# Voight Kampff ![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/voight_kampff) This crate is a rust version of this [excellent ruby gem](https://github.com/biola/Voight-Kampff) for figuring out if a http request is from a bot/crawler/scraper/replicant. It relies only on the user agent that was sent and does no other checks on its own. ### Usage `voight_kampff::bot()` will return true if the user agent matches a user agent in the `crawler-user-agents.json` file In your Cargo.toml: ```toml voight_kampff = "0.1.2" ``` In your code: ```rust use voight_kampff; voight_kampff::bot("Mozilla/5.0 ..."); ``` As with the ruby version, this crate gets its list of user agents from [this repo](https://github.com/monperrus/crawler-user-agents) by monperrus.