#!/bin/sh #some folders SRC_DIR=src_vids # for holding source videos -- will be deleted at the end of this script. PROC_DIR=vids # procseed videos (truncated to 45 seconds) #clean up outputs from previous execution #rm -r $SRC_DIR #rm -r $PROC_DIR # Download two videos (with CC licenses) from youtube in multiple # different formats (all in low quality to avoid polluting the repository # with large amounts of incompressible data) # Then truncate them all to one minute long. DOG_SRC="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf0Mi3kWKhY" CAT_SRC="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu7aPLc0Lq4" get_src_vid() { URL=$1 NICE_NAME=$2 i=1 youtube-dl -f 160 $URL --output $SRC_DIR/$NICE_NAME.$((i++)).mp4 youtube-dl -f 394 $URL --output $SRC_DIR/$NICE_NAME.$((i++)).mp4 youtube-dl -f 278 $URL --output $SRC_DIR/$NICE_NAME.$((i++)).webm } truncate_src_vids() { for F in $SRC_DIR/* do echo $(basename -- $F) mkdir -p $PROC_DIR ffmpeg -y -i $F -t 45 -c copy $PROC_DIR/$(basename -- $F) done } get_src_vid $DOG_SRC dog get_src_vid $CAT_SRC cat truncate_src_vids #remove source videos #rm -rf $SRC_DIR