Color3 ###### .. code-block:: #include The ``Color3`` class template represents a 3-component color, with pre-defined typedefs of ``unsigned char``, ``half``, and ``float``. The ``Color3`` class inherits from ``Vec3`` and thus has fields named ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``. The class itself implies no specific interpretation of the values. There are also various utility functions that operate on colors defined in ``ImathColorAlgo.h`` and described in :ref:`Color Functions `. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/Color3.cpp :language: c++ .. doxygentypedef:: Color3c .. doxygentypedef:: Color3h .. doxygentypedef:: Color3f .. doxygentypedef:: C3c .. doxygentypedef:: C3h .. doxygentypedef:: C3f .. doxygenclass:: Imath::Color3 :undoc-members: :members: