# Random (VRD)
A Rust library for generating high-quality random numbers based on the Mersenne
Twister algorithm.
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## Overview
`Random (VRD)` is a Rust library for generating high-quality random numbers based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
The `Random` struct in this library provides a robust interface for generating a variety of random numbers using the Mersenne Twister algorithm. Additionally, the `MersenneTwisterConfig` struct allows for advanced configuration of the algorithm.
`Random (VRD)` generates pseudorandom integers uniformly distributed in 0..(2^32 - 1), starting from any odd seed in 0..(2^32 - 1). The index is incremented after each random number is generated. When the index reaches 624, the array is reinitialized and the index is reset to 0.
## Features
- Create a new random number generator and seed it with a value.
- Designed for speed and efficiency.
- Generate random 32-bit unsigned integers within a given range.
- Provide random numbers of different types, including booleans, bytes, chars, doubles, floats, integers, and unsigned integers.
- Mutate the state of the random number generator.
- Produce pseudorandom number sequences that are different from each other.
- Regulate the randomness of the generated numbers, including the seed value and the number of bits used.
- Select a random element from a slice of values.
- Generate random numbers from various probability distributions, including uniform, normal, exponential, and Poisson.
## Installation
Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
vrd = "0.0.8"
serde = { version = "1.0.209", features = ["derive"] }
## Usage
Here's a quick example on how to use Random (VRD) to generate random numbers:
use vrd::random::Random;
let mut rng = Random::new();
let rand_int = rng.int(1, 10);
println!("Random integer between 1 and 10: {}", rand_int);
let rand_float = rng.float();
println!("Random float: {}", rand_float);
let rand_bytes = rng.bytes(10);
println!("Random bytes: {:?}", rand_bytes);
## Documentation
For full API documentation, please visit or .
## Rust Version Compatibility
Compiler support: requires rustc 1.56.0+
## Examples
`Random (VRD)` provides a set of comprehensive examples. You can find them in the `examples` directory of the project. To run the examples, clone the repository and execute the following command in your terminal from the project:
cargo run --example
## Macros
The `Random (VRD)` library provides a set of macros that simplify the usage of the library. These macros offer a convenient way to generate random numbers of different types and distributions.
Here are some of the available macros:
- `rand_bool!(rng, probability)`: Generate a random boolean with the provided probability.
- `rand_bytes!(rng, length)`: Generate a vector of random bytes with the specified length.
- `rand_char!(rng)`: Generate a random character within the range 'a'..='z'.
- `rand_choose!(rng, values)`: Generate a random element from a slice of values.
- `rand_float!(rng)`: Generate a random float.
- `rand_int!(rng, min, max)`: Generate a random integer within the given range.
- `rand_uint!(rng, min, max)`: Generate a random 32-bit unsigned integer within the given range.
- `rand_double!(rng)`: Generate a random double.
- `rand_string!(rng, length)`: Generate a random string of the specified length.
- `rand_alphanumeric!(rng)`: Generate a random alphanumeric character.
- `rand_shuffle!(rng, slice)`: Shuffle a mutable slice randomly.
- `rand_weighted_choice!(rng, choices, weights)`: Select a random element from a slice based on the provided weights.
- `rand_normal!(rng, mu, sigma)`: Generate a normally distributed random number with the given mean and standard deviation.
- `rand_exponential!(rng, rate)`: Generate a random number from the exponential distribution with the given rate parameter.
- `rand_poisson!(rng, mean)`: Generate a random number from a Poisson distribution with the specified mean parameter.
For more details on how to use these macros, please refer to the [documentation](https://docs.rs/vrd).
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a Pull Request on [GitHub][04].
## Credits and Acknowledgements
A big thank you to all the awesome contributors of [vrd][05] for their help and support.
A special thank you goes to the [Rust Reddit][10] community for providing a lot of useful suggestions on how to improve this project.
## License
Licensed under either of the [Apache License][01] or the [MIT license][02] at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
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