/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The copyright in this software is being made available under the Clear BSD License, included below. No patent rights, trademark rights and/or other Intellectual Property Rights other than the copyrights concerning the Software are granted under this license. The Clear BSD License Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. & The VVdeC Authors. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file Unit.h * \brief defines unit as a set of blocks and basic unit types (coding, prediction, transform) */ #pragma once #include "CommonDef.h" #include "Common.h" #include "Mv.h" #include "MotionInfo.h" #include "ChromaFormat.h" #include namespace vvdec { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tools // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline Position recalcPosition(const ChromaFormat _cf, const ComponentID srcCId, const ComponentID dstCId, const Position &pos) { if( toChannelType( srcCId ) == toChannelType( dstCId ) ) { return pos; } else if (isLuma(srcCId) && isChroma(dstCId)) { return Position(pos.x >> getComponentScaleX(dstCId, _cf), pos.y >> getComponentScaleY(dstCId, _cf)); } else { return Position(pos.x << getComponentScaleX(srcCId, _cf), pos.y << getComponentScaleY(srcCId, _cf)); } } inline Position recalcPosition( const ChromaFormat _cf, const ChannelType srcCHt, const ChannelType dstCHt, const Position &pos ) { if( srcCHt == dstCHt ) { return pos; } else if( isLuma( srcCHt ) && isChroma( dstCHt ) ) { return Position( pos.x >> getChannelTypeScaleX( dstCHt, _cf ), pos.y >> getChannelTypeScaleY( dstCHt, _cf ) ); } else { return Position( pos.x << getChannelTypeScaleX( srcCHt, _cf ), pos.y << getChannelTypeScaleY( srcCHt, _cf ) ); } } inline Size recalcSize( const ChromaFormat _cf, const ComponentID srcCId, const ComponentID dstCId, const Size &size ) { if( toChannelType( srcCId ) == toChannelType( dstCId ) ) { return size; } else if( isLuma( srcCId ) && isChroma( dstCId ) ) { return Size( size.width >> getComponentScaleX( dstCId, _cf ), size.height >> getComponentScaleY( dstCId, _cf ) ); } else { return Size( size.width << getComponentScaleX( srcCId, _cf ), size.height << getComponentScaleY( srcCId, _cf ) ); } } inline Size recalcSize( const ChromaFormat _cf, const ChannelType srcCHt, const ChannelType dstCHt, const Size &size ) { if( srcCHt == dstCHt ) { return size; } else if( isLuma( srcCHt ) && isChroma( dstCHt ) ) { return Size( size.width >> getChannelTypeScaleX( dstCHt, _cf ), size.height >> getChannelTypeScaleY( dstCHt, _cf ) ); } else { return Size( size.width << getChannelTypeScaleX( srcCHt, _cf ), size.height << getChannelTypeScaleY( srcCHt, _cf ) ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // block definition // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CompArea : public Area { CompArea() : Area() { } CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const Area &_area) : Area(_area.x, _area.y, _area.width, _area.height, _compID) { } CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const Position& _pos, const Size& _size) : Area(_pos, Size( _size.width, _size.height, _compID)) { } CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const uint32_t _x, const uint32_t _y, const uint32_t _w, const uint32_t _h) : Area(_x, _y, _w, _h, _compID) { } Position chromaPos(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat) const; Position lumaPos(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat) const; Size chromaSize(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat) const; Size lumaSize(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat) const; Position compPos(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ComponentID compID) const; Position chanPos(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ChannelType chType) const; Position topLeftComp (const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID(), _compID, *this); } Position topRightComp (const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID(), _compID, { (PosType) (x + width - 1), y }); } Position bottomLeftComp (const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID(), _compID, { x , (PosType) (y + height - 1 )}); } Position bottomRightComp(const ChromaFormat chromaFormat, const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID(), _compID, { (PosType) (x + width - 1), (PosType) (y + height - 1 )}); } bool valid() const { return compID() < MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS && width != 0 && height != 0; } bool operator==(const CompArea &other) const { if (compID() != other.compID()) return false; return Position::operator==(other) && Size::operator==(other); } bool operator!=(const CompArea &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } void repositionTo (const Position& newPos) { Position::repositionTo(newPos); } void positionRelativeTo(const CompArea& origCompArea) { Position::relativeTo(origCompArea); } }; inline CompArea clipArea(const CompArea &compArea, const Area &boundingBox) { return CompArea(compArea.compID(), clipArea((const Area&) compArea, boundingBox)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // unit definition // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef static_vector UnitBlocksType; struct UnitArea { ChromaFormat chromaFormat; UnitBlocksType blocks; UnitArea() : chromaFormat(NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT) { } UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat); UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const Area &area); UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const CompArea &blkY); UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, CompArea &&blkY); UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const CompArea &blkY, const CompArea &blkCb, const CompArea &blkCr); UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, CompArea &&blkY, CompArea &&blkCb, CompArea &&blkCr); CompArea& Y() { return blocks[COMPONENT_Y]; } const CompArea& Y() const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Y]; } CompArea& Cb() { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cb]; } const CompArea& Cb() const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cb]; } CompArea& Cr() { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cr]; } const CompArea& Cr() const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cr]; } CompArea& block(const ComponentID comp) { return blocks[comp]; } const CompArea& block(const ComponentID comp) const { return blocks[comp]; } bool contains(const UnitArea& other) const; bool contains(const UnitArea& other, const ChannelType chType) const; CompArea& operator[]( const int n ) { return blocks[n]; } const CompArea& operator[]( const int n ) const { return blocks[n]; } bool operator==(const UnitArea &other) const { if (chromaFormat != other.chromaFormat) return false; if (blocks.size() != other.blocks.size()) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { if (blocks[i] != other.blocks[i]) return false; } return true; } void repositionTo(const UnitArea& unit); bool operator!=(const UnitArea &other) const { return !(*this == other); } const Position& lumaPos () const { return Y(); } const Size& lumaSize() const { return Y(); } const Area& lumaArea() const { return Y(); } const Position& chromaPos () const { return Cb(); } const Size& chromaSize() const { return Cb(); } const Area& chromaArea() const { return Cb(); } const UnitArea singleComp(const ComponentID compID) const; const UnitArea singleChan(const ChannelType chType) const; SizeType lwidth() const { return Y().width; } /*! luma width */ SizeType lheight() const { return Y().height; } /*! luma height */ PosType lx() const { return Y().x; } /*! luma x-pos */ PosType ly() const { return Y().y; } /*! luma y-pos */ bool valid() const { return chromaFormat != NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT && blocks.size() > 0; } }; inline UnitArea clipArea(const UnitArea &area, const UnitArea &boundingBox) { UnitArea ret(area.chromaFormat); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < area.blocks.size(); i++) { ret.blocks.push_back(clipArea(area.blocks[i], boundingBox.blocks[i])); } return ret; } struct UnitAreaRelative : public UnitArea { UnitAreaRelative(const UnitArea& origUnit, const UnitArea& unit) { *((UnitArea*)this) = unit; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { blocks[i].positionRelativeTo(origUnit.blocks[i]); } } }; class SPS; class VPS; class PPS; class Slice; struct CodingUnit; } #include "Buffer.h" namespace vvdec { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // transform unit // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct TransformUnit : public UnitArea { CodingUnit *cu; TransformUnit *next; unsigned idx; uint8_t maxScanPosX [MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS]; uint8_t maxScanPosY [MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS]; int8_t chromaQp [2]; uint8_t _chType : 2; uint8_t jointCbCr : 2; uint8_t cbf : 3; uint8_t _mtsIdxL : 3; uint8_t _mtsIdxU : 1; uint8_t _mtsIdxV : 1; ChannelType chType() const { return ChannelType( _chType ); } void setChType( ChannelType ch ) { _chType = ch; } uint8_t mtsIdx ( int c ) const { return !c ? _mtsIdxL : c == 1 ? _mtsIdxU : _mtsIdxV; } void setMtsIdx( int c, uint8_t v ) { if ( !c ) _mtsIdxL = v; else if( c == 1 ) _mtsIdxU = v; else _mtsIdxV = v; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // coding unit // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CodingStructure; struct CodingUnit : public UnitArea { TransformUnit firstTU; TransformUnit *lastTU; struct CtuData *ctuData; CodingStructure *cs; const Slice *slice; const PPS *pps; const SPS *sps; CodingUnit *next; const CodingUnit *above; const CodingUnit *left; ptrdiff_t mvdL0SubPuOff; // 7 ptr (8 byte) ptrdiff_t predBufOff; uint32_t idx; uint32_t tileIdx; Mv mv [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01][3]; uint8_t mvpIdx [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]; int8_t refIdx [NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]; int8_t intraDir [MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; SplitSeries splitSeries; uint8_t geoSplitDir; uint8_t mmvdIdx; int8_t chromaQpAdj; int8_t qp; uint8_t _interDir : 2; uint8_t _imv : 2; uint8_t _bcw : 3; uint8_t _mergeType : 2; bool _dmvrCond; // avoid data races in a separate bit uint8_t _sbtInfo; uint8_t qtDepth : 3; uint8_t depth : 4; uint8_t _chType : 1; bool _rootCbf : 1; bool _skip : 1; bool _colorTransform : 1; bool _mipTranspose : 1; uint8_t _treeType : 2; uint8_t _modeType : 2; uint8_t _predMode : 2; uint8_t _bdpcmL : 2; uint8_t _bdpcmC : 2; uint8_t _lfnstIdx : 2; uint8_t _ispIdx : 2; bool _ciipFlag : 1; bool _mergeFlag : 1; bool _mmvdFlag : 1; bool _affineFlag : 1; bool _geoFlag : 1; uint8_t _mrgIdx : 3; uint8_t _geoMrgIdx0 : 3; uint8_t _geoMrgIdx1 : 3; uint8_t _affineType : 2; bool _mipFlag : 1; uint8_t _multiRefIdx : 2; bool planeCbfY : 1; bool planeCbfU : 1; bool planeCbfV : 1; uint8_t _smvd : 2; uint8_t _geoDir0, _geoDir1; uint8_t sbtInfo() const { return _sbtInfo; } ChannelType chType() const { return ChannelType( _chType ); } bool rootCbf() const { return _rootCbf; } bool skip() const { return _skip; } bool colorTransform() const { return _colorTransform; } TreeType treeType() const { return TreeType( _treeType ); } ModeType modeType() const { return ModeType( _modeType ); } PredMode predMode() const { return PredMode( _predMode ); } uint8_t ispMode() const { return _ispIdx; } uint8_t bdpcmMode() const { return _bdpcmL; } uint8_t bdpcmModeChroma() const { return _bdpcmC; } uint8_t lfnstIdx() const { return _lfnstIdx; } bool planeCbf( int c ) const { return !c ? planeCbfY : c == 1 ? planeCbfU : planeCbfV; } void setChType( ChannelType ch ) { _chType = ch ; } void setRootCbf( bool b ) { _rootCbf = b ; } void setSkip( bool b ) { _skip = b ; } void setColorTransform( bool b ) { _colorTransform = b ; } void setTreeType( TreeType n ) { _treeType = n ; } void setModeType( ModeType n ) { _modeType = n ; } void setPredMode( PredMode n ) { _predMode = n ; } void setIspMode( uint8_t n ) { _ispIdx = n ; } void setBdpcmMode( uint8_t n ) { _bdpcmL = n ; } void setBdpcmModeChroma( uint8_t n ) { _bdpcmC = n ; } void setLfnstIdx( uint8_t n ) { _lfnstIdx = n ; } void setSbtInfo( uint8_t n ) { _sbtInfo = n ; } void setPlaneCbf( int c, bool b ) { if( !c ) planeCbfY = b; else if( c == 1 ) planeCbfU = b; else planeCbfV = b; } // Prediction Unit Part bool dmvrCondition() const { return _dmvrCond; } bool mipTransposedFlag() const { return _mipTranspose; } bool ciipFlag() const { return _ciipFlag; } bool mergeFlag() const { return _mergeFlag; } bool mmvdFlag() const { return _mmvdFlag; } bool affineFlag() const { return _affineFlag; } MergeType mergeType() const { return MergeType( _mergeType ); } AffineModel affineType() const { return AffineModel( _affineType ); } bool geoFlag() const { return _geoFlag; } uint8_t mergeIdx() const { return _mrgIdx; } uint8_t geoMergeIdx0() const { return _geoMrgIdx0; } uint8_t geoMergeIdx1() const { return _geoMrgIdx1; } uint8_t interDir() const { return _interDir; } uint8_t multiRefIdx() const { return _multiRefIdx; } bool mipFlag() const { return _mipFlag; } uint8_t imv() const { return _imv; } uint8_t smvdMode() const { return _smvd; } uint8_t BcwIdx() const { return _bcw; } uint8_t interDirrefIdxGeo0() const { return _geoDir0; } uint8_t interDirrefIdxGeo1() const { return _geoDir1; } void setDmvrCondition( bool b ) { _dmvrCond = b ; } void setMipTransposedFlag( bool b ) { _mipTranspose = b ; } void setCiipFlag( bool b ) { _ciipFlag = b ; } void setMergeFlag( bool b ) { _mergeFlag = b ; } void setMmvdFlag( bool b ) { _mmvdFlag = b ; } void setAffineFlag( bool b ) { _affineFlag = b ; } void setMergeType( MergeType mt ) { _mergeType = mt; } void setAffineType( AffineModel at ) { _affineType = at; CHECKD( at >= AFFINE_MODEL_NUM, "Needs to be '0' or '1'!" ); } void setGeoFlag( bool b ) { _geoFlag = b ; } void setMergeIdx( uint8_t id ) { _mrgIdx = id; CHECKD( id >= 8, "Merge index needs to be smaller than '8'!"); } void setGeoMergeIdx0( uint8_t id ) { _geoMrgIdx0 = id; CHECKD( id >= 8, "Merge index needs to be smaller than '8'!"); } void setGeoMergeIdx1( uint8_t id ) { _geoMrgIdx1 = id; CHECKD( id >= 8, "Merge index needs to be smaller than '8'!"); } void setInterDir( uint8_t id ) { _interDir = id; CHECKD( id >= 4, "Inter dir needs to be smaller than '4'!"); } void setMultiRefIdx( uint8_t id ) { _multiRefIdx = id; CHECKD( id >= 3, "Multi-ref. index needs to be smaller than '3'!"); } void setMipFlag( bool b ) { _mipFlag = b ; } void setImv( uint8_t id ) { _imv = id; CHECKD( id >= 4, "IMV needs to be smaller than '4'!"); } void setSmvdMode( uint8_t id ) { _smvd = id; CHECKD( id >= 4, "SMVD mode needs to be smaller than '4'!"); } void setBcwIdx( uint8_t id ) { _bcw = id; CHECKD( id >= 5, "BCW idx needs to be smaller than '5'!"); } void setInterDirrefIdxGeo0( uint8_t id ) { _geoDir0 = id; } void setInterDirrefIdxGeo1( uint8_t id ) { _geoDir1 = id; } CodingUnit& operator=(const MotionInfo& mi); // for accessing motion information, which can have higher resolution than PUs (should always be used, when accessing neighboring motion information) const MotionInfo& getMotionInfo() const; const MotionInfo& getMotionInfo( const Position& pos ) const; MotionBuf getMotionBuf(); CMotionBuf getMotionBuf() const; void minInit( const UnitArea& unit ); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility class for easy for-each like unit traversing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #include namespace vvdec { template class UnitIterator { private: T* m_punit = nullptr; public: explicit UnitIterator( T* _punit ) : m_punit( _punit ) {} using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; using value_type = T; using pointer = T*; using const_pointer = T const*; using reference = T&; using const_reference = T const&; using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; reference operator*() { return *m_punit; } const_reference operator*() const { return *m_punit; } pointer operator->() { return m_punit; } const_pointer operator->() const { return m_punit; } UnitIterator& operator++() { m_punit = m_punit->next; return *this; } UnitIterator operator++( int ) { auto x = *this; ++( *this ); return x; } bool operator!=( const UnitIterator& other ) const { return m_punit != other.m_punit; } bool operator==( const UnitIterator& other ) const { return m_punit == other.m_punit; } }; template class UnitTraverser { private: T* m_begin; T* m_end; public: UnitTraverser( ) : m_begin( nullptr ), m_end( nullptr ) { } UnitTraverser( T* _begin, T* _end ) : m_begin( _begin ), m_end( _end ) { } typedef T value_type; typedef size_t size_type; typedef T& reference; typedef T const& const_reference; typedef T* pointer; typedef T const* const_pointer; typedef UnitIterator iterator; typedef UnitIterator const_iterator; iterator begin() { return UnitIterator( m_begin ); } const_iterator begin() const { return UnitIterator( m_begin ); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return UnitIterator( m_begin ); } iterator end() { return UnitIterator( m_end ); } const_iterator end() const { return UnitIterator( m_end ); } const_iterator cend() const { return UnitIterator( m_end ); } }; typedef UnitTraverser CUTraverser; typedef UnitTraverser cCUTraverser; typedef UnitTraverser< TransformUnit> TUTraverser; typedef UnitTraverser cTUTraverser; } #include #include namespace vvdec { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dynamic cache // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static constexpr size_t DYN_CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024; template class thread_safe_chunk_cache { std::vector m_cacheChunks; std::mutex m_mutex; public: ~thread_safe_chunk_cache() { clear_chunks(); } void clear_chunks() { for( auto& chunk : m_cacheChunks ) { free( chunk ); } m_cacheChunks.clear(); } T* get() { std::unique_lock l( m_mutex ); if( m_cacheChunks.empty() ) { l.unlock(); return ( T* ) malloc( DYN_CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof( T ) ); } else { T* chunk = m_cacheChunks.back(); m_cacheChunks.pop_back(); return chunk; } } void cache( std::vector& chunks ) { std::unique_lock l( m_mutex ); m_cacheChunks.insert( m_cacheChunks.end(), chunks.begin(), chunks.end() ); chunks.clear(); } }; template class dynamic_cache { ptrdiff_t m_lastIdx; std::vector m_cache; thread_safe_chunk_cache *m_chunkCache; void clear_chunks() { m_chunkCache->cache( m_cache ); } public: explicit dynamic_cache( thread_safe_chunk_cache* chunkCache ) : m_lastIdx( DYN_CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE ), m_chunkCache( chunkCache ) { } ~dynamic_cache() { clear_chunks(); } T* get() { T* ret; if( m_lastIdx < DYN_CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE ) { ret = &m_cache.back()[m_lastIdx++]; } else { T* chunk = m_chunkCache->get(); m_cache.push_back( chunk ); ret = &chunk[0]; m_lastIdx = 1; } return ret; } void releaseAll() { clear_chunks(); m_lastIdx = DYN_CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE; } }; typedef dynamic_cache CUCache; typedef dynamic_cache TUCache; typedef thread_safe_chunk_cache CUChunkCache; typedef thread_safe_chunk_cache TUChunkCache; }