# Integration Tests The following tests use Python to prepare, run, verify, and tear down the rest api services. We do make use of the built-in `unittest` library, but that's only to take advantage of test reporting purposes. These are decidedly **not** _unit_ tests. These are end to end integration tests. ## Caveats This has only been tested or built for Linux, though we have written platform agnostic Python for the smoke test (i.e. using `os.path.join`, etc) It has been tested on Python 3.9 and 3.10, but should work on Python 3.6+. ## How to Run First, build the DiskANN RestAPI code; see $REPOSITORY_ROOT/workflows/rest_api.md for detailed instructions. ```bash cd tests/python python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt export DISKANN_BUILD_DIR=/path/to/your/diskann/build python -m unittest ``` ## Smoke Test Failed, Now What? The smoke test written takes advantage of temporary directories that are only valid during the lifetime of the test. The contents of these directories include: - Randomized vectors (first in tsv, then bin form) used to build the PQFlashIndex - The PQFlashIndex files It is useful to keep these around. By setting some environment variables, you can control whether an ephemeral, temporary directory is used (and deleted on test completion), or left as an exercise for the developer to clean up. The valid environment variables are: - `DISKANN_REST_TEST_WORKING_DIR` (example: `$USER/DiskANNRestTest`) - If this is specified, it **must exist** and **must be writeable**. Any existing files will be clobbered. - `DISKANN_REST_SERVER` (example: ``) - Note that if this is set, no data will be generated, nor will a server be started; it is presumed you have done all the work in creating and starting the rest server prior to running the test and just submits requests against it.