use std::{ collections::VecDeque, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, time::Duration, }; use bevy::{ color::palettes, core::TaskPoolThreadAssignmentPolicy, diagnostic::{DiagnosticsStore, FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin, LogDiagnosticsPlugin}, math::Vec3Swizzles, prelude::*, sprite::MaterialMesh2dBundle, tasks::AsyncComputeTaskPool, utils::Instant, window::{PrimaryWindow, WindowResized}, }; use rand::prelude::*; use vleue_navigator::{NavMesh, VleueNavigatorPlugin}; fn main() { App::new() .insert_resource(ClearColor(palettes::css::BLACK.into())) .add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins .set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { title: "Navmesh with Polyanya".to_string(), fit_canvas_to_parent: true, ..default() }), ..default() }) // This example will be async heavy, increase the default threadpool .set(TaskPoolPlugin { task_pool_options: TaskPoolOptions { async_compute: TaskPoolThreadAssignmentPolicy { min_threads: 1, max_threads: usize::MAX, percent: 1.0, }, ..default() }, }), FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin, LogDiagnosticsPlugin::default(), VleueNavigatorPlugin, )) .init_resource::() .insert_resource(TaskMode::Blocking) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems( Update, ( on_mesh_change, go_somewhere, compute_paths, poll_path_tasks, move_navigator, mode_change, ), ) .add_systems(FixedUpdate, (spawn, update_ui)) .insert_resource(Time::::from_seconds(0.1)) .run(); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Resource)] enum TaskMode { Async, Blocking, } #[derive(Resource)] struct Meshes { aurora: Handle, } const MESH_SIZE: Vec2 = Vec2::new(1024.0, 768.0); fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); commands.insert_resource(Meshes { aurora: asset_server.load("aurora-merged.polyanya.mesh"), }); let font = asset_server.load("FiraMono-Medium.ttf"); commands.spawn(TextBundle { text: Text::from_sections([ TextSection::new( "Agents: ", TextStyle { font_size: 30.0, ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "0\n", TextStyle { font_size: 30.0, ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "FPS: ", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "0.0\n", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "Task duration: ", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, font: font.clone(), ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "0.0\n", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, font: font.clone(), ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "Task overhead: ", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, font: font.clone(), ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "0.0\n", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, font: font.clone(), ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "space - ", TextStyle { font_size: 15.0, ..default() }, ), TextSection::new( "\n", TextStyle { font_size: 15.0, ..default() }, ), ]), style: Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, margin: UiRect { top: Val::Px(5.0), left: Val::Px(5.0), ..default() }, ..default() }, ..default() }); } fn on_mesh_change( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut>, navmeshes: Res>, mut materials: ResMut>, known_meshes: Res, mut current_mesh_entity: Local>, primary_window: Query<&Window, With>, window_resized: EventReader, mut wait_for_mesh: Local, ) { if !window_resized.is_empty() || *wait_for_mesh { let handle = &known_meshes.aurora; if let Some(navmesh) = navmeshes.get(handle) { *wait_for_mesh = false; if let Some(entity) = *current_mesh_entity { commands.entity(entity).despawn(); } let window = primary_window.single(); let factor = (window.width() / MESH_SIZE.x).min(window.height() / MESH_SIZE.y); *current_mesh_entity = Some( commands .spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(navmesh.to_mesh()).into(), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new( -MESH_SIZE.x / 2.0 * factor, -MESH_SIZE.y / 2.0 * factor, 0.0, )) .with_scale(Vec3::splat(factor)), material: materials.add(ColorMaterial::from(Color::Srgba( palettes::tailwind::ZINC_700, ))), ..default() }) .id(), ); } else { *wait_for_mesh = true; } } } #[derive(Component)] struct Navigator { speed: f32, } #[derive(Component)] struct Target { target: Vec2, } #[derive(Component)] struct Path { path: Vec, } fn spawn( primary_window: Query<&Window, With>, mut commands: Commands, navmeshes: Res>, known_meshes: Res, ) { if navmeshes.contains(&known_meshes.aurora) { let window = primary_window.single(); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let screen = Vec2::new(window.width(), window.height()); let factor = (screen.x / MESH_SIZE.x).min(screen.y / MESH_SIZE.y); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] let per_update = 20; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] let per_update = 100; let mut to_spawn = Vec::with_capacity(per_update); for _ in 0..per_update { let in_mesh = *[ Vec2::new(575.0, 410.0), Vec2::new(387.0, 524.0), Vec2::new(762.0, 692.0), Vec2::new(991.0, 426.0), Vec2::new(746.0, 241.0), Vec2::new(391.0, 231.0), Vec2::new(25.0, 433.0), Vec2::new(300.0, 679.0), ] .choose(&mut rng) .unwrap(); let position = (in_mesh - MESH_SIZE / 2.0) * factor; let color = Hsla::hsl(rng.gen_range(0.0..360.0), 1.0, 0.5); to_spawn.push(( SpriteBundle { sprite: Sprite { color: Color::Srgba(color.into()), custom_size: Some(Vec2::ONE), ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_translation(position.extend(1.0)) .with_scale(Vec3::splat(5.0)), ..default() }, Navigator { speed: rng.gen_range(50.0..100.0), }, )); } commands.spawn_batch(to_spawn); } } #[derive(Default)] struct TaskResult { path: Option, done: bool, delay: f32, duration: f32, } #[derive(Component)] struct FindingPath(Arc>); fn compute_paths( mut commands: Commands, with_target: Query<(Entity, &Target, &Transform), Changed>, meshes: Res>, primary_window: Query<&Window, With>, task_mode: Res, mesh: Res, ) { let mesh = if let Some(mesh) = meshes.get(&mesh.aurora) { mesh } else { return; }; for (entity, target, transform) in &with_target { let window = primary_window.single(); let factor = (window.width() / MESH_SIZE.x).min(window.height() / MESH_SIZE.y); let in_mesh = transform.translation.truncate() / factor + MESH_SIZE / 2.0; let to =; let mesh = mesh.clone(); let finding = FindingPath(Arc::new(RwLock::new(TaskResult::default()))); let writer = finding.0.clone(); let start = Instant::now(); let task_mode = *task_mode; AsyncComputeTaskPool::get() .spawn(async move { let delay = (Instant::now() - start).as_secs_f32(); let path = if task_mode == TaskMode::Async { mesh.get_path(in_mesh, to).await } else { mesh.path(in_mesh, to) }; *writer.write().unwrap() = TaskResult { path, done: true, delay, duration: (Instant::now() - start).as_secs_f32() - delay, }; }) .detach(); commands.entity(entity).insert(finding); } } #[derive(Resource, Default)] struct Stats { pathfinding_duration: VecDeque, task_delay: VecDeque, } fn poll_path_tasks( mut commands: Commands, computing: Query<(Entity, &FindingPath, &Transform)>, mut stats: ResMut, navmeshes: Res>, meshes: Res, primary_window: Query<&Window, With>, ) { for (entity, task, transform) in &computing { let mut task = task.0.write().unwrap(); if task.done { stats.pathfinding_duration.push_front(task.duration); stats.pathfinding_duration.truncate(100); stats.task_delay.push_front(task.delay); stats.task_delay.truncate(100); if let Some(path) = task.path.take() { commands .entity(entity) .insert(Path { path: path.path }) .remove::(); } else { let window = primary_window.single(); let screen = Vec2::new(window.width(), window.height()); let factor = (screen.x / MESH_SIZE.x).min(screen.y / MESH_SIZE.y); if !navmeshes .get(&meshes.aurora) .unwrap() .is_in_mesh(transform.translation.xy() / factor + MESH_SIZE / 2.0) { commands.entity(entity).despawn(); } commands .entity(entity) .remove::() .remove::(); } } } } fn move_navigator( mut query: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform, &mut Path, &Navigator)>, primary_window: Query<&Window, With>, time: Res