use std::collections::VecDeque; use log::info; use nanoid::nanoid; use rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator}; use specs::{Entities, LazyUpdate, ReadExpect, System, WorldExt, WriteExpect}; use crate::{ BlockUtils, ChunkUtils, Chunks, ClientFilter, CollisionsComp, CurrentChunkComp, ETypeComp, EntityFlag, IDComp, JsonComp, LightColor, LightNode, Lights, Mesher, Message, MessageQueue, MessageType, MetadataComp, Registry, Stats, UpdateProtocol, Vec2, Vec3, VoxelAccess, VoxelComp, VoxelUpdate, WorldConfig, }; pub const VOXEL_NEIGHBORS: [[i32; 3]; 6] = [ [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0], ]; const RED: LightColor = LightColor::Red; const GREEN: LightColor = LightColor::Green; const BLUE: LightColor = LightColor::Blue; const SUNLIGHT: LightColor = LightColor::Sunlight; const ALL_TRANSPARENT: [bool; 6] = [true, true, true, true, true, true]; pub struct ChunkUpdatingSystem; impl<'a> System<'a> for ChunkUpdatingSystem { type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, WorldConfig>, ReadExpect<'a, Registry>, ReadExpect<'a, Stats>, WriteExpect<'a, MessageQueue>, WriteExpect<'a, Chunks>, WriteExpect<'a, Mesher>, ReadExpect<'a, LazyUpdate>, Entities<'a>, ); fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) { let ( config, registry, stats, mut message_queue, mut chunks, mut mesher, mut lazy, mut entities, ) = data; let current_tick = stats.tick as u64; let max_height = config.max_height as i32; let max_light_level = config.max_light_level; let max_updates_per_tick = config.max_updates_per_tick; chunks.clear_cache(); let mut results = vec![]; let mut red_flood = VecDeque::default(); let mut green_flood = VecDeque::default(); let mut blue_flood = VecDeque::default(); let mut sun_flood = VecDeque::default(); if !chunks.updates.is_empty() { let mut updates = VecDeque::default(); let total_updates = chunks.updates.len(); for _ in 0..max_updates_per_tick.min(total_updates) { updates.push_back(chunks.updates.pop_front().unwrap()); } while let Some((voxel, raw)) = updates.pop_front() { let Vec3(vx, vy, vz) = voxel; let updated_id = BlockUtils::extract_id(raw); let rotation = BlockUtils::extract_rotation(raw); let stage = BlockUtils::extract_stage(raw); let coords = ChunkUtils::map_voxel_to_chunk(vx, vy, vz, config.chunk_size); if vy < 0 || vy >= config.max_height as i32 || !registry.has_type(updated_id) { continue; } if !chunks.is_chunk_ready(&coords) { continue; } if { chunks.update_voxel(&voxel, raw); continue; } let mut ready = true; for neighbor in chunks.light_traversed_chunks(&coords) { if ready && !chunks.is_chunk_ready(&neighbor) { ready = false; } } if !ready { chunks.update_voxel(&voxel, raw); continue; } let current_id = chunks.get_voxel(vx, vy, vz); if registry.is_air(updated_id) && registry.is_air(current_id) { continue; } // Actually updating the voxel. let height = chunks.get_max_height(vx, vz); let current_type = registry.get_block_by_id(current_id); let updated_type = registry.get_block_by_id(updated_id); // need to remove an entity if current_type.is_entity { let entity = chunks.block_entities.remove(&Vec3(vx, vy, vz)); if let Some(entity) = entity { entities.delete(entity).expect("Failed to delete entity"); } } // need to add an entity if updated_type.is_entity { let entity = entities.create(); chunks.block_entities.insert(voxel.clone(), entity); lazy.insert(entity, IDComp::new(&nanoid!())); lazy.insert(entity, EntityFlag::default()); lazy.insert( entity, ETypeComp::new( &format!( "block::{}", &updated_type .name .to_lowercase() .trim_start_matches("block::") ), true, ), ); lazy.insert(entity, MetadataComp::new()); lazy.insert(entity, VoxelComp::new(voxel.0, voxel.1, voxel.2)); lazy.insert(entity, CurrentChunkComp::default()); lazy.insert(entity, JsonComp::new("{}")); } let current_transparency = current_type.get_rotated_transparency(&rotation); let updated_transparency = if updated_type.rotatable || updated_type.y_rotatable { updated_type.get_rotated_transparency(&rotation) } else { updated_type.is_transparent }; chunks.set_voxel(vx, vy, vz, updated_id); if stage != 0 { chunks.set_voxel_stage(vx, vy, vz, stage); } if updated_type.is_active { let ticks = (&updated_type.active_ticker.as_ref().unwrap())( Vec3(vx, vy, vz), &*chunks, ®istry, ); chunks.mark_voxel_active(&Vec3(vx, vy, vz), ticks + current_tick); } if updated_type.rotatable || updated_type.y_rotatable { chunks.set_voxel_rotation(vx, vy, vz, &rotation); } // updating the height map if registry.is_air(updated_id) { if vy == height as i32 { // on max height, should set max height to lower for y in (0..vy).rev() { if y == 0 || registry.check_height(chunks.get_voxel(vx, y, vz)) { chunks.set_max_height(vx, vz, y as u32); break; } } } } else if height < vy as u32 { chunks.set_max_height(vx, vz, vy as u32); } // Updating light levels... // Straight up updating to a solid opaque block, remove all lights. if updated_type.is_opaque || updated_type.light_reduce { if chunks.get_sunlight(vx, vy, vz) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &SUNLIGHT, &config, ®istry); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &RED) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &RED, &config, ®istry); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &GREEN) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &GREEN, &config, ®istry); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &BLUE) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &BLUE, &config, ®istry); } } // Otherwise, check if light could originally go from source to neighbor, but not in the updated block. Also, check // to see if neighbor light source is not zero and is less than the block itself, or if its sunlight and its going // downwards and both are max light levels. else { let mut remove_counts = 0; let light_data = [ (&SUNLIGHT, chunks.get_sunlight(vx, vy, vz)), (&RED, chunks.get_red_light(vx, vy, vz)), (&GREEN, chunks.get_green_light(vx, vy, vz)), (&BLUE, chunks.get_blue_light(vx, vy, vz)), ]; VOXEL_NEIGHBORS.iter().for_each(|&[ox, oy, oz]| { let nvy = vy + oy; if nvy < 0 || nvy >= max_height { return; } let nvx = vx + ox; let nvz = vz + oz; let n_block = registry.get_block_by_id(chunks.get_voxel(nvx, nvy, nvz)); let n_transparency = n_block .get_rotated_transparency(&chunks.get_voxel_rotation(nvx, nvy, nvz)); // See if light could originally go from source to neighbor, but not in the updated block. If not, move on. if !(Lights::can_enter(¤t_transparency, &n_transparency, ox, oy, oz) && !Lights::can_enter( &updated_transparency, &n_transparency, ox, oy, oz, )) { return; } light_data.iter().for_each(|&(color, source_level)| { let is_sunlight = *color == LightColor::Sunlight; let n_level = if is_sunlight { chunks.get_sunlight(nvx, nvy, nvz) } else { chunks.get_torch_light(nvx, nvy, nvz, color) }; // See if neighbor level is less than self, or if sunlight is propagating downwards. if n_level < source_level || (oy == -1 && is_sunlight && n_level == max_light_level && source_level == max_light_level) { remove_counts += 1; Lights::remove_light( &mut *chunks, &Vec3(nvx, nvy, nvz), color, &config, ®istry, ); } }); }); // If nothing happened with this semi-transparent block, treat it as opaque. if remove_counts == 0 { if chunks.get_sunlight(vx, vy, vz) != 0 { Lights::remove_light( &mut *chunks, &voxel, &SUNLIGHT, &config, ®istry, ); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &RED) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &RED, &config, ®istry); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &GREEN) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &GREEN, &config, ®istry); } if chunks.get_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, &BLUE) != 0 { Lights::remove_light(&mut *chunks, &voxel, &BLUE, &config, ®istry); } } } // Placing a light if updated_type.is_light { if updated_type.red_light_level > 0 { chunks.set_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, updated_type.red_light_level, &RED); red_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: [voxel.0, voxel.1, voxel.2], level: updated_type.red_light_level, }); } if updated_type.green_light_level > 0 { chunks.set_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, updated_type.green_light_level, &GREEN); green_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: [voxel.0, voxel.1, voxel.2], level: updated_type.green_light_level, }); } if updated_type.blue_light_level > 0 { chunks.set_torch_light(vx, vy, vz, updated_type.blue_light_level, &BLUE); blue_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: [voxel.0, voxel.1, voxel.2], level: updated_type.blue_light_level, }); } } // Solid block removed. else { // Check the six neighbors. VOXEL_NEIGHBORS.iter().for_each(|&[ox, oy, oz]| { let nvy = vy + oy; if nvy < 0 { return; } // Sunlight should propagate downwards here. if nvy >= max_height { // Light can go downwards into this block. if Lights::can_enter( &ALL_TRANSPARENT, &updated_transparency, ox, -1, oz, ) { sun_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: [vx + ox, vy, vz + oz], level: max_light_level, }) } return; } let nvx = vx + ox; let nvz = vz + oz; let n_block = registry.get_block_by_id(chunks.get_voxel(nvx, nvy, nvz)); let n_transparency = n_block .get_rotated_transparency(&chunks.get_voxel_rotation(nvx, nvy, nvz)); let n_voxel = [nvx, nvy, nvz]; // See if light couldn't originally go from source to neighbor, but now can in the updated block. If not, move on. if !(n_block.has_torch_light()) && !(!Lights::can_enter( ¤t_transparency, &n_transparency, ox, oy, oz, ) && Lights::can_enter( &updated_transparency, &n_transparency, ox, oy, oz, )) { return; } let level = chunks.get_sunlight(nvx, nvy, nvz) - if updated_type.light_reduce { 1 } else { 0 }; if level != 0 { sun_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: n_voxel, level, }) } let red_level = chunks.get_torch_light(nvx, nvy, nvz, &RED) - if updated_type.light_reduce { 1 } else { 0 }; if red_level != 0 { red_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: n_voxel, level: red_level, }) } let green_level = chunks.get_torch_light(nvx, nvy, nvz, &GREEN) - if updated_type.light_reduce { 1 } else { 0 }; if green_level != 0 { green_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: n_voxel, level: green_level, }) } let blue_level = chunks.get_torch_light(nvx, nvy, nvz, &BLUE) - if updated_type.light_reduce { 1 } else { 0 }; if blue_level != 0 { blue_flood.push_back(LightNode { voxel: n_voxel, level: blue_level, }) } }); } chunks .voxel_affected_chunks(vx, vy, vz) .into_iter() .for_each(|c| { chunks.cache.insert(c); }); results.push(UpdateProtocol { vx, vy, vz, voxel: 0, light: 0, }); } if !red_flood.is_empty() { Lights::flood_light( &mut *chunks, red_flood, &RED, ®istry, &config, None, None, ); } if !green_flood.is_empty() { Lights::flood_light( &mut *chunks, green_flood, &GREEN, ®istry, &config, None, None, ); } if !blue_flood.is_empty() { Lights::flood_light( &mut *chunks, blue_flood, &BLUE, ®istry, &config, None, None, ); } if !sun_flood.is_empty() { Lights::flood_light( &mut *chunks, sun_flood, &SUNLIGHT, ®istry, &config, None, None, ); } if !chunks.cache.is_empty() { let cache = chunks.cache.drain().collect::>>(); cache.iter().for_each(|coords| { chunks.add_chunk_to_save(coords, true); }); let processes = cache .into_iter() .filter(|coords| chunks.is_chunk_ready(coords)) .map(|coords| { let space = chunks .make_space(&coords, config.max_light_level as usize) .needs_height_maps() .needs_voxels() .needs_lights() .build(); let chunk = chunks.raw(&coords).unwrap().to_owned(); return (chunk, space); }) .collect::>(); mesher.process(processes, &MessageType::Update, ®istry, &config); } let results = results .into_iter() .map(|mut update| { update.voxel = chunks.get_raw_voxel(update.vx, update.vy, update.vz); update.light = chunks.get_raw_light(update.vx, update.vy, update.vz); update }) .collect::>(); if !results.is_empty() { let new_message = Message::new(&MessageType::Update).updates(&results).build(); message_queue.push((new_message, ClientFilter::All)); } } let active_voxels = chunks.active_voxels.clone(); let active_voxels: Vec<(Option<(u64, Vec3)>, Vec)> = active_voxels .into_par_iter() .map(|(active_at, voxel)| { if active_at > current_tick { return (Some((active_at, voxel)), vec![]); } let Vec3(vx, vy, vz) = voxel; let id = chunks.get_voxel(vx, vy, vz); let block = registry.get_block_by_id(id); if block.active_updater.is_none() { return (None, vec![]); } let updates = (&block.active_updater.as_ref().unwrap())( Vec3(vx, vy, vz), &*chunks, ®istry, ); (None, updates) }) .collect(); let active_voxels: Vec<(u64, Vec3)> = active_voxels .into_iter() .filter_map(|(active_at, updates)| { if !updates.is_empty() { chunks.update_voxels(&updates); } if let Some((active_at, voxel)) = active_at { return Some((active_at, voxel)); } None }) .collect(); chunks.active_voxels = active_voxels; } }