use std::{ f32, marker::Sync, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, sync::Arc, }; use hashbrown::HashMap; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::{ BlockUtils, LightColor, LightUtils, Registry, Vec2, Vec3, VoxelAccess, VoxelUpdate, AABB, UV, }; /// Base class to extract voxel data from a single u32 /// /// Bit lineup as such (from right to left): /// - `1 - 16 bits`: ID (0x0000FFFF) /// - `17 - 20 bit`: rotation (0x000F0000) /// - `21 - 24 bit`: y rotation (0x00F00000) /// - `25 - 32 bit`: stage (0x0F000000) pub const PY_ROTATION: u32 = 0; pub const NY_ROTATION: u32 = 1; pub const PX_ROTATION: u32 = 2; pub const NX_ROTATION: u32 = 3; pub const PZ_ROTATION: u32 = 4; pub const NZ_ROTATION: u32 = 5; pub const Y_ROT_SEGMENTS: u32 = 16; pub const ROTATION_MASK: u32 = 0xFFF0FFFF; pub const Y_ROTATION_MASK: u32 = 0xFF0FFFFF; pub const STAGE_MASK: u32 = 0xF0FFFFFF; /// Block rotation enumeration. There are 6 possible rotations: `(px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz)`. Default rotation is PY. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] pub enum BlockRotation { PX(f32), NX(f32), PY(f32), NY(f32), PZ(f32), NZ(f32), } impl Default for BlockRotation { fn default() -> Self { BlockRotation::PY(0.0) } } const PI: f32 = f32::consts::PI; const PI_2: f32 = f32::consts::PI / 2.0; impl BlockRotation { /// Encode a set of rotations into a `BlockRotation` instance. pub fn encode(value: u32, y_rotation: u32) -> Self { let y_rotation = y_rotation as f32 * PI * 2.0 / Y_ROT_SEGMENTS as f32; match value { PX_ROTATION => BlockRotation::PX(y_rotation), NX_ROTATION => BlockRotation::NX(y_rotation), PY_ROTATION => BlockRotation::PY(y_rotation), NY_ROTATION => BlockRotation::NY(y_rotation), PZ_ROTATION => BlockRotation::PZ(y_rotation), NZ_ROTATION => BlockRotation::NZ(y_rotation), _ => panic!("Unknown rotation: {}", value), } } /// Decode a set of rotations from a `BlockRotation` instance. pub fn decode(rotation: &Self) -> (u32, u32) { let convert_y_rot = |val: f32| { let val = val * Y_ROT_SEGMENTS as f32 / (PI * 2.0); (val.round() as u32) % Y_ROT_SEGMENTS }; match rotation { BlockRotation::PX(rot) => (PX_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), BlockRotation::NX(rot) => (NX_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), BlockRotation::PY(rot) => (PY_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), BlockRotation::NY(rot) => (NY_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), BlockRotation::PZ(rot) => (PZ_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), BlockRotation::NZ(rot) => (NZ_ROTATION, convert_y_rot(*rot)), } } /// Rotate a 3D position with this block rotation. pub fn rotate_node(&self, node: &mut [f32; 3], y_rotate: bool, translate: bool) { let rot = match self { BlockRotation::PX(rot) => rot, BlockRotation::NX(rot) => rot, BlockRotation::PY(rot) => rot, BlockRotation::NY(rot) => rot, BlockRotation::PZ(rot) => rot, BlockRotation::NZ(rot) => rot, }; if y_rotate && (*rot).abs() > f32::EPSILON { node[0] -= 0.5; node[2] -= 0.5; self.rotate_y(node, *rot); node[0] += 0.5; node[2] += 0.5; } match self { BlockRotation::PX(_) => { self.rotate_z(node, -PI_2); if translate { node[1] += 1.0; } } BlockRotation::NX(_) => { self.rotate_z(node, PI_2); if translate { node[0] += 1.0; } } BlockRotation::PY(rot) => {} BlockRotation::NY(rot) => { if y_rotate && (*rot).abs() > f32::EPSILON { node[0] -= 0.5; node[2] -= 0.5; self.rotate_y(node, *rot); node[0] += 0.5; node[2] += 0.5; } self.rotate_x(node, PI_2 * 2.0); if translate { node[1] += 1.0; node[2] += 1.0; } } BlockRotation::PZ(_) => { self.rotate_x(node, PI_2); if translate { node[1] += 1.0; } } BlockRotation::NZ(_) => { self.rotate_x(node, -PI_2); if translate { node[2] += 1.0; } } } } /// Rotate an AABB. pub fn rotate_aabb(&self, aabb: &AABB, y_rotate: bool, translate: bool) -> AABB { let mut min = [aabb.min_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.min_z]; let mut max = [aabb.max_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.max_z]; let mut min_x = None; let mut min_z = None; let mut max_x = None; let mut max_z = None; if y_rotate && (matches!(self, BlockRotation::PY(_)) || matches!(self, BlockRotation::NY(_))) { let min1 = [aabb.min_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.min_z]; let min2 = [aabb.min_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.max_z]; let min3 = [aabb.max_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.min_z]; let min4 = [aabb.max_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.max_z]; [min1, min2, min3, min4].into_iter().for_each(|mut node| { self.rotate_node(&mut node, true, true); if min_x.is_none() || node[0] < min_x.unwrap() { min_x = Some(node[0]); } if min_z.is_none() || node[2] < min_z.unwrap() { min_z = Some(node[2]); } }); let max1 = [aabb.min_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.min_z]; let max2 = [aabb.min_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.max_z]; let max3 = [aabb.max_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.min_z]; let max4 = [aabb.max_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.max_z]; [max1, max2, max3, max4].into_iter().for_each(|mut node| { self.rotate_node(&mut node, true, true); if max_x.is_none() || node[0] > max_x.unwrap() { max_x = Some(node[0]); } if max_z.is_none() || node[2] > max_z.unwrap() { max_z = Some(node[2]); } }); } self.rotate_node(&mut min, false, translate); self.rotate_node(&mut max, false, translate); AABB { min_x: min_x.unwrap_or(min[0].min(max[0])), min_y: min[1].min(max[1]), min_z: min_z.unwrap_or(min[2].min(max[2])), max_x: max_x.unwrap_or(min[0].max(max[0])), max_y: max[1].max(min[1]), max_z: max_z.unwrap_or(min[2].max(max[2])), } } /// Rotate transparency, let math do the work. pub fn rotate_transparency(&self, [px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz]: [bool; 6]) -> [bool; 6] { if let BlockRotation::PY(rot) = self { if rot.abs() < f32::EPSILON { return [px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz]; } } let mut positive = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; let mut negative = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]; self.rotate_node(&mut positive, true, false); self.rotate_node(&mut negative, true, false); let p: Vec = positive .into_iter() .map(|n| { if n == 1.0 { px } else if n == 2.0 { py } else if n == 3.0 { pz } else if n == 4.0 { nx } else if n == 5.0 { ny } else { nz } }) .collect(); let n: Vec = negative .into_iter() .map(|n| { if n == 1.0 { px } else if n == 2.0 { py } else if n == 3.0 { pz } else if n == 4.0 { nx } else if n == 5.0 { ny } else { nz } }) .collect(); [p[0], p[1], p[2], n[0], n[1], n[2]] } // Learned from // /// Rotate a node on the x-axis. fn rotate_x(&self, node: &mut [f32; 3], theta: f32) { let sin_theta = theta.sin(); let cos_theta = theta.cos(); let y = node[1]; let z = node[2]; node[1] = y * cos_theta - z * sin_theta; node[2] = z * cos_theta + y * sin_theta; } /// Rotate a node on the y-axis. fn rotate_y(&self, node: &mut [f32; 3], theta: f32) { let sin_theta = theta.sin(); let cos_theta = theta.cos(); let x = node[0]; let z = node[2]; node[0] = x * cos_theta + z * sin_theta; node[2] = z * cos_theta - x * sin_theta; } /// Rotate a node on the z-axis. fn rotate_z(&self, node: &mut [f32; 3], theta: f32) { let sin_theta = theta.sin(); let cos_theta = theta.cos(); let x = node[0]; let y = node[1]; node[0] = x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta; node[1] = y * cos_theta + x * sin_theta; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct CornerData { pub pos: [f32; 3], pub uv: [f32; 2], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct BlockFace { pub name: String, pub independent: bool, pub isolated: bool, pub dir: [i32; 3], pub corners: [CornerData; 4], pub range: UV, } impl BlockFace { pub fn new( name: String, independent: bool, isolated: bool, dir: [i32; 3], corners: [CornerData; 4], ) -> Self { Self { name, independent, isolated, dir, corners, range: UV::default(), } } pub fn into_independent(&mut self) { self.independent = true; } pub fn into_isolated(&mut self) { self.isolated = true; } } pub const SIX_FACES_PX: usize = 0; pub const SIX_FACES_PY: usize = 1; pub const SIX_FACES_PZ: usize = 2; pub const SIX_FACES_NX: usize = 3; pub const SIX_FACES_NY: usize = 4; pub const SIX_FACES_NZ: usize = 5; pub struct BlockFaces { pub faces: Vec, } impl BlockFaces { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { faces: vec![] } } pub fn empty() -> Self { Self { faces: Vec::new() } } pub fn independent_at(mut self, index: usize) -> Self { if index >= self.faces.len() { return self; } self.faces[index].into_independent(); self } pub fn independent_at_all(mut self, indices: Vec) -> Self { for index in indices { self = self.independent_at(index); } self } pub fn isolated_at(mut self, index: usize) -> Self { if index >= self.faces.len() { return self; } self.faces[index].into_isolated(); self } pub fn isolated_at_all(mut self, indices: Vec) -> Self { for index in indices { self = self.isolated_at(index); } self } pub fn from_faces(faces: Vec) -> Self { Self { faces } } pub fn join(mut self, mut other: Self) -> Self { self.faces.append(&mut other.faces); self } /// Create and customize a six-faced block face data. The face orders are /// the following: PX, PY, PZ, NX, NY, NZ. pub fn six_faces() -> SixFacesBuilder { SixFacesBuilder::new() } /// Create and customize a diagonal-faced block face data. The face orders are /// the following: one, two pub fn diagonal_faces() -> DiagonalFacesBuilder { DiagonalFacesBuilder::new() } } impl Deref for BlockFaces { type Target = Vec; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.faces } } impl DerefMut for BlockFaces { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.faces } } pub struct DiagonalFacesBuilder { scale_horizontal: f32, scale_vertical: f32, offset_x: f32, offset_y: f32, offset_z: f32, prefix: String, suffix: String, concat: String, to_four: bool, } impl DiagonalFacesBuilder { /// Create a new diagonal faces builder. pub fn new() -> DiagonalFacesBuilder { DiagonalFacesBuilder { scale_horizontal: 1.0, scale_vertical: 1.0, offset_x: 0.0, offset_y: 0.0, offset_z: 0.0, prefix: "".to_string(), suffix: "".to_string(), concat: "".to_string(), to_four: false, } } /// Set the scale of the horizontal faces. pub fn scale_horizontal(mut self, scale: f32) -> Self { self.scale_horizontal = scale; self } /// Set the scale of the vertical faces. pub fn scale_vertical(mut self, scale: f32) -> Self { self.scale_vertical = scale; self } /// Set the offset of the x-axis. pub fn offset_x(mut self, offset: f32) -> Self { self.offset_x = offset; self } /// Set the offset of the y-axis. pub fn offset_y(mut self, offset: f32) -> Self { self.offset_y = offset; self } /// Set the offset of the z-axis. pub fn offset_z(mut self, offset: f32) -> Self { self.offset_z = offset; self } /// Set the prefix of the faces. pub fn prefix(mut self, prefix: &str) -> Self { self.prefix = prefix.to_string(); self } /// Set the suffix of the faces. pub fn suffix(mut self, suffix: &str) -> Self { self.suffix = suffix.to_string(); self } /// Set the concatenation of the faces. pub fn concat(mut self, concat: &str) -> Self { self.concat = concat.to_string(); self } pub fn to_four(mut self) -> Self { self.to_four = true; self } /// Build the diagonal faces. pub fn build(self) -> BlockFaces { let Self { scale_horizontal, scale_vertical, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z, prefix, suffix, concat, to_four, } = self; let make_name = |side: &str| { let mut name = "".to_owned(); if !prefix.is_empty() { name += &prefix; } if !concat.is_empty() { name += &concat; } name += side; if !concat.is_empty() { name += &concat; } if !suffix.is_empty() { name += &suffix; } name }; let h_min = (1.0 - scale_horizontal) / 2.0; let h_max = 1.0 - h_min; if to_four { BlockFaces::from_faces(vec![ BlockFace { name: make_name("one1"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_min, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_min, ], uv: [0.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_min, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_min], uv: [0.0, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 0.0], }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("one2"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_max, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_max, ], uv: [1.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_max, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_max], uv: [1.0, 0.0], }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("two1"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_max, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_min, ], uv: [0.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_max, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_min], uv: [0.0, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 0.0], }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("two2"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + (h_min + h_max) / 2.0, ], uv: [0.5, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_min, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_max, ], uv: [1.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_min, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_max], uv: [1.0, 0.0], }, ], }, ]) } else { BlockFaces::from_faces(vec![ BlockFace { name: make_name("one"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_min, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_min, ], uv: [0.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_min, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_min], uv: [0.0, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_max, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_max, ], uv: [1.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_max, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_max], uv: [1.0, 0.0], }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("two"), dir: [0, 0, 0], independent: false, isolated: false, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_max, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_min, ], uv: [0.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_max, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_min], uv: [0.0, 0.0], }, CornerData { pos: [ offset_x + h_min, offset_y + scale_vertical, offset_z + h_max, ], uv: [1.0, 1.0], }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x + h_min, offset_y + 0.0, offset_z + h_max], uv: [1.0, 0.0], }, ], }, ]) } } } pub struct SixFacesBuilder { scale_x: f32, scale_y: f32, scale_z: f32, offset_x: f32, offset_y: f32, offset_z: f32, uv_scale_x: f32, uv_scale_y: f32, uv_scale_z: f32, uv_offset_x: f32, uv_offset_y: f32, uv_offset_z: f32, prefix: String, suffix: String, concat: String, independence: [bool; 6], isolation: [bool; 6], auto_uv_offset: bool, rotation: Option, } impl SixFacesBuilder { /// Create a new six-faced block faces data builder. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { scale_x: 1.0, scale_y: 1.0, scale_z: 1.0, offset_x: 0.0, offset_y: 0.0, offset_z: 0.0, uv_scale_x: 1.0, uv_scale_y: 1.0, uv_scale_z: 1.0, uv_offset_x: 0.0, uv_offset_y: 0.0, uv_offset_z: 0.0, prefix: "".to_owned(), suffix: "".to_owned(), concat: "".to_owned(), independence: [false, false, false, false, false, false], isolation: [false, false, false, false, false, false], auto_uv_offset: false, rotation: None, } } /// Configure the x scale of this six faces. pub fn scale_x(mut self, scale_x: f32) -> Self { self.scale_x = scale_x; self } /// Configure the y scale of this six faces. pub fn scale_y(mut self, scale_y: f32) -> Self { self.scale_y = scale_y; self } /// Configure the z scale of this six faces. pub fn scale_z(mut self, scale_z: f32) -> Self { self.scale_z = scale_z; self } /// Configure the x offset of this six faces. pub fn offset_x(mut self, offset_x: f32) -> Self { self.offset_x = offset_x; self } /// Configure the y offset of this six faces. pub fn offset_y(mut self, offset_y: f32) -> Self { self.offset_y = offset_y; self } /// Configure the z offset of this six faces. pub fn offset_z(mut self, offset_z: f32) -> Self { self.offset_z = offset_z; self } /// Configure the UV x scale of this six faces. pub fn uv_scale_x(mut self, uv_scale_x: f32) -> Self { self.uv_scale_x = uv_scale_x; self } /// Configure the UV y scale of this six faces. pub fn uv_scale_y(mut self, uv_scale_y: f32) -> Self { self.uv_scale_y = uv_scale_y; self } /// Configure the UV z scale of this six faces. pub fn uv_scale_z(mut self, uv_scale_z: f32) -> Self { self.uv_scale_z = uv_scale_z; self } /// Configure the UV x offset of the six faces. pub fn uv_offset_x(mut self, uv_offset_x: f32) -> Self { self.uv_offset_x = uv_offset_x; self } /// Configure the UV y offset of the six faces. pub fn uv_offset_y(mut self, uv_offset_y: f32) -> Self { self.uv_offset_y = uv_offset_y; self } /// Configure the UV z offset of the six faces. pub fn uv_offset_z(mut self, uv_offset_z: f32) -> Self { self.uv_offset_z = uv_offset_z; self } /// Configure the prefix to be appended to each face name. pub fn prefix(mut self, prefix: &str) -> Self { self.prefix = prefix.to_owned(); self } /// Configure the suffix to be added in front of each face name. pub fn suffix(mut self, suffix: &str) -> Self { self.suffix = suffix.to_owned(); self } /// Configure the concat between the prefix, face name, and suffix. pub fn concat(mut self, concat: &str) -> Self { self.concat = concat.to_owned(); self } pub fn auto_uv_offset(mut self, auto_uv_offset: bool) -> Self { self.auto_uv_offset = auto_uv_offset; self } pub fn with_rotation(mut self, rotation: &BlockRotation) -> Self { self.rotation = Some(rotation.to_owned()); self } pub fn independent_at(mut self, index: usize) -> Self { if index >= self.independence.len() { return self; } self.independence[index] = true; self } pub fn isolated_at(mut self, index: usize) -> Self { if index >= self.isolation.len() { return self; } self.isolation[index] = true; self } /// Create the six faces of a block. pub fn build(self) -> BlockFaces { let Self { offset_x, offset_y, offset_z, uv_offset_x, uv_offset_y, uv_offset_z, scale_x, scale_y, scale_z, uv_scale_x, uv_scale_y, uv_scale_z, prefix, suffix, concat, auto_uv_offset, rotation, independence, isolation, } = self; let make_name = |side: &str| { let mut name = "".to_owned(); if !prefix.is_empty() { name += &prefix; } if !concat.is_empty() { name += &concat; } name += side; if !concat.is_empty() { name += &concat; } if !suffix.is_empty() { name += &suffix; } name }; let uv_offset_x: f32 = if auto_uv_offset { offset_x } else { uv_offset_x }; let uv_offset_y = if auto_uv_offset { offset_y } else { uv_offset_y }; let uv_offset_z = if auto_uv_offset { offset_z } else { uv_offset_z }; let uv_scale_x = if auto_uv_offset { scale_x } else { uv_scale_x }; let uv_scale_y = if auto_uv_offset { scale_y } else { uv_scale_y }; let uv_scale_z = if auto_uv_offset { scale_z } else { uv_scale_z }; let is_px_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_PX]; let is_nx_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_NX]; let is_py_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_PY]; let is_ny_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_NY]; let is_pz_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_PZ]; let is_nz_independent = independence[SIX_FACES_NZ]; let is_px_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_PX]; let is_nx_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_NX]; let is_py_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_PY]; let is_ny_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_NY]; let is_pz_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_PZ]; let is_nz_isolated = isolation[SIX_FACES_NZ]; let mut results = BlockFaces::from_faces(vec![ BlockFace { name: make_name("px"), dir: [1, 0, 0], independent: is_px_independent, isolated: is_px_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [ 1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z, ], uv: if is_px_independent || is_px_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_z, 1.0 * uv_scale_y + uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_px_independent || is_px_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_z, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_px_independent || is_px_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y, ] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_px_independent || is_px_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, uv_offset_y] }, }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("py"), dir: [0, 1, 0], independent: is_py_independent, isolated: is_py_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_py_independent || is_py_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, ] }, }, CornerData { pos: [ 1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z, ], uv: if is_py_independent || is_py_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_py_independent || is_py_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_z] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_py_independent || is_py_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_z] }, }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("pz"), dir: [0, 0, 1], independent: is_pz_independent, isolated: is_pz_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_pz_independent || is_pz_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_pz_independent || is_pz_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_pz_independent || is_pz_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [ 1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z, ], uv: if is_pz_independent || is_pz_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y, ] }, }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("nx"), dir: [-1, 0, 0], independent: is_nx_independent, isolated: is_nx_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nx_independent || is_nx_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_z, 1.0 * uv_scale_y + uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nx_independent || is_nx_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_z, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_nx_independent || is_nx_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y, ] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_nx_independent || is_nx_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, uv_offset_y] }, }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("ny"), dir: [0, -1, 0], independent: is_ny_independent, isolated: is_ny_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_ny_independent || is_ny_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_z] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, 1.0 * scale_z + offset_z], uv: if is_ny_independent || is_ny_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_z] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_ny_independent || is_ny_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z, ] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_ny_independent || is_ny_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_z + 1.0 * uv_scale_z] }, }, ], }, BlockFace { name: make_name("nz"), dir: [0, 0, -1], independent: is_nz_independent, isolated: is_nz_isolated, range: UV::default(), corners: [ CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nz_independent || is_nz_isolated { [0.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nz_independent || is_nz_isolated { [1.0, 0.0] } else { [uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [1.0 * scale_x + offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nz_independent || is_nz_isolated { [0.0, 1.0] } else { [uv_offset_x, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y] }, }, CornerData { pos: [offset_x, 1.0 * scale_y + offset_y, offset_z], uv: if is_nz_independent || is_nz_isolated { [1.0, 1.0] } else { [ uv_offset_x + 1.0 * uv_scale_x, uv_offset_y + 1.0 * uv_scale_y, ] }, }, ], }, ]); if let Some(rotation) = rotation { for face in results.iter_mut() { for corner in face.corners.iter_mut() { rotation.rotate_node(&mut corner.pos, true, true); } } } results } } impl std::ops::Add for BlockFaces { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output { let mut combined_faces = self.faces; combined_faces.extend(other.faces); Self { faces: combined_faces, } } } impl std::ops::Add<&Self> for BlockFaces { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: &Self) -> Self::Output { let mut combined_faces = self.faces.clone(); combined_faces.extend(other.faces.clone()); Self { faces: combined_faces, } } } impl std::ops::AddAssign for BlockFaces { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.faces.extend(other.faces); } } impl std::ops::AddAssign<&Self> for BlockFaces { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.faces.extend(other.faces.clone()); } } #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Neighbors { pub center: Vec3, map: HashMap, [u32; 2]>, } impl Neighbors { pub fn populate(center: Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess) -> Self { let mut map = HashMap::new(); let Vec3(vx, vy, vz) = center.clone(); for x in -1..=1 { for y in -1..=1 { for z in -1..=1 { let voxel = space.get_raw_voxel(vx + x, vy + y, vz + z); let light = space.get_raw_light(vx + x, vy + y, vz + z); map.insert(Vec3(x, y, z), [voxel, light]); } } } Self { map, center } } pub fn get_voxel(&self, offset: &Vec3) -> u32 { let value = *[0, 0]); BlockUtils::extract_id(value[0]) } pub fn get_rotation(&self, offset: &Vec3) -> BlockRotation { let value = *[0, 0]); BlockUtils::extract_rotation(value[0]) } pub fn get_stage(&self, offset: &Vec3) -> u32 { let value = *[0, 0]); BlockUtils::extract_stage(value[0]) } pub fn get_sunlight(&self, offset: &Vec3) -> u32 { let value = *[0, 0]); LightUtils::extract_sunlight(value[1]) } pub fn get_torch_light(&self, offset: &Vec3, color: &LightColor) -> u32 { let value = *[0, 0]); match *color { LightColor::Red => LightUtils::extract_red_light(value[1]), LightColor::Green => LightUtils::extract_green_light(value[1]), LightColor::Blue => LightUtils::extract_blue_light(value[1]), LightColor::Sunlight => panic!("Getting torch light of Sunlight!"), } } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct BlockSimpleRule { pub offset: Vec3, pub id: Option, pub rotation: Option, pub stage: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(tag = "type", rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum BlockRule { None, Simple(BlockSimpleRule), Combination { logic: BlockRuleLogic, rules: Vec, }, } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum BlockRuleLogic { And, Or, Not, // Extend with other logic types as needed } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct BlockConditionalPart { pub rule: BlockRule, pub faces: Vec, pub aabbs: Vec, pub is_transparent: [bool; 6], } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct BlockDynamicPattern { pub parts: Vec, } /// Serializable struct representing block data. #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct Block { /// ID of the block. pub id: u32, /// Name of the block. pub name: String, /// Whether or not the block is rotatable. pub rotatable: bool, /// Whether or not can the block rotate on the y-axis relative to it's overall rotation. pub y_rotatable: bool, pub y_rotatable_segments: YRotatableSegments, /// Is the block empty space? pub is_empty: bool, /// Is the block a fluid? pub is_fluid: bool, /// Does the block emit light? pub is_light: bool, /// Can this block be passed through? pub is_passable: bool, /// Is the block opaque? pub is_opaque: bool, /// Red-light level of the block. pub red_light_level: u32, /// Green-light level of the block. pub green_light_level: u32, /// Blue-light level of the block. pub blue_light_level: u32, /// Do faces of this transparent block need to be rendered? pub transparent_standalone: bool, /// The faces that this block has to render. pub faces: Vec, /// Bounding boxes of this block. pub aabbs: Vec, /// Is the block overall see-through? Opacity equals 0.1 or something? pub is_see_through: bool, /// Is this block transparent from looking from all 6 sides? /// The order is: px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz. pub is_transparent: [bool; 6], /// Does light reduce when passing through this block? pub light_reduce: bool, pub is_entity: bool, /// Whether or not this block has dynamic aabb and face generation. This is /// automatically generated by the engine, and if `true`, client-side code /// should also have a corresponding dynamic function. pub is_dynamic: bool, pub dynamic_patterns: Option>, /// Dynamic aabb and face generation function. Defaults to `None`. #[serde(skip)] pub dynamic_fn: Option< Arc< dyn Fn(Vec3, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> (Vec, Vec, [bool; 6]) + Send + Sync, >, >, #[serde(skip)] pub active_updater: Option< Arc, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> Vec + Send + Sync>, >, #[serde(skip)] pub active_ticker: Option, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> u64 + Send + Sync>>, pub is_active: bool, } impl Block { pub fn new(name: &str) -> BlockBuilder { BlockBuilder::new(name) } pub fn has_torch_light(&self) -> bool { self.red_light_level > 0 || self.green_light_level > 0 || self.blue_light_level > 0 } pub fn get_aabbs( &self, pos: &Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess, registry: &Registry, ) -> Vec { if self.is_dynamic { if let Some(dynamic_patterns) = &self.dynamic_patterns { for pattern in dynamic_patterns { let (_, aabbs, __) = Block::match_dynamic_pattern(pattern, pos, space); if aabbs.len() > 0 { return aabbs.to_owned(); } } return self.aabbs.clone(); } (self.dynamic_fn.as_ref().unwrap())(pos.to_owned(), space, registry).1 } else { self.aabbs.clone() } } pub fn get_faces( &self, pos: &Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess, registry: &Registry, ) -> Vec { if self.is_dynamic { if let Some(dynamic_patterns) = &self.dynamic_patterns { for pattern in dynamic_patterns { let (faces, _, __) = Block::match_dynamic_pattern(pattern, pos, space); if faces.len() > 0 { return faces.to_owned(); } } return self.faces.clone(); } (self.dynamic_fn.as_ref().unwrap())(pos.to_owned(), space, registry).0 } else { self.faces.clone() } } pub fn get_torch_light_level(&self, color: &LightColor) -> u32 { match *color { LightColor::Red => self.red_light_level, LightColor::Green => self.green_light_level, LightColor::Blue => self.blue_light_level, LightColor::Sunlight => 0, } } pub fn get_rotated_transparency(&self, rotation: &BlockRotation) -> [bool; 6] { rotation.rotate_transparency(self.is_transparent) } /// Evaluate the dynamic pattern and return the combined faces and AABBs based on the rules. fn evaluate_dynamic_pattern( pattern: &BlockDynamicPattern, pos: &Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess, ) -> (Vec, Vec, [bool; 6]) { let mut combined_faces = Vec::new(); let mut combined_aabbs = Vec::new(); let mut combined_transparency = [false; 6]; for part in & { if Self::evaluate_rule(&part.rule, pos, space) { combined_faces.extend(part.faces.clone()); combined_aabbs.extend(part.aabbs.clone()); for (i, &is_transparent) in part.is_transparent.iter().enumerate() { combined_transparency[i] = combined_transparency[i] || is_transparent; } } } (combined_faces, combined_aabbs, combined_transparency) } fn evaluate_rule(rule: &BlockRule, pos: &Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess) -> bool { match rule { BlockRule::None => true, BlockRule::Simple(simple_rule) => { let vx = simple_rule.offset.0 + pos.0; let vy = simple_rule.offset.1 + pos.1; let vz = simple_rule.offset.2 + pos.2; let id_match =, |rule_id| { let id = space.get_voxel(vx, vy, vz); id == rule_id }); let rotation_match = simple_rule.rotation.as_ref().map_or(true, |rule_rotation| { let rotation = space.get_voxel_rotation(vx, vy, vz); rotation == *rule_rotation }); let stage_match = simple_rule.stage.map_or(true, |rule_stage| { let stage = space.get_voxel_stage(vx, vy, vz); stage == rule_stage }); id_match && rotation_match && stage_match } BlockRule::Combination { logic, rules } => { match logic { BlockRuleLogic::And => rules .iter() .all(|rule| Self::evaluate_rule(rule, pos, space)), BlockRuleLogic::Or => rules .iter() .any(|rule| Self::evaluate_rule(rule, pos, space)), BlockRuleLogic::Not => !rules .iter() .any(|rule| Self::evaluate_rule(rule, pos, space)), // Extend with other logic types as needed } } } } fn match_dynamic_pattern( pattern: &BlockDynamicPattern, pos: &Vec3, space: &dyn VoxelAccess, ) -> (Vec, Vec, [bool; 6]) { Self::evaluate_dynamic_pattern(&pattern, pos, space) } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum YRotatableSegments { All, Eight, Four, } impl Default for YRotatableSegments { fn default() -> Self { Self::All } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct BlockBuilder { id: u32, name: String, rotatable: bool, y_rotatable: bool, y_rotatable_segments: YRotatableSegments, is_empty: bool, is_fluid: bool, is_passable: bool, red_light_level: u32, green_light_level: u32, blue_light_level: u32, transparent_standalone: bool, faces: Vec, aabbs: Vec, is_see_through: bool, is_px_transparent: bool, is_py_transparent: bool, is_pz_transparent: bool, is_nx_transparent: bool, is_ny_transparent: bool, is_nz_transparent: bool, is_entity: bool, light_reduce: bool, dynamic_patterns: Option>, dynamic_fn: Option< Arc< dyn Fn(Vec3, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> (Vec, Vec, [bool; 6]) + Send + Sync, >, >, active_updater: Option< Arc, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> Vec + Send + Sync>, >, active_ticker: Option, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> u64 + Send + Sync>>, } impl BlockBuilder { /// Create a block builder with default values. pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self { Self { name: name.to_owned(), faces: BlockFaces::six_faces().build().to_vec(), aabbs: vec![AABB::new().build()], ..Default::default() } } /// Configure the ID of the block. Default would be the next available ID. pub fn id(mut self, id: u32) -> Self { if id == 0 { panic!("ID=0 is already Air!"); } = id; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is rotatable. Default is false. pub fn rotatable(mut self, rotatable: bool) -> Self { self.rotatable = rotatable; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is rotatable on the y-axis. Default is false. pub fn y_rotatable(mut self, y_rotatable: bool) -> Self { self.y_rotatable = y_rotatable; self } pub fn y_rotatable_segments(mut self, y_rotatable_segments: &YRotatableSegments) -> Self { self.y_rotatable_segments = y_rotatable_segments.clone(); self } /// Configure whether or not this is empty. Default is false. pub fn is_empty(mut self, is_empty: bool) -> Self { self.is_empty = is_empty; self } /// Configure whether or not this is a fluid. Default is false. pub fn is_fluid(mut self, is_fluid: bool) -> Self { self.is_fluid = is_fluid; self } /// Configure whether or not this block can be passed through. Default is false. pub fn is_passable(mut self, is_plant: bool) -> Self { self.is_passable = is_plant; self } /// Configure the red light level of this block. Default is 0. pub fn red_light_level(mut self, red_light_level: u32) -> Self { self.red_light_level = red_light_level; self } /// Configure the green light level of this block. Default is 0. pub fn green_light_level(mut self, green_light_level: u32) -> Self { self.green_light_level = green_light_level; self } /// Configure the blue light level of this block. Default is 0. pub fn blue_light_level(mut self, blue_light_level: u32) -> Self { self.blue_light_level = blue_light_level; self } /// Configure the torch level (RGB) of this block. Default is 0. pub fn torch_light_level(mut self, light_level: u32) -> Self { self.red_light_level = light_level; self.green_light_level = light_level; self.blue_light_level = light_level; self } /// Configure whether or not should transparent faces be rendered individually. Default is false. pub fn transparent_standalone(mut self, transparent_standalone: bool) -> Self { self.transparent_standalone = transparent_standalone; self } /// Configure the faces that the block has. Default is `vec![]`. pub fn faces(mut self, faces: &[BlockFace]) -> Self { self.faces = faces.to_vec(); self } /// Configure the bounding boxes that the block has. Default is `vec![]`. pub fn aabbs(mut self, aabbs: &[AABB]) -> Self { self.aabbs = aabbs.to_vec(); self } /// Is this block a see-through block? Should it be sorted to the transparent meshes? pub fn is_see_through(mut self, is_see_through: bool) -> Self { self.is_see_through = is_see_through; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent on all x,y,z axis. pub fn is_transparent(mut self, is_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_px_transparent = is_transparent; self.is_py_transparent = is_transparent; self.is_pz_transparent = is_transparent; self.is_nx_transparent = is_transparent; self.is_ny_transparent = is_transparent; self.is_nz_transparent = is_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent on the x-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_x_transparent(mut self, is_x_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_px_transparent = is_x_transparent; self.is_nx_transparent = is_x_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent on the y-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_y_transparent(mut self, is_y_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_py_transparent = is_y_transparent; self.is_ny_transparent = is_y_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent on the z-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_z_transparent(mut self, is_z_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_pz_transparent = is_z_transparent; self.is_nz_transparent = is_z_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the positive x-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_px_transparent(mut self, is_px_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_px_transparent = is_px_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the positive y-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_py_transparent(mut self, is_py_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_py_transparent = is_py_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the positive z-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_pz_transparent(mut self, is_pz_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_pz_transparent = is_pz_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the negative x-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_nx_transparent(mut self, is_nx_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_nx_transparent = is_nx_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the negative y-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_ny_transparent(mut self, is_ny_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_ny_transparent = is_ny_transparent; self } /// Configure whether or not this block is transparent looking from the negative z-axis. Default is false. pub fn is_nz_transparent(mut self, is_nz_transparent: bool) -> Self { self.is_nz_transparent = is_nz_transparent; self } /// Configure whether light reduces through this block. Default is false. pub fn light_reduce(mut self, light_reduce: bool) -> Self { self.light_reduce = light_reduce; self } pub fn dynamic_patterns(mut self, patterns: &[BlockDynamicPattern]) -> Self { self.dynamic_patterns = Some(patterns.to_vec()); self } /// Configure the function that is used to create dynamic AABBs and faces for this block. pub fn dynamic_fn< F: Fn(Vec3, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> (Vec, Vec, [bool; 6]) + 'static + Send + Sync, >( mut self, dynamic_fn: F, ) -> Self { self.dynamic_fn = Some(Arc::new(dynamic_fn)); self } pub fn active_fn< F1: Fn(Vec3, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> u64 + 'static + Send + Sync, F2: Fn(Vec3, &dyn VoxelAccess, &Registry) -> Vec + 'static + Send + Sync, >( mut self, active_ticker: F1, active_updater: F2, ) -> Self { self.active_ticker = Some(Arc::new(active_ticker)); self.active_updater = Some(Arc::new(active_updater)); self } pub fn is_entity(mut self, is_entity: bool) -> Self { self.is_entity = is_entity; self } /// Construct a block instance, ready to be added into the registry. pub fn build(self) -> Block { Block { id:, name:, rotatable: self.rotatable, y_rotatable: self.y_rotatable, y_rotatable_segments: self.y_rotatable_segments, is_empty: self.is_empty, is_fluid: self.is_fluid, is_light: self.red_light_level > 0 || self.green_light_level > 0 || self.blue_light_level > 0, is_passable: self.is_passable, is_opaque: !self.is_px_transparent && !self.is_py_transparent && !self.is_pz_transparent && !self.is_nx_transparent && !self.is_ny_transparent && !self.is_nz_transparent, red_light_level: self.red_light_level, green_light_level: self.green_light_level, blue_light_level: self.blue_light_level, transparent_standalone: self.transparent_standalone, faces: self.faces, aabbs: self.aabbs, is_see_through: self.is_see_through, is_transparent: [ self.is_px_transparent, self.is_py_transparent, self.is_pz_transparent, self.is_nx_transparent, self.is_ny_transparent, self.is_nz_transparent, ], light_reduce: self.light_reduce, is_dynamic: self.dynamic_fn.is_some() || self.dynamic_patterns.is_some(), dynamic_patterns: self.dynamic_patterns, dynamic_fn: self.dynamic_fn, is_active: self.active_updater.is_some() && self.active_ticker.is_some(), active_ticker: self.active_ticker, active_updater: self.active_updater, is_entity: self.is_entity, } } }