# [v0.3.1] - Update repository to https://github.com/rust-vmm/vfio # [v0.3.0] ## Added - Update vmm-sys-util version to ">=0.8.0" # [v0.2.0] ## Added - Add FAM wrappers for vfio\_irq\_set - Update vmm-sys-util version to ">=0.2.0" # [v0.1.0] This is the first `vfio-bindings` crate release. This crate provides Rust FFI bindings to the [Virtual Function I/O (VFIO)](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vfio.txt) Linux kernel API. With this first release, the bindings are for the Linux kernel version 5.0. The bindings are generated using [bindgen](https://crates.io/crates/bindgen).