colors: # Based on the dark mode of `Solarized` # ( # # The assignment of colors to file types roughly follows `dircolors` base03 : '002b36' base02 : '073642' base01 : '586e75' base00 : '657b83' base0 : '839496' base1 : '93a1a1' base2 : 'eee8d5' base3 : 'fdf6e3' yellow : 'b58900' orange : 'cb4b16' red : 'dc322f' magenta : 'd33682' violet : '6c71c4' blue : '268bd2' cyan : '2aa198' green : '859900' core: normal_text: foreground: base0 regular_file: foreground: base0 reset_to_normal: foreground: base0 directory: foreground: blue font-style: bold symlink: foreground: cyan font-style: bold multi_hard_link: {} fifo: foreground: yellow background: base2 font-style: bold socket: foreground: magenta background: base2 font-style: bold door: foreground: magenta background: base2 font-style: bold block_device: foreground: yellow background: base2 font-style: bold character_device: foreground: yellow background: base2 font-style: bold broken_symlink: foreground: red background: base2 font-style: bold missing_symlink_target: foreground: red background: base2 font-style: bold setuid: {} setgid: {} file_with_capability: {} sticky_other_writable: {} other_writable: {} sticky: {} executable_file: foreground: green font-style: bold text: special: foreground: base0 todo: foreground: base0 font-style: bold licenses: foreground: base0 configuration: foreground: base0 other: foreground: base0 markup: foreground: base0 programming: foreground: base0 media: image: foreground: magenta audio: foreground: cyan video: foreground: magenta font-style: bold fonts: foreground: violet 3d: foreground: magenta office: foreground: orange archives: foreground: red font-style: bold executable: foreground: base0 unimportant: foreground: base01