#![cfg(feature = "insertion")]
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use visdom::types::BoxDynError;
use visdom::Vis;
type Result = StdResult<(), BoxDynError>;
fn test_append_child() -> Result {
const HTML: &str = r#"
let root = Vis::load(HTML)?;
let mut parent = root.children(".parent");
let first_child = parent.children(".first-child");
let mut new_childs =
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
parent.append(&mut new_childs);
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
let all_childs = parent.children("");
let last_child = all_childs.last();
assert_eq!(2, last_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
// empty
let mut empty = Vis::load("")?;
empty.append_to(&mut parent);
let last_child = parent.children("").last();
assert_eq!(2, last_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
fn test_prepend_child() -> Result {
const HTML: &str = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(HTML)?;
let mut parent = root.children(".parent");
let last_child = parent.children(".third-child");
let mut new_childs =
assert_eq!(0, last_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
new_childs.prepend_to(&mut parent);
assert_eq!(2, last_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
let all_childs = parent.children("");
let first_child = all_childs.eq(0);
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
fn test_insert_before() -> Result {
const HTML: &str = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(HTML)?;
let parent = root.children(".parent");
let mut third_child = parent.children(".third-child");
let inserted = Vis::load(r#""#)?;
let inserted_childs = inserted.children("");
assert_eq!(0, third_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
// append second child
let mut second_child = inserted_childs.filter(".second-child");
second_child.insert_before(&mut third_child);
assert_eq!(1, third_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(0, second_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(1, inserted.children("").length());
// append first_child
let mut first_child = inserted_childs.filter(".first-child");
first_child.insert_before(&mut second_child);
assert_eq!(2, third_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(1, second_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(0, inserted.children("").length());
fn test_insert_after() -> Result {
const HTML: &str = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(HTML)?;
let parent = root.children(".parent");
let mut first_child = parent.children(".first-child");
let inserted = Vis::load(r#""#)?;
let inserted_childs = inserted.children("");
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
// append second child
let mut second_child = inserted_childs.filter(".second-child");
second_child.insert_after(&mut first_child);
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(1, second_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(1, inserted.children("").length());
// append third_child
let mut third_child = inserted_childs.filter(".third-child");
third_child.insert_after(&mut second_child);
assert_eq!(2, third_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(1, second_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(0, first_child.get(0).unwrap().index());
assert_eq!(0, inserted.children("").length());
fn test_empty() -> Result {
let html = r#"This is a test!
let root = Vis::load(html)?;
let mut content = root.find("#content");
assert_eq!(content.length(), 1);
assert_eq!(content.children("strong").length(), 1);
assert_eq!(content.children("strong").length(), 0);
assert_eq!(content.html(), "");
fn test_allow_insert() -> Result {
// --- void tags, not allowed insert any html ---
let html = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(html)?;
// set html will make no sence
let mut img = root.find("img");
assert_eq!(img.html(), "");
// append
let mut childs = Vis::load("abcdef")?;
childs.append_to(&mut img);
assert_eq!(img.html(), "");
// ----- title -----
let html = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(html)?;
let mut title = root.find("title");
assert_eq!(title.text(), "abcd");
let mut content = Vis::load("abcd")?;
content.append_to(&mut title);
assert_eq!(title.text(), "abcd");
// ----- insert self----
let html = r#""#;
let root = Vis::load(html)?;
let mut wrapper = root.find("#wrapper");
let mut inner = wrapper.find("#inner");
// insert parent to child, will make no sence
wrapper.append_to(&mut inner);
assert_eq!(wrapper.find("#inner").length(), 1);
// insert to self, will not allowed by rust
// inner.append_to(&mut inner);
fn test_append_wrong_document() {
let html = r#"
let mut root = Vis::load_catch(
Box::new(|e| {
panic!("{}", e.to_string());
let mut main = root.find("#main");
main.append(&mut root);
fn test_append_wrong_itself() {
let html = r#"
let root = Vis::load_catch(
Box::new(|e| {
panic!("{}", e.to_string());
let mut main = root.find("#main");
let mut still_main = root.find("#main");
main.append(&mut still_main);
fn test_append_wrong_parent() {
let html = r#"
let root = Vis::load_catch(
Box::new(|e| {
panic!("{}", e.to_string());
let mut child = root.find("#container");
let mut parent = root.find("#main");
child.append(&mut parent);