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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file UnitTool.h * \brief defines operations for basic units */ #pragma once #include "Unit.h" #include "UnitPartitioner.h" #include "ContextModelling.h" #include "InterPrediction.h" namespace vvdec { UnitArea getArea( const Slice &slice, const UnitArea &area, const ChannelType chType, const TreeType treeType = TREE_D ); // CU tools namespace CU { static inline bool isIntra (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode() == MODE_INTRA; } static inline bool isInter (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode() == MODE_INTER; } static inline bool isIBC (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode() == MODE_IBC; } static inline bool isSepTree (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.treeType() != TREE_D; } static inline bool isConsInter (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.modeType() == MODE_TYPE_INTER; } static inline bool isConsIntra (const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.modeType() == MODE_TYPE_INTRA; } bool isDualITree (const CodingUnit &cu); bool isSameCtu (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSlice (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameTile (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSliceAndTile (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSubPic (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isAvailable (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2, const bool bEnforceSliceRestriction, const bool bEnforceTileRestriction, const bool bEnforceSubPicRestriction); uint32_t getCtuAddr (const CodingUnit &cu); int predictQP (const CodingUnit& cu, const int prevQP ); bool isMIP (const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType = CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); bool isPredRegDiffFromTB (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool isFirstTBInPredReg (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID, const CompArea &area); void adjustPredArea (CompArea &area); bool isBcwIdxCoded (const CodingUnit& cu); void setBcwIdx (CodingUnit& cu, uint8_t uh); bool bdpcmAllowed (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool isMTSAllowed (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool divideTuInRows ( const CodingUnit &cu ); PartSplit getISPType ( const CodingUnit &cu, const ComponentID compID ); ISPType canUseISPSplit ( const CodingUnit &cu, const ComponentID compID ); ISPType canUseISPSplit ( const int width, const int height, const int maxTrSize = MAX_TB_SIZEY ); bool canUseLfnstWithISP ( const CompArea& cuArea, const ISPType ispSplitType ); bool canUseLfnstWithISP ( const CodingUnit& cu, const ChannelType chType ); uint32_t getISPSplitDim ( const int width, const int height, const PartSplit ispType ); bool hasSubCUNonZeroMVd (const CodingUnit& cu); bool hasSubCUNonZeroAffineMVd (const CodingUnit& cu); uint8_t getSbtIdx (const uint8_t sbtInfo); uint8_t getSbtPos (const uint8_t sbtInfo); uint8_t targetSbtAllowed (uint8_t idx, uint8_t sbtAllowed); uint8_t getSbtIdx (const CodingUnit& cu); uint8_t getSbtPos (const CodingUnit& cu); void setSbtIdx ( CodingUnit& cu, uint8_t idx); void setSbtPos ( CodingUnit& cu, uint8_t pos); uint8_t getSbtTuSplit (const CodingUnit& cu); uint8_t checkAllowedSbt (const CodingUnit& cu); PartSplit getSplitAtDepth (const CodingUnit& cu, const unsigned depth); bool checkCCLMAllowed (const CodingUnit &cu); bool getRprScaling ( const SPS* sps, const PPS* curPPS, const PPS* refPPS, int& xScale, int& yScale ); void checkConformanceILRP ( Slice *slice ); } // PU tools namespace PU { int getLMSymbolList (const CodingUnit &cu, int *pModeList); int getIntraMPMs (const CodingUnit &cu, unsigned *mpm, const ChannelType &channelType = CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA); bool isDMChromaMIP (const CodingUnit &cu); int getMipSizeId (const CodingUnit &cu); uint32_t getIntraDirLuma (const CodingUnit &cu); void getIntraChromaCandModes (const CodingUnit &cu, unsigned modeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE]); const CodingUnit& getCoLocatedLumaPU (const CodingUnit &cu); uint32_t getFinalIntraMode (const CodingUnit &cu, const ChannelType &chType); uint32_t getCoLocatedIntraLumaMode (const CodingUnit &cu); int getWideAngIntraMode (const TransformUnit &tu, const uint32_t dirMode, const ComponentID compID ); void getInterMergeCandidates (const CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx& mrgCtx, MotionHist &hist, const int& mrgCandIdx = -1); void getIBCMergeCandidates (const CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx& mrgCtx, MotionHist &hist, const int& mrgCandIdx = -1); void getInterMMVDMergeCandidates (const CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx& mrgCtx, const int& mrgCandIdx = -1); int getDistScaleFactor (const int &currPOC, const int &currRefPOC, const int &colPOC, const int &colRefPOC); bool isDiffMER (const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2, const unsigned plevel); bool getColocatedMVP (const CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const Position &pos, Mv& rcMv, const int &refIdx); void fillMvpCand ( CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &refIdx, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo, MotionHist& hist); void fillIBCMvpCand ( CodingUnit &cu, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo, MotionHist& hist); void fillAffineMvpCand ( CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &refIdx, AffineAMVPInfo &affiAMVPInfo); bool addMVPCandUnscaled (const CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &iRefIdx, const Position &pos, const MvpDir &eDir, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo); void xInheritedAffineMv (const CodingUnit &cu, bool is6param, const CodingUnit* puNeighbour, RefPicList eRefPicList, Mv rcMv[3] ); bool xCheckSimilarMotion (const int mergeCandIndex, const int prevCnt, const MergeCtx& mergeCandList, bool hasPruned[MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]); bool addMergeHMVPCand (const CodingStructure &cs, MergeCtx& mrgCtx, MotionHist& hist, bool canFastExit, const int& mrgCandIdx, const uint32_t maxNumMergeCandMin1, int &cnt, const int prevCnt, bool isAvailableSubPu, unsigned subPuMvpPos, bool ibcFlag, bool isGt4x4, bool isInterB ); void addAMVPHMVPCand (const CodingUnit &cu, MotionHist& hist, const RefPicList eRefPicList, const RefPicList eRefPicList2nd, const int currRefPOC, AMVPInfo &info, uint8_t imv); bool addAffineMVPCandUnscaled (const CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList &refPicList, const int &refIdx, const Position &pos, const MvpDir &dir, AffineAMVPInfo &affiAmvpInfo ); bool isBipredRestriction (const CodingUnit &cu); void spanMotionInfo ( CodingUnit &cu, const MergeCtx &mrgCtx = MergeCtx() ); void applyImv ( CodingUnit &cu, MotionHist& hist); void getAffineControlPointCand (const CodingUnit &cu, MotionInfo mi[4], bool isAvailable[4], int verIdx[4], int8_t gbiIdx, int modelIdx, int verNum, AffineMergeCtx& affMrgCtx); void getAffineMergeCand (const CodingUnit &cu, AffineMergeCtx& affMrgCtx, const int mrgCandIdx = -1 ); void setAllAffineMvField ( CodingUnit &cu, MvField *mvField, RefPicList eRefList ); void setAllAffineMv ( CodingUnit &cu, Mv affLT, Mv affRT, Mv affLB, RefPicList eRefList, bool clipCPMVs = false ); bool getInterMergeSubPuMvpCand (const CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, const int count); bool isBiPredFromDifferentDirEqDistPoc(const CodingUnit &cu); void restrictBiPredMergeCandsOne ( CodingUnit &cu); bool isLMCMode ( unsigned mode); void getGeoMergeCandidates (const CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx &GeoMrgCtx, MotionHist& hist); void spanGeoMotionInfo ( CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx &GeoMrgCtx, const uint8_t splitDir, const uint8_t candIdx0, const uint8_t candIdx1); bool checkDMVRCondition (const CodingUnit& cu); bool isRefPicSameSize (const CodingUnit& cu); } // TU tools namespace TU { bool getCbf (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID); void setCbf ( TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const bool &cbf); bool isTSAllowed (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID); bool checkTuNoResidual ( TransformUnit &tu, unsigned idx ); bool needsSqrt2Scale (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID); bool needsBlockSizeTrafoScale (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID); const TransformUnit* getPrevTU (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID); bool getPrevTUCbf (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID); int getICTMode (const TransformUnit &tu, bool sign); int getTbAreaAfterCoefZeroOut (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID); } uint32_t getCtuAddr (const Position& pos, const PreCalcValues &pcv); UnitArea getCtuArea (const CodingStructure& cs, unsigned col, unsigned line, bool clipToPic = false ); UnitArea getLineArea (const CodingStructure& cs, unsigned line, bool clipToPic = false ); int getNumModesMip (const Size& block); int getMipSizeId (const Size& block); bool allowLfnstWithMip(const Size& block); bool isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries( const PicHeader* picHeader, const Area& area, int& numHorVirBndry, int& numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[] ); }