/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The copyright in this software is being made available under the Clear BSD License, included below. No patent rights, trademark rights and/or other Intellectual Property Rights other than the copyrights concerning the Software are granted under this license. The Clear BSD License Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. & The VVdeC Authors. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file CABACReader.cpp * \brief Reader for low level syntax */ #include "CABACReader.h" #include "CommonLib/CodingStructure.h" #include "CommonLib/TrQuant.h" #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include "CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h" #include "CommonLib/Picture.h" #include "CommonLib/TimeProfiler.h" namespace vvdec { void CABACReader::initCtxModels( Slice& slice ) { SliceType sliceType = slice.getSliceType(); int qp = slice.getSliceQp(); if( slice.getPPS()->getCabacInitPresentFlag() && slice.getCabacInitFlag() ) { switch( sliceType ) { case P_SLICE: // change initialization table to B_SLICE initialization sliceType = B_SLICE; break; case B_SLICE: // change initialization table to P_SLICE initialization sliceType = P_SLICE; break; default : // should not occur THROW( "Invalid slice type" ); break; } } m_BinDecoder.reset( qp, (int)sliceType ); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool terminating_bit() // void remaining_bytes( noTrailingBytesExpected ) //================================================================================ bool CABACReader::terminating_bit() { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBinTrm() ) { m_BinDecoder.finish(); m_Bitstream->readOutTrailingBits(); return true; } return false; } void CABACReader::remaining_bytes( bool noTrailingBytesExpected ) { if( noTrailingBytesExpected ) { // CHECK_RECOVERABLE( 0 != m_Bitstream->getNumBitsLeft(), "Bits left when not supposed" ); } else { while( m_Bitstream->getNumBitsLeft() ) { unsigned trailingNullByte = m_Bitstream->readByte(); if( trailingNullByte != 0 ) { THROW( "Trailing byte should be '0', but has a value of " << std::hex << trailingNullByte << std::dec << "\n" ); } } } } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool coding_tree_unit ( cs, slice, area, qps[2], ctuRsAddr ) // bool dt_implicit_qt_split( cs, pL, cuCtxL, pC, cuCtxC ) //================================================================================ bool CABACReader::coding_tree_unit( CodingStructure& cs, Slice* slice, const UnitArea& area, int (&qps)[2], unsigned ctuRsAddr ) { m_slice = slice; CUCtx cuCtx( qps[CH_L] ); Partitioner &partitioner = m_partL; partitioner.initCtu( area, CH_L, cs, *m_slice ); partitioner.treeType = TREE_D; partitioner.modeType = MODE_TYPE_ALL; sao( cs, ctuRsAddr ); readAlf(cs, ctuRsAddr, partitioner); bool isLast = false; if( partitioner.isDualITree && cs.pcv->chrFormat != CHROMA_400 ) { CUCtx cuCtxC( qps[CH_C] ); Partitioner &partitionerC = m_partC; partitionerC.initCtu( area, CH_C, cs, *m_slice ); partitionerC.treeType = TREE_D; partitionerC.modeType = MODE_TYPE_ALL; dt_implicit_qt_split( cs, partitioner, cuCtx, partitionerC, cuCtxC ); qps[CH_L] = cuCtx.qp; qps[CH_C] = cuCtxC.qp; } else { isLast = coding_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); qps[CH_L] = cuCtx.qp; } DTRACE_COND( ctuRsAddr == 0, g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, "\n%4d %2d", cs.picture->poc, m_slice->getSliceQpBase() ); DTRACE ( g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, " %3d", qps[CH_L] - m_slice->getSliceQpBase() ); return isLast; } bool CABACReader::dt_implicit_qt_split( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitionerL, CUCtx& cuCtxL, Partitioner& partitionerC, CUCtx& cuCtxC ) { if( partitionerL.currArea().lwidth() > 64 ) { const PPS& pps = *cs.pps; // Reset delta QP coding flag and ChromaQPAdjustemt coding flag if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitionerL.currQgEnable() ) { cuCtxL.qgStart = true; cuCtxL.isDQPCoded = false; cuCtxC.qgStart = true; cuCtxC.isDQPCoded = false; } if( m_slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && partitionerL.currQgChromaEnable() ) { cuCtxL.isChromaQpAdjCoded = false; cuCtxC.isChromaQpAdjCoded = false; cs .chromaQpAdj = 0; } partitionerL.splitCurrArea( CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs ); partitionerC.splitCurrArea( CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs ); bool lastSegment = false; do { if( !lastSegment && cs.area.blocks[partitionerL.chType].contains( partitionerL.currArea().blocks[partitionerL.chType].pos() ) ) { lastSegment = dt_implicit_qt_split( cs, partitionerL, cuCtxL, partitionerC, cuCtxC ); } } while( partitionerL.nextPart( cs ) && partitionerC.nextPart( cs ) ); return lastSegment; } bool isLast = coding_tree( cs, partitionerL, cuCtxL ); CHECKD( isLast, "Chroma not parsed but end of slice signalled!" ); isLast = coding_tree( cs, partitionerC, cuCtxC ); return isLast; } short CABACReader::readAlfCtuFilterIndex( CodingStructure& cs, unsigned ctuRsAddr ) { const unsigned numAps = m_slice->getNumAlfAps(); const unsigned numAvailableFiltSets = numAps + NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS; uint32_t filtIndex = 0; const bool usePrevFilt = numAps > 0 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::AlfUseTemporalFilt() ); if( usePrevFilt ) { if( numAps > 1 ) { xReadTruncBinCode( filtIndex, numAvailableFiltSets - NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS ); } filtIndex += ( unsigned ) ( NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS ); } else { xReadTruncBinCode( filtIndex, NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS ); } return filtIndex; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void sao( cs, ctuRsAddr ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::sao( CodingStructure& cs, unsigned ctuRsAddr ) { SAOBlkParam& sao_ctu_pars = cs.getCtuData( ctuRsAddr ).saoParam; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Y ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_OFF; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_OFF; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cr ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_OFF; const SPS& sps = *cs.sps; const Slice& slice = *m_slice; const bool slice_sao_luma_flag = ( slice.getSaoEnabledFlag( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ) ); const bool slice_sao_chroma_flag = ( slice.getSaoEnabledFlag( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) && sps.getChromaFormatIdc() != CHROMA_400 ); if( !slice_sao_luma_flag && !slice_sao_chroma_flag ) { return; } // merge int frame_width_in_ctus = cs.pcv->widthInCtus; int ry = ctuRsAddr / frame_width_in_ctus; int rx = ctuRsAddr - ry * frame_width_in_ctus; int sao_merge_type = -1; const Position pos( rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight ); const unsigned curSliceIdx = m_slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); const unsigned curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx( pos ); if( cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset(-(int)cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, 0), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, CH_L ) ) { // sao_merge_left_flag sao_merge_type += int( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SaoMergeFlag() ) ); } if( sao_merge_type < 0 && cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset(0, -(int)cs.pcv->maxCUHeight), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, CH_L ) ) { // sao_merge_above_flag sao_merge_type += int( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SaoMergeFlag() ) ) << 1; } if( sao_merge_type >= 0 ) { if( slice_sao_luma_flag || slice_sao_chroma_flag ) { sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Y ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_MERGE; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Y ].typeIdc = sao_merge_type; } if( slice_sao_chroma_flag ) { sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_MERGE; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cr ].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_MERGE; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].typeIdc = sao_merge_type; sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cr ].typeIdc = sao_merge_type; } return; } // explicit parameters const ComponentID firstComp = ( slice_sao_luma_flag ? COMPONENT_Y : COMPONENT_Cb ); const ComponentID lastComp = ( slice_sao_chroma_flag ? COMPONENT_Cr : COMPONENT_Y ); for( ComponentID compID = firstComp; compID <= lastComp; compID = ComponentID( compID + 1 ) ) { SAOOffset& sao_pars = sao_ctu_pars[ compID ]; // sao_type_idx_luma / sao_type_idx_chroma if( compID != COMPONENT_Cr ) { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SaoTypeIdx() ) ) { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ) ) { // edge offset sao_pars.modeIdc = SAO_MODE_NEW; sao_pars.typeIdc = SAO_TYPE_START_EO; } else { // band offset sao_pars.modeIdc = SAO_MODE_NEW; sao_pars.typeIdc = SAO_TYPE_START_BO; } } } else //Cr, follow Cb SAO type { sao_pars.modeIdc = sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].modeIdc; sao_pars.typeIdc = sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].typeIdc; } if( sao_pars.modeIdc == SAO_MODE_OFF ) { continue; } // sao_offset_abs int offset[4]; const int maxOffsetQVal = SampleAdaptiveOffset::getMaxOffsetQVal( sps.getBitDepth( toChannelType(compID) ) ); offset [0] = (int)unary_max_eqprob( maxOffsetQVal ); offset [1] = (int)unary_max_eqprob( maxOffsetQVal ); offset [2] = (int)unary_max_eqprob( maxOffsetQVal ); offset [3] = (int)unary_max_eqprob( maxOffsetQVal ); // band offset mode if( sao_pars.typeIdc == SAO_TYPE_START_BO ) { // sao_offset_sign for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if( offset[k] && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ) ) { offset[k] = -offset[k]; } } // sao_band_position sao_pars.typeAuxInfo = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( NUM_SAO_BO_CLASSES_LOG2 ); for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { sao_pars.offset[ ( sao_pars.typeAuxInfo + k ) % MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES ] = offset[k]; } continue; } // edge offset mode sao_pars.typeAuxInfo = 0; if( compID != COMPONENT_Cr ) { // sao_eo_class_luma / sao_eo_class_chroma sao_pars.typeIdc += m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( NUM_SAO_EO_TYPES_LOG2 ); } else { sao_pars.typeIdc = sao_ctu_pars[ COMPONENT_Cb ].typeIdc; } sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_FULL_VALLEY ] = offset[0]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_HALF_VALLEY ] = offset[1]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_PLAIN ] = 0; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_HALF_PEAK ] = -offset[2]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_FULL_PEAK ] = -offset[3]; } } //================================================================================ // void readAlf( cs, ctuRsAddr, partitioner ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::readAlf( CodingStructure& cs, unsigned int ctuRsAddr, const Partitioner& partitioner ) { const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; int frame_width_in_ctus = pcv.widthInCtus; int ry = ctuRsAddr / frame_width_in_ctus; int rx = ctuRsAddr - ry * frame_width_in_ctus; const Position pos ( rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight ); bool leftAvail = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( -1, 0 ), pos, partitioner.currSliceIdx, partitioner.currTileIdx, CH_L ) ? true : false; bool aboveAvail = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( 0, -1 ), pos, partitioner.currSliceIdx, partitioner.currTileIdx, CH_L ) ? true : false; CtuAlfData& currAlfData = cs.getCtuData( ctuRsAddr ).alfParam; CtuAlfData leftAlfData, aboveAlfData; if( leftAvail ) leftAlfData = cs.getCtuData( ctuRsAddr - 1 ).alfParam; if( aboveAvail ) aboveAlfData = cs.getCtuData( ctuRsAddr - frame_width_in_ctus ).alfParam; if( m_slice->getAlfEnabledFlag( COMPONENT_Y ) ) { for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ ) { if( m_slice->getAlfEnabledFlag( ( ComponentID ) compIdx ) ) { //uint8_t* ctbAlfFlag = m_slice->getPic()->getAlfCtuEnableFlag( compIdx ); int ctx = 0; ctx += leftAlfData.alfCtuEnableFlag[compIdx]; ctx += aboveAlfData.alfCtuEnableFlag[compIdx]; currAlfData.alfCtuEnableFlag[compIdx] = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ctbAlfFlag( compIdx * 3 + ctx ) ); if( isLuma( ( ComponentID ) compIdx ) && currAlfData.alfCtuEnableFlag[compIdx] ) { currAlfData.alfCtbFilterIndex = readAlfCtuFilterIndex( cs, ctuRsAddr ); } if( isChroma( ( ComponentID ) compIdx ) ) { const int apsIdx = m_slice->getAlfApsIdChroma(); CHECK_RECOVERABLE( m_slice->getAlfAPSs()[apsIdx] == nullptr, "APS not initialized" ); const AlfSliceParam& alfParam = m_slice->getAlfAPSs()[apsIdx]->getAlfAPSParam(); const int numAlts = alfParam.numAlternativesChroma; currAlfData.alfCtuAlternative[compIdx - 1] = 0; if( currAlfData.alfCtuEnableFlag[compIdx] ) { uint8_t decoded = 0; while( decoded < numAlts - 1 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ctbAlfAlternative( compIdx - 1 ) ) ) ++decoded; currAlfData.alfCtuAlternative[compIdx - 1] = decoded; } } } } } for( int compIdx = 1; compIdx < getNumberValidComponents( cs.pcv->chrFormat ); compIdx++ ) { if( m_slice->getCcAlfEnabledFlag( compIdx - 1 ) ) { int ctxt = 0; ctxt += ( leftAlfData.ccAlfFilterControl[compIdx - 1] ) ? 1 : 0; ctxt += ( aboveAlfData.ccAlfFilterControl[compIdx - 1] ) ? 1 : 0; ctxt += ( compIdx == COMPONENT_Cr ) ? 3 : 0; int idcVal = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::CcAlfFilterControlFlag( ctxt ) ); if ( idcVal ) { const int apsIdx = compIdx == 1 ? m_slice->getCcAlfCbApsId() : m_slice->getCcAlfCrApsId(); const int filterCount = m_slice->getAlfAPSs()[apsIdx]->getCcAlfAPSParam().ccAlfFilterCount[compIdx - 1]; while ( ( idcVal != filterCount ) && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) { idcVal++; } } currAlfData.ccAlfFilterControl[compIdx - 1] = idcVal; } } } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool coding_tree ( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ) // PartSplit split_cu_mode ( cs, partitioner ) // ModeType mode_constraint ( cs, partitioner, splitMode ) //================================================================================ bool CABACReader::coding_tree( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { const PPS &pps = *cs.pps; UnitArea currArea = partitioner.currArea(); bool lastSegment = false; bool chromaNotSplit = false; const ModeType modeTypeParent = partitioner.modeType; // Reset delta QP coding flag and ChromaQPAdjustemt coding flag if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.currQgEnable() && !isChroma( partitioner.chType ) ) { cuCtx.qgStart = true; cuCtx.isDQPCoded = false; } if( m_slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && partitioner.currQgChromaEnable() ) { cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = false; cs.chromaQpAdj = 0; } const PartSplit split = split_cu_mode( cs, partitioner ); if( split != CU_DONT_SPLIT ) { partitioner.modeType = mode_constraint( cs, partitioner, split ); //change for child nodes //decide chroma split or not chromaNotSplit = modeTypeParent == MODE_TYPE_ALL && partitioner.modeType == MODE_TYPE_INTRA; CHECK_RECOVERABLE( chromaNotSplit && partitioner.chType != CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, "chType must be luma" ); if( partitioner.treeType == TREE_D ) { partitioner.treeType = chromaNotSplit ? TREE_L : TREE_D; } partitioner.splitCurrArea( split, cs ); do { if( !lastSegment && cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].contains( partitioner.currArea().blocks[partitioner.chType].pos() ) ) { lastSegment = coding_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); } } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) ); partitioner.exitCurrSplit( cs ); if( chromaNotSplit ) { partitioner.chType = CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA; partitioner.treeType = TREE_C; partitioner.updateNeighbors( cs ); if( !lastSegment && cs.picture->blocks[partitioner.chType].contains( partitioner.currArea().blocks[partitioner.chType].pos() ) ) { lastSegment = coding_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); } else { THROW( "Unexpected behavior, not parsing chroma even though luma data is available!" ); } //recover treeType partitioner.chType = CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA; partitioner.treeType = TREE_D; } partitioner.modeType = modeTypeParent; return lastSegment; } TreeType treeType = partitioner.treeType; if( isChroma( partitioner.chType ) ) { currArea.Y() = CompArea(); treeType = TREE_C; } else if( partitioner.isDualITree || partitioner.treeType == TREE_L ) { currArea.Cb() = currArea.Cr() = CompArea(); treeType = TREE_L; } CodingUnit& cu = cs.addCU( currArea, partitioner.chType, treeType, partitioner.modeType, partitioner.currPartLevel().cuLeft, partitioner.currPartLevel().cuAbove ); #if ENABLE_TRACING && 0 if( cu.chType() == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "[chroma] CU x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n", cu.Cb().x, cu.Cb().y, cu.Cb().width, cu.Cb().height ); } else DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "CU x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n", cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y, cu.Y().width, cu.Y().height ); #endif partitioner.setCUData( cu ); cu.slice = m_slice; cu.pps = cu.slice->getPPS(); cu.sps = cu.slice->getSPS(); cu.tileIdx = partitioner.currTileIdx; int lumaQPinLocalDualTree = -1; // Predict QP on start of quantization group if( cuCtx.qgStart ) { cuCtx.qgStart = false; cuCtx.qp = CU::predictQP( cu, cuCtx.qp ); } if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.isSepTree( cs ) && isChroma( cu.chType() ) ) { const Position chromaCentral( cu.chromaPos().offset( cu.chromaSize().width >> 1, cu.chromaSize().height >> 1 ) ); const Position lumaRefPos( chromaCentral.x << getComponentScaleX( COMPONENT_Cb, cu.chromaFormat ), chromaCentral.y << getComponentScaleY( COMPONENT_Cb, cu.chromaFormat ) ); //derive chroma qp, but the chroma qp is saved in cuCtx.qp which is used for luma qp //therefore, after decoding the chroma CU, the cuCtx.qp shall be recovered to luma qp in order to decode next luma cu qp // const CodingUnit* colLumaCu = cs.getLumaCU( lumaRefPos ); const CodingUnit* colLumaCu = cs.getCU( lumaRefPos, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ); CHECK_RECOVERABLE( colLumaCu == nullptr, "colLumaCU shall exist" ); lumaQPinLocalDualTree = cuCtx.qp; if( colLumaCu ) cuCtx.qp = colLumaCu->qp; } cu.qp = cuCtx.qp; //NOTE: CU QP can be changed by deltaQP signaling at TU level cu.chromaQpAdj = cs.chromaQpAdj; //NOTE: CU chroma QP adjustment can be changed by adjustment signaling at TU level // coding unit bool isLastCtu = coding_unit( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); //recover cuCtx.qp to luma qp after decoding the chroma CU if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.isSepTree( cs ) && isChroma( cu.chType() ) ) { cuCtx.qp = lumaQPinLocalDualTree; } if( isChromaEnabled( cs.pcv->chrFormat ) ) for( TransformUnit& tu : TUTraverser( &cu.firstTU, cu.lastTU->next ) ) { if( tu.Cb().valid() ) { QpParam cQP( tu, COMPONENT_Cb, false ); tu.chromaQp[COMPONENT_Cb - 1] = cQP.Qp( false ); } if( tu.Cr().valid() ) { QpParam cQP( tu, COMPONENT_Cr, false ); tu.chromaQp[COMPONENT_Cr - 1] = cQP.Qp( false ); } } #if ENABLE_TRACING if( cu.chType() == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_QP, "[chroma CU]x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.Cb().x, cu.Cb().y, cu.Cb().width, cu.Cb().height, cu.qp ); } else DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_QP, "x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y, cu.Y().width, cu.Y().height, cu.qp ); #endif return isLastCtu; } int signalModeCons( const CodingStructure& cs, const Slice* slice, const PartSplit split, const Partitioner &partitioner, const ModeType modeTypeParent ) { if( partitioner.isDualITree || modeTypeParent != MODE_TYPE_ALL || partitioner.currArea().chromaFormat == CHROMA_444 || partitioner.currArea().chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ) return LDT_MODE_TYPE_INHERIT; int minLumaArea = partitioner.currArea().lumaSize().area(); if( split == CU_QUAD_SPLIT || split == CU_TRIH_SPLIT || split == CU_TRIV_SPLIT ) // the area is split into 3 or 4 parts { minLumaArea = minLumaArea >> 2; } else if( split == CU_VERT_SPLIT || split == CU_HORZ_SPLIT ) // the area is split into 2 parts { minLumaArea = minLumaArea >> 1; } const int minChromaBlock = minLumaArea >> ( getChannelTypeScaleX( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, partitioner.currArea().chromaFormat ) + getChannelTypeScaleY( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, partitioner.currArea().chromaFormat ) ); const bool is2xNChroma = ( partitioner.currArea().chromaSize().width == 4 && split == CU_VERT_SPLIT ) || ( partitioner.currArea().chromaSize().width == 8 && split == CU_TRIV_SPLIT ); return minChromaBlock >= 16 && !is2xNChroma ? LDT_MODE_TYPE_INHERIT : ( minLumaArea < 32 || slice->isIntra() ) ? LDT_MODE_TYPE_INFER : LDT_MODE_TYPE_SIGNAL; } ModeType CABACReader::mode_constraint( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner &partitioner, PartSplit splitMode ) { const int val = signalModeCons( cs, m_slice, splitMode, partitioner, partitioner.modeType ); if( val == LDT_MODE_TYPE_SIGNAL ) { const int ctxIdx = DeriveCtx::CtxModeConsFlag( cs, partitioner ); const bool flag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ModeConsFlag( ctxIdx ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mode_cons_flag() flag=%d\n", flag ); return flag ? MODE_TYPE_INTRA : MODE_TYPE_INTER; } else if( val == LDT_MODE_TYPE_INFER ) { return MODE_TYPE_INTRA; } else { return partitioner.modeType; } } PartSplit CABACReader::split_cu_mode( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner &partitioner ) { PartSplit mode = CU_DONT_SPLIT; bool canNo, canQt, canBh, canBv, canTh, canTv; partitioner.canSplit( cs, canNo, canQt, canBh, canBv, canTh, canTv ); const unsigned numHor = canBh + canTh; const unsigned numVer = canBv + canTv; unsigned numSplit = ( canQt << 1 ) + numHor + numVer; bool isSplit = !!numSplit; #if !ENABLE_TRACING if( canNo && !isSplit ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctx=0 split=0\n" ); return CU_DONT_SPLIT; } #endif unsigned ctxSplit, ctxQtSplit, ctxBttHV, ctxBtt12; const CodingUnit* cuLeft = partitioner.currPartLevel().cuLeft; const CodingUnit* cuAbove = partitioner.currPartLevel().cuAbove; const unsigned widthCurr = partitioner.currArea().blocks[partitioner.chType].width; const unsigned heightCurr = partitioner.currArea().blocks[partitioner.chType].height; #if !ENABLE_TRACING if( canNo && isSplit ) #endif { /////////////////////// // CTX do split (0-8) /////////////////////// ctxSplit = ( cuLeft && cuLeft ->blocks[partitioner.chType].height < heightCurr ); ctxSplit += ( cuAbove && cuAbove->blocks[partitioner.chType].width < widthCurr ); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 // split // 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 // split - 1 static constexpr int ctxOffset[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 6, 6 }; ctxSplit += ctxOffset[numSplit]; #if ENABLE_TRACING if( canNo && isSplit ) #endif // endif isSplit = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SplitFlag( ctxSplit ) ); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctx=%d split=%d\n", ctxSplit, isSplit ); if( !isSplit ) { return CU_DONT_SPLIT; } const bool canBtt = !!numHor || !!numVer; bool isQt = canQt; #if !ENABLE_TRACING if( isQt && canBtt ) #endif { ////////////////////////// // CTX is qt split (0-5) ////////////////////////// ctxQtSplit = ( cuLeft && cuLeft->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth ); ctxQtSplit += ( cuAbove && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth ); ctxQtSplit += partitioner.currQtDepth < 2 ? 0 : 3; #if ENABLE_TRACING if( isQt && canBtt ) #endif isQt = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SplitQtFlag( ctxQtSplit ) ); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctx=%d qt=%d\n", ctxQtSplit, isQt ); if( isQt ) { return CU_QUAD_SPLIT; } const bool canHor = !!numHor; bool isVer = !!numVer; #if !ENABLE_TRACING if( isVer && canHor ) #endif { //////////////////////////// // CTX is ver split (0-4) //////////////////////////// ctxBttHV = 0; if( numVer == numHor ) { if( cuLeft && cuAbove ) { const int wIdxAbove = getLog2( cuAbove->blocks[partitioner.chType].width ); const int hIdxLeft = getLog2( cuLeft ->blocks[partitioner.chType].height ); const int depAbove = widthCurr >> wIdxAbove; const int depLeft = heightCurr >> hIdxLeft; if( depAbove == depLeft ) ctxBttHV = 0; else if( depAbove < depLeft ) ctxBttHV = 1; else ctxBttHV = 2; } } else if( numVer < numHor ) { ctxBttHV = 3; } else { ctxBttHV = 4; } #if ENABLE_TRACING if( isVer && canHor ) #endif isVer = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SplitHvFlag( ctxBttHV ) ); } const bool can14 = isVer ? canTv : canTh; bool is12 = isVer ? canBv : canBh; #if !ENABLE_TRACING if( is12 && can14 ) #endif { ////////////////////////// // CTX is h/v bt (0-3) ////////////////////////// ctxBtt12 = !!( partitioner.currMtDepth <= 1 ) + ( isVer << 1 ); #if ENABLE_TRACING if( is12 && can14 ) #endif is12 = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::Split12Flag( ctxBtt12 ) ); } if ( isVer && is12 ) mode = CU_VERT_SPLIT; else if( isVer && !is12 ) mode = CU_TRIV_SPLIT; else if( !isVer && is12 ) mode = CU_HORZ_SPLIT; else mode = CU_TRIH_SPLIT; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctxHv=%d ctx12=%d mode=%d\n", ctxBttHV, ctxBtt12, mode ); return mode; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool coding_unit ( cu, pm, cuCtx ) // void cu_skip_flag ( cu ) // void pred_mode ( cu ) // void bdpcm_mode ( cu, compID ) // void cu_pred_data ( cu ) // void cu_bcw_flag ( cu ) // void extend_ref_line ( cu ) // void intra_luma_pred_mode ( cu ) // bool intra_chroma_lmc_mode ( cu ) // void intra_chroma_pred_mode ( cu ) // void cu_residual ( cu, pm, cuCtx ) // void rqt_root_cbf ( cu ) // void adaptive_color_transform( cu ) // void sbt_mode ( cu ) // void mip_flag ( cu ) // void mip_pred_mode ( cu ) // bool end_of_ctu ( cu, cuCtx ) //================================================================================ bool CABACReader::coding_unit( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "coding_unit() treeType=%d modeType=%d\n", cu.treeType(), cu.modeType() ); // skip flag if( !m_slice->isIntra() || cs.sps->getIBCFlag() ) { if( cu.Y().valid() ) { cu_skip_flag( cu ); } // skip data if( cu.skip() ) { cu.setColorTransform( false ); cs.addEmptyTUs ( partitioner, cu ); MergeCtx mrgCtx; prediction_unit ( cu ); return end_of_ctu ( cu, cuCtx ); } else { // prediction mode and partitioning data pred_mode( cu ); } } else { cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTRA ); } // TODO: palette stuff if( CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { adaptive_color_transform( cu ); } // prediction data ( intra prediction modes / reference indexes + motion vectors ) cu_pred_data( cu ); // residual data ( coded block flags + transform coefficient levels ) cu_residual( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); // check end of cu return end_of_ctu( cu, cuCtx ); } void CABACReader::cu_skip_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { bool ibcFlag = cu.slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64; if( ( cu.slice->isIntra() || CU::isConsIntra( cu ) ) && ibcFlag ) { //cu.setSkip ( false ); //cu.setRootCbf ( false ); //cu.setPredMode ( MODE_INTRA ); //cu.setMmvdFlag ( false ); const unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxSkipFlag( cu ); const unsigned skip = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SkipFlag( ctxId ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_skip_flag() ctx=%d skip=%d\n", ctxId, skip ? 1 : 0 ); if( skip ) { cu.setSkip ( true ); //cu.setRootCbf ( false ); cu.setPredMode ( MODE_IBC ); //cu.setMmvdFlag ( false ); cu.cs->hasIbcBlock[cu.ctuData->lineIdx] = 1; } return; } else if( !ibcFlag && ( ( cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) || CU::isConsIntra( cu ) ) ) { return; } unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxSkipFlag(cu); unsigned skip = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SkipFlag( ctxId ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_skip_flag() ctx=%d skip=%d\n", ctxId, skip ? 1 : 0 ); if( skip && ibcFlag ) { if( !CU::isConsInter( cu ) ) // disable IBC mode larger than 64x64 and disable IBC when only allowing inter mode { if( cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) { cu.setSkip ( true ); //cu.setRootCbf ( false ); cu.setPredMode ( MODE_IBC ); //cu.setMmvdFlag ( false ); cu.cs->hasIbcBlock[cu.ctuData->lineIdx] = 1; return; } unsigned ctxidx = DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag( cu ); if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::IBCFlag( ctxidx ) ) ) { cu.setSkip ( true ); //cu.setRootCbf ( false ); cu.setPredMode ( MODE_IBC ); //cu.setMmvdFlag ( false ); //cu.setRegularMergeFlag ( false ); cu.cs->hasIbcBlock[cu.ctuData->lineIdx] = 1; } else { //cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTER ); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ibc() ctx=%d cu.predMode=%d\n", ctxidx, cu.predMode() ); } else { //cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTER ); } } if( skip ) { cu.setSkip( true ); //cu.setRootCbf ( false ); //cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTER ); } } void CABACReader::amvr_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { const SPS *sps = cu.sps; if( !sps->getAMVREnabledFlag() || !CU::hasSubCUNonZeroMVd( cu ) ) { return; } unsigned value = 0; if( CU::isIBC( cu ) ) value = 1; else value = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ImvFlag( 0 ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 0 ); if( value ) { cu.setImv( value ); if( !CU::isIBC( cu ) ) { value = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ImvFlag( 4 ) ); cu.setImv( value ? 1 : IMV_HPEL ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 4 ); } if( value ) { value = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ImvFlag( 1 ) ); value++; cu.setImv( value ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", ( value - 1 ), 1 ); } } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() IMVFlag=%d\n", cu.imv() ); } void CABACReader::affine_amvr_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { const SPS* sps = cu.sps; if( !sps->getAffineAmvrEnabledFlag() || !CU::hasSubCUNonZeroAffineMVd( cu ) ) { return; } unsigned value = 0; value = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ImvFlag( 2 ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 2 ); if( value ) { value = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ImvFlag( 3 ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 3 ); value++; } cu.setImv( value ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() IMVFlag=%d\n", cu.imv() ); } void CABACReader::pred_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( CU::isConsInter( cu ) ) { //cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTER ); return; } bool ibcAllowed = false; if( cu.slice->isIntra() || ( cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) || CU::isConsIntra( cu ) ) { ibcAllowed = true; cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTRA ); } else { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::PredMode( DeriveCtx::CtxPredModeFlag( cu ) ) ) ) { cu.setPredMode( MODE_INTRA ); } else { ibcAllowed = true; } } ibcAllowed &= isLuma( cu.chType() ) && cu.sps->getIBCFlag() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64; if( ibcAllowed ) { unsigned ctxidx = DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag( cu ); if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::IBCFlag( ctxidx ) ) ) { cu.setPredMode( MODE_IBC ); cu.cs->hasIbcBlock[cu.ctuData->lineIdx] = 1; } } } void CABACReader::bdpcm_mode( CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID ) { if( !CU::bdpcmAllowed( cu, compID ) ) { //if( isLuma( compID ) ) //{ // cu.setBdpcmMode( 0 ); // if( !CS::isDualITree( *cu.cs ) ) // cu.setBdpcmModeChroma( 0 ); //} //else //{ // cu.setBdpcmModeChroma( 0 ); //} return; } const unsigned ctxId = isLuma( compID ) ? 0 : 2; int bdpcmMode = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::BDPCMMode( ctxId ) ); if( bdpcmMode ) { bdpcmMode += m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::BDPCMMode( ctxId + 1 ) ); } if( isLuma( compID ) ) { cu.setBdpcmMode( bdpcmMode ); } else { cu.setBdpcmModeChroma( bdpcmMode ); } #if ENABLE_TRACING if( isLuma( compID ) ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "bdpcm_mode(%d) x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, bdpcm=%d\n", CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.lwidth(), cu.lheight(), cu.bdpcmMode() ); } else { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "bdpcm_mode(%d) x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, bdpcm=%d\n", CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, cu.chromaPos().x, cu.chromaPos().y, cu.chromaSize().width, cu.chromaSize().height, cu.bdpcmModeChroma() ); } #endif } void CABACReader::cu_pred_data( CodingUnit &cu ) { if( CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { if( isLuma( cu.chType() ) ) { bdpcm_mode( cu, COMPONENT_Y ); intra_luma_pred_mode( cu ); } if( ( isChroma( cu.chType() ) || !CU::isSepTree( cu ) ) && isChromaEnabled( cu.chromaFormat ) ) { bdpcm_mode( cu, ComponentID( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) ); intra_chroma_pred_mode( cu ); } return; } if( !cu.Y().valid() ) // dual tree chroma CU { cu.setPredMode( MODE_IBC ); cu.cs->hasIbcBlock[cu.ctuData->lineIdx] = 1; return; } prediction_unit ( cu ); if( !cu.mergeFlag() ) { if( cu.affineFlag() ) affine_amvr_mode( cu ); else amvr_mode ( cu ); cu_bcw_flag ( cu ); } } void CABACReader::cu_bcw_flag(CodingUnit& cu) { if( !CU::isBcwIdxCoded( cu ) ) { return; } CHECK_RECOVERABLE(!(BCW_NUM > 1 && (BCW_NUM == 2 || (BCW_NUM & 0x01) == 1)), " !( BCW_NUM > 1 && ( BCW_NUM == 2 || ( BCW_NUM & 0x01 ) == 1 ) ) "); uint32_t idx = 0; uint32_t symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::BcwIdx( 0 ) ); int32_t numBcw = ( cu.slice->getCheckLDC() ) ? 5 : 3; if( symbol == 1 ) { uint32_t prefixNumBits = numBcw - 2; uint32_t step = 1; idx = 1; for( int ui = 0; ui < prefixNumBits && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); ++ui ) idx += step; } uint8_t bcwIdx = ( uint8_t ) g_BcwParsingOrder[idx]; CU::setBcwIdx( cu, g_BcwInternFwd[bcwIdx] ); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_bcw_flag() bcw_idx=%d\n", cu.BcwIdx() ? 1 : 0); } void CABACReader::xReadTruncBinCode(uint32_t& symbol, uint32_t maxSymbol) { int thresh; if (maxSymbol > 256) { int threshVal = 1 << 8; thresh = 8; while (threshVal <= maxSymbol) { thresh++; threshVal <<= 1; } thresh--; } else { thresh = g_tbMax[maxSymbol]; } int val = 1 << thresh; int b = maxSymbol - val; symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP(thresh); if (symbol >= val - b) { uint32_t altSymbol; altSymbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); symbol <<= 1; symbol += altSymbol; symbol -= (val - b); } } void CABACReader::extend_ref_line( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.bdpcmMode() || !cu.sps->getUseMRL() ) { //cu.setMultiRefIdx( 0 ); return; } const bool isFirstLineOfCtu = ( cu.ly() & cu.cs->pcv->maxCUHeightMask ) == 0; if( isFirstLineOfCtu ) { //cu.setMultiRefIdx( 0 ); return; } int multiRefIdx = 0; multiRefIdx = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx( 0 ) ) == 1 ? MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[1] : MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[0]; if( multiRefIdx != MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[0] ) { multiRefIdx = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx( 1 ) ) == 1 ? MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[2] : MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[1]; } cu.setMultiRefIdx( multiRefIdx ); } void CABACReader::intra_luma_pred_mode( CodingUnit &cu ) { if( cu.bdpcmMode() ) { cu.intraDir[0] = cu.bdpcmMode() == 2 ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX; return; } mip_flag( cu ); if( cu.mipFlag() ) { mip_pred_mode( cu ); return; } extend_ref_line( cu ); isp_mode( cu ); // prev_intra_luma_pred_flag int mpmFlag; if( cu.multiRefIdx() ) { mpmFlag = true; } else mpmFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::IPredMode[0]() ); unsigned mpm_pred[NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES]; // mpm_idx / rem_intra_luma_pred_mode PU::getIntraMPMs( cu, mpm_pred ); if( mpmFlag ) { uint32_t ipred_idx = 0; unsigned ctx = ( cu.ispMode() == NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? 1 : 0 ); if( cu.multiRefIdx() == 0 ) ipred_idx = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::IntraLumaPlanarFlag( ctx ) ); else ipred_idx = 1; if( ipred_idx ) while( ipred_idx < 5 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) ipred_idx++; cu.intraDir[0] = mpm_pred[ipred_idx]; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "intra_luma_pred_modes() idx=%d pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.intraDir[0] ); } else { unsigned ipred_mode = 0; xReadTruncBinCode(ipred_mode, NUM_LUMA_MODE - NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES); //postponed sorting of MPMs (only in remaining branch) std::sort( mpm_pred, mpm_pred + NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES ); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES; i++ ) { ipred_mode += ( ipred_mode >= mpm_pred[i] ); } cu.intraDir[0] = ipred_mode; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "intra_luma_pred_modes() idx=%d pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.intraDir[0] ); } } void CABACReader::intra_chroma_pred_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.bdpcmModeChroma() ) { cu.intraDir[1] = cu.bdpcmModeChroma() == 2 ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX; return; } if( cu.colorTransform() ) { cu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; return; } // LM chroma mode if( cu.sps->getUseLMChroma() && CU::checkCCLMAllowed( cu ) ) { bool isLMCMode = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::CclmModeFlag( 0 ) ); if( isLMCMode ) { intra_chroma_lmc_mode( cu ); return; } } if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::IPredMode[1]( 0 ) ) == 0 ) { cu.intraDir[1] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; return; } unsigned candId = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( 2 ); unsigned chromaCandModes[NUM_CHROMA_MODE]; PU::getIntraChromaCandModes( cu, chromaCandModes ); cu.intraDir[1] = chromaCandModes[candId]; CHECKD( candId >= NUM_CHROMA_MODE, "Chroma prediction mode index out of bounds" ); CHECKD( PU::isLMCMode( chromaCandModes[candId] ), "The intra dir cannot be LM_CHROMA for this path" ); CHECKD( chromaCandModes[candId] == DM_CHROMA_IDX, "The intra dir cannot be DM_CHROMA for this path" ); } bool CABACReader::intra_chroma_lmc_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { int lmModeList[10]; PU::getLMSymbolList( cu, lmModeList ); int symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::CclmModeIdx( 0 ) ); if( symbol == 0 ) { cu.intraDir[1] = lmModeList[symbol]; CHECKD( cu.intraDir[1] != LM_CHROMA_IDX, "should be LM_CHROMA" ); } else { symbol += m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); cu.intraDir[1] = lmModeList[symbol]; } return true; //it will only enter this function for LMC modes, so always return true ; } void CABACReader::cu_residual( CodingUnit& cu, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { if( !CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { if( !cu.mergeFlag() ) { rqt_root_cbf( cu ); } else { cu.setRootCbf( true ); } if( cu.rootCbf() ) { sbt_mode( cu ); } if( !cu.rootCbf() ) { //cu.setColorTransform( false ); cu.cs->addEmptyTUs( partitioner, cu ); return; } } else { cu.setRootCbf( true ); } if( CU::isInter( cu ) || CU::isIBC( cu ) ) { adaptive_color_transform( cu ); } cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = false; cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] = false; cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos = false; cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = false; cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos = false; ChromaCbfs chromaCbfs; transform_tree( *cu.cs, cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); residual_lfnst_mode( cu, cuCtx ); mts_idx ( cu, cuCtx ); bool rootCbf = false; for( const auto& blk : cu.blocks ) { if( blk.valid() ) rootCbf |= cu.planeCbf( blk.compID() ); } cu.setRootCbf( rootCbf ); } void CABACReader::rqt_root_cbf( CodingUnit& cu ) { cu.setRootCbf( !!m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::QtRootCbf() ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "rqt_root_cbf() ctx=0 root_cbf=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.rootCbf() ? 1 : 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); } void CABACReader::adaptive_color_transform( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( !cu.sps->getUseColorTrans() || CU::isSepTree( cu ) ) { return; } cu.setColorTransform( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ACTFlag() ) ); } void CABACReader::sbt_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { const uint8_t sbtAllowed = CU::checkAllowedSbt( cu ); if( !sbtAllowed ) { return; } SizeType cuWidth = cu.lwidth(); SizeType cuHeight = cu.lheight(); //bin - flag if( !m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SbtFlag( ( cuWidth * cuHeight <= 256 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) { return; } uint8_t sbtVerHalfAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_VER_HALF, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtHorHalfAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_HOR_HALF, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtVerQuadAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_VER_QUAD, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtHorQuadAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_HOR_QUAD, sbtAllowed ); //bin - type bool sbtQuadFlag = false; if( ( sbtHorHalfAllow || sbtVerHalfAllow ) && ( sbtHorQuadAllow || sbtVerQuadAllow ) ) { sbtQuadFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SbtQuadFlag( 0 ) ); } else { sbtQuadFlag = 0; } //bin - dir bool sbtHorFlag = false; if( ( sbtQuadFlag && sbtVerQuadAllow && sbtHorQuadAllow ) || ( !sbtQuadFlag && sbtVerHalfAllow && sbtHorHalfAllow ) ) //both direction allowed { uint8_t ctxIdx = ( cuWidth == cuHeight ) ? 0 : ( cuWidth < cuHeight ? 1 : 2 ); sbtHorFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SbtHorFlag( ctxIdx ) ); } else { sbtHorFlag = ( sbtQuadFlag && sbtHorQuadAllow ) || ( !sbtQuadFlag && sbtHorHalfAllow ); } CU::setSbtIdx( cu, sbtHorFlag ? ( sbtQuadFlag ? SBT_HOR_QUAD : SBT_HOR_HALF ) : ( sbtQuadFlag ? SBT_VER_QUAD : SBT_VER_HALF ) ); //bin - pos CU::setSbtPos( cu, m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SbtPosFlag() ) ? SBT_POS1 : SBT_POS0 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "sbt_mode() pos=(%d,%d) sbtInfo=%d\n", cu.lx(), cu.ly(), (int) cu.sbtInfo() ); } bool CABACReader::end_of_ctu( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { const Position rbPos = recalcPosition( cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType(), CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, cu.blocks[cu.chType()].bottomRight().offset( 1, 1 ) ); if( ( ( rbPos.x & cu.cs->pcv->maxCUWidthMask ) == 0 || rbPos.x == cu.pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() ) && ( ( rbPos.y & cu.cs->pcv->maxCUHeightMask ) == 0 || rbPos.y == cu.pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ) && ( !CU::isSepTree( cu ) || cu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 || isChroma( cu.chType() ) ) ) { cuCtx.isDQPCoded = ( cu.pps->getUseDQP() && !cuCtx.isDQPCoded ); return false; } return false; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void prediction_unit ( cu, mrgCtx ) // void general_merge_flag ( cu ) // void merge_data ( cu ) // void affine_flag ( cu ) // void subblock_merge_flag ( cu ) // void merge_idx ( cu ) // void mmvd_merge_idx ( cu ) // void amvr_mode ( cu ) // void affine_amvr_mode ( cu ) // void inter_pred_idc ( cu ) // void ref_idx ( cu, eRefList ) // void mvp_flag ( cu, eRefList ) // void ciip_flag ( cu ) // void smvd_mode ( cu ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::prediction_unit( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.skip() ) { cu.setMergeFlag( true ); } else { general_merge_flag( cu ); } if( cu.mergeFlag() ) { merge_data( cu ); } else if( CU::isIBC( cu ) ) { cu.setInterDir ( 1 ); //cu.setAffineFlag( false ); cu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = MAX_NUM_REF; mvd_coding( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0][0] ); if( cu.sps->getMaxNumIBCMergeCand() == 1 ) { cu.mvpIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = 0; } else { mvp_flag ( cu, REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); } } else { inter_pred_idc( cu ); affine_flag ( cu ); smvd_mode ( cu ); if( cu.interDir() != 2 /* PRED_L1 */ ) { ref_idx ( cu, REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); mvd_coding ( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0][0] ); if( cu.affineFlag() ) { mvd_coding ( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0][1] ); if ( cu.affineType() == AFFINEMODEL_6PARAM ) { mvd_coding( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0][2] ); } } mvp_flag ( cu, REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); } if( cu.interDir() != 1 /* PRED_L0 */ ) { if( cu.smvdMode() != 1 ) { ref_idx( cu, REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); if( cu.cs->picHeader->getMvdL1ZeroFlag() && cu.interDir() == 3 /* PRED_BI */ ) { //cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][0] = Mv(); //cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][1] = Mv(); //cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][2] = Mv(); } else { mvd_coding ( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][0] ); if( cu.affineFlag() ) { mvd_coding ( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][1] ); if( cu.affineType() == AFFINEMODEL_6PARAM ) { mvd_coding( cu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1][2] ); } } } } mvp_flag ( cu, REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); } } if( cu.smvdMode() ) { RefPicList eCurRefList = ( RefPicList ) ( cu.smvdMode() - 1 ); cu.mv [1 - eCurRefList][0] . set( -cu.mv[eCurRefList][0].hor, -cu.mv[eCurRefList][0].ver ); cu.refIdx[1 - eCurRefList] = cu.slice->getSymRefIdx( 1 - eCurRefList ); CHECKD( !( ( cu.mv[1 - eCurRefList][0].getHor() >= MVD_MIN ) && ( cu.mv[1 - eCurRefList][0].getHor() <= MVD_MAX ) ) || !( ( cu.mv[1 - eCurRefList][0].getVer() >= MVD_MIN ) && ( cu.mv[1 - eCurRefList][0].getVer() <= MVD_MAX ) ), "Illegal MVD value" ); } } void CABACReader::smvd_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { //cu.setSmvdMode( 0 ); if( cu.interDir() != 3 || cu.affineFlag() || !cu.sps->getUseSMVD() || cu.cs->picHeader->getMvdL1ZeroFlag() ) { return; } if( cu.slice->getBiDirPred() == false ) { return; } cu.setSmvdMode( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SmvdFlag() ) ? 1 : 0 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "symmvd_flag() symmvd=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", cu.smvdMode() ? 1 : 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.lumaSize().width, cu.lumaSize().height ); } void CABACReader::subblock_merge_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { //cu.setAffineFlag( false ); if( !cu.slice->isIntra() && ( cu.slice->getPicHeader()->getMaxNumAffineMergeCand() > 0 ) && cu.lwidth() >= 8 && cu.lheight() >= 8 ) { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxAffineFlag( cu ); cu.setAffineFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::SubblockMergeFlag( ctxId ) ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "subblock_merge_flag() subblock_merge_flag=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affineFlag() ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y ); } } void CABACReader::affine_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.sps->getUseAffine() && cu.lumaSize().width >=16 && cu.lumaSize().height >= 16 ) { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxAffineFlag( cu ); cu.setAffineFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::AffineFlag( ctxId ) ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_flag() affine=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affineFlag() ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y ); if( cu.affineFlag() && cu.sps->getUseAffineType() ) { ctxId = 0; cu.setAffineType( ( AffineModel ) m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::AffineType( ctxId ) ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_type() affine_type=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affineType() ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y ); } else { //cu.setAffineType( AFFINEMODEL_4PARAM ); } } } void CABACReader::general_merge_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { cu.setMergeFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MergeFlag() ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_flag() merge=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", cu.mergeFlag() ? 1 : 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.lumaSize().width, cu.lumaSize().height ); //if( cu.mergeFlag() && CU::isIBC( cu ) ) //{ // cu.setMmvdFlag ( false ); // cu.setRegularMergeFlag( false ); // // return; //} } void CABACReader::merge_data( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( CU::isIBC( cu ) ) { merge_idx( cu ); return; } else { subblock_merge_flag( cu ); if( cu.affineFlag() ) { merge_idx( cu ); return; } bool regularMerge = true; const bool ciipAvailable = cu.sps->getUseCiip() && !cu.skip() && cu.lwidth() < 128 && cu.lheight() < 128 && cu.Y().area() >= 64; const bool geoAvailable = cu.sps->getUseGeo() && cu.slice->isInterB() && cu.lwidth() >= GEO_MIN_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() >= GEO_MIN_CU_SIZE && cu.lwidth() <= GEO_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() <= GEO_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lwidth() < 8 * cu.lheight() && cu.lheight() < 8 * cu.lwidth(); if( geoAvailable || ciipAvailable ) { regularMerge = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::RegularMergeFlag( cu.skip() ? 0 : 1 ) ); } if( regularMerge ) { if( cu.sps->getUseMMVD() ) { cu.setMmvdFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MmvdFlag( 0 ) ) ); } else { //cu.setMmvdFlag( false ); } } else { //cu.setMmvdFlag( false ); if( geoAvailable && ciipAvailable ) { ciip_flag( cu ); } else if( ciipAvailable ) { cu.setCiipFlag( true ); } else { //cu.setCiipFlag( false ); } if( cu.ciipFlag() ) { cu.intraDir[0] = PLANAR_IDX; cu.intraDir[1] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; } else { cu.setGeoFlag( true ); } } } if( cu.mmvdFlag() ) mmvd_merge_idx( cu ); else merge_idx ( cu ); } void CABACReader::merge_idx( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.geoFlag() ) { uint32_t splitDir = 0; xReadTruncBinCode( splitDir, GEO_NUM_PARTITION_MODE ); cu.geoSplitDir = splitDir; const int maxNumGeoCand = cu.sps->getMaxNumGeoCand(); const int numCandminus2 = maxNumGeoCand - 2; CHECK_RECOVERABLE( maxNumGeoCand < 2, "Incorrect max number of geo candidates" ); int mergeCand0 = 0; int mergeCand1 = 0; if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MergeIdx() ) ) { mergeCand0 += unary_max_eqprob( numCandminus2 ) + 1; } if( numCandminus2 > 0 ) { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MergeIdx() ) ) { mergeCand1 += unary_max_eqprob( numCandminus2 - 1 ) + 1; } } mergeCand1 += mergeCand1 >= mergeCand0 ? 1 : 0; cu.setGeoMergeIdx0( mergeCand0 ); cu.setGeoMergeIdx1( mergeCand1 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_split_dir=%d\n", splitDir ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_idx0=%d\n", mergeCand0 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_idx1=%d\n", mergeCand1 ); } else { int numCandminus1; int ctxIdx = Ctx::MergeIdx(); if( cu.predMode() == MODE_IBC ) { numCandminus1 = int( cu.sps->getMaxNumIBCMergeCand() ) - 1; } else if( cu.affineFlag() ) { numCandminus1 = int( cu.cs->picHeader->getMaxNumAffineMergeCand() ) - 1; ctxIdx = Ctx::AffMergeIdx(); } else { numCandminus1 = int( cu.sps->getMaxNumMergeCand() ) - 1; } int mergeIdx = 0; if( numCandminus1 > 0 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( ctxIdx ) ) { for( mergeIdx++; mergeIdx < numCandminus1 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); mergeIdx++ ); } cu.setMergeIdx( mergeIdx ); #if ENABLE_TRACING if( cu.affineFlag() ) DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "aff_merge_idx() aff_merge_idx=%d\n", cu.mergeIdx() ); else DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() merge_idx=%d\n", cu.mergeIdx() ); #endif } } void CABACReader::mmvd_merge_idx( CodingUnit& cu ) { int var0 = 0, var1 = 0, var2 = 0; const int numCand = int( cu.sps->getMaxNumMergeCand() ); const int numCandminus1_base = ( numCand > 1 ) ? MMVD_BASE_MV_NUM - 1 : 0; if( numCandminus1_base > 0 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MmvdMergeIdx() ) ) { for( var0++; var0 < numCandminus1_base && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); var0++ ); } const int numCandminus1_step = MMVD_REFINE_STEP - 1; if( numCandminus1_step > 0 && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MmvdStepMvpIdx() ) ) { for( var1++; var1 < numCandminus1_step && m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); var1++ ); } if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) { var2 += 2; } if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) { var2 += 1; } cu.mmvdIdx = ( var0 * MMVD_MAX_REFINE_NUM + var1 * 4 + var2 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "base_mvp_idx() base_mvp_idx=%d\n", var0 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "MmvdStepMvpIdx() MmvdStepMvpIdx=%d\n", var1 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "pos() pos=%d\n", var2 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mmvd_merge_idx() mmvd_merge_idx=%d\n", cu.mmvdIdx ); } void CABACReader::inter_pred_idc( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.slice->isInterP() ) { cu.setInterDir( 1 ); return; } if( !PU::isBipredRestriction( cu ) ) { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxInterDir( cu ); if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::InterDir( ctxId ) ) ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=%d value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", ctxId, 3, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); cu.setInterDir( 3 ); return; } } if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::InterDir( 5 ) ) ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=5 value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 2, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); cu.setInterDir( 2 ); return; } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=5 value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 1, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); cu.setInterDir( 1 ); } void CABACReader::ref_idx( CodingUnit &cu, RefPicList eRefList ) { if( cu.smvdMode() ) { cu.refIdx[eRefList] = cu.slice->getSymRefIdx( eRefList ); return; } const int numRef = cu.slice->getNumRefIdx( eRefList ); if( numRef <= 1 || !m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::RefPic( 0 ) ) ) { if( numRef > 1 ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); } cu.refIdx[eRefList] = 0; return; } if( numRef <= 2 || !m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::RefPic( 1 ) ) ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 1, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); cu.refIdx[eRefList] = 1; return; } for( int idx = 3; ; idx++ ) { if( numRef <= idx || !m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) { cu.refIdx[eRefList] = ( signed char ) ( idx - 1 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", idx-1, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); return; } } } void CABACReader::mvp_flag( CodingUnit& cu, RefPicList eRefList ) { unsigned mvp_idx = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MVPIdx() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mvp_flag() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", mvp_idx, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); cu.mvpIdx [eRefList] = mvp_idx; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mvpIdx(refList:%d)=%d\n", eRefList, mvp_idx ); } void CABACReader::ciip_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { cu.setCiipFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::CiipFlag() ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "Ciip_flag() Ciip=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", cu.ciipFlag() ? 1 : 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.lumaSize().width, cu.lumaSize().height ); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void transform_tree ( cs, area, cuCtx, chromaCbfs ) // bool split_transform_flag( depth ) // bool cbf_comp ( area, depth ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::transform_tree( CodingStructure &cs, CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { const UnitArea& area = partitioner.currArea(); // split_transform_flag bool split = area.Y().width > partitioner.maxTrSize || area.Y().height > partitioner.maxTrSize; const PartSplit ispType = CU::getISPType( cu, getFirstComponentOfChannel( partitioner.chType ) ); split |= ( cu.sbtInfo() || ispType != TU_NO_ISP ) && partitioner.currTrDepth == 0; if( split ) { if( ispType == TU_NO_ISP && !cu.sbtInfo() ) { #if ENABLE_TRACING const CompArea& tuArea = partitioner.currArea().blocks[partitioner.chType]; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "transform_tree() maxTrSplit chType=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", partitioner.chType, tuArea.x, tuArea.y, tuArea.width, tuArea.height ); #endif partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ); } else if( ispType != TU_NO_ISP ) { partitioner.splitCurrArea( ispType, cs ); } else if( cu.sbtInfo() ) { partitioner.splitCurrArea( PartSplit( CU::getSbtTuSplit( cu ) ), cs ); } else THROW( "Implicit TU split not available!" ); do { transform_tree( cs, cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) ); partitioner.exitCurrSplit( cs ); } else { TransformUnit &tu = cs.addTU( getArea( *m_slice, area, partitioner.chType, partitioner.treeType ), partitioner.chType, cu ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "transform_unit() pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d depth=%d trDepth=%d\n", tu.blocks[tu.chType()].x, tu.blocks[tu.chType()].y, tu.blocks[tu.chType()].width, tu.blocks[tu.chType()].height, cu.depth, partitioner.currTrDepth ); transform_unit( tu, cuCtx, partitioner ); } } bool CABACReader::cbf_comp( CodingUnit& cu, const CompArea& area, unsigned depth, const bool prevCbf, const bool useISP ) { const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::QtCbf[ area.compID()]; unsigned cbf = 0; if( ( area.compID() == COMPONENT_Y && cu.bdpcmMode() ) || ( area.compID() != COMPONENT_Y && cu.bdpcmModeChroma() ) ) { if( area.compID() == COMPONENT_Cr ) cbf = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( ctxSet( 2 ) ); else cbf = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( ctxSet( 1 ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cbf_comp() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) ctx=%d cbf=%d\n", area.compID(), area.x, area.y, area.compID() == COMPONENT_Cr ? 2 : 1, cbf ); } else { const unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( area.compID(), prevCbf, useISP && isLuma( area.compID() ) ); cbf = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( ctxSet( ctxId ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cbf_comp() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) ctx=%d cbf=%d\n", area.compID(), area.x, area.y, ctxId, cbf ); } return cbf; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void mvd_coding( cu, refList ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::mvd_coding( Mv &rMvd ) { // abs_mvd_greater0_flag[ 0 | 1 ] int horAbs = (int)m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd()); int verAbs = (int)m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd()); // abs_mvd_greater1_flag[ 0 | 1 ] if (horAbs) { horAbs += (int)m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd(1)); } if (verAbs) { verAbs += (int)m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd(1)); } // abs_mvd_minus2[ 0 | 1 ] and mvd_sign_flag[ 0 | 1 ] if (horAbs) { if (horAbs > 1) { horAbs += m_BinDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(1, 0, MV_BITS - 1); } if (m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { horAbs = -horAbs; } } if (verAbs) { if (verAbs > 1) { verAbs += m_BinDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(1, 0, MV_BITS - 1); } if (m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { verAbs = -verAbs; } } rMvd = Mv(horAbs, verAbs); CHECKD( !( ( horAbs >= MVD_MIN ) && ( horAbs <= MVD_MAX ) ) || !( ( verAbs >= MVD_MIN ) && ( verAbs <= MVD_MAX ) ), "Illegal MVD value" ); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void transform_unit ( tu, cuCtx, chromaCbfs ) // void cu_qp_delta ( cu ) // void cu_chroma_qp_offset ( cu ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::transform_unit( TransformUnit& tu, CUCtx& cuCtx, Partitioner& partitioner ) { const UnitArea& area = partitioner.currArea(); const unsigned trDepth = partitioner.currTrDepth; CodingUnit& cu = *tu.cu; ChromaCbfs chromaCbfs; const bool chromaCbfISP = isChromaEnabled( area.chromaFormat ) && area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() && cu.ispMode(); const bool tuNoResidual = TU::checkTuNoResidual( tu, partitioner.currPartIdx() ); // cbf_cb & cbf_cr if( area.chromaFormat != CHROMA_400 && area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() && ( !CU::isSepTree( cu ) || partitioner.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) && ( !cu.ispMode() || chromaCbfISP ) ) { const int cbfDepth = chromaCbfISP ? trDepth - 1 : trDepth; if( !( cu.sbtInfo() && tuNoResidual ) ) { chromaCbfs.Cb = cbf_comp( cu, area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb], cbfDepth ); chromaCbfs.Cr = cbf_comp( cu, area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cr], cbfDepth, chromaCbfs.Cb ); } } if( !isChroma( partitioner.chType ) ) { if( !CU::isIntra( cu ) && trDepth == 0 && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma( area.chromaFormat ) ) { TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y, true ); } else if( cu.sbtInfo() && tuNoResidual ) { TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y, false ); } else if( cu.sbtInfo() && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma( area.chromaFormat ) ) { CHECKD( tuNoResidual, "wrong" ); TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y, true ); } else { bool cbfY = true; if( cu.ispMode() ) { bool lumaCbfIsInferredACT = ( cu.colorTransform() && cu.predMode() == MODE_INTRA && trDepth == 0 && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma( area.chromaFormat ) ); bool lastCbfIsInferred = lumaCbfIsInferredACT; // ISP and ACT are mutually exclusive bool rootCbfSoFar = false; int nTus = cu.ispMode() == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ? cu.lheight() >> getLog2( tu.lheight() ) : cu.lwidth() >> getLog2( tu.lwidth() ); int idx = partitioner.currPartIdx(); if( idx == nTus - 1 ) { for( const TransformUnit &currTu : cTUTraverser( &cu.firstTU, cu.lastTU ) ) { rootCbfSoFar |= TU::getCbf( currTu, COMPONENT_Y ); } if( !rootCbfSoFar ) { lastCbfIsInferred = true; } } if( !lastCbfIsInferred ) { cbfY = cbf_comp( cu, tu.Y(), trDepth, TU::getPrevTUCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y ), cu.ispMode() ); } else { cbfY = true; } } else { cbfY = cbf_comp( cu, tu.Y(), trDepth, false, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); } TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y, cbfY ? 1 : 0 ); } } if( area.chromaFormat != CHROMA_400 && ( !cu.ispMode() || chromaCbfISP ) ) { TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cb, chromaCbfs.Cb ); TU::setCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cr, chromaCbfs.Cr ); } cu.setPlaneCbf( COMPONENT_Y , cu.planeCbf( COMPONENT_Y ) || TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y ) ); cu.setPlaneCbf( COMPONENT_Cb, cu.planeCbf( COMPONENT_Cb ) || TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cb ) ); cu.setPlaneCbf( COMPONENT_Cr, cu.planeCbf( COMPONENT_Cr ) || TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cr ) ); const bool lumaOnly = ( cu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 || !tu.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() ); const bool cbfLuma = TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Y ); const bool cbfChroma = ( lumaOnly ? false : ( chromaCbfs.Cb || chromaCbfs.Cr ) ); if( cu.lwidth() > 64 || cu.lheight() > 64 || cbfLuma || cbfChroma ) { if( cu.pps->getUseDQP() && !cuCtx.isDQPCoded ) { if( !CU::isSepTree( cu ) || isLuma( tu.chType() ) ) { cu_qp_delta(cu, cuCtx.qp, cu.qp); cuCtx.qp = cu.qp; cuCtx.isDQPCoded = true; } } if( !CU::isSepTree( cu ) || isChroma( tu.chType() ) ) // !DUAL_TREE_LUMA { const SizeType channelWidth = !CU::isSepTree( cu ) ? cu.lwidth() : cu.chromaSize().width; const SizeType channelHeight = !CU::isSepTree( cu ) ? cu.lheight() : cu.chromaSize().height; if( cu.slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && ( channelWidth > 64 || channelHeight > 64 || cbfChroma ) && !cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded ) { cu_chroma_qp_offset( cu ); cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = true; } } if( !lumaOnly ) { joint_cb_cr( tu, ( TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cb ) ? 2 : 0 ) + ( TU::getCbf( tu, COMPONENT_Cr ) ? 1 : 0 ) ); if( tu.jointCbCr ) { cu.setPlaneCbf( COMPONENT_Cb, true ); cu.setPlaneCbf( COMPONENT_Cr, true ); } } if( cbfLuma ) { residual_coding( tu, COMPONENT_Y, cuCtx ); } if( !lumaOnly ) { for( ComponentID compID = COMPONENT_Cb; compID <= COMPONENT_Cr; compID = ComponentID( compID + 1 ) ) { if( TU::getCbf( tu, compID ) ) { residual_coding( tu, compID, cuCtx ); } } } } } void CABACReader::cu_qp_delta( CodingUnit& cu, int predQP, int8_t& qp ) { CHECK_RECOVERABLE( predQP == std::numeric_limits::max(), "Invalid predicted QP" ); int qpY = predQP; int DQp = unary_max_symbol( Ctx::DeltaQP(), Ctx::DeltaQP(1), CU_DQP_TU_CMAX ); if( DQp >= CU_DQP_TU_CMAX ) { DQp += exp_golomb_eqprob( CU_DQP_EG_k ); } if( DQp > 0 ) { if( m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ) ) { DQp = -DQp; } int qpBdOffsetY = cu.sps->getQpBDOffset( CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA ); qpY = ( (predQP + DQp + (MAX_QP + 1) + 2 * qpBdOffsetY) % ((MAX_QP + 1) + qpBdOffsetY)) - qpBdOffsetY; } qp = (int8_t)qpY; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_DQP, "x=%d, y=%d, d=%d, pred_qp=%d, DQp=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.blocks[cu.chType()].lumaPos( cu.chromaFormat ).x, cu.blocks[cu.chType()].lumaPos( cu.chromaFormat ).y, cu.qtDepth, predQP, DQp, qp ); } void CABACReader::cu_chroma_qp_offset( CodingUnit& cu ) { // cu_chroma_qp_offset_flag int length = cu.pps->getChromaQpOffsetListLen(); unsigned qpAdj = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ChromaQpAdjFlag() ); if( qpAdj && length > 1 ) { // cu_chroma_qp_offset_idx qpAdj += unary_max_symbol( Ctx::ChromaQpAdjIdc(), Ctx::ChromaQpAdjIdc(), length-1 ); } /* NB, symbol = 0 if outer flag is not set, * 1 if outer flag is set and there is no inner flag * 1+ otherwise */ cu.chromaQpAdj = cu.cs->chromaQpAdj = qpAdj; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void residual_coding ( tu, compID ) // bool transform_skip_flag ( tu, compID ) // RDPCMMode explicit_rdpcm_mode ( tu, compID ) // int last_sig_coeff ( coeffCtx ) // void residual_coding_subblock( coeffCtx ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::joint_cb_cr( TransformUnit& tu, const int cbfMask ) { if( !tu.cu->sps->getJointCbCrEnabledFlag() ) { return; } if( ( CU::isIntra( *tu.cu ) && cbfMask ) || ( cbfMask == 3 ) ) { tu.jointCbCr = ( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::JointCbCrFlag( cbfMask-1 ) ) ? cbfMask : 0 ); } } void CABACReader::residual_coding( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { PROFILER_SCOPE_AND_STAGE_EXT( 1, g_timeProfiler, P_PARSERESIDUALS, *tu.cu->cs, compID ); const CodingUnit& cu = *tu.cu; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_coding() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d predMode=%d\n", tu.blocks[compID].compID(), tu.blocks[compID].x, tu.blocks[compID].y, tu.blocks[compID].width, tu.blocks[compID].height, cu.predMode() ); if( compID == COMPONENT_Cr && tu.jointCbCr == 3 ) return; // parse transform skip and explicit rdpcm mode ts_flag( tu, compID ); if( tu.mtsIdx( compID ) == MTS_SKIP && !cu.slice->getTSResidualCodingDisabledFlag() ) { residual_codingTS( tu, compID ); return; } // determine sign hiding bool signHiding = m_slice->getSignDataHidingEnabledFlag(); CoeffCodingContext cctx( tu, compID, signHiding, m_tplBuf ); // parse last coeff position cctx.setScanPosLast( last_sig_coeff( cctx, tu, compID ) ); if (tu.mtsIdx( compID ) != MTS_SKIP && tu.blocks[compID].height >= 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width >= 4 ) { const int maxLfnstPos = ((tu.blocks[compID].height == 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width == 4) || (tu.blocks[compID].height == 8 && tu.blocks[compID].width == 8)) ? 7 : 15; cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[ toChannelType(compID) ] |= cctx.scanPosLast() > maxLfnstPos; } if( tu.mtsIdx( compID ) != MTS_SKIP && tu.blocks[compID].height >= 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width >= 4 ) { const int lfnstLastScanPosTh = isLuma( compID ) ? LFNST_LAST_SIG_LUMA : LFNST_LAST_SIG_CHROMA; cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos |= cctx.scanPosLast() >= lfnstLastScanPosTh; } if( isLuma( compID ) && tu.mtsIdx( compID ) != MTS_SKIP ) { cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos |= cctx.scanPosLast() >= 1; } // parse subblocks const int stateTransTab = ( m_slice->getDepQuantEnabledFlag() ? 32040 : 0 ); int state = 0; TCoeffSig *coeff = m_cffTmp; ::memset( coeff, 0, cctx.maxNumCoeff() * sizeof( TCoeffSig ) ); int *sigPos = m_blkPos; int sigSubSetId = 0; int maxX = 0; int maxY = 0; const bool skipBlkPreCond = compID == COMPONENT_Y && tu.cu->sps->getUseMTS() && tu.cu->sbtInfo() != 0 && tu.blocks[ compID ].height <= 32 && tu.blocks[ compID ].width <= 32; for( int subSetId = ( cctx.scanPosLast() >> cctx.log2CGSize() ); subSetId >= 0; subSetId--) { cctx.initSubblock( subSetId ); if( skipBlkPreCond ) { if( ( cctx.height() == 32 && cctx.cgPosY() >= ( 16 >> cctx.log2CGHeight() ) ) || ( cctx.width() == 32 && cctx.cgPosX() >= ( 16 >> cctx.log2CGWidth() ) ) ) { continue; } } int numSigCoef = residual_coding_subblock( cctx, coeff, stateTransTab, state, m_signVal[sigSubSetId], sigPos, m_sub1[sigSubSetId] ); if( numSigCoef > 0 ) { m_numSig[sigSubSetId] = numSigCoef; sigSubSetId++; maxX = std::max( maxX, cctx.cgPosX() ); maxY = std::max( maxY, cctx.cgPosY() ); } if( isLuma( compID ) && cctx.isSigGroup() && ( cctx.cgPosY() > 3 || cctx.cgPosX() > 3 ) ) { cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = true; } } if( cctx.bdpcm() ) { maxX = cctx.width(); maxY = cctx.height(); } else { maxX++; maxY++; maxX <<= cctx.log2CGWidth(); maxY <<= cctx.log2CGHeight(); } // if not TU split, otherwise already memset PelBuf pb = cu.cs->getRecoBuf( CompArea( compID, tu.blocks[compID].pos(), Size( maxX, maxY ) ) ); pb.memset( 0 ); const bool depQuant = tu.cu->slice->getDepQuantEnabledFlag() && ( tu.mtsIdx( compID ) != MTS_SKIP ); CoeffSigBuf dstCff = pb; for( sigPos--, sigSubSetId--; sigSubSetId >= 0; sigSubSetId-- ) { unsigned numNonZero = m_numSig [sigSubSetId]; unsigned signPattern = m_signVal[sigSubSetId]; unsigned sub1Pattern = m_sub1 [sigSubSetId]; //===== set final coefficents ===== for( unsigned k = 0; k < numNonZero; k++, sigPos--, signPattern >>= 1, sub1Pattern >>= 1 ) { const int blkPos = *sigPos; const int posX = cctx.posX( blkPos ); const int posY = cctx.posY( blkPos ); int AbsCoeff = depQuant ? ( coeff[blkPos] << 1 ) - ( ( ( int ) sub1Pattern ) & 1 ) : coeff[blkPos]; dstCff.at( posX, posY ) = ( signPattern & 1u ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); } } if( cctx.scanPosLast() == 0 ) { tu.maxScanPosX[compID] = 0; tu.maxScanPosY[compID] = 0; } else { tu.maxScanPosX[compID] = maxX - 1; tu.maxScanPosY[compID] = maxY - 1; } } void CABACReader::ts_flag( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { int tsFlag = ( ( tu.cu->bdpcmMode() && isLuma( compID ) ) || ( tu.cu->bdpcmModeChroma() && isChroma( compID ) ) ) ? 1 : tu.mtsIdx( compID ) == MTS_SKIP ? 1 : 0; int ctxIdx = isLuma(compID) ? 4 : 5; if( TU::isTSAllowed ( tu, compID ) ) { tsFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MTSIndex( ctxIdx ) ); } tu.setMtsIdx( compID, tsFlag ? MTS_SKIP : MTS_DCT2_DCT2 ); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ts_flag() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mtsIdx=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, tu.cu->lx(), tu.cu->ly(), tsFlag); } void CABACReader::mts_idx( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { TransformUnit &tu = cu.firstTU; int mtsIdx = tu.mtsIdx( COMPONENT_Y ); // Transform skip flag has already been decoded if( CU::isMTSAllowed( cu, COMPONENT_Y ) && !cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint && cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos && cu.lfnstIdx() == 0 && mtsIdx != MTS_SKIP ) { int ctxIdx = 0; int symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MTSIndex( ctxIdx ) ); if( symbol ) { ctxIdx = 1; mtsIdx = MTS_DST7_DST7; // mtsIdx = 2 -- 4 for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++, ctxIdx++ ) { symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MTSIndex( ctxIdx ) ); mtsIdx += symbol; if( !symbol ) { break; } } } } tu.setMtsIdx( COMPONENT_Y, mtsIdx ); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mts_idx() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mtsIdx=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, tu.cu->lx(), tu.cu->ly(), mtsIdx); } void CABACReader::isp_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( cu.multiRefIdx() || !cu.sps->getUseISP() || cu.bdpcmMode() || cu.colorTransform() ) { //cu.setIspMode( NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); return; } const ISPType allowedSplits = CU::canUseISPSplit( cu, COMPONENT_Y ); if( allowedSplits == NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ) { //cu.setIspMode( NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); return; } //cu.setIspMode( NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); int symbol = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ISPMode( 0 ) ); if( symbol ) { if( allowedSplits == HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ) { cu.setIspMode( HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); } else if( allowedSplits == VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ) { cu.setIspMode( VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS ); } else { cu.setIspMode( 1 + m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::ISPMode( 1 ) ) ); } } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "intra_subPartitions() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) ispIdx=%d\n", cu.chType(), cu.blocks[cu.chType()].x, cu.blocks[cu.chType()].y, (int)cu.ispMode() ); } void CABACReader::residual_lfnst_mode( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { if( !cu.sps->getUseLFNST() || !CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { //cu.setLfnstIdx( 0 ); return; } const int chIdx = CU::isSepTree( cu ) && cu.chType() == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ? 1 : 0; if( ( cu.ispMode() && !CU::canUseLfnstWithISP( cu, cu.chType() ) ) || ( cu.mipFlag() && ! allowLfnstWithMip ( cu.lumaSize() ) ) || ( cu.chType() == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA && std::min( cu.blocks[1].width, cu.blocks[1].height ) < 4 ) ) { return; } const Size lSize = cu.blocks[chIdx].lumaSize( cu.chromaFormat ); if( lSize.width > cu.sps->getMaxTbSize() || lSize.height > cu.sps->getMaxTbSize() ) return; { const bool lumaFlag = CU::isSepTree( cu ) ? isLuma( cu.chType() ) : true; const bool chromaFlag = CU::isSepTree( cu ) ? isChroma( cu.chType() ) : true; const bool nonZeroCoeffNonTsCorner8x8 = ( lumaFlag && cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] ) || (chromaFlag && cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] ); bool isTrSkip = false; for( auto &currTU : cTUTraverser( &cu.firstTU, cu.lastTU->next ) ) { const uint32_t numValidComp = getNumberValidComponents( cu.chromaFormat ); for( uint32_t compID = COMPONENT_Y; compID < numValidComp; compID++ ) { if( currTU.blocks[compID].valid() && TU::getCbf( currTU, ( ComponentID ) compID ) && currTU.mtsIdx( compID ) == MTS_SKIP ) { isTrSkip = true; break; } } } if( nonZeroCoeffNonTsCorner8x8 || ( !cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos && !cu.ispMode() ) || isTrSkip ) { //cu.setLfnstIdx( 0 ); return; } } unsigned cctx = 0; if( CU::isSepTree( cu ) ) cctx++; unsigned idxLFNST = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::LFNSTIdx( cctx ) ); if( idxLFNST ) { idxLFNST += m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::LFNSTIdx(2) ); } cu.setLfnstIdx( idxLFNST ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_lfnst_mode() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, cu.lx(), cu.ly(), ( int ) cu.lfnstIdx() ); } int CABACReader::last_sig_coeff( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { unsigned PosLastX = 0, PosLastY = 0; unsigned maxLastPosX = cctx.maxLastPosX(); unsigned maxLastPosY = cctx.maxLastPosY(); if( isLuma( compID ) && tu.cu->sps->getUseMTS() && tu.cu->sbtInfo() != 0 && tu.blocks[ compID ].width <= 32 && tu.blocks[ compID ].height <= 32 ) { maxLastPosX = ( tu.blocks[ compID ].width == 32 ) ? g_uiGroupIdx[ 15 ] : maxLastPosX; maxLastPosY = ( tu.blocks[ compID ].height == 32 ) ? g_uiGroupIdx[ 15 ] : maxLastPosY; } for( ; PosLastX < maxLastPosX; PosLastX++ ) { if( !m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.lastXCtxId( PosLastX ) ) ) { break; } } for( ; PosLastY < maxLastPosY; PosLastY++ ) { if( !m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.lastYCtxId( PosLastY ) ) ) { break; } } if( PosLastX > 3 ) { uint32_t uiTemp = 0; uint32_t uiCount = ( PosLastX - 2 ) >> 1; for ( int i = uiCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { uiTemp += m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ) << i; } PosLastX = g_uiMinInGroup[ PosLastX ] + uiTemp; } if( PosLastY > 3 ) { uint32_t uiTemp = 0; uint32_t uiCount = ( PosLastY - 2 ) >> 1; for ( int i = uiCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { uiTemp += m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ) << i; } PosLastY = g_uiMinInGroup[ PosLastY ] + uiTemp; } int blkPos; { blkPos = PosLastX + ( PosLastY * cctx.width() ); } for( int scanPos = 0; scanPos < cctx.maxNumCoeff() - 1; scanPos++ ) { if( blkPos == cctx.blockPos( scanPos ) ) { return scanPos; } } return cctx.maxNumCoeff() - 1; } int CABACReader::residual_coding_subblock(CoeffCodingContext& cctx, TCoeffSig* coeff, const int stateTransTable, int& state, unsigned& signPattern, int *&sigPos, unsigned &stateVal) { // NOTE: All coefficients of the subblock must be set to zero before calling this function //===== init ===== const int minSubPos = cctx.minSubPos(); const bool isLast = cctx.isLast(); int firstSigPos = (isLast ? cctx.scanPosLast() : cctx.maxSubPos()); int nextSigPos = firstSigPos; //===== decode significant_coeffgroup_flag ===== bool sigGroup = (isLast || !minSubPos); if (!sigGroup) { sigGroup = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.sigGroupCtxId()); } if (sigGroup) { cctx.setSigGroup(); } else { return 0; } // make sure only takes up single L1 block ALIGN_DATA( 64, int gt1Pos[16] ); int * gt1PosPtr = gt1Pos; //===== decode absolute values ===== const int inferSigPos = nextSigPos != cctx.scanPosLast() ? (cctx.isNotFirst() ? minSubPos : -1) : nextSigPos; int firstNZPos = nextSigPos; int lastNZPos = -1; int numNonZero = 0, numGt1 = 0; int remRegBins = cctx.regBinLimit(); int gt1Mode1 = 0; unsigned gt2Mask = 0; stateVal = 0; for( ; nextSigPos >= minSubPos && remRegBins >= 4; nextSigPos-- ) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos(nextSigPos); bool sigFlag = (!numNonZero && nextSigPos == inferSigPos); unsigned absVal = 0; if (!sigFlag) { const unsigned sigCtxId = cctx.sigCtxIdAbs( blkPos, state ); sigFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( sigCtxId ); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "sig_bin() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigFlag, sigCtxId); remRegBins--; } if (sigFlag) { uint8_t ctxOff = cctx.ctxOffsetAbs(); stateVal = ( ( state >> 1 ) & 1 ) | ( stateVal << 1 ); *sigPos++ = blkPos; numNonZero++; firstNZPos = nextSigPos; lastNZPos = std::max( lastNZPos, nextSigPos ); unsigned gt1Flag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.greater1CtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "gt1_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt1Flag, cctx.greater1CtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); remRegBins--; unsigned gt2Flag = 0; if (gt1Flag) { unsigned parFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.parityCtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "par_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", parFlag, cctx.parityCtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); numGt1++; remRegBins--; gt2Flag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.greater2CtxIdAbs( ctxOff ) ); gt2Mask |= ( gt2Flag << (numGt1-1) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "gt2_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt2Flag, cctx.greater2CtxIdAbs( ctxOff ) ); remRegBins--; *gt1PosPtr++ = blkPos; absVal = 2 + parFlag + (gt2Flag << 1); state = ( stateTransTable >> ( ( state << 2 ) + ( parFlag << 1 ) ) ) & 3; } else { absVal = 1; state = ( stateTransTable >> ( ( state << 2 ) + 2 ) ) & 3; } cctx.absVal1stPass( blkPos, coeff, absVal ); } else { state = ( stateTransTable >> ( state << 2 ) ) & 3; } } cctx.setRegBinLimit( remRegBins ); gt1Mode1 = numGt1; gt1PosPtr = gt1Pos; //===== 3rd PASS: Go-rice codes ===== for( int k = 0; k < gt1Mode1; k++, gt2Mask >>= 1, gt1PosPtr++ ) { if( gt2Mask & 1 ) { int sumAll = cctx.templateAbsSum( *gt1PosPtr, coeff, 4 ); unsigned ricePar = g_auiGoRiceParsCoeff[sumAll]; int rem = m_BinDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP( ricePar, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", rem, ricePar ); coeff[ *gt1PosPtr ] += ( rem << 1 ); } } //===== coeff bypass ==== for( ; nextSigPos >= minSubPos; nextSigPos-- ) { int sub1 = ( state >> 1 ) & 1; int blkPos = cctx.blockPos( nextSigPos ); int sumAll = cctx.templateAbsSum( blkPos, coeff, 0 ); int rice = g_auiGoRiceParsCoeff [sumAll]; int pos0 = g_auiGoRicePosCoeff0(state, rice); int rem = m_BinDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP( rice, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", rem, rice ); TCoeffSig tcoeff = ( rem == pos0 ? 0 : rem < pos0 ? rem+1 : rem ); state = ( stateTransTable >> ( ( state << 2 ) + ( ( tcoeff & 1 ) << 1 ) ) ) & 3; if( tcoeff ) { coeff[blkPos] = tcoeff; stateVal = sub1 | ( stateVal << 1 ); *sigPos++ = blkPos; numNonZero++; firstNZPos = nextSigPos; lastNZPos = std::max( lastNZPos, nextSigPos ); } } //===== decode sign's ===== const unsigned numSigns = ( cctx.hideSign( firstNZPos, lastNZPos ) ? numNonZero - 1 : numNonZero ); signPattern = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( numSigns ); if( numNonZero > numSigns ) { sigPos -= numNonZero; int sumAbs = 0; for( int i = 0; i < numNonZero; i++ ) { const int blockPos = *sigPos; sumAbs += coeff[blockPos]; sigPos++; } signPattern <<= 1; signPattern += (sumAbs & 1); } return numNonZero; } void CABACReader::residual_codingTS( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_codingTS() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", tu.blocks[compID].compID(), tu.blocks[compID].x, tu.blocks[compID].y, tu.blocks[compID].width, tu.blocks[compID].height ); // if not TU split, otherwise already memset PelBuf pb = tu.cu->cs->getRecoBuf( tu.blocks[compID] ); pb.memset( 0 ); // init coeff coding context CoeffCodingContext cctx( tu, compID, false, m_tplBuf ); TCoeffSig *coeff = m_cffTmp; ::memset( coeff, 0, cctx.maxNumCoeff() * sizeof( TCoeffSig ) ); int maxCtxBins = ( cctx.maxNumCoeff() * 7 ) >> 2; cctx.setNumCtxBins( maxCtxBins ); int maxX = 0; int maxY = 0; for( int subSetId = 0; subSetId <= ( cctx.maxNumCoeff() - 1 ) >> cctx.log2CGSize(); subSetId++ ) { cctx.initSubblock ( subSetId ); residual_coding_subblockTS( cctx, coeff, tu.cu->cs->getRecoBuf( tu.block( compID ) ), maxX, maxY ); } if( cctx.bdpcm() ) { tu.maxScanPosX[compID] = cctx.width(); tu.maxScanPosY[compID] = cctx.height(); } else { tu.maxScanPosX[compID] = maxX; tu.maxScanPosY[compID] = maxY; } } void CABACReader::residual_coding_subblockTS( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, TCoeffSig* coeff, CoeffSigBuf dstcoeff, int& maxX, int& maxY ) { // TODO: awi, profile and optimize similar to residual_coding_subblock(...) // NOTE: All coefficients of the subblock must be set to zero before calling this function //===== init ===== const int minSubPos = cctx.maxSubPos(); int firstSigPos = cctx.minSubPos(); int nextSigPos = firstSigPos; unsigned signPattern = 0; //===== decode significant_coeffgroup_flag ===== bool sigGroup = cctx.isLastSubSet() && cctx.noneSigGroup(); if( !sigGroup ) { sigGroup = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.sigGroupCtxId( true ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_sigGroup() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigGroup, cctx.sigGroupCtxId() ); } if( sigGroup ) { cctx.setSigGroup(); } else { return; } //===== decode absolute values ===== const int inferSigPos = minSubPos; int numNonZero = 0; int sigBlkPos[ 1 << MLS_CG_SIZE ]; int lastScanPosPass1 = -1; int lastScanPosPass2 = -1; for (; nextSigPos <= minSubPos && cctx.numCtxBins() >= 4; nextSigPos++) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos( nextSigPos ); unsigned sigFlag = ( !numNonZero && nextSigPos == inferSigPos ); if( !sigFlag ) { const unsigned sigCtxId = cctx.sigCtxIdAbsTS( blkPos, coeff ); sigFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( sigCtxId ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_sig_bin() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigFlag, sigCtxId ); cctx.decNumCtxBins(1); } if( sigFlag ) { //===== decode sign's ===== int sign; const unsigned signCtxId = cctx.signCtxIdAbsTS(blkPos, coeff, cctx.bdpcm()); sign = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(signCtxId); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "sign() bin=%d ctx=%d nextSigPos=%d blkPos=%d\n", sign, signCtxId, nextSigPos, blkPos ); cctx.decNumCtxBins(1); signPattern += ( sign << numNonZero ); sigBlkPos[numNonZero++] = blkPos; unsigned gt1Flag; const unsigned gt1CtxId = cctx.lrg1CtxIdAbsTS(blkPos, coeff, cctx.bdpcm()); gt1Flag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin(gt1CtxId); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_gt1_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt1Flag, gt1CtxId ); cctx.decNumCtxBins(1); unsigned parFlag = 0; if( gt1Flag ) { parFlag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.parityCtxIdAbsTS() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_par_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", parFlag, cctx.parityCtxIdAbsTS() ); cctx.decNumCtxBins(1); } coeff[ blkPos ] = (sign ? -1 : 1 ) * (1 + parFlag + gt1Flag); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "coeff[ blkPos ]=%d blkPos=%d\n", coeff[ blkPos ], blkPos ); } lastScanPosPass1 = nextSigPos; } int cutoffVal = 2; int numGtBins = 4; //===== 2nd PASS: gt2 ===== for (int scanPos = firstSigPos; scanPos <= minSubPos && cctx.numCtxBins() >= 4; scanPos++) { TCoeffSig& tcoeff = coeff[cctx.blockPos( scanPos )]; cutoffVal = 2; for( int i = 0; i < numGtBins; i++ ) { if( tcoeff < 0 ) { tcoeff = -tcoeff; } if( tcoeff >= cutoffVal ) { unsigned gt2Flag; gt2Flag = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( cctx.greaterXCtxIdAbsTS( cutoffVal >> 1 ) ); tcoeff += ( gt2Flag << 1 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_gt%d_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d sp=%d coeff=%d\n", i, gt2Flag, cctx.greaterXCtxIdAbsTS( cutoffVal >> 1 ), scanPos, tcoeff ); cctx.decNumCtxBins(1); } cutoffVal += 2; } lastScanPosPass2 = scanPos; } //===== 3rd PASS: Go-rice codes ===== for( int scanPos = firstSigPos; scanPos <= minSubPos; scanPos++ ) { TCoeffSig& tcoeff = coeff[ cctx.blockPos( scanPos ) ]; cutoffVal = (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass2 ? 10 : (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass1 ? 2 : 0)); if (tcoeff < 0) { tcoeff = -tcoeff; } if( tcoeff >= cutoffVal ) { int rice = cctx.templateAbsSumTS( cctx.blockPos( scanPos ), coeff ); int rem = m_BinDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP( rice, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange() ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d sp=%d\n", rem, rice, scanPos ); tcoeff += (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass1) ? (rem << 1) : rem; if (tcoeff && scanPos > lastScanPosPass1) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos(scanPos); int sign = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP(); signPattern += (sign << numNonZero); sigBlkPos[numNonZero++] = blkPos; } } if (!cctx.bdpcm() && cutoffVal) { if (tcoeff > 0) { int rightPixel, belowPixel; cctx.neighTS(rightPixel, belowPixel, cctx.blockPos( scanPos ), coeff); tcoeff = cctx.decDeriveModCoeff(rightPixel, belowPixel, tcoeff); } } } //===== set final coefficents ===== for( unsigned k = 0; k < numNonZero; k++ ) { int AbsCoeff = coeff[ sigBlkPos[ k ] ]; int blkPos = sigBlkPos[ k ]; const int posX = cctx.posX( blkPos ); const int posY = cctx.posY( blkPos ); maxX = std::max( maxX, posX ); maxY = std::max( maxY, posY ); dstcoeff.at( posX, posY ) = ( signPattern & 1u ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); coeff[ sigBlkPos[ k ] ] = ( signPattern & 1u ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); signPattern >>= 1; } } //================================================================================ // helper functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // unsigned unary_max_symbol ( ctxId0, ctxId1, maxSymbol ) // unsigned unary_max_eqprob ( maxSymbol ) // unsigned exp_golomb_eqprob( count ) //================================================================================ unsigned CABACReader::unary_max_symbol( unsigned ctxId0, unsigned ctxIdN, unsigned maxSymbol ) { unsigned onesRead = 0; while( onesRead < maxSymbol && m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( onesRead == 0 ? ctxId0 : ctxIdN ) == 1 ) { ++onesRead; } return onesRead; } unsigned CABACReader::unary_max_eqprob( unsigned maxSymbol ) { for( unsigned k = 0; k < maxSymbol; k++ ) { if( !m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ) { return k; } } return maxSymbol; } unsigned CABACReader::exp_golomb_eqprob( unsigned count ) { unsigned symbol = 0; unsigned bit = 1; while( bit ) { bit = m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP( ); symbol += bit << count++; } if( --count ) { symbol += m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( count ); } return symbol; } unsigned CABACReader::code_unary_fixed( unsigned ctxId, unsigned unary_max, unsigned fixed ) { unsigned idx; bool unary = m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( ctxId ); if( unary ) { idx = unary_max_eqprob( unary_max ); } else { idx = unary_max + 1 + m_BinDecoder.decodeBinsEP( fixed ); } return idx; } void CABACReader::mip_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { if( !cu.sps->getUseMIP() ) { //cu.setMipFlag( false ); return; } unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( cu ); cu.setMipFlag( m_BinDecoder.decodeBin( Ctx::MipFlag( ctxId ) ) ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_flag() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.mipFlag() ? 1 : 0 ); } void CABACReader::mip_pred_mode( CodingUnit &cu ) { cu.setMipTransposedFlag( !!m_BinDecoder.decodeBinEP() ); uint32_t mipMode; const int numModes = getNumModesMip( cu.Y() ); xReadTruncBinCode( mipMode, numModes ); cu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] = mipMode; CHECKD( cu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] < 0 || cu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] >= numModes, "Invalid MIP mode" ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d transposed=%d\n", cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA], cu.mipTransposedFlag() ? 1 : 0 ); } }