use std::time::Instant; use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::VecDeque}; use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; use log::info; use nanoid::nanoid; use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator}; use specs::{ReadExpect, ReadStorage, System, WriteExpect}; use crate::world::profiler::Profiler; use crate::{ BlockUtils, Chunk, ChunkInterests, ChunkOptions, ChunkRequestsComp, ChunkStatus, ChunkUtils, Chunks, Clients, Mesher, MessageType, Pipeline, PositionComp, Registry, Vec2, Vec3, VoxelAccess, WorldConfig, }; #[derive(Default)] pub struct ChunkGeneratingSystem; impl<'a> System<'a> for ChunkGeneratingSystem { type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, WorldConfig>, ReadExpect<'a, Registry>, ReadExpect<'a, Clients>, WriteExpect<'a, Chunks>, WriteExpect<'a, ChunkInterests>, WriteExpect<'a, Pipeline>, WriteExpect<'a, Mesher>, WriteExpect<'a, Profiler>, ReadStorage<'a, ChunkRequestsComp>, ); fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) { let ( config, registry, clients, mut chunks, mut interests, mut pipeline, mut mesher, mut profiler, requests, ) = data; profiler.time("generating"); let chunk_size = config.chunk_size; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* RECALCULATE CHUNK INTEREST WEIGHTS */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ profiler.time("recalculate_chunk_interest_weights"); interests.weights.clear(); let mut weights = HashMap::with_capacity(; for (coords, ids) in & { let weight: f32 = ids .iter() .filter_map(|id| clients.get(id)) .filter_map(|client| requests.get(client.entity)) .map(|request| { let dist = ChunkUtils::distance_squared(&, &coords); let direction_to_chunk = Vec2(coords.0 -, coords.1 -; let mag = (direction_to_chunk.0.pow(2) as f32 + direction_to_chunk.1.pow(2) as f32) .sqrt(); let normalized_direction_to_chunk = Vec2( direction_to_chunk.0 as f32 / mag, direction_to_chunk.1 as f32 / mag, ); let dot_product = request.direction.0 * normalized_direction_to_chunk.0 + request.direction.1 * normalized_direction_to_chunk.1; dist * dot_product.max(0.0) }) .sum(); weights.insert(coords.clone(), weight); } interests.weights = weights; profiler.time_end("recalculate_chunk_interest_weights"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HANDLING PIPELINE RESULTS */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ profiler.time("handling_pipeline_results"); for (mut chunk, extra_changes) in pipeline.results() { for (voxel, id) in extra_changes { let coords = ChunkUtils::map_voxel_to_chunk(voxel.0, voxel.1, voxel.2, chunk_size); if chunks.is_chunk_ready(&coords) { chunks.update_voxel(&voxel, id); } else { pipeline .leftovers .entry(coords) .or_default() .push((voxel, id)); } } if let ChunkStatus::Generating(curr_stage) = chunk.status { let next_stage = curr_stage + 1; if next_stage >= pipeline.stages.len() { chunk.status = ChunkStatus::Meshing; mesher.add_chunk(&chunk.coords, false); pipeline.remove_chunk(&chunk.coords); } else { chunk.status = ChunkStatus::Generating(next_stage); pipeline.add_chunk(&chunk.coords, false); } if let Some(listeners) = chunks.listeners.remove(&chunk.coords) { for n_coords in listeners { if ! || matches!( chunks.raw(&n_coords).unwrap().status, ChunkStatus::Generating(_) ) { pipeline.add_chunk(&n_coords, true); } else if let Some(chunk) = chunks.raw(&n_coords) { if matches!(chunk.status, ChunkStatus::Meshing) { mesher.add_chunk(&n_coords, true); } } } } chunks.renew(chunk, false); } } profiler.time_end("handling_pipeline_results"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PUSHING CHUNKS TO BE PROCESSED */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ profiler.time("pushing_chunks_to_be_processed"); let mut processes = vec![]; if !pipeline.queue.is_empty() { let mut queue: Vec> = pipeline.queue.iter().cloned().collect(); queue.sort_by(|a, b|, b)); pipeline.queue = VecDeque::from(queue); } let mut processed_count = 0; while !pipeline.queue.is_empty() && !pipeline.stages.is_empty() && processed_count < config.max_chunks_per_tick { let coords = pipeline.get().unwrap(); let chunk = chunks.raw(&coords); if chunk.is_none() { if let Some(chunk) = chunks.try_load(&coords) { pipeline.remove_chunk(&coords); mesher.add_chunk(&coords, false); chunks.renew(chunk, false); continue; } let new_chunk = Chunk::new( &nanoid!(), coords.0, coords.1, &ChunkOptions { max_height: config.max_height, sub_chunks: config.sub_chunks, size: config.chunk_size, }, ); chunks.renew(new_chunk, false); } let chunk = chunks.raw(&coords).unwrap(); if !matches!(chunk.status, ChunkStatus::Generating(_)) { pipeline.remove_chunk(&coords); continue; } let chunk = chunk.clone(); let index = if let ChunkStatus::Generating(index) = chunk.status { index } else { unreachable!() }; let stage = &pipeline.stages[index]; let margin = stage.neighbors(&config); if margin > 0 { let r = (margin as f32 / chunk_size as f32).ceil() as i32; let mut ready = true; 'outer: for x in -r..=r { for z in -r..=r { if (x == 0 && z == 0) || (x * x + z * z > r * r) { continue; } let n_coords = Vec2(coords.0 + x, coords.1 + z); if !chunks.is_within_world(&n_coords) || chunks.is_chunk_ready(&n_coords) { continue; } if let Some(neighbor) = chunks.raw(&n_coords) { if let ChunkStatus::Generating(n_stage) = neighbor.status { if n_stage >= index { continue; } } } chunks.add_listener(&n_coords, &coords); ready = false; break 'outer; } } if !ready { continue; } } if let Some(data) = stage.needs_space() { let mut space = chunks.make_space(&chunk.coords, margin); if data.needs_voxels { space = space.needs_voxels(); } if data.needs_lights { space = space.needs_lights(); } if data.needs_height_maps { space = space.needs_height_maps(); } let space =; processes.push((chunk, Some(space))); } else { processes.push((chunk, None)); } processed_count += 1; } if !processes.is_empty() { pipeline.process(processes, ®istry, &config); } profiler.time_end("pushing_chunks_to_be_processed"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HANDLING MESHING RESULTS */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ profiler.time("handling_meshing_results"); for (mut chunk, r#type) in mesher.results() { if r#type == MessageType::Load { if let Some(listeners) = chunks.listeners.remove(&chunk.coords) { for n_coords in listeners { if ! || matches!( chunks.raw(&n_coords).unwrap().status, ChunkStatus::Generating(_) ) { pipeline.add_chunk(&n_coords, true); } else if let Some(chunk) = chunks.raw(&n_coords) { if matches!(chunk.status, ChunkStatus::Meshing) { mesher.add_chunk(&n_coords, true); } } } } } chunk.status = ChunkStatus::Ready; let is_updating = r#type == MessageType::Update; if !is_updating { chunks.add_chunk_to_send(&chunk.coords, &r#type, false); } chunks.renew(chunk, is_updating); } profiler.time_end("handling_meshing_results"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PUSHING CHUNKS TO BE MESHED */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ profiler.time("pushing_chunks_to_be_meshed"); if !mesher.queue.is_empty() { let mut queue: Vec> = mesher.queue.iter().cloned().collect(); queue.sort_by(|a, b|, b)); mesher.queue = VecDeque::from(queue); } let mut processed_count = 0; let mut ready_chunks = vec![]; while !mesher.queue.is_empty() && processed_count < config.max_chunks_per_tick { let coords = mesher.get().unwrap(); let mut ready = true; for n_coords in chunks.light_traversed_chunks(&coords) { if ! { ready = false; break; } if let Some(n_chunk) = chunks.raw(&n_coords) { if matches!(n_chunk.status, ChunkStatus::Generating(_)) { ready = false; chunks.add_listener(&n_coords, &coords); break; } } if let Some(blocks) = pipeline.leftovers.get(&n_coords) { for (voxel, val) in blocks { let Vec3(vx, vy, vz) = *voxel; chunks.set_raw_voxel(vx, vy, vz, *val); let height = chunks.get_max_height(vx, vz); let id = BlockUtils::extract_id(*val); if registry.is_air(id) { if vy == height as i32 { for y in (0..vy - 1).rev() { if y == 0 || registry.check_height(chunks.get_voxel(vx, y, vz)) { chunks.set_max_height(vx, vz, y as u32); break; } } } } else if height < vy as u32 { chunks.set_max_height(vx, vz, vy as u32); } } } } if !ready { continue; } pipeline.leftovers.remove(&coords); if config.saving { chunks.add_chunk_to_save(&coords, false); } let chunk = chunks.raw(&coords).unwrap().clone(); ready_chunks.push((coords, chunk)); processed_count += 1; } // Process the ready chunks in parallel let processes = ready_chunks .into_par_iter() .map(|(coords, chunk)| { let mut space = chunks .make_space(&coords, config.max_light_level as usize) .needs_height_maps() .needs_voxels(); if chunk.meshes.is_some() { space = space.needs_lights() } let space = space.strict().build(); (chunk, space) }) .collect::>(); if !processes.is_empty() { mesher.process(processes, &MessageType::Load, ®istry, &config); } profiler.time_end("pushing_chunks_to_be_meshed"); profiler.time_end("generating"); } }