64(1));
IRTemp tmp_LLsize = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(tmp_LLsize, IRExpr_Get(OFFB_LLSC_SIZE, Ity_I64));
stmt( IRStmt_Put( OFFB_LLSC_SIZE, mkU64(0) // "no transaction"
// Fail if no or wrong-size transaction
vassert(szB == 8 || szB == 4 || szB == 2 || szB == 1);
stmt( IRStmt_Exit(
binop(Iop_CmpNE64, mkexpr(tmp_LLsize), mkU64(szB)),
Ijk_Boring, nia, OFFB_PC
// Fail if the address doesn't match the LL address
stmt( IRStmt_Exit(
binop(Iop_CmpNE64, mkexpr(ea),
IRExpr_Get(OFFB_LLSC_ADDR, Ity_I64)),
Ijk_Boring, nia, OFFB_PC
// Fail if the data doesn't match the LL data
IRTemp llsc_data64 = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(llsc_data64, IRExpr_Get(OFFB_LLSC_DATA, Ity_I64));
stmt( IRStmt_Exit(
binop(Iop_CmpNE64, widenUto64(ty, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(ea))),
Ijk_Boring, nia, OFFB_PC
// Try to CAS the new value in.
IRTemp old = newTemp(ty);
IRTemp expd = newTemp(ty);
assign(expd, narrowFrom64(ty, mkexpr(llsc_data64)));
stmt( IRStmt_CAS(mkIRCAS(/*oldHi*/IRTemp_INVALID, old,
Iend_LE, mkexpr(ea),
/*expdHi*/NULL, mkexpr(expd),
/*dataHi*/NULL, data
// Fail if the CAS failed (viz, old != expd)
stmt( IRStmt_Exit(
widenUto64(ty, mkexpr(old)),
widenUto64(ty, mkexpr(expd))),
Ijk_Boring, nia, OFFB_PC
// Otherwise we succeeded (!)
putIReg64orZR(ss, mkU64(0));
} else {
IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I1);
stmt(IRStmt_LLSC(Iend_LE, res, mkexpr(ea), data));
/* IR semantics: res is 1 if store succeeds, 0 if it fails.
Need to set rS to 1 on failure, 0 on success. */
putIReg64orZR(ss, binop(Iop_Xor64, unop(Iop_1Uto64, mkexpr(res)),
DIP("st%sx%s %s, %s, [%s] %s\n", isAcqOrRel ? "a" : "", suffix[szBlg2],
nameIRegOrZR(False, ss),
nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn),
? "(fallback implementation)" : "");
return True;
/* else fall through */
/* ------------------ LDA{R,RH,RB} ------------------ */
/* ------------------ STL{R,RH,RB} ------------------ */
/* 31 29 23 20 14 9 4
sz 001000 110 11111 1 11111 n t LDAR Rt, [Xn|SP]
sz 001000 100 11111 1 11111 n t STLR Rt, [Xn|SP]
if (INSN(29,23) == BITS7(0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
&& INSN(21,10) == BITS12(0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)) {
UInt szBlg2 = INSN(31,30);
Bool isLD = INSN(22,22) == 1;
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
vassert(szBlg2 < 4);
UInt szB = 1 << szBlg2; /* 1, 2, 4 or 8 */
IRType ty = integerIRTypeOfSize(szB);
const HChar* suffix[4] = { "rb", "rh", "r", "r" };
IRTemp ea = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(ea, getIReg64orSP(nn));
/* FIXME generate check that ea is szB-aligned */
if (isLD) {
IRTemp res = newTemp(ty);
assign(res, loadLE(ty, mkexpr(ea)));
putIReg64orZR(tt, widenUto64(ty, mkexpr(res)));
DIP("lda%s %s, [%s]\n", suffix[szBlg2],
nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn));
} else {
IRExpr* data = narrowFrom64(ty, getIReg64orZR(tt));
storeLE(mkexpr(ea), data);
DIP("stl%s %s, [%s]\n", suffix[szBlg2],
nameIRegOrZR(szB == 8, tt), nameIReg64orSP(nn));
return True;
/* The PRFM cases that follow are possibly allow Rt values (the
prefetch operation) which are not allowed by the documentation.
This should be looked into. */
/* ------------------ PRFM (immediate) ------------------ */
/* 31 21 9 4
11 111 00110 imm12 n t PRFM pfrop=Rt, [Xn|SP, #pimm]
if (INSN(31,22) == BITS10(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0)) {
UInt imm12 = INSN(21,10);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
/* Generating any IR here is pointless, except for documentation
purposes, as it will get optimised away later. */
IRTemp ea = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(ea, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(imm12 * 8)));
DIP("prfm prfop=%u, [%s, #%u]\n", tt, nameIReg64orSP(nn), imm12 * 8);
return True;
/* ------------------ PRFM (register) ------------------ */
/* 31 29 22 20 15 12 11 9 4
11 1110001 01 Rm opt S 10 Rn Rt PRFM pfrop=Rt, [Xn|SP, R{ext/sh}]
if (INSN(31,21) == BITS11(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1)
&& INSN(11,10) == BITS2(1,0)) {
HChar dis_buf[64];
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
IRTemp ea = gen_indexed_EA(dis_buf, insn, True/*to/from int regs*/);
if (ea != IRTemp_INVALID) {
/* No actual code to generate. */
DIP("prfm prfop=%u, %s\n", tt, dis_buf);
return True;
/* ------------------ PRFM (unscaled offset) ------------------ */
/* 31 29 22 20 11 9 4
11 1110001 00 imm9 00 Rn Rt PRFM pfrop=Rt, [Xn|SP, #simm]
if (INSN(31,21) == BITS11(1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,0,1, 0,0)
&& INSN(11,10) == BITS2(0,0)) {
ULong imm9 = INSN(20,12);
UInt nn = INSN(9,5);
UInt tt = INSN(4,0);
ULong offset = sx_to_64(imm9, 9);
IRTemp ea = newTemp(Ity_I64);
assign(ea, binop(Iop_Add64, getIReg64orSP(nn), mkU64(offset)));
/* No actual code to generate. */
DIP("prfum prfop=%u, [%s, #0x%llx]\n", tt, nameIReg64orSP(nn), offset);
return True;
/* ---------------- ARMv8.1-LSE: Atomic Memory Operations ---------------- */
/* 31 29 23 22 21 20 15 11 9 4
sz 111000 A R 1 s 0000 00 n t LDADD{,A}{,L} ,