import re import sys import pathlib import subprocess from configparser import ConfigParser CONFIG_PATH: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "setup.cfg" STD_OUT_LOG = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/test_stdout.txt") STD_ERR_LOG = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/test_stderr.txt") FULL_LOG = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/test_full.txt") COVERAGE_LOG = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/coverage.out") TEST_REPORT = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/test_results.html") COVERAGE_REPORT = pathlib.Path("./zdevelop/tests/_reports/coverage/index.html") COVERAGE_REGEX = re.compile(r"total:\s+\(statements\)\s+(\d+\.\d)%") def load_cfg() -> ConfigParser: """ loads library config file :return: loaded `ConfigParser` object """ config = ConfigParser() return config def run_test() -> None: config = load_cfg() coverage_required = config.getfloat("testing", "coverage_required") * 100 test_package = config.get("testing", "test_package", fallback="./...") exclude_string = config.get("testing", "exclude", fallback="") exclude_list = [e for e in exclude_string.split("\n") if e] race_detection = config.getboolean("testing", "race_detection", fallback=True) multi_process = config.getboolean("testing", "multi_process", fallback=True) timeout = config.getint("testing", "timeout", fallback=60) # Get the list of packages we want to cover list_process = subprocess.Popen( ["go", "list", test_package], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True ) grep_command = ["grep", "-v"] for this_exclude in exclude_list: grep_command += ["-e", this_exclude] sys.stdout.write(f"grep: {' '.join(grep_command)}\n") grep_process = subprocess.Popen( grep_command, stdin=list_process.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) assert list_process.stdout is not None list_process.stdout.close() packages_str, _ = grep_process.communicate() packages = packages_str.split("\n") if not packages: packages = ["./..."] sys.stdout.write(f"COVERAGE REQUIRED: {coverage_required}\n") # Set up the command command = [ "go", "test", "-v", "-failfast", f"-timeout={timeout}s", ] # Add the race flag if we are using it. if race_detection: command.append("-race") # Add th flag to restrict the number of simultaneous tests to 1. if not multi_process: command.extend(("-p", "1")) # Finish building the command. command.extend( [ "-covermode=atomic", f"-coverprofile={COVERAGE_LOG}", f"-coverpkg={','.join(packages)}", ] ) command = command + ["./..."] sys.stdout.write(f"command: {' '.join(command)}\n") proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() sys.stdout.write(stdout) sys.stderr.write(stderr) STD_OUT_LOG.write_text(stdout) STD_ERR_LOG.write_text(stderr) FULL_LOG.write_text(stdout + stderr) if proc.returncode != 0: sys.exit(proc.returncode) # Use the cov command to generate the total coverage command = [ "go", "tool", "cover", "--func", str(COVERAGE_LOG), ] proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() sys.stdout.write(stdout) sys.stderr.write(stderr) with"a") as f: f.write(stdout) with"a") as f: f.write(stderr) if proc.returncode != 0: sys.exit(proc.returncode) # Get the last coverage tally in the result coverage_str = [x for x in COVERAGE_REGEX.finditer(stdout)][-1].group(1) coverage = float(coverage_str) if coverage < coverage_required: sys.stderr.write( f"Coverage {coverage} is less than required {coverage_required}\n" ) sys.exit(1) else: sys.stderr.write( f"Coverage {coverage}% passes requirement of {coverage_required}%\n" ) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test()