``` - source/ - index.vk - scripts/ - main.vk - examples/ - main.vk - benchmarks/ - main.vk - tests/ - main.vk main.vk package.toml package.lock readme.md ``` - `main.vk`: the default running script - `readme.md`: - `legion.json`: --- ### `scripts` 支持 `*.vk`, `*.wat`, `*.wasm` 三种格式, 以及目录形式: - `scripts/`: **executable scripts** - `text.wat`: - `single.vk`: a single file script - `nested/`: a directory of scripts - `main.vk`: the script entry point 比如这个结构体 - vp binary - vp text - vp single - vp nested ### `examples` - `examples/`: **executable scripts** - `nested/`: a directory of scripts - `main.vk`: the script entry point 通过 vp 直接运行, 只能用 `vp example` 命令运行. - vp example nested 默认不打包发布. ## `tests` 和 `scripts` 目录结构完全相同, 但是无法通过 `vp` 直接运行, 只能用 `vp test` 命令运行. 默认不打包发布. ## `benchmarks` 和 `scripts` 目录结构完全相同, 但是无法通过 `vp` 直接运行, 只能用 `vp benchmark` 命令运行. 默认不打包发布. ## Example ```json5 { workspace: { }, package: { name: "std", version: "0.0.0", publish: false, description: "The standard function library of the Valkyrie language", authors: [ "Aster <192607617@qq.com>" ], repository: "https://github.com/oovm/XCell", documentation: "https://docs.rs/xcell-types", edition: "2000", license: "MPL-2.0", }, features: { default: [], }, scripts: { "command": "running" }, binaries: { }, "dependencies": {}, "dependencies-build": {}, "dependencies-debug": {}, // pretty: "path" pretty: { // pretty format config, inherit parent } } ```