# videostream-sys Low-level Rust bindings for the DeepView VideoStream Library "VSL". To use VideoStream from Rust please refer to the videostream-rs project. # Compiling This crate requires libvideostream to be installed but provides the videostream.h so the -dev package is not required. The Rust bindings are generated from the bundled videostream.h and are updated by the package maintainers. # Cross Compiling When cross-compiling please ensure your `$HOME/.cargo/config.toml` has the following, otherwise you can expect compilation errors. ```toml [target.aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu] linker = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" ``` # Support Professional support for DeepView AI Middleware, including this library, is provided by Au-Zone Technologies through the [DeepView Support Portal][1]. [1]: https://support.deepviewml.com