# vimg examples Note: Support for animated avif isn't everywhere yet, try viewing with chrom{e,ium}. ## Example: Animated 1080p vcs Defaut args produce a 30 frame 1.5s capture played back at 10fps. ``` vimg vcs -c5 -n25 -H216 bbb.mkv ``` -> [bbb.1080p.avif](bbb.1080p.avif) ## Example: Animated 1440p realtime vcs Playback at 20fps with the default args produces a realtime animated avif. ``` vimg vcs -c5 -n25 -H288 --avif-fps=20 bbb.mkv ``` -> [bbb.1440p.avif](bbb.1440p.avif) ## Example: Still ultrawide vcs Using a single capture frame `-f1` results in a still/static vcs. 7 columns & 35 captures results in close to 21:9 ultrawide resolution grid. ``` vimg vcs -c7 -n35 -H288 -f1 bbb.mkv ``` -> [bbb.wide.avif](bbb.wide.avif)