# VKontakte API `vkontakte_api` - эта библиотека не является оффициальным продуктом _ВКонтакте_.
Эта библиотека создана для личного, и не очень, использования. ## Goals - [x] Implements the `Account - - [x] Implements all `methods` of `Account - [ ] Implements the `Groups` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Groups` - [ ] Implements the `Ads` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Ads` - [ ] Implements the `AppWidgets` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `AppWidgets` - [ ] Implements the `Apps` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Apps` - [ ] Implements the `Asr` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Asr` - [x] Implements the `Auth - - [x] Implements all `methods` of `Auth` - [ ] Implements the `Board` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Board` - [ ] Implements the `Bugtracker` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Bugtracker` - [ ] Implements the `Calls` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Calls` - [ ] Implements the `Database` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Database` - [ ] Implements the `Docs` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Docs` - [ ] Implements the `Donut` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Donut` - [ ] Implements the `DownloadedGames` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `DownloadedGame` - [ ] Implements the `Fave` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Fave` - [ ] Implements the `Friends` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Friends` - [ ] Implements the `Gifts` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Gifts` - [ ] Implements the `LeadForms` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `LeadForms` - [ ] Implements the `Likes` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Likes` - [ ] Implements the `Market` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Market` - [ ] Implements the `Messages` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Messages` - [ ] Implements the `Newsfeed` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Newsfeed` - [ ] Implements the `Notes` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Notes` - [ ] Implements the `Notifications` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Notifications` - [ ] Implements the `Orders` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Orders` - [ ] Implements the `Pages` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Pages` - [ ] Implements the `Photos` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Photos` - [ ] Implements the `Places` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Places` - [ ] Implements the `Podcasts` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Podcasts` - [ ] Implements the `Polls` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Polls` - [ ] Implements the `PrettyCards` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `PrettyCards` - [ ] Implements the `Search` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Search` - [ ] Implements the `Secure` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Secure` - [ ] Implements the `Stats` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Stats` - [ ] Implements the `Status` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Status` - [ ] Implements the `Storage` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Storage` - [ ] Implements the `Store` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Store` - [ ] Implements the `Stories` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Stories` - [ ] Implements the `Streaming` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Streaming` - [ ] Implements the `Users` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Users` - [ ] Implements the `Utils` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Utils` - [ ] Implements the `Video` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Video` - [ ] Implements the `Wall` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Wall` - [ ] Implements the `Widgets` - - [ ] Implements all `methods` of `Widgets`