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If you do not run it with sudo, you will need to configure these manually. ```shell # Enable binding to non-local IPv6 addresses sudo sysctl net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 # Replace with your IPv6 subnet sudo ip route add local 2001:470:e953::/48 dev lo # Run the server http/socks5 vproxy run -i 2001:470:e953::/48 http # Start the daemon (runs in the background), requires sudo sudo vproxy start -i 2001:470:e953::/48 http # Restart the daemon, requires sudo sudo vproxy restart # Stop the daemon, requires sudo sudo vproxy stop # Show daemon log vproxy log # Show daemon status vproxy status # Online update vproxy update # Test loop request while true; do curl -x -s https://api.ip.sb/ip -A Mozilla; done ... 2001:470:e953:5b75:c862:3328:3e8f:f4d1 2001:470:e953:b84d:ad7d:7399:ade5:4c1c 2001:470:e953:4f88:d5ca:84:83fd:6faa 2001:470:e953:29f3:41e2:d3f2:4a49:1f22 2001:470:e953:98f6:cb40:9dfd:c7ab:18c4 2001:470:e953:f1d7:eb68:cc59:b2d0:2c6f ``` ## Manual If no subnet is configured, the local default network proxy request will be used. When the local machine sets the priority `Ipv4`/`Ipv6` and the priority is `Ipv4`, it will always use `Ipv4` to make requests (if any). - Whitelist extension When using passwordless authorization, if an IP whitelist exists, only authorized IPs can pass the request. - Session extension Append `-session-id` to the username, where session is a fixed value and ID is an arbitrary random value (e.g., `username-session-123456`). Keep the Session ID unchanged to use a fixed IP.For HTTP users who are using password-less authorization and need a fixed IP address, you can add the `session` header to the request (e.g., `session: 123456`). By keeping the Session ID unchanged, you can use a fixed IP. Keep in mind Chrome and Firefox can't set `--proxy-header` like curl. - Http2Socks5 extension Append `-h2s-host|port|username|password` to the username, or `-h2s-host|port` if password is not required. For HTTP users using passwordless authorization, you can add an `http2socks5` header to the request (e.g. `http2socks5: host|port|username|password`). Chrome and Firefox cannot set `--proxy-header` like curl can. #### Examples - Http proxy session with username and password: ```shell ./vproxy run --bind -i 2001:470:70c6::/48 http -u test -p test $ for i in `seq 1 10`; do curl -x "http://test-session-123456789:test@" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 $ for i in `seq 1 10`; do curl -x "http://test-session-987654321:test@" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 ``` - Http proxy session with passwordless authorization: ```shell ./vproxy run --bind -w -i 2001:470:70c6::/48 http $ for i in `seq 1 3`; do curl --proxy-header "session-id: 123456789" -x "" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 for i in `seq 1 3`; do curl --proxy-header "session-id: 987654321" -x "" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 ``` - Socks5 proxy session with username and password ```shell ./vproxy run --bind -i 2001:470:70c6::/48 socks5 -u test -p test $ for i in `seq 1 3`; do curl -x "socks5h://test-session-123456789:test@" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 2001:470:70c6:93ee:9b7c:b4f9:4913:22f5 $ for i in `seq 1 3`; do curl -x "socks5h://test-session-987654321:test@" https://api6.ipify.org; done 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 2001:470:70c6:41d0:14fd:d025:835a:d102 ``` ```shell $ vproxy -h An easy and powerful Rust HTTP/Socks5 Proxy Usage: vproxy vproxy Commands: run Run server start Start server daemon restart Restart server daemon stop Stop server daemon ps Show the server daemon process log Show the server daemon log update Update the application help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version $ vproxy run -h Run server Usage: vproxy run [OPTIONS] Commands: http Http server socks5 Socks5 server help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: --debug Debug mode [env: VPROXY_DEBUG=] -b, --bind Bind address [default:] -c, --concurrent Concurrent connections [default: 1024] -T, --connect-timeout Connection timeout [default: 10] -w, --whitelist IP addresses whitelist, e.g., -i, --cidr Ip-CIDR, e.g. 2001:db8::/32 -f, --fallback Fallback address -h, --help Print help ``` ## Compile - To compile on a Linux machine (e.g., Ubuntu): ```shell git clone https://github.com/0x676e67/vproxy.git && cd vproxy cargo build --release ``` ## Contributing If you would like to submit your contribution, please open a [Pull Request](https://github.com/0x676e67/vproxy/pulls). ## Getting help Your question might already be answered on the [issues](https://github.com/0x676e67/vproxy/issues) ## License **vproxy** © [0x676e67](https://github.com/0x676e67), Released under the [GPL-3.0](./LICENSE) License.