use specs::{ReadExpect, ReadStorage, System, WriteStorage}; use crate::{RigidBodyComp, Stats, Vec3, BrainComp, PathComp}; pub struct WalkTowardsSystem; impl<'a> System<'a> for WalkTowardsSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( ReadExpect<'a, Stats>, ReadStorage<'a, PathComp>, WriteStorage<'a, RigidBodyComp>, WriteStorage<'a, BrainComp>, ); fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) { use rayon::prelude::*; use specs::ParJoin; let (stats, paths, mut bodies, mut brains) = data; let delta =; (&paths, &mut bodies, &mut brains) .par_join() .for_each(|(path, body, brain)| { if let Some(nodes) = &path.path { if nodes.is_empty() { brain.stop(); return; } let position = body.0.get_position(); // Position has to be rounded down because it's offset by +0.5 let voxel = Vec3(position.0.floor() as i32, position.1.floor() as i32, position.2.floor() as i32); let mut i = 0; let mut target = nodes[i].clone(); loop { if i >= nodes.len() - 1 { break; } // means currently is in the attended node if target.0 == voxel.0 && target.2 == voxel.2 { i = i + 1; target = nodes[i].clone(); } else { break; } } // jumping if voxel.1 < nodes[i].1 { brain.jump(); } else { brain.stop_jumping(); } let offset = 0.5; let target = Vec3( target.0 as f32 + offset, target.1 as f32, target.2 as f32 + offset, ); brain.walk(); brain.operate(&target, &mut body.0, delta); } else { brain.stop(); } }); } }