use std::{collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc}; use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError}; use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; use rayon::prelude::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator}; use rayon::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder}; use crate::{ Chunk, ChunkStatus, Registry, Space, SpaceData, Terrain, Vec2, Vec3, VoxelAccess, VoxelUpdate, WorldConfig, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Resources<'a> { pub registry: &'a Registry, pub config: &'a WorldConfig, } #[derive(Default)] pub(crate) struct MetaStage { pub stages: Vec>, } impl MetaStage { pub fn add_stage(&mut self, stage: Arc) { self.stages.push(stage); } } impl ChunkStage for MetaStage { fn name(&self) -> String { self.stages .iter() .map(|stage| .collect::>() .join(" -> ") } fn process(&self, mut chunk: Chunk, resources: Resources, _: Option) -> Chunk { for stage in &self.stages { chunk = stage.process(chunk, resources.clone(), None); chunk.calculate_max_height(&resources.registry); } chunk } } /// A stage in the pipeline where a chunk gets populated. pub trait ChunkStage { /// The name of the stage, e.g. "Soiling" fn name(&self) -> String; /// The radius neighbor from the center chunk that are required before /// being processed in this chunk. Defaults to 0 blocks. fn neighbors(&self, _: &WorldConfig) -> usize { 0 } /// Whether if this stage needs a data-fetching structure called Space for /// each chunk process. In short, space provides additional information such as /// voxels/lights/height around the center chunk by cloning the neighboring data /// into the same Space, and providing data accessing utility functions. Defaults /// to `None`. fn needs_space(&self) -> Option { None } /// The core of this chunk stage, in other words what is done on the chunk. Returns the chunk instance, and additional /// block changes to the world would be automatically added into `chunk.exceeded_changes`. For instance, if a tree is /// placed on the border of a chunk, the leaves would exceed the chunk border, thus appended to `exceeded_changes`. /// After each stage, the `exceeded_changes` list of block changes would be emptied and applied to the world. fn process(&self, chunk: Chunk, resources: Resources, space: Option) -> Chunk; } pub struct DebugStage { block: u32, } impl DebugStage { pub fn new(block: u32) -> Self { Self { block } } } impl ChunkStage for DebugStage { fn name(&self) -> String { "Debug".to_owned() } fn process(&self, mut chunk: Chunk, _: Resources, _: Option) -> Chunk { let Vec3(min_x, _, min_z) = chunk.min; let Vec3(max_x, _, max_z) = chunk.max; chunk.set_voxel(min_x, 0, min_z, self.block); chunk.set_voxel(min_x, 0, max_z - 1, self.block); chunk.set_voxel(max_x - 1, 0, min_z, self.block); chunk.set_voxel(max_x - 1, 0, max_z - 1, self.block); chunk } } /// A preset chunk stage to set a flat land. #[derive(Default)] pub struct FlatlandStage { top_height: u32, soiling: Vec, } impl FlatlandStage { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { top_height: 0, soiling: vec![], } } pub fn add_soiling(mut self, block: u32, height: usize) -> Self { for _ in 0..height { self.soiling.push(block); } self.top_height += height as u32; self } pub fn query_soiling(&self, y: u32) -> Option { self.soiling.get(y as usize).copied() } } impl ChunkStage for FlatlandStage { fn name(&self) -> String { "Flatland".to_owned() } fn process(&self, mut chunk: Chunk, _: Resources, _: Option) -> Chunk { let Vec3(min_x, _, min_z) = chunk.min; let Vec3(max_x, _, max_z) = chunk.max; for vx in min_x..max_x { for vz in min_z..max_z { for vy in 0..self.top_height { if let Some(soiling) = self.query_soiling(vy) { chunk.set_voxel(vx, vy as i32, vz, soiling); } } } } chunk } } pub struct BaseTerrainStage { threshold: f64, base: u32, terrain: Terrain, } impl BaseTerrainStage { pub fn new(terrain: Terrain) -> Self { Self { threshold: 0.0, base: 0, terrain, } } pub fn set_base(&mut self, base: u32) { self.base = base; } pub fn set_threshold(&mut self, threshold: f64) { self.threshold = threshold; } } impl ChunkStage for BaseTerrainStage { fn name(&self) -> String { "Base Terrain".to_owned() } fn process(&self, mut chunk: Chunk, _: Resources, _: Option) -> Chunk { let Vec3(min_x, min_y, min_z) = chunk.min; let Vec3(max_x, max_y, max_z) = chunk.max; for vx in min_x..max_x { for vz in min_z..max_z { for vy in min_y..max_y { let (bias, offset) = self.terrain.get_bias_offset(vx, vy, vz); let density = self.terrain.get_density_from_bias_offset(bias, offset, vy); if density > self.threshold { chunk.set_voxel(vx, vy, vz, self.base); } } } } chunk } } /// A pipeline is strictly for holding the stages necessary to build the chunks. pub struct Pipeline { /// A list of stages that chunks are in. pub stages: Vec>, /// A set of chunk coordinates in this pipeline to know which chunks are in this pipeline. pub(crate) chunks: HashSet>, /// A queue of chunk coordinates that are waiting to be processed. pub(crate) queue: VecDeque>, /// A map of leftover changes from processing chunk stages. pub(crate) leftovers: HashMap, Vec>, /// Sender of processed chunks from other threads to main thread. sender: Arc)>>, /// Receiver to receive processed chunks from other threads to main thread. receiver: Arc)>>, /// Pipeline's thread pool to process chunks. pool: ThreadPool, } impl Pipeline { /// Create a new chunk pipeline. pub fn new() -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); Self { sender: Arc::new(sender), receiver: Arc::new(receiver), pool: ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .thread_name(|index| format!("voxelize-chunking-{index}")) .build() .unwrap(), chunks: HashSet::new(), leftovers: HashMap::new(), queue: VecDeque::new(), stages: Vec::new(), } } /// Add a chunk coordinate to the pipeline to be processed. pub fn add_chunk(&mut self, coords: &Vec2, prioritized: bool) { if self.has_chunk(coords) { return; } self.remove_chunk(coords); if prioritized { self.queue.push_front(coords.to_owned()); } else { self.queue.push_back(coords.to_owned()); } } /// Remove a chunk coordinate from the pipeline. pub fn remove_chunk(&mut self, coords: &Vec2) { self.chunks.remove(coords); self.queue.retain(|c| c != coords); } /// Check to see if a chunk coordinate is in the pipeline. pub fn has_chunk(&self, coords: &Vec2) -> bool { self.chunks.contains(coords) } /// Pop the first chunk coordinate in the queue. pub fn get(&mut self) -> Option> { self.queue.pop_front() } /// Add a stage to the chunking pipeline. pub fn add_stage(&mut self, stage: T) where T: 'static + ChunkStage + Send + Sync, { // Insert the stage to the last. self.stages.push(Arc::new(stage)); } /// Process a list of chunk processes, generated from the ECS system `PipeliningSystem`. pub fn process( &mut self, processes: Vec<(Chunk, Option)>, registry: &Registry, config: &WorldConfig, ) { processes.iter().for_each(|(chunk, _)| { self.chunks.insert(chunk.coords.to_owned()); }); // Retrieve the chunk stages' Arc clones. let processes: Vec<(Chunk, Option, Arc)> = processes .into_iter() .map(|(chunk, space)| { let index = if let ChunkStatus::Generating(index) = chunk.status { index } else { panic!("Chunk in pipeline does not have a generating status."); }; let stage = self.stages.get(index).unwrap().clone(); (chunk, space, stage) }) .collect(); let sender = Arc::clone(&self.sender); let registry = registry.to_owned(); let config = config.to_owned(); rayon::spawn_fifo(move || { processes .into_par_iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|(_, (chunk, space, stage))| { let sender = Arc::clone(&sender); let registry = registry.clone(); let config = config.clone(); rayon::spawn_fifo(move || { let mut changes = vec![]; let mut chunk = stage.process( chunk, Resources { registry: ®istry, config: &config, }, space, ); // Calculate the max height after processing each chunk. chunk.calculate_max_height(®istry); if !chunk.extra_changes.is_empty() { changes.append(&mut chunk.extra_changes.drain(..).collect()); } sender.send((chunk, changes)).unwrap(); }); }); }); } /// Attempt to retrieve the results from `pipeline.process` pub fn results(&mut self) -> Vec<(Chunk, Vec)> { let mut results = Vec::new(); while let Ok(result) = self.receiver.try_recv() { if self.chunks.contains(&result.0.coords) { self.remove_chunk(&result.0.coords); results.push(result); } } results } /// Merge consecutive chunk stages that don't require spaces together into meta stages. pub(crate) fn merge_stages(&mut self) { let mut new_stages: Vec> = vec![]; let mut current_meta: Option = None; for stage in self.stages.to_owned().into_iter() { if stage.needs_space().is_some() { if let Some(current_stage) = current_meta { new_stages.push(Arc::new(current_stage)); } current_meta = None; new_stages.push(stage); continue; } if let Some(mut meta) = current_meta { meta.add_stage(stage); current_meta = Some(meta); } else { let mut meta = MetaStage::default(); meta.add_stage(stage); current_meta = Some(meta); } } if let Some(meta) = current_meta { new_stages.push(Arc::new(meta)); } self.stages = new_stages; } }