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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file ContextModelling.h * \brief Classes providing probability descriptions and contexts (header) */ #pragma once #include "CommonDef.h" #include "Contexts.h" #include "Slice.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "UnitPartitioner.h" #include #include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h" namespace vvdec { struct CtxTpl { // lower 5 bits are absSum1, upper 3 bits are numPos uint8_t ctxTpl; }; struct CoeffCodingContext { public: CoeffCodingContext( const TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID component, bool signHide, CtxTpl *tplBuf ); public: void initSubblock ( int SubsetId, bool sigGroupFlag = false ); public: void setSigGroup () { m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.set( m_subSetPos ); } bool noneSigGroup () { return m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.none(); } int lastSubSet () { return ( maxNumCoeff() - 1 ) >> log2CGSize(); } bool isLastSubSet () { return lastSubSet() == m_subSetId; } bool only1stSigGroup () { return m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.count()-m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[lastSubSet()]==0; } void setScanPosLast ( int posLast ) { m_scanPosLast = posLast; } public: int subSetId () const { return m_subSetId; } int subSetPos () const { return m_subSetPos; } int cgPosY () const { return m_subSetPosY; } int cgPosX () const { return m_subSetPosX; } unsigned width () const { return m_width; } unsigned height () const { return m_height; } unsigned log2CGSize () const { return m_log2CGSize; } unsigned log2CGWidth () const { return m_log2CGWidth; } unsigned log2CGHeight () const { return m_log2CGHeight; } unsigned log2BlockWidth () const { return m_log2BlockWidth; } unsigned log2BlockHeight () const { return m_log2BlockHeight; } unsigned log2BlockSize () const { return m_log2BlockSize; } int maxLog2TrDRange () const { return m_maxLog2TrDynamicRange; } unsigned maxNumCoeff () const { return m_maxNumCoeff; } int scanPosLast () const { return m_scanPosLast; } int minSubPos () const { return m_minSubPos; } int maxSubPos () const { return m_maxSubPos; } bool isLast () const { return ( ( m_scanPosLast >> m_log2CGSize ) == m_subSetId ); } bool isNotFirst () const { return ( m_subSetId != 0 ); } bool isSigGroup () const { return m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[ m_subSetPos ]; } bool signHiding () const { return m_signHiding; } bool hideSign ( int posFirst, int posLast ) const { return ( m_signHiding && ( posLast - posFirst >= SBH_THRESHOLD ) ); } unsigned blockPos ( int scanPos ) const { return m_scan[ scanPos ]; } unsigned posX ( int blkPos ) const { return blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); } unsigned posY ( int blkPos ) const { return blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; } unsigned maxLastPosX () const { return m_maxLastPosX; } unsigned maxLastPosY () const { return m_maxLastPosY; } unsigned lastXCtxId ( unsigned posLastX ) const { return m_CtxSetLastX( m_lastOffsetX + ( posLastX >> m_lastShiftX ) ); } unsigned lastYCtxId ( unsigned posLastY ) const { return m_CtxSetLastY( m_lastOffsetY + ( posLastY >> m_lastShiftY ) ); } int numCtxBins () const { return m_remainingContextBins; } void setNumCtxBins ( int n ) { m_remainingContextBins = n; } unsigned sigGroupCtxId ( bool ts = false ) const { return ts ? m_sigGroupCtxIdTS : m_sigGroupCtxId; } bool bdpcm () const { return m_bdpcm; } int regBinLimit () const { return m_regBinLimit; } void setRegBinLimit ( int n ) { m_regBinLimit = n; } void decNumCtxBins (int n) { m_remainingContextBins -= n; } void incNumCtxBins (int n) { m_remainingContextBins += n; } unsigned sigCtxIdAbs( const int blkPos, const int state ) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const int diag = posX + posY; const int tplVal = m_tplBuf[blkPos].ctxTpl; const int numPos = tplVal >> 5; const int sumAbs = tplVal & 31; int ctxOfs = std::min( ( sumAbs + 1 ) >> 1, 3 ) + ( diag < 2 ? 4 : 0 ); if( isLuma( m_chType ) ) { ctxOfs += diag < 5 ? 4 : 0; } m_tmplCpDiag = diag; m_tmplCpSum1 = sumAbs - numPos; return m_sigFlagCtxSet[std::max( 0, state-1 )]( ctxOfs ); } void absVal1stPass( const int blkPos, TCoeffSig* coeff, const TCoeffSig absLevel1 ) { CHECKD( !absLevel1, "absLevel1 has to non-zero!" ); coeff[blkPos] = absLevel1; const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); auto update_deps = [&]( int offset ) { auto& ctx = m_tplBuf[blkPos - offset]; ctx.ctxTpl += uint8_t( 32 + absLevel1 ); }; if( posY > 1 ) update_deps( 2 * m_width ); if( posY > 0 && posX > 0 ) update_deps( m_width + 1 ); if( posY > 0 ) update_deps( m_width ); if( posX > 1 ) update_deps( 2 ); if( posX > 0 ) update_deps( 1 ); } uint8_t ctxOffsetAbs() { int offset = 0; if( m_tmplCpDiag != -1 ) { offset = std::min( m_tmplCpSum1, 4 ) + 1; offset += ( !m_tmplCpDiag ? ( m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? 15 : 5 ) : m_chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ? m_tmplCpDiag < 3 ? 10 : ( m_tmplCpDiag < 10 ? 5 : 0 ) : 0 ); } return uint8_t(offset); } unsigned parityCtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_parFlagCtxSet ( offset ); } unsigned greater1CtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_gtxFlagCtxSet[1]( offset ); } unsigned greater2CtxIdAbs ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_gtxFlagCtxSet[0]( offset ); } unsigned templateAbsSum( int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff, int baseLevel ) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const TCoeffSig* pData = coeff + posX + ( posY << m_log2BlockWidth ); int sum = 0; if (posX+2 < m_width) { sum += pData[1]; sum += pData[2]; if (posY+1 < m_height) { sum += pData[m_width + 1]; } } else if (posX+1 < m_width) { sum += pData[1]; if (posY+1 < m_height) { sum += pData[m_width + 1]; } } if (posY+2 < m_height) { sum += pData[m_width]; sum += pData[m_width << 1]; } else if (posY+1 < m_height) { sum += pData[m_width]; } return std::max(std::min(sum - 5 * baseLevel, 31), 0); } unsigned sigCtxIdAbsTS( int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff ) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const TCoeffSig* posC = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; int numPos = 0; #define UPDATE(x) {numPos+=!!x;} if( posX > 0 ) { UPDATE( posC[-1] ); } if( posY > 0 ) { UPDATE( posC[-(int)m_width] ); } #undef UPDATE return m_tsSigFlagCtxSet( numPos ); } unsigned parityCtxIdAbsTS () const { return m_tsParFlagCtxSet( 0 ); } unsigned greaterXCtxIdAbsTS ( uint8_t offset ) const { return m_tsGtxFlagCtxSet( offset ); } unsigned lrg1CtxIdAbsTS(int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff, int bdpcm) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const TCoeffSig* posC = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; int numPos = 0; #define UPDATE(x) {numPos+=!!x;} if (bdpcm) { numPos = 3; } else { if (posX > 0) { UPDATE(posC[-1]); } if (posY > 0) { UPDATE(posC[-(int)m_width]); } } #undef UPDATE return m_tsLrg1FlagCtxSet(numPos); } unsigned signCtxIdAbsTS(int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff, int bdpcm) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const TCoeffSig* pData = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; int rightSign = 0, belowSign = 0; unsigned signCtx = 0; if (posX > 0) { rightSign = pData[-1]; } if (posY > 0) { belowSign = pData[-(int)m_width]; } if ((rightSign == 0 && belowSign == 0) || ((rightSign*belowSign) < 0)) { signCtx = 0; } else if (rightSign >= 0 && belowSign >= 0) { signCtx = 1; } else { signCtx = 2; } if (bdpcm) { signCtx += 3; } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "signCtxIdAbsTS() pos=(%d;%d) signCtx=%d rightSign=%d belowSign=%d\n", posX, posY, signCtx, rightSign, belowSign ); return m_tsSignFlagCtxSet(signCtx); } void neighTS(int &rightPixel, int &belowPixel, int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff) { const uint32_t posY = blkPos >> m_log2BlockWidth; const uint32_t posX = blkPos & ( ( 1 << m_log2BlockWidth ) - 1 ); const TCoeffSig* data = coeff + posX + posY * m_width; rightPixel = belowPixel = 0; if (posX > 0) { rightPixel = data[-1]; } if (posY > 0) { belowPixel = data[-(int)m_width]; } } int deriveModCoeff(int rightPixel, int belowPixel, int absCoeff, int bdpcm = 0) { if (absCoeff == 0) return 0; int pred1, absBelow = abs(belowPixel), absRight = abs(rightPixel); int absCoeffMod = absCoeff; if (bdpcm == 0) { pred1 = std::max(absBelow, absRight); if (absCoeff == pred1) { absCoeffMod = 1; } else { absCoeffMod = absCoeff < pred1 ? absCoeff + 1 : absCoeff; } } return(absCoeffMod); } int decDeriveModCoeff(int rightPixel, int belowPixel, int absCoeff) { if (absCoeff == 0) return 0; int pred1, absBelow = abs(belowPixel), absRight = abs(rightPixel); pred1 = std::max(absBelow, absRight); int absCoeffMod; if (absCoeff == 1 && pred1 > 0) { absCoeffMod = pred1; } else { absCoeffMod = absCoeff - (absCoeff <= pred1); } return(absCoeffMod); } unsigned templateAbsSumTS( int blkPos, const TCoeffSig* coeff ) { return 1; } private: // constant const ChannelType m_chType; const unsigned m_width; const unsigned m_height; const unsigned m_log2CGWidth; const unsigned m_log2CGHeight; const unsigned m_log2CGSize; const unsigned m_widthInGroups; const unsigned m_heightInGroups; const unsigned m_log2BlockWidth; const unsigned m_log2BlockHeight; const unsigned m_log2BlockSize; const unsigned m_maxNumCoeff; const bool m_signHiding; const int m_maxLog2TrDynamicRange; const uint16_t* m_scan; const uint16_t* m_scanCG; const CtxSet m_CtxSetLastX; const CtxSet m_CtxSetLastY; const unsigned m_maxLastPosX; const unsigned m_maxLastPosY; const int m_lastOffsetX; const int m_lastOffsetY; const int m_lastShiftX; const int m_lastShiftY; // modified int m_scanPosLast; int m_subSetId; int m_subSetPos; int m_subSetPosX; int m_subSetPosY; int m_minSubPos; int m_maxSubPos; unsigned m_sigGroupCtxId; int m_tmplCpSum1; int m_tmplCpDiag; CtxSet m_sigFlagCtxSet[3]; CtxSet m_parFlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_gtxFlagCtxSet[2]; unsigned m_sigGroupCtxIdTS; CtxSet m_tsSigFlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_tsParFlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_tsGtxFlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_tsLrg1FlagCtxSet; CtxSet m_tsSignFlagCtxSet; int m_remainingContextBins; std::bitset m_sigCoeffGroupFlag; const bool m_bdpcm; int m_regBinLimit; const bool m_ts; CtxTpl* m_tplBuf; }; class CUCtx { public: CUCtx() : isDQPCoded(false), isChromaQpAdjCoded(false), qgStart(false), lfnstLastScanPos(false) { violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ] = false; violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = false; violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = false; mtsLastScanPos = false; } CUCtx(int _qp) : isDQPCoded(false), isChromaQpAdjCoded(false), qgStart(false), lfnstLastScanPos(false), qp(_qp) { violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ] = false; violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = false; violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = false; mtsLastScanPos = false; } ~CUCtx() {} public: bool isDQPCoded; bool isChromaQpAdjCoded; bool qgStart; bool lfnstLastScanPos; int8_t qp; // used as a previous(last) QP and for QP prediction bool violatesLfnstConstrained[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; bool violatesMtsCoeffConstraint; bool mtsLastScanPos; }; class MergeCtx { public: MergeCtx() : numValidMergeCand( 0 ) { memset( mrgTypeNeighbours, 0, sizeof( mrgTypeNeighbours ) ); } ~MergeCtx() {} public: MvField mvFieldNeighbours [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS << 1 ]; // double length for mv of both lists uint8_t BcwIdx [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; unsigned char interDirNeighbours[ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; MergeType mrgTypeNeighbours [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; int numValidMergeCand; MotionBuf subPuMvpMiBuf; MvField mmvdBaseMv [MMVD_BASE_MV_NUM ][2]; void setMmvdMergeCandiInfo( CodingUnit& cu, int candIdx ); bool mmvdUseAltHpelIf [ MMVD_BASE_MV_NUM ]; bool useAltHpelIf [ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; void setMergeInfo ( CodingUnit& cu, int candIdx ); void init() { numValidMergeCand = 0; memset( mrgTypeNeighbours, 0, sizeof( mrgTypeNeighbours ) ); } }; class AffineMergeCtx { public: AffineMergeCtx() : numValidMergeCand( 0 ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; i++ ) affineType[i] = AFFINEMODEL_4PARAM; } ~AffineMergeCtx() {} public: MvField mvFieldNeighbours [AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS << 1][3]; // double length for mv of both lists unsigned char interDirNeighbours[AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; AffineModel affineType [AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; uint8_t BcwIdx [AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; int numValidMergeCand; int maxNumMergeCand; MergeCtx *mrgCtx; MergeType mergeType [AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ]; }; namespace DeriveCtx { void CtxSplit ( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner, unsigned& ctxSpl, unsigned& ctxQt, unsigned& ctxHv, unsigned& ctxHorBt, unsigned& ctxVerBt, bool* canSplit = nullptr ); unsigned CtxModeConsFlag( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner ); unsigned CtxQtCbf ( const ComponentID compID, const bool prevCbCbf = false, const int ispIdx = 0 ); unsigned CtxInterDir ( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxSkipFlag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxAffineFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxPredModeFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ); unsigned CtxIBCFlag (const CodingUnit& cu); unsigned CtxMipFlag ( const CodingUnit& cu ); } }