# Upcoming Release # v0.2.4 ## Changed - Regenerate bindings with bindgen 0.70.1. # v0.2.3 ## Added - Exposed virtio_ids.h bindings as a public module. - Regenerate bindings with Linux 6.10. - Added virtio_input.h bindings. # v0.2.2 ## Added - Added bindings for virtio_ids.h - Regenerate bindings with Linux 6.4. # v0.2.1 - Regenerate bindings with Linux 6.3. - Added bindings for virtio_scsi.h - Updated vm-memory from 0.10.0 to 0.12.0. # v0.2.0 ## Added - Add bindings for virtio_config.h, virtio_gpu.h, and virtio_mmio.h ## Changed - Regenerate bindings with Glibc 2.36, Linux 6.1, and bindgen 0.63.0 - The `virtio-v4_14_0` and `virtio-v5_0_0` crate features are now no-ops — the latest version of the bindings is now always used. - The bindings modules no longer accidentally re-export constants from Glibc or other kernel headers. As a result of this, it is no longer possible to reference constants from virtio_config.h through e.g. the `virtio_net` module, only through the `virtio_config` module. # v0.1.0 This is the first `virtio-bindings` crate release. This crate provides Rust FFI bindings to the [Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO)](https://docs.oasis-open.org/virtio/virtio/v1.1/virtio-v1.1.html) Linux kernel API. With this first release, the bindings are for the Linux kernel versions 4.14 and 5.0. The bindings are generated using [bindgen](https://crates.io/crates/bindgen).