core: normal_text: [$no] regular_file: [$fi] reset_to_normal: [$rs] directory: [$di] symlink: [$ln] multi_hard_link: [$mh] fifo: [$pi] socket: [$so] door: [$do] block_device: [$bd] character_device: [$cd] broken_symlink: [$or] missing_symlink_target: [$mi] setuid: [$su] setgid: [$sg] file_with_capability: [$ca] sticky_other_writable: [$tw] other_writable: [$ow] sticky: [$st] executable_file: [$ex] text: special: - CHANGELOG - - CHANGELOG.txt - CODE_OF_CONDUCT - - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.txt - CONTRIBUTING - - CONTRIBUTING.txt - CONTRIBUTORS - - CONTRIBUTORS.txt - FAQ - INSTALL - - INSTALL.txt - LEGACY - NOTICE - README - - README.txt - VERSION todo: - TODO - - TODO.txt licenses: - COPYING - COPYRIGHT - LICENCE - LICENSE - LICENSE-APACHE - LICENSE-MIT configuration: generic: - .cfg - .conf - .config - .ini - .json - .tml - .toml - .webmanifest - .yaml - .yml metadata: - .xmp bibtex: - .bib - .bst dockerfile: - Dockerfile nix: - .nix qt: - .ui desktop: - .desktop system: - passwd - shadow other: - .txt markup: web: - .htm - .html - .shtml - .xhtml other: - ".1" - .csv - .markdown - .md - .mdown - .info - .org - .rst - .typ - .xml programming: source: actionscript: [.as] ada: [.adb, .ads] applescript: [.applescript] asp: [.asa] assembly: [.asm] awk: [.awk] basic: [.vb] cabal: [.cabal] clojure: [.clj] crystal: [.cr] csharp: [.cs, .csx] css: [.css] cxx: [.c, .cpp, .cc, .cp, .cxx, .c++, .h, .hh, .hpp, .hxx, .h++, .ino, .inc, .inl, .ipp, .def] d: [.d, .di] dart: [.dart] diff: [.diff, .patch] elixir: [.ex, .exs] emacs: [.elc] elm: [.elm] erlang: [.erl] fsharp: [.fs, .fsi, .fsx] gcode: [.gcode] go: [.go] graphviz: [.dot, .gv] groovy: [.groovy, .gvy, .gradle] hack: [.hack] hare: [.ha] haskell: [.hs] ipython: [.ipynb] java: [.java, .bsh] javascript: [.js, .jsx, .htc] julia: [.jl] kotlin: [.kt, .kts] latex: [.tex, .ltx] less: [.less] llvm: [.ll, .mir] lisp: [.lisp, .el] lua: [.lua] mathematica: [.nb] matlab: [.matlab, .m, .mn] mojo: [.mojo] nim: [.nim, .nims, .nimble] ocaml: [.ml, .mli] openscad: [.scad] pascal: [.pas, .p, .dpr] perl: [.pl, .pm, .pod, .t, .cgi] php: [.php] powershell: [.ps1, .psm1, .psd1] prql: [.prql] puppet: [.pp, .epp] purescript: [.purs] python: [.py] r: [.r] raku: [.raku] ruby: [.rb] rust: [.rs] sass: [.sass, .scss] scala: [.scala, .sbt] shell: [.sh, .bash, .nu, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zsh, .fish] sql: [.sql] swift: [.swift] tablegen: [.td] tcl: [.tcl] typescript: [.ts, .tsx] v: [.v, .vsh] viml: [.vim] zig: [.zig] tooling: vcs: git: - .gitignore - .gitmodules - .gitattributes - .gitconfig - .mailmap hg: - .hgrc - hgrc other: - CODEOWNERS - .ignore - .fdignore - .rgignore - .tfignore build: cmake: - .cmake - CMakeLists.txt - make: - Makefile - .make - .mk automake: - configure: - configure - scons: - SConscript - SConstruct pip: - requirements.txt packaging: go: - go.mod python: - - - pyproject.toml ruby: - .gemspec v: - v.mod code-style: python: - .flake8 cxx: - .clang-format editors: editorconfig: - .editorconfig qt: - .pro kdevelop: - .kdevelop documentation: doxygen: - Doxyfile - .dox continuous-integration: - appveyor.yml - azure-pipelines.yml - .cirrus.yml - .gitlab-ci.yml - .travis.yml media: image: application: - .ai # Illustrator - .kra # Krita - .psd # Photoshop - .xvf # GIMP bitmap: - .avif - .bmp - .exr # OpenEXR - .gif - .heif - .ico - .jpeg - .jpg - .jxl - .pbm - .pcx - .pgm - .png - .ppm - .qoi - .tga - .tif - .tiff - .webp - .xpm raw: # Camera RAW files, based on (.tif omitted to avoid duplication) - .3fr - .ari - .arw - .bay - .braw - .cap - .cr2 - .cr3 - .crw - .data - .dcr - .dcs - .dng - .drf - .eip - .erf - .fff - .gpr - .iiq - .k25 - .kdc - .mdc - .mef - .mos - .mrw - .nef - .nrw - .obm - .orf - .pef - .ptx - .pxn - .r3d - .raf - .raw - .rw2 - .rwl - .rwz - .sr2 - .srf - .srw - .x3f vector: - .dxf - .eps - .svg audio: - .aif - .ape - .flac - .m3u - .m4a - .mid - .mp3 - .ogg - .opus - .wav - .wma - .wv video: - .avi - .flv - .h264 - .m4v - .mkv - .mov - .mp4 - .mpeg - .mpg - .ogv - .rm - .swf - .vob - .webm - .wmv fonts: - .fnt - .fon - .otf - .ttf - .woff - .woff2 3d: # File formats relating to 3D data for computer graphics, CAD, 3D printing etc. application: - .blend # Blender scene file - .hda # Houdini Digital Assets - .hip # Houdini scene file - .ma # Maya scene file - .mb # Maya scene file - .otl # Houdini Operator Type Library mesh: - .3ds - .3mf # 3D manufacturing format - .alembic - .amf # Additive Manifacturing File - .dae # Collada - .fbx - .iges - .igs - .mtl # material for .obj - .obj - .step - .stl - .stp - .usd # Universal Scene Description (stores many things) - .usda # .usd ASCII-format - .usdc # .usd binary-format - .usdz # .usd package - .wrl # VRML - .x3d office: document: - .doc - .docx - .epub - .odt - .pdf - .ps - .rtf - .sxw spreadsheet: - .xls - .xlsx - .ods - .xlr presentation: - .ppt - .pptx - .odp - .sxi - .kex - .pps calendar: - .ics archives: packages: - .apk - .deb - .msi - .rpm - .xbps ros: - .bag images: - .bin - .dmg - .img - .iso - .toast - .vcd other: - .7z - .arj - .bz - .bz2 - .db - .gz - .jar - .pkg - .rar - .tar - .tbz - .tbz2 - .tgz - .xz - .z - .zip - .zst executable: windows: - .bat - .com - .exe library: - .so - .a - .dll - .dylib linux: - .ko unimportant: build_artifacts: cxx: - .o - .la - .lo cmake: - CMakeCache.txt automake: - rust: - .rlib - .rmeta python: - .pyc - .pyd - .pyo haskell: - .dyn_hi - .dyn_o - .cache - .hi java: - .class scons: - .scons_opt - .sconsign.dblite latex: - .aux - .bbl - .bcf - .blg - .fdb_latexmk - .fls - .idx - .ilg - .ind - .out - .sty - .synctex.gz - .toc llvm: - .bc macos: - .CFUserTextEncoding - .DS_Store - .localized - Icon\r other: - "~" - .bak - .ctags - .git # only works for '.git' files (submodules) - .lock - .log - .orig - .pid - .swp - .timestamp - .tmp - stderr - stdin - stdout - bun.lockb - go.sum - package-lock.json