use crate::{approx_equals, between, Registry, Vec3, VoxelAccess}; use super::aabb::AABB; fn line_to_plane(unit: &Vec3, vector: &[f32; 3], normal: &[f32; 3]) -> f32 { let n_dot_u = normal[0] * unit[0] + normal[1] * unit[1] + normal[2] * unit[2]; if approx_equals(n_dot_u, 0.0) { return f32::INFINITY; } (normal[0] * vector[0] + normal[1] * vector[1] + normal[2] * vector[2]) / n_dot_u } #[derive(Debug)] struct SweepResults { h: f32, nx: f32, ny: f32, nz: f32, } fn sweep_aabb(target: &AABB, other: &AABB, vector: &Vec3) -> SweepResults { let mx = other.min_x - target.max_x; let my = other.min_y - target.max_y; let mz = other.min_z - target.max_z; let mhx = target.width() + other.width(); let mhy = target.height() + other.height(); let mhz = target.depth() + other.depth(); let &Vec3(dx, dy, dz) = vector; let mut h = 1.0; let mut nx = 0.0; let mut ny = 0.0; let mut nz = 0.0; // X min let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx, my, mz], &[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dx > 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dy, my, my + mhy) && between(s * dz, mz, mz + mhz) { h = s; nx = -1.0; ny = 0.0; nz = 0.0; } // X max let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx + mhx, my, mz], &[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dx < 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dy, my, my + mhy) && between(s * dz, mz, mz + mhz) { h = s; nx = 1.0; ny = 0.0; nz = 0.0; } // Y min let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx, my, mz], &[0.0, -1.0, 0.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dy > 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dx, mx, mx + mhx) && between(s * dz, mz, mz + mhz) { h = s; nx = 0.0; ny = -1.0; nz = 0.0; } // Y max let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx, my + mhy, mz], &[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dy < 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dx, mx, mx + mhx) && between(s * dz, mz, mz + mhz) { h = s; nx = 0.0; ny = 1.0; nz = 0.0; } // Z min let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx, my, mz], &[0.0, 0.0, -1.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dz > 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dx, mx, mx + mhx) && between(s * dy, my, my + mhy) { h = s; nx = 0.0; ny = 0.0; nz = -1.0; } // Z max let s = line_to_plane(vector, &[mx, my, mz + mhz], &[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]); if s >= 0.0 && dz < 0.0 && s < h && between(s * dx, mx, mx + mhx) && between(s * dy, my, my + mhy) { h = s; nx = 0.0; ny = 0.0; nz = 1.0; } SweepResults { h, nx, ny, nz } } pub fn sweep( space: &dyn VoxelAccess, registry: &Registry, target: &mut AABB, velocity: &Vec3, callback: &mut dyn FnMut(f32, usize, i32, &mut [f32; 3]) -> bool, translate: bool, max_iterations: usize, ) { if max_iterations == 0 { return; } let &Vec3(vx, vy, vz) = velocity; let mag = (vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz).sqrt(); // Calculate the broadphase of the target let min_x = (if vx > 0.0 { target.min_x } else { target.min_x + vx }) .floor(); let min_y = (if vy > 0.0 { target.min_y } else { target.min_y + vy }) .floor(); let min_z = (if vz > 0.0 { target.min_z } else { target.min_z + vz }) .floor(); let max_x = (if vx > 0.0 { target.max_x + vx } else { target.max_x }) .floor(); let max_y = (if vy > 0.0 { target.max_y + vy } else { target.max_y }) .floor(); let max_z = (if vz > 0.0 { target.max_z + vz } else { target.max_z }) .floor(); let mut closest = SweepResults { h: 1.0, nx: 0.0, ny: 0.0, nz: 0.0, }; for vx in (min_x as i32)..=(max_x as i32) { for vz in (min_z as i32)..=(max_z as i32) { for vy in (min_y as i32)..=(max_y as i32) { let id = space.get_voxel(vx, vy, vz); let rotation = space.get_voxel_rotation(vx, vy, vz); let block = registry.get_block_by_id(id); if block.is_fluid || block.is_empty || block.is_passable { continue; } let aabbs = block.get_aabbs(&Vec3(vx, vy, vz), space, registry); if aabbs.is_empty() { continue; } aabbs.iter().for_each(|aabb| { let mut block_aabb = rotation.rotate_aabb(aabb, true, true); block_aabb.translate(vx as f32, vy as f32, vz as f32); let result = sweep_aabb(target, &block_aabb, &velocity); // Check if this collision is closer than the closest so far if result.h < closest.h { closest = result; } }) } } } // We move the entity slightly away from the block in order to miss seams. let epsilon = 1e-4_f32; let dx = closest.h * vx + epsilon * closest.nx; let dy = closest.h * vy + epsilon * closest.ny; let dz = closest.h * vz + epsilon *; if translate { target.translate(dx, dy, dz); } // No collision if approx_equals(closest.h, 1.0) { return; } let axis = if closest.nx != 0.0 { 0 } else if closest.ny != 0.0 { 1 } else { 2 }; let dir = -(closest.nx + closest.ny + as i32; let mut leftover = [ (1.0 - closest.h) * vx, (1.0 - closest.h) * vy, (1.0 - closest.h) * vz, ]; if dir != 0 && callback(mag * closest.h, axis, dir, &mut leftover) { return; } // More to go if !approx_equals( leftover[0] * leftover[0] + leftover[1] * leftover[1] + leftover[2] * leftover[2], 0.0, ) { sweep( space, registry, target, &Vec3::from(&leftover), callback, translate, max_iterations - 1, ); } }