# w5500-regsim Register simulation for the [Wiznet W5500] internet offload chip. This implements the [`w5500_ll::Registers`] trait using [`std::net`] sockets to simulate the W5500 on your local PC. This is a best-effort implementation to aid in development of application code, not all features of the W5500 will be fully simulated. ## Notes This is in an early alpha state, there are many todos throughout the code. ### Not-implemented * MR (Mode Register) * Wake on LAN * Ping block * PPPoE mode * Force ARP * INTLEVEL (Interrupt Low Level Timer Register) * IR (Interrupt Register) * IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) * GAR (Gateway IP Address Register) * SUBR (Subnet Mask Register) * SHAR (Source Hardware Address Register) * SIPR (Source IP Address Register) * INTLEVEL (Interrupt Low Level Timer Register) * IR (Interrupt Register) * IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) * SIR (Socket Interrupt Register) * Partial; see SN_IR * SIMR (Socket Interrupt Mask Register) * RTR (Retry Time Register) * RCR (Retry Count Register) * PTIMER (PPP LCP Request Timer Register) * PMAGIC (PPP LCP Magic Number Register) * PHAR (PPP Destination MAC Address Register) * PSID (PPP Session Identification Register) * PMRU (PPP Maximum Segment Size Register) * UIPR (Unreachable IP Address Register) * UPORT (Unreachable Port Register) * PHYCFGR (PHY Configuration Register) * SN_MR (Socket n Mode Register) * SN_IR (Socket n Interrupt Register) * DISCON * TIMEOUT * SENDOK * SN_SR (Socket n Status Register) * SynSent * SynRecv * FinWait * Closing * TimeWait * CloseWait * LastAck * Macraw * SN_MSSR (Socket n Maximum Segment Size Register) * SN_TOS (Socket n IP TOS Register) * SN_IMR (Socket n Interrupt Mask Register) * SN_FRAG (Socket n Fragment Offset in IP Header Register) * SN_KPALVTR (Socket n Keep Alive Timer Register) Believe it or not that is not simply a list of all registers. [Wiznet W5500]: https://docs.wiznet.io/Product/iEthernet/W5500/overview [`std::net`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/index.html [`w5500-hl`]: https://crates.io/crates/w5500-hl [`w5500_ll::Registers`]: https://docs.rs/w5500-ll/latest/w5500_ll/trait.Registers.html