# Vineyard Rust SDK > [!NOTE] > Rust nightly is required. The vineyard Rust SDK is still under development. > The API may change in the future. [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/vineyard.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/vineyard) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/vineyard)](https://crates.io/crates/vineyard) [![Docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/vineyard/latest)](https://docs.rs/vineyard/latest/vineyard/) Connecting to Vineyard ---------------------- - Resolve the UNIX-domain socket from the environment variable `VINEYARD_IPC_SOCKET`: ```rust use vineyard::client::*; let mut client = vineyard::default().unwrap(); ``` - Or, using explicit parameter: ```rust use vineyard::client::*; let mut client = vineyard::connect("/var/run/vineyard.sock").unwrap(); ``` Interact with Vineyard ---------------------- - Creating blob: ```rust let mut blob_writer = client.create_blob(N)?; ``` - Get object: ```rust let mut meta_writer = client.get::(object_id)?; ``` Inter-op with Python: `numpy.ndarray` ------------------------------------- - Python: ```python import numpy as np import vineyard client = vineyard.connect() np_array = np.random.rand(10, 20).astype(np.int32) object_id = int(client.put(np_array)) ``` - Rust: ```rust let mut client = IPCClient::default()?; let tensor = client.get::(object_id)?; assert_that!(tensor.shape().to_vec()).is_equal_to(vec![10, 20]); ``` Inter-op with Python: `pandas.DataFrame` ---------------------------------------- - Python ```python import pandas as pd import vineyard client = vineyard.connect() df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["1", "2", "3", "4"], 'b': ["5", "6", "7", "8"]}) object_id = int(client.put(df)) ``` - Rust ```rust let mut client = IPCClient::default()?; let dataframe = client.get::(object_id)?; assert_that!(dataframe.num_columns()).is_equal_to(2); assert_that!(dataframe.names().to_vec()).is_equal_to(vec!["a".into(), "b".into()]); for index in 0..dataframe.num_columns() { let column = dataframe.column(index); assert_that!(column.len()).is_equal_to(4); } ``` Inter-op with Python: `pyarrow.RecordBatch` ------------------------------------- - Python ```python import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa import vineyard client = vineyard.connect() arrays = [ pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), pa.array(["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]), pa.array([3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0]), ] batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(arrays, ["f0", "f1", "f2"]) object_id = int(client.put(batch)) ``` - Rust ```rust let batch = client.get::(object_id)?; assert_that!(batch.num_columns()).is_equal_to(3); assert_that!(batch.num_rows()).is_equal_to(4); let schema = batch.schema(); let names = ["f0", "f1", "f2"]; let recordbatch = batch.as_ref().as_ref(); ``` Inter-op with Python: `pyarrow.Table` ------------------------------------- - Python ```python batches = [batch] * 5 table = pa.Table.from_batches(batches) object_id = int(client.put(table)) ``` - Rust ```rust let mut client = IPCClient::default()?; let table = client.get::(object_id)?; assert_that!(table.num_batches()).is_equal_to(5); for batch in table.batches().iter() { // ... } ``` Inter-op with Python: `polars.DataFrame` ---------------------------------------- - Python ```python import polars dataframe = polars.DataFrame(table) object_id = int(client.put(dataframe)) ``` - Rust ```rust use vineyard_polars::ds::dataframe::DataFrame; let mut client = IPCClient::default()?; let dataframe = client.get::(object_id)?; let dataframe = dataframe.as_ref().as_ref(); assert_that!(dataframe.width()).is_equal_to(3); for column in dataframe.get_columns() { // ... } ``` Inter-op with Python: `polars.DataFrame` ---------------------------------------- - Python ```python batches = [batch] * 5 table = pa.Table.from_batches(batches) object_id = int(client.put(table)) ``` - Rust ```rust use vineyard_datafusion::ds::dataframe::DataFrame; let mut client = IPCClient::default()?; let dataframe = client.get::(object_id)?; let ctx = SessionContext::new(); let table = ctx.read_table(dataframe.table_provider()).unwrap(); assert_that!(block_on(table.count()).unwrap()).is_equal_to(1000); ```