use anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount; use program_test::*; use solana_program_test::*; use solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Keypair, signer::Signer, transport::TransportError}; mod program_test; struct Balances { token: u64, vault: u64, deposit: u64, voter_weight: u64, } async fn balances( context: &TestContext, registrar: &RegistrarCookie, address: Pubkey, voter: &VoterCookie, voting_mint: &VotingMintConfigCookie, deposit_id: u8, ) -> Balances { // Advance slots to avoid caching of the UpdateVoterWeightRecord call // TODO: Is this something that could be an issue on a live node? context.solana.advance_clock_by_slots(2).await; let token = context.solana.token_account_balance(address).await; let vault = voting_mint.vault_balance(&context.solana, &voter).await; let deposit = voter.deposit_amount(&context.solana, deposit_id).await; let vwr = context .addin .update_voter_weight_record(®istrar, &voter) .await .unwrap(); Balances { token, vault, deposit, voter_weight: vwr.voter_weight, } } #[allow(unaligned_references)] #[tokio::test] async fn test_deposit_cliff() -> Result<(), TransportError> { let context = TestContext::new().await; let addin = &context.addin; let payer = &context.users[0].key; let realm_authority = Keypair::new(); let realm = context .governance .create_realm( "testrealm", realm_authority.pubkey(), &context.mints[0], &payer, &context.addin.program_id, ) .await; let voter_authority = &context.users[1].key; let token_owner_record = realm .create_token_owner_record(voter_authority.pubkey(), &payer) .await; let registrar = addin .create_registrar(&realm, &realm_authority, payer) .await; let mngo_voting_mint = addin .configure_voting_mint( ®istrar, &realm_authority, payer, 0, &context.mints[0], 0, 1.0, 1.0, 2 * 24 * 60 * 60, None, None, ) .await; let voter = addin .create_voter(®istrar, &token_owner_record, &voter_authority, &payer) .await; let reference_account = context.users[1].token_accounts[0]; let get_balances = |depot_id| { balances( &context, ®istrar, reference_account, &voter, &mngo_voting_mint, depot_id, ) }; let withdraw = |amount: u64| { addin.withdraw( ®istrar, &voter, &mngo_voting_mint, &voter_authority, reference_account, 0, amount, ) }; let deposit = |amount: u64| { addin.deposit( ®istrar, &voter, &mngo_voting_mint, &voter_authority, reference_account, 0, amount, ) }; // test deposit and withdraw let token = context .solana .token_account_balance(reference_account) .await; addin .create_deposit_entry( ®istrar, &voter, &voter_authority, &mngo_voting_mint, 0, voter_stake_registry::state::LockupKind::Cliff, None, 3, // days false, ) .await .unwrap(); deposit(9000).await.unwrap(); let after_deposit = get_balances(0).await; assert_eq!(token, after_deposit.token + after_deposit.vault); assert_eq!(after_deposit.voter_weight, 2 * after_deposit.vault); // saturated locking bonus assert_eq!(after_deposit.vault, 9000); assert_eq!(after_deposit.deposit, 9000); // cannot withdraw yet, nothing is vested withdraw(1).await.expect_err("nothing vested yet"); // advance a day addin .set_time_offset(®istrar, &realm_authority, 24 * 60 * 60) .await; let after_day1 = get_balances(0).await; assert_eq!(after_day1.voter_weight, 2 * after_day1.vault); // still saturated // advance a second day addin .set_time_offset(®istrar, &realm_authority, 48 * 60 * 60) .await; let after_day2 = get_balances(0).await; assert_eq!(after_day2.voter_weight, 3 * after_day2.vault / 2); // locking half done // advance to almost three days addin .set_time_offset(®istrar, &realm_authority, 71 * 60 * 60) .await; context.solana.advance_clock_by_slots(2).await; withdraw(1).await.expect_err("nothing vested yet"); // deposit some more deposit(1000).await.unwrap(); // advance more than three days addin .set_time_offset(®istrar, &realm_authority, 73 * 60 * 60) .await; context.solana.advance_clock_by_slots(2).await; let after_cliff = get_balances(0).await; assert_eq!(token, after_cliff.token + after_cliff.vault); assert_eq!(after_cliff.voter_weight, after_cliff.vault); assert_eq!(after_cliff.vault, 10000); assert_eq!(after_cliff.deposit, 10000); // can withdraw everything now withdraw(10001).await.expect_err("withdrew too much"); withdraw(10000).await.unwrap(); let after_withdraw = get_balances(0).await; assert_eq!(token, after_withdraw.token + after_withdraw.vault); assert_eq!(after_withdraw.voter_weight, after_withdraw.vault); assert_eq!(after_withdraw.vault, 0); assert_eq!(after_withdraw.deposit, 0); Ok(()) }