# `vk2dfd` This is a tiny crate that converts Vulkan formats to Khronos [Data Format Descriptor]s. Conversion of Vulkan formats to DFDs is primarily useful for software that wants to write [KTX] or [KTX2] format textures. The format is straightforward to write, with the sole exception of the data format descriptor, which is a complex specification. With this crate, you can write textures in those formats with ease. Unlike the official Khronos [`dfdutils`] package, this crate simply uses a hardcoded table of formats and their associated DFDs. The number of formats is relatively small, so this is the most efficient way to implement this functionality. # Code of Conduct `vk2dfd` follows the same Code of Conduct as Rust itself. Reports can be made to the project authors. # License Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, or the MIT license, at your option. See the `LICENSE-APACHE2` and `LICENSE-MIT` files for details. [Data Format Descriptor]: https://registry.khronos.org/DataFormat/specs/1.3/dataformat.1.3.html#_the_khronos_data_format_descriptor_overview [KTX]: https://www.khronos.org/ktx/ [KTX2]: https://www.khronos.org/ktx/ [`dfdutils`]: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/KTX-Software