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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file TimeProfiler.h \brief profiling of run-time behavior (header) */ #pragma once #include "CommonDef.h" #include "StatCounter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vvdec { #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING || ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_EXTENDED // Make enum and strings macros, used for TimeProfiler and DTrace #define MAKE_ENUM(VAR) VAR, #define MAKE_STRINGS(VAR) #VAR, #define MAKE_ENUM_AND_STRINGS(source, enumName, enumStringName) \ enum enumName { \ source(MAKE_ENUM) \ };\ const char* const enumStringName[] = { \ source(MAKE_STRINGS) \ }; \ // Here, users can add their profiling stages #define E_TIME_PROF_STAGES(E_) \ E_( P_NALU_SLICE_PIC_HL ) \ E_( P_CONTROL_PARSE_DERIVE_LL ) \ E_( P_PARSERESIDUALS ) \ E_( P_INTRAPRED ) \ E_( P_MOTCOMP ) \ E_( P_ITRANS_REC ) \ E_( P_DBFILTER ) \ E_( P_SAO ) \ E_( P_RESHAPER ) \ E_( P_ALF ) \ E_( P_OTHER ) \ E_( P_STAGES ) \ E_( P_VOID = P_STAGES ) MAKE_ENUM_AND_STRINGS(E_TIME_PROF_STAGES, STAGE, stageNames) template std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const std::chrono::duration d ) { os << d.count(); return os; } #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING class TimeProfiler { public: using rep = std::milli; using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock; using time_point = std::chrono::time_point; using duration = std::chrono::duration; private: time_point m_previous = clock::now(); STAGE m_eStage; const unsigned m_numStages = P_STAGES + 1; int m_iLevel; int m_iExtData; unsigned m_numBlkHor; unsigned m_numBlkVer; unsigned m_curWId; unsigned m_curHId; public: const time_point start_time = m_previous; std::vector durations; TimeProfiler() : m_eStage( P_VOID ) { init(); } void init() { durations.resize( m_numStages ); for( size_t i = 0; i < m_numStages; ++i ) { durations[i] = durations[i].zero(); } } TimeProfiler& operator()( STAGE s ) { time_point now = clock::now(); durations[m_eStage] += ( now - m_previous ); m_previous = now; m_eStage = s; return *this; } TimeProfiler& operator+=( const TimeProfiler& other ) { auto i1 = durations.begin(); auto i2 = other.durations.cbegin(); for( ; i1 != durations.end() && i2 != other.durations.cend(); ++i1, ++i2 ) { *i1 += *i2; } return *this; } void start( STAGE s ) { m_previous = clock::now(); m_eStage = s; } void stop( STAGE s ) { time_point now = clock::now(); durations[m_eStage] += ( now - m_previous ); } STAGE curStage() { return m_eStage; } friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const TimeProfiler& prof ) { //const TimeProfiler::duration total = TimeProfiler::clock::now() - prof.start_time; const TimeProfiler::duration counted = std::accumulate(prof.durations.begin(), prof.durations.end()-1, TimeProfiler::duration{}); const double scale = 1.0; const int prec = 1; std::stringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(prec) << (counted / scale); const int ts = 1 + ss.str().size(); os << '\n'; os << std::setw(10) << " " << std::setw(30) << std::left << "stages" << std::internal << std::setw(ts) << "time(ms)" << std::setw(10) << "%" << '\n'; for (size_t i=0; i < P_STAGES; ++i) { auto v = prof.durations[i]; if( v.count() != 0.0 ) { os << std::setw( 10 ) << " " << std::setw( 30 ) << std::left << stageNames[i] << std::internal << std::fixed << std::setw( ts ) << std::setprecision( prec ) << (v / scale)/* * total*/ << std::fixed << std::setw( 10 ) << std::setprecision( prec ) << (v / counted) * 100.0 << '\n'; } } os << '\n'; os << std::setw(10) << " " << std::setw(30) << std::left << "TOTAL" << std::internal << std::fixed << std::setw(ts) << std::setprecision(prec) << (counted / scale)/*total*/ << std::fixed << std::setw(10) << std::setprecision(prec) << 100.00 << '\n'; return os; } void output( std::ostream& os ) { os << *this; } }; class StageTimeProfiler { STAGE m_ePrevStage; TimeProfiler* m_profiler; public: StageTimeProfiler( TimeProfiler *pcProfiler, STAGE m_eStage ) { m_profiler = pcProfiler; m_ePrevStage = m_profiler->curStage(); ( *m_profiler )( m_eStage ); } ~StageTimeProfiler() { ( *m_profiler )( m_ePrevStage ); } }; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// EXTENDED TIME PROFILER ///////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_EXTENDED using namespace StatCounters; class TimeProfiler2D { public: using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock; using time_point = std::chrono::time_point; private: time_point m_previous = clock::now(); const time_point m_startTime = m_previous; STAGE m_stage; unsigned m_numX; unsigned m_numY; unsigned m_numZ; unsigned m_curX; unsigned m_curY; unsigned m_curZ; std::vector> m_counters; public: TimeProfiler2D( unsigned numX = 1, unsigned numY = 1, unsigned numZ = 1 ) : m_stage( P_VOID ), m_numX( numX ), m_numY( numY ), m_numZ( numZ ), m_curX( 0 ), m_curY( 0 ), m_curZ( 0 ) { m_counters.resize( m_numZ ); for( int i = 0; i < m_numZ; i++ ) { m_counters[i].init( std::vector { stageNames, std::end( stageNames ) }, m_numX, m_numY ); } } void count( STAGE s, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z ) { time_point now = clock::now(); m_counters[m_curZ][m_stage][m_curY][m_curX] += ( now - m_previous ).count(); m_previous = now; m_stage = s; m_curX = x; m_curY = y; m_curZ = z; } void start( STAGE s ) { m_previous = clock::now(); m_stage = s; } void stop( STAGE s ) { count( m_stage, m_curX, m_curY, m_curZ ); } unsigned numStages() { return m_counters[0].getNumCntTypes(); } STAGE curStage() { return m_stage; } unsigned curX() { return m_curX; } unsigned curY() { return m_curY; } unsigned curZ() { return m_curZ; } std::vector>& getCountersSet() { return m_counters; } const std::vector>& getCountersSet() const { return m_counters; } }; class StageTimeProfiler2D { STAGE m_prevStage; int m_prevX; int m_prevY; int m_prevZ; TimeProfiler2D* m_profiler; public: StageTimeProfiler2D( TimeProfiler2D *pcProfiler, STAGE m_eStage, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z ) { m_prevStage = pcProfiler->curStage(); m_prevX = pcProfiler->curX(); m_prevY = pcProfiler->curY(); m_prevZ = pcProfiler->curZ(); m_profiler = pcProfiler; pcProfiler->count( m_eStage, x, y, z ); } ~StageTimeProfiler2D() { m_profiler->count( m_prevStage, m_prevX, m_prevY, m_prevZ ); } }; #endif #define PROFILER_START(p,s) (*(p)).start(s) #define PROFILER_STOP(p) #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_COND_0(p,s) #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_COND_1(p,s) StageTimeProfiler cScopedProfiler##s((p),(s)) #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_COND(cond,p,s) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_COND_ ## cond (p,s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_(cond,p,s) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_COND(cond,p,s) #elif ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_EXTENDED #define PROF_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET_COND_0(p,s,t) #define PROF_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET_COND_1(p,s,t) (*(p)).count(s,t,0,0) #define PROF_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET_COND(cond,p,s,t) PROF_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET_COND_ ## cond (p,s,t) #define PROFILER_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET(cond,p,s,t) PROF_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET_COND(cond,p,s,t) #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND_0(p,s,a,b,c) #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND_1(p,s,a,b,c) StageTimeProfiler2D cScopedProfilerExt##s((p),(s),(a),(b),(c)) #define PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND(cond,p,s,a,b,c) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND_ ## cond (p,s,a,b,c) #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_PIC_TYPES #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D_(cond,p,s,t,x,y,w,h) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND(cond,p,s,t,0,0) #elif ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_CTUS_IN_PIC #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D_(cond,p,s,t,x,y,w,h) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND(cond,p,s,x,y,t) #elif ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_CU_SHAPES #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D_(cond,p,s,t,x,y,w,h) PROF_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT_COND(cond,p,s,w,h,t) #else #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D_(cond,p,s,t,x,y,w,h) #endif #define BX_(cs,ch) ( ( (cs)->area.block( ComponentID(ch) ).x << getChannelTypeScaleX( ch, (cs)->pcv->chrFormat ) ) >> (cs)->pcv->maxCUSizeLog2 ) #define BY_(cs,ch) ( ( (cs)->area.block( ComponentID(ch) ).y << getChannelTypeScaleY( ch, (cs)->pcv->chrFormat ) ) >> (cs)->pcv->maxCUSizeLog2 ) #define BW_(cs,ch) ( Log2( ((cs)->area.block( ComponentID(ch) ).width) ) ) #define BH_(cs,ch) ( Log2( ((cs)->area.block( ComponentID(ch) ).height) ) ) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D(cond,p,s,cs,ch) PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D_(cond,p,s,!(cs).slice->isIntra(), BX_(cs,ch), BY_(cs,ch), BW_(cs,ch), BH_(cs,ch) ) #endif #endif #if ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING #define PROFILER_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET(cond,p,s) (*(p))(s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE(cond,p,s) PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_(cond,p,s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT(cond,p,s,cs,ch) PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE(cond,p,s) #elif ENABLE_TIME_PROFILING_EXTENDED #define PROFILER_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET(cond,p,s) PROFILER_EXT_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET(cond,p,s,0) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE(cond,p,s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT(cond,p,s,cs,ch) PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT2D(cond,p,s,cs,ch) #else #define PROF_START(p,s) #define PROF_STOP(p) #define PROFILER_ACCUM_AND_START_NEW_SET(cond,p,s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE(cond,p,s) #define PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT(cond,p,s,cs,ch) #endif }